Counterattack Guide of the Female Cannon Fodder

Chapter 334: Sick sister twin sister 20


The operation was scheduled for the middle of the month. Although bone marrow transplantation would not have a great impact on the human body, for the sake of caution, Su Li hoped to do it well before school started.

She hasn't been to the company for the past few days, and when Shao Heng went to Shengtian company again, he didn't meet her.

So when Su Li was drinking a soft stewed barley and snow clam soup, she received a call from Shao Heng.

"Xiaoxue, why didn't you go to the company today?"

A deep and pleasant voice sounded from the opposite side, and a smile floated on Su Li's lips, "Something has happened recently."

"What's the matter?" Shao Heng asked casually as he walked out of Shengtian's company gate.

"It's nothing serious, it's just a minor operation." Su Li said calmly, but Shao Heng on the other end of the phone was obviously taken aback.

"Surgery? What surgery? What's wrong with you? Are you at home now? I'll go find you?"

"Don't worry!" Su Li scolded herself secretly. With Shao Heng's nervousness towards her, if she didn't make it clear, she would definitely go crazy.

"I'm just doing a bone marrow transplant for my sister, it's not that I'm sick."

"Bone marrow transplant?" Shao Heng paused.

The old fox in the mall had a very strong premonition of crisis, and countless investigation materials he had seen flashed through his head.

About Su Li, about the Lu family.

Shao Heng's hands trembled slightly...

Lu Wei!

He spit out the name between his lips, almost gnashing his teeth...

"Xiaoxue, I'll come to see you later."

After saying this, Shao Heng hung up the phone, left his assistant behind, turned around and strode into Shengtian Group.

The employees of Shengtian looked at Mr. Shao, who seemed to be easy to get along with on weekdays, with an incomparably gloomy expression, and they all lowered their heads to work, not daring to make the slightest sound, for fear of offending him.

Shao Heng's assistant watched his boss change from smiling to furious with a dazed expression, and then entered Shengtian without any explanation. He could only follow behind him bitterly, and because his legs were not long enough, he could only choose to trot...

Lu Wei was on the phone with another business partner, when the door of the office was pushed open unceremoniously and hit the wall with a loud noise.

He frowned to see who was so bold, but when he looked up, he found that it was Shao Heng who had gone and returned. And his face was gloomy like the sky before the rainstorm.

Lu Wei glanced at him suspiciously, then hung up the call.

He watched Shao Heng push open the door and sit directly on the sofa in the reception room, so he asked, "Mr. Shao went back and forth, what does that mean?"

"What do you mean?" Shao Heng crossed his legs and put on a cold ruffian appearance. This is his appearance when he is in a rage, the kind that is invulnerable to guns and guns.

"Shao doesn't know, it turns out that Lu is always such a despicable person."

"Shao Heng!" Lu Wei also has a temper, Shao Heng is also his junior no matter what, saying such words is really disrespectful to him.

"What? Angry?" Shao Heng's mouth twitched, and there was a sneer in his eyes, "It's not soft to use your own daughter."

After thinking about it, Lu Wei understood what he meant, "Did Xiaoxue tell you this?"

Naturally, he had some confidence in asking this question. He knew that Su Li and Shao Heng had gotten close recently, and according to Shao Heng's words, he was obviously speaking for Su Li.

"Oh, look, you started to doubt Xiaoxue after I said something casually, are you really guilty?" Shao Heng said coldly, "It's great that Xiaoxue didn't grow up by your side, the biggest mistake in her life Just to be your daughter."

(end of this chapter)