Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 10


Many times Xiaohua is reluctant to think about the death of her previous life, because it is a very funny and terrifying memory.

Her death was her own making.

Knowing that she had been given a contraceptive pill, she went crazy in an instant. She didn't ask anything, she checked everything, and hysterically started giving all the women in the fourth young master's backyard sterilization pills, because at that time she already knew that she was dead, an aunt who was an Israeli servant, couldn't have children, and had no future...

Xiaohua analyzed her state of mind many times, and she felt that she did such a crazy act not only because she knew she was over. It's also because she's tired, tired of the life of fighting people when she opens her eyes.

Before the medicine was put out, she was caught by Qiao Shi. There were all witnesses and physical evidence, and what was waiting for her was death. The Fourth Young Master also stopped him, but unfortunately Mr. Qiao stabbed the matter to the old lady. The old lady directly ordered to kill her in front of her.

She still can't forget the feeling when she was beaten to death, the pain that pierced into the bone marrow, the feeling of being smashed inch by inch, the feeling of all the internal organs being beaten into minced meat...

It wasn't until the moment she died that she really understood that she was a clown from beginning to end. It's not that others didn't take care of you, but they didn't find the right opportunity. Once the opportunity came, it only took a few minutes for others to kill you. Son, you don't even have to pay for your life.

How could it be forgotten? When a concubine became a master, she was still a slave, and a servant who signed a death deed, the master said that if he dragged him out and killed him, he would be killed.

Xiaohua tightened her clothes and walked slowly towards the small courtyard. When she passed the small kitchen, Mrs. Wang called her inside.

Madam Wang brought out a bowl of rice from the corner and stuffed it into her, "I haven't eaten yet. I see that you have been undervalued, and I heard that there was a lot of trouble ahead, so I left it for you."

Xiaohua suddenly felt that the chill in her body was gone, and smiled, "Thank you, Granny Wang."

Madam Wang said angrily: "Thank you, thank you, hurry up and eat, I have been warming it for you."

Xiaohua sat on the small stool and talked about things while eating, including the cause and effect of the incident.

Mrs. Wang sighed, "If you want to gain wealth, you have to have that fate. If you are a slave, if the master says he will beat him, you can't resist even if he kills you. Fortunately, you girl has a clear heart, so you don't want to mess with those. "

Mrs. Wang continued to say slowly, "I've been a servant in this house for decades, and I don't know how many of those concubines have disappeared, but this wrist is fine—" She pointed her finger up, "Or I can't help it, those who can stay until now are all honest, and those dishonest ones don't know where they went."

Of course Xiaohua understood who Madam Wang was talking about, and she couldn't help shivering. In her last life, she had never paid attention to the affairs of the mansion. The Jinxiu courtyard alone was enough for her to do her work. She never thought that it was so dirty everywhere.

Seeing that she was afraid, Mrs. Wang reassured her, "You're right that you didn't mix in. There are a lot of secret affairs in this kind of big house. As long as you do your job well, you can let it go. It's a pity, it's a pity that such a beautiful and watery girl is such a pity. uh…”

Madam Wang used the light to look at the little girl in front of her.

A small face the size of a slap, delicate facial features, fair skin, the most eye-catching is the pair of eyes, with thick eyelashes, long eyes with hooked corners, smiling and not smiling with a seductive charm. It is the first time she has seen such a delicate villain in her old life. She has not grown yet, and she will definitely be a beautiful person in the future.

Xiaohua burst out with a smile, "Mother Wang, what are you pity for?"

Madam Wang touched her face, "Little girl, laugh less in the future, and cause trouble."

Xiaohua was stunned for a moment, touched the corner of her eyes, and nodded silently.

She knew that she had beautiful eyes. After all, the Fourth Young Master touched her face more than once in her previous life and said that she had eyes that could take his soul away. As long as she looked so pitifully in her eyes, he would promise her everything. .

The reason why she has been favored for a long time in her last life is because of this pair of skins and these eyes.

When she came back in this life, she has always kept this in mind. Outsiders always bowed their heads slightly in front of their eyes and covered their eyes, and rarely smiled sincerely. In front of her mother-in-law, she could really smile.

Seeing that she had finished eating, Mrs. Wang hurried her back to rest, "Go and rest, you won't be able to rest in these days, so you have to strain your nerves."

"Understood, thank you mother-in-law, you should rest early too."

Xiaohua went back to the house, without even lighting the lamp, she took off her coat and lay down.

Too many things happened today, which made her feel in a mess, always giving her a strange feeling of overlapping with her previous life, but it was also very chaotic.

Since returning, she has always had an unrealistic feeling that everything in front of her is like a dream.

After all, how she got back, even she herself is not very clear. She just knew that she was stabbed and lost her consciousness, and waking up again happened to be the first night she was brought up and arranged in Biyuan's room. Bi Yuan was on duty that night, and there was no one in the room. She pinched her arms blue, and she couldn't believe that she had returned from the dead and returned to the past. Until the next morning when Bi Yuan came back from duty, she saw her eyes were red and she was in a trance, mocking her for her shallow eyelids.

When she saw the living Biyuan, she really believed that she had come back.

Because Bi Yuan died a few years after becoming the fourth young master in her previous life, several years earlier than her.

Xiaohua was thinking wildly in her heart, and fell asleep in a daze. Various pictures appeared in her mind, including Biyuan and Cuilan, every woman who had fought with her in her previous life, and Qiao Shi...

Qiao Shi walked towards her with her hair disheveled and blood and tears flowing, laughing and crying incessantly. Xiaohua was in a hurry and wanted to get close to listen. She felt that she was about to run out of errands, and she couldn't get close to Qiao. I finally got close, but only heard one sentence—

None of you and I will let go... none of you will be spared... none of you will be spared...

Xiaohua woke up suddenly, the room was dark, dark and quiet and frightening, only the sound of her own heavy breathing was heard.

The door creaked open, and Xiaohua was startled, "Who?"

"Biyuan, what happened to you? Had a nightmare?"

Biyuan lit an oil lamp, the light of the oil lamp was only the size of a pea, and it was dim and indistinct with greenish green, which looked gloomy when it shone on her face.

Xiaohua was horrified, and was about to scream, only to hear Biyuan say again, "Hey, why is this wick so short?" She turned around and picked up the wick, and the room gradually lit up.

Bi Yuan saw Xiao Hua was sweating profusely and her face was pale, "Did you really have a nightmare?"

"Yeah." Xiaohua laughed with lingering fears, glanced at Bi Yuan, and fell back on the bed.

Biyuan took the oil lamp to the head of the bed, and Xixi took off her clothes and lay down before blowing out the lamp.

The room fell into darkness again, but Xiao Hua couldn't close her eyes.

Biyuan was thrown into a well in her last life and died. When she was fished, her body was deformed. Xiaohua saw it with her own eyes. Everyone said she committed suicide, but Xiaohua didn't believe it. After fighting with Bi Yuan for so many years, she still doesn't understand her temperament.

She may be heartbroken or desperate, but she will never seek death because she is reluctant to bear the young master.

Biyuan was in love with the fourth young master, and Xiaohua slowly learned after fighting for a long time.

Yes, who doesn't love the young master.

Mo Shangren is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

He is handsome, gentle, and knowledgeable. The most important thing is his tenderness and thoughtfulness. His tenderness can always make people think that he is holding him in the palm of his hand.

I still remember that she also loved him very much at the beginning, and the reason why she was so unscrupulous was not only because she wanted to become a superior person, but also because she was fascinated by his tenderness.

But later, in the tenderness and affection of the fourth young master, his thoughts gradually faded, because he was too tired.

Such a man is born to be among the flowers, and he is good but not good to every woman. The good is because he is gentle and considerate by nature, and the bad is because he is gentle but affectionate, and he never sets his sights on just one woman.

Even Xiaohua, who was the most favored aunt around him in her last life, never got his full attention. He is always easily distracted by other flowers with good colors, even if this flower is not the most beautiful, but as long as it is fresh.

In the past life, Xiaohua had seen clearly the essence of his nature, and then gently took back the little love in her heart. Many times later, I was in vain with him, but I just wanted to get his support and protection.

If she really fell in love with such an amorous man, Xiaohua thought that she might be even more embarrassed in her last life. Just like Bi Yuan, his red eyes attacked all the women around him indiscriminately like a cockfight.

So she never believed that Biyuan would throw into the well, how could the woman who jumped at her like a cockfight the day before could throw into the well on the same day.

Her woman's intuition told her that it was Mr. Qiao, even if Mr. Qiao rarely showed his face in front of people at that time, she still felt that it was Mr. Qiao.

Including the fact that she was drugged later, when she was dying, she had a moment of clarity, and she thought about the fact that the fourth young master has not yet had any children. The fourth young master is obviously healthy, but no woman has ever been able to conceive the fourth young master's child, even if it is a miscarriage.

Then she thought of Joe again.

Is it because Qiao's family couldn't give birth to a child, so there was no woman in the backyard of the fourth young master who could give birth to a child in his last life? ... Or maybe she wasn't the only one who was drugged, every woman in the backyard was drugged, and she just found out that she was drugged by accident...

Many times Xiaohua can't help thinking like this, but just thinking about it makes her shudder.