Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 114


The day of the kicking competition, which has attracted much attention, has finally arrived.

The venue is naturally located in the juju arena of the Imperial Palace. The venue is very spacious. It is an oval half surrounded by three stands. The stand in the center of the north is higher than the other two. The place where Emperor Xi, the Empress and Concubine Xu sat. To the left and right are the seats of the royal family members, princes and ministers.

The juju field is rectangular, with a wooden goal with a stone lotus seat on the east and west sides, about ten feet high. There are 24 embroidered flags on both sides of the goal of both sides, and an empty flag stand next to it. When a goal is scored, it is called a chip. Two guards holding small red flags sing loudly, and an embroidered flag is placed on the flag stand beside them. Said to be able to raise money.

Five war drums were set up under the banners of the goals of both sides. In front of the drums, there were drummers shouting and cheering. One was wearing a red shirt and the other was wearing a blue shirt.

At this time, the stand in the center was still vacant, but the stands on the left and right were full of people. Two teams of people wearing soft armor and red and blue forehead bands were walking their horses to warm up in advance.

Horses that can hit the field are naturally good horses. Among them, a white horse and a black horse are the most handsome, with slender limbs, fat and healthy, and at first glance, they are the best sweaty horses.

As for the owner of the horse, it goes without saying that it is of course the prince and the king of Jin.

The people in the stands gradually filled up, and after a while, Emperor Xi came along with the empress and concubine.

"See Your Majesty the Emperor, Long Live My Emperor, Long Live the Empress, See the Empress, the Empress is a thousand years old, see the Concubine Empress, the Empress is thousand years old."

Everyone in the two stands knelt down and worshipped, and even the people who were walking their horses to warm up in the field also dismounted and saluted.

Emperor Xi let out a long laugh and said loudly, "Let's all get up."

Emperor Xi came to sit on the dragon seat, with the Empress on the left and Concubine Xu on the right. After the two teams below were called up, they each led their horses to the stand where Emperor Xi was.

"Imperial father, sons and ministers are ready." The prince said with his fists folded.

"Okay." Emperor Xi moved his fingers, and Zheng Haiquan made a gesture towards the corner of the stand. An eunuch came up with a carved golden lacquer tray covered with yellow silk, but you can guess it by looking at the shape. It is the auspicious dragon cloud pendant.

"Since you want to compare, you should have a good match. The leader of the winning team will be awarded the Xianglong Tengyun Pei, and the others will be rewarded."

The two teams under the stage responded in unison: "Yes."

Afterwards, they each turned on their horses, and the people with the same color on their foreheads rode their horses together and waited for the start with the opposing team facing each other. The drummers on both sides beat drums one after another, and "dong dong dong dong" resounded throughout the audience.

This drum sound and momentum made the onlookers' blood boil.

With the sound of 'clang', the prince in charge of serving threw the red and blue Ju ball in his hand towards the distant goal. Rush, and the people behind them are divided into different directions, some go to the back to be responsible for the response, some go to the left and right front to intercept, and some also follow the Prince Jin Wang to pursue.

The field was filled with dust and smoke, horses neighing and people shouting, it was extremely lively.

"Oops, left."

"Right, right."

"Step aside!"

In the current situation in the field, it is impossible to distinguish who is who. The crowd of horses turned left and right for a while, rampaging, breaking through from left to right. Suddenly moving forward, suddenly turning around and slamming back, what a modest gentleman, Ruyu son has long been thrown out of the sky, winning is the right way.

Juju is something that everyone loves. Which son of a wealthy family has never hit two poles. At first, he was worried that Emperor Xi would not dare to be presumptuous in the presence of the emperor. After a while, the stands started cheering, cheering, sighing, and stomping.

"One of the best in the red."

The first goal was scored by the Prince's red team. With the sound of a gong and drum, an embroidered flag was inserted into the flag stand on the east side.

The blue team sighed that it was a pity, and the King of Jin held his horse high and said, "Don't be discouraged, it's only one goal."

It was the same kick-off again, and after a while, the blue team also followed up with a goal.

The two teams are chasing after each other, and the more they fight, the more excited they are. Juju is a matter of competition. Occasionally intercepting will inevitably encounter a group of people crowded together, even if it is thrilling, it is easy to have frequent conflicts.

Either your club touches me, or my horse squeezes you and hits you, and you forget the distinction between superiors and inferiors. Even if you meet the prince or the king of the other party, you will dare to kidnap the sleeves of this group of people. Up. When the opponent made a mistake, provocative boos followed one after another.

Most of the members of the Prince's Red Team were listed on the list. They could kick but their skills were not very good. Although King Jin chose his family background, he also liked his skills. After playing for a while, the highs and lows were divided.

The Jinwang team has four goals ahead of the Prince.

The people in the red team inevitably became impetuous, and the prince calmed down for a while before starting the next round.

In this game, Jin Wang, who had won the last game, kicked off the ball, but he was still chasing the ball away on the same horse.

One of the red team caught the ball, turned it around, and cheered everyone towards the blue team's goal. Various interceptions blocked the road, the ball was grabbed and spun back, and King Jin received the ball and went towards the red team's goal. Because of the tricky angle, many people still haven't reacted, and only the prince took the lead in chasing him.

The red team followed immediately, the blue team stayed behind to defend, and the rest chased after them. The prince and King Jin were only one horse apart. Seeing that King Jin was about to score a goal with his swing, the prince's horse suddenly accelerated and ran into King Jin's horse.

Is the prince crazy

Everyone in the stands stood up, even Emperor Xi couldn't hide his shock, Concubine Xu covered her mouth in fright, and the Queen was stunned.



Hearing only a neighing sound, King Jin flew out with his horse, the black horse fell to the ground with a bang, and King Jin was thrown away from a distance. The prince's Ma was in a hurry, but he just staggered forward a few steps and then stopped.

Everyone in the field is frozen.

"Go and pass on the imperial doctor!" Xu Guifei roared sternly.

The left and right stands all exploded, and each looked at the situation below and whispered something.

The prince's movements were frozen for a while, then he turned over and dismounted, and hurried to the King of Jin's side.

"Second emperor brother."

The King of Jin fell there, his handsome eyes closed, his face disheveled, and he did not hear a word.

A team of guards from the forbidden army appeared in the field, rushed over, and carefully carried King Jin to the shadow under the middle stand. Only then did Concubine Xu rush over with the hem of her skirt, and Emperor Xi and Empress Xiao also followed.

"Jin'er, don't scare the concubine! The imperial doctor, come and see."

An old doctor with a crooked crown squeezed into the surrounding crowd. He first took a look at King Jin's physical condition, and then took out a gold needle from the medicine box and stabbed him lightly.

In an instant, King Jin woke up. He seemed to be a little confused when he woke up. It was not until he heard Concubine Xu's cry that his eyes became clear.

"Mother, I'm fine..."

"It's alright, everyone is dizzy and it's alright, throw it out so far. Imperial doctor, let's see where the injury is."

"The Lone King's Legs..."

After inspection by the imperial physician, King Jin's face was bruised and his leg bones were broken, and other injuries were not serious. As for the leg injury, it also depends on the severity of the injury. If it is not serious, it will be fine to heal the muscles and bones for 100 days. If it is serious, it may cause problems in the future.

There was an uproar in the audience, Emperor Xi's face was ashen, and Concubine Xu Gui cried so hard that she could not die. The prince stood aside with a pale face, and explained at a loss: "Gu didn't want to hit him, really didn't..."

No one expected a kicking match to end like this.

It is common to be injured in kicking, but these people are not bad at riding, and they all know the severity, usually only minor injuries, but who would have thought that the prince would go crazy and drive his horse to hit the King of Jin

The King of Jin was carried to Chunluan Palace to be treated by the imperial physician. Emperor Xi didn't even look at the prince, and left with a whiff of his sleeves.

All the princes and ministers present knew that the prince was in a dire situation.

King Jin's legs are fine, but if something happens, then a thorn has been inserted into His Majesty's heart that can never be pulled out. It reminds His Majesty all the time how incompetent the Crown Prince is. Just because of a small kick, he can treat his brother's life as nothing.

Most of the imperial physicians in the Imperial Hospital were recruited to Chunluan Palace. The result of the diagnosis was that the King Jin's legs depended on the recovery. If the recovery is good, there is no problem. If the recovery is not good, there will be more or less problems.

Emperor Xi was noncommittal, and invited Imperial Physician Zhou to see him again, and the results were similar to those of the others.

"Father, don't blame His Royal Highness, he, he didn't do it on purpose." King Jin said weakly as he lay there with a pale face.

"You still care about others, do you want to be mad at the mother-in-law? My Jin'er, who are you provoking, what should you do if there is a problem with this leg..." Xu Guifei stood aside and wiped tears.

"Don't talk nonsense, there are so many imperial doctors watching, how can something go wrong!" Emperor Xi said to King Jin again: "You heal well, and the emperor will take care of it at the prince's place. Zheng Haiquan—"

"The slave is here."

"Clean up the place where King Jin did not go out of the palace before, and then move King Jin over there."

"Imperial Father, I'd better go back to Prince Jin's mansion. The manor can also recover from injuries. It's not good to live in the palace."

"What's wrong?"

"Anyway, Erchen wants to go back to the manor to recover from his injuries..."

King Jin's pale face flashed a stubbornness, and he closed his eyes and stopped talking. This kind of behavior will not make Emperor Xi feel disrespectful, but will only make him feel that this son is too sensible.

A look of tiredness flashed across Emperor Xi's face, and he said, "Since you want to go back to the mansion, go back to the mansion and take good care of it."

After Emperor Xi left, the hall fell into silence. Concubine Xu Gui was about to say something when someone from the palace came to report, "Niangniang, the empress is here to visit His Royal Highness King Jin."

"No." Concubine Xu's face flashed with sternness, "Tell her that His Royal Highness King Jin is not feeling well and rests."


"Your Majesty, the Empress went to Chunluan Palace, but was blocked by the concubine. Her Royal Highness originally wanted to come to the Zichen Palace to apologize, but was ordered by the Empress to return to the East Palace."

Emperor Xi raised his hand, and the eunuch who was kneeling below withdrew.

"Zheng Haiquan, do you think this is King Jin doing a show for me?"

Zheng Haiquan on the side can't wait to find a crack to get in so that Emperor Xi can't see his best, but this kind of thinking is an extravagant hope, so he can only answer: "Minions and slaves don't feel like this, His Royal Highness King Jin is in front, His Royal Highness is behind, and the horse is running fast, how could he prevent someone from hitting him behind."

This statement made Zheng Haiquan's heart tremble, but when His Majesty asked him by name, he could only express his thoughts.

Emperor Xi gave a 'um', "But the crown prince shouldn't be so blatant..."

Zheng Haiquan didn't dare to speak anymore, and stood there holding Fuchen, hunched over his waist and bowed his head.

Emperor Xi also thought that it was not like King Jin was deliberately acting, because everyone present could see that the prince's horse suddenly accelerated and rammed into King Jin's horse.

"What are the results of the two horses and the field check?"

"After repeated investigations, there is no problem."

Emperor Xi stopped making a sound, his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

After a long while, he said: "Prince is impetuous, and he will be fined to study in closed doors for a month." After a pause, he said: "Send that auspicious dragon and cloud pendant to King Jin, and by the way, it will be in my private library. Pick up some good and suitable medicinal materials and send them together, so that he can heal his wounds well."
