Counterattack Guide of the Female Cannon Fodder

Chapter 309: Miss Qianjin is not a dandy 34


After a few days, news came out from the palace that the emperor was ill.

It is said that Xi and the princess have moved back to the palace to serve the sick, and the prince is officially in charge of the country, and the atmosphere in the ruling and opposition parties immediately became tense.

However, the prince's ability is outstanding, and with the assistance of Prime Minister Wen, the situation in the court is not very critical.

Su Li sat beside his father's bed, gnawing on fresh fruits. Fruits are still very rare these days, but Su Li had already gnawed several of them.

The emperor sat on the bed and read idle books. He looked at his precious daughter eating fruit happily, and couldn't help smiling, "Eat less, I won't have lunch in a while."

Su Li giggled, "The food in the palace is very light recently, I'd rather eat fruit."

The emperor sighed helplessly. He knew that his daughter was a little bit angry. After all, it is better to nip the signs of rebellion as soon as possible, but he has let it go for so many years, so that the situation is now a little out of control.

"Xihe, although you are married, your personality is still the same as when you were a child." The emperor shook his head, "Fortunately, Wen Qing's family is here, so I am not so worried about you."

"Father, as long as you are here, what am I afraid of?" Su Li pouted and said.

The emperor couldn't help but smile, he just liked the way his daughter acted like a baby. The royal family also longed for family affection. Although he had great expectations for the prince, he was not too close, not to mention the other princes and princesses. Only this daughter, he really loved.

Su Li was actually a little puzzled. The emperor was very kind to her, but in the original plot, he allowed his daughter who was insulted and hurt to die miserably... If it was just for the sake of the royal family's face, it would not be too reasonable...

Considering the current situation, Su Li felt that the choice made by the empress in the original plot was probably involuntary. It was Lin Ruxue who killed the original owner, and Lin Ruxue's uncle was the Generalissimo, who controlled the military force, if he attacked Lin Ruxue at this juncture, the gain would not be worth the loss. So, they had no choice but to let the original owner die.

Although Su Li could understand such an approach, she couldn't forgive on behalf of the original owner.

Such a fresh life, a girl like a flower, after being insulted, will suffer the rejection of her family and die miserably... If the original owner can also be reborn, maybe she will be blackened.

Su Li sighed softly, looked at the 80% progress bar, and silently lowered her head.

In this world, her task is to expose the true face of the heroine, and then keep the dynasty.

The heroine should now be in the hands of the King of Beiyue and used to threaten Duke Luyi's family. Needless to say, Lord Luyi will definitely accept the threat and join the team.

If he does not choose the king of North Vietnam, even if the rebellion fails, he will be liquidated by the emperor.

But General Ji's words, I'm afraid he will still stand on the emperor's side.

Not to mention that Lin Ruxue had already broken off the engagement with Ji Feiyan, which damaged the face of the Ji family. More importantly, General Ji was a loyal person. Although he was suspected, he never thought of rebelling with the King of Beiyue.

At present, in terms of military strength, the king of Beiyue is absolutely inferior to the emperor, and the emperor has already planned to let another confidant general take over half of General Ji's troops.

Su Li felt that all she had to do was wait. Generally speaking, she couldn't lose.

But it's not certain, after all, the heroine's luck is still there, if Ji Feiyan, the heroine, also stands in the past, then the situation will be bad.

So, I still have to win over the male lead.

(end of this chapter)