Counterattack Guide of the Female Cannon Fodder

Chapter 59: The Secret Lover of the Underworld Prince 33


The products produced by the system were all high-quality goods, Su Li easily opened the door with the key, and then used Requiem Powder to knock down the three people outside her door. At the same time, 2333 also took advantage of its own advantages to easily block all the cameras in the factory building.

[Where is Lu Qi? lead the way! ] Su Li dragged the guard into the room and closed the door, then said to 2333.

2333 pointed forward with its short paws, [Follow me. ]

In the basement of the factory building with complex terrain, Su Li shuttled through the winding corridors like a light kite. Easily avoiding the patrolling people, Su Li has reached the corner of Lu Qi's room.

There are 5 people guarding the door, all of them are strong and strong, and they are important personnel of Feng Yu's subordinates. They looked around vigilantly, and would be alarmed by the slightest sign of trouble. Su Li looked at the remaining bottle of Requiem Powder in her hand, frowned slightly, and decided to put it away. The things in the system can only be exchanged twice a day. After Lu Qi is rescued, he has to deal with the people on the upper level. It will be easier if there is Requiem.

Su Li gently pulled out the Swiss Army Knife hidden in her waist, and then hid herself in the darkness. The telescoping stick she used to used before was searched by Cheng Jiu. Fortunately, she didn't find this saber, otherwise the situation would be even more unfavorable to her.

Tapping on her toes, she climbed up the wall like a gecko, and then silently climbed to the ceiling above the heads of the group of guards.

In an instant, Su Li stunned one of the guards with a knife, and then stabbed the other guard's abdomen with the blade.

"Lu Qi! What are you going to do!" Someone recognized him and shouted loudly.

Su Li had no expression on her face, and directly attacked. These people were carefully trained by Feng Yu, and it was a bit difficult for her to deal with them. The other two patrols had already arrived here, and they also joined the battle group when they saw the chaos here. Su Li became more and more merciless, and finally brought everyone down.

[The host is great! ] 2333 applauded.

[Shut up. ] Su Li glanced at it with displeasure. She had exhausted a lot of physical strength, and she was also slightly injured. In addition, there were 20 people on the upper floor to deal with, so she couldn't help being a little irritable. After opening the door, Su Li felt a pain in her heart when she saw Lu Qi who was still hanging.

"Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi, wake up." Su Li raised Lu Qi's face with blue eyes and swollen nose, and called softly.

"Sister..." Lu Qi opened his eyes in a daze, and when he saw Su Li, he was a little anxious, "Sister, why are you here, are you also arrested by them?"

"I'm here to save you, don't talk too much, I'll let you down first." Su Li gently stroked his hair, but touched blood stains on her hands.

After putting Lu Qi down, he was almost unable to stand still, "Sister, it's too risky for you to do this, you should go, or neither of us will be able to leave."

"You can't stay here anymore, you are my only younger brother, even if you die, I will rescue you." Su Li exchanged another bottle of wound medicine with the system, and fed him to eat.

Lu Qi was originally weak, and the wound was painful. After taking the medicine, he felt that he had some strength, and the wound did not hurt so much. [What kind of medicine is this, it works really well. ]

[This wound medicine is so expensive, the effect is naturally good, it can quickly restore 40% of the vitality! ] 2333 proudly added, but unfortunately Lu Qi couldn't hear it.

"Let's go, we can't waste any more time." Seeing that he was getting better, Su Li helped him up, "There are still 20 people guarding the upper floor, and there is only one way from the basement to the upper floor, and it is far away from the door, so it is still a It will be very dangerous. Xiao Qi, no matter what I ask you to do later, don't doubt it, you understand?"

"Okay." Lu Qi nodded.

Save my brother~

Brother: Sister, you are so handsome! Sister, have you seen my knees

(end of this chapter)