Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 18


Xiaohua has been here for three days.

Here she was separated from Cuilan Liuye and arranged in this room.

The house is very big and simple, and there are only a lot of shops, and there are no beds and quilts on it. There were a dozen or so people inside, all large and small, all girls from ten to eighteen years old.

Most of the people here are sluggish, or they are holding their heads and crying, and the room is filled with a stagnant atmosphere that is so depressed that people can't breathe.

As soon as Xiaohua came here, she found a place on the wall against the wall by herself to lie down. She is not unfamiliar with this kind of environment. If she doesn't occupy a lot of land earlier, she will be nesting on the ground later.

Sure enough, the crowd in the room became more and more crowded, and the last people who came were only nesting on the ground.

This room is usually locked, and it will only be opened when someone from Qian Yapo comes to deliver food. It is said that it is to send food, and it is only one meal a day, one hard-faced pancake per person. If you are still hungry, bear with it, if you want to eat more, you will have food and water tomorrow.

There is a wooden barrel in the corner of the house, where everyone is convenient. There were too many people, and there were no windows, and the convenience was also in the room. Within two days, the room was filled with a disgusting smell.

But even if the living environment is so difficult, you have to endure it, because you can't resist, because you are a slave.

Living in such a dense space for a long time, many people who came in with a dull face at first gradually collapsed.

Crying, making noise, going out for food and water, only a few sturdy old women are greeted, and if they are caught, they will be beaten. It won't kill you or injure you, and they will be troublesome if there is a problem. It will only whip you with those slender willow branches, which will make you jump in pain, but will not leave scars and dark wounds.

Of course, if you keep making noises, you will be waiting for the whip. At that time, no one would treat you with pity and cherish jade, and he was not a 'good seedling', and pointed to you to make a lot of money? As long as there is no injury on your face, the people like Qian Yapo will not care about your life or death.

Then everyone stopped making trouble, everyone would be afraid, including Xiaohua.

It was because she was afraid that she didn't make a fuss at the beginning, not to mention that it was not the first time that she stayed in the hands of Qian Ya. She knew how to make herself suffer less.

She was hungry and thirsty, but fortunately, she hid two steamed buns and secretly broke a little stuff in the middle of the night, but she didn't feel like she would go crazy with hunger.

When a person is suppressed to a certain extent and cannot resist the strong, the only thing left is to bully those who are weaker than him. Sometimes human nature is so distorted.

There are not many places in the house, and there are about 20 people on the bunk. There is no room for the rest. The people who were lying on the ground were not convinced, and they felt aggrieved in their hearts. When they came here, they were beaten and scolded and they had to sleep on the ground. Some people with sturdy characters couldn't help it.

"You, let me down." People who can't help it will definitely find weak and soft persimmons to pinch, there is no doubt.

If the soft persimmon is honestly pinched, then the following situation will continue to happen.

Sure enough, seeing the first person who couldn't help bullying the weak to go to the Chase shop, the following ones who couldn't sit still followed suit. Some soft persimmons were honestly pinched, while others resisted, maybe because they didn't want to be wronged, or because they were angry, and then they started to pinch them.

It is very ugly for women to fight, nothing more than pulling their hair and scratching their faces. They didn't dare to move their faces. Now everyone in the room can see that Qian Yapo's group is doing things, not to mention that they are afraid of being sued for scratching their faces. Walk around.

As soon as Xiaohua arrived here, she shrunk in the most corner of Datongpu, so some disturbances outside did not affect her for the time being.

She just watched, silently watching all this, without saying a word.

She suddenly felt that the scene in front of her was strange and familiar. The strangeness was because it had been too long, and the familiarity was because she had experienced too many such situations in her previous life as a child.

She came back from a new life and lived in the Jinyang Mansion where she died in her previous life. She was surrounded by familiar people and familiar things. Many times, she would feel a sense of trance. The fate of a previous life.

It wasn't until she was sold here that Xiaohua had a sense of reality, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This life has finally strayed from the trajectory of her previous life, no matter what, at least she will never be killed in Jinyang's mansion like she was in her previous life.

No breaking, no standing, I don’t know if this is the situation in front of me? The kind of tenacity that had been buried in her bones since she was sold into the Hou Mansion in her last life and was covered up by vanity, I don't know when it returned to her.

Scene after scene that had been blurred in her memory for a long time appeared in her mind—

That was when she was a few years old and can't seem to remember. I just remember that before she arrived at the Jinyang Mansion, she had changed so many masters, and there were always a few people who would bully her when she was still young. The big bully the small, the hard bully the soft, it seems that those people can vent the anger they suffer from others—

"You are really a little flower that can't be trampled to death. You won't die even if you are trampled so badly..."

Why is she dying? It is her instinct to live!

"Why don't you cry? You don't cry even if you scold you, you're such a jerk!"

Why do you cry? When you cry, don't you laugh hard and feel more at ease

All kinds of scolding and bullying she endured until she grew up.

It was also because she had suffered so many hardships in her previous life that she had to work hard to become a master, and she wanted to stop suffering. It's a pity that people are too stupid and don't have enough minds, so they end up like this.

But the combined experience of two lifetimes has also taught Xiaohua a lot of ways to survive. She knows when she can resist and when she can't. When she shouldn't resist, she has always been submissive. When she can resist, she will never let herself be wronged.

For example this time-

Xiaohua raised her head and looked at the person who let her down. It seems that the body is too small, and it will be pinched as a soft persimmon.

Xiaohua has always known how to deal with such a stern and stubborn person. She didn't speak, just looked at her, saw that she was uneasy, and said, "Go away!"

The man left immediately.

Xiao Huafu buried her head again.

Yes, she has not died after so much, and she must live well in this life.


After staying in this room full of depressing atmosphere for a few days, Xiaohua and her team were bound and driven out to the carriage.

The carriage is very large, with about ten people in it. Everyone found their own place and settled down.

Seeing the open space, Xiaohua was a little puzzled. For example, Qian Yapo has always made the best use of everything and will never waste the open space. You can bring one by one. But she was no longer confused, because another person was placed in the car, a comatose girl.

The remaining space is just enough for one person to lie down.

After Qian Yapo ordered someone to put the person in, her eyes wandered, and finally settled on Xiaohua.

"You are responsible for watching her until she wakes up."

Xiaohua didn't say anything, just nodded.

The carriage door was closed again, and Xiao Hua carefully placed the unconscious girl's head on her lap. Because her hands were tied, it was extremely difficult for her to move. The reason why she did this was because she saw that the girl had a white cloth wrapped around her head, and it looked like she was injured. Cushion some more, so it won't hurt more.

The carriage began to sway forward, and Xiaohua lowered her head to look at the unconscious person leaning on her lap.

This girl is about 15 or 6 years old. She looks very watery, her skin is fair and delicate, her eyebrows reveal a touch of weakness, and she wears coarse clothes that don't fit very well. .

She looked at her fingers again, and sure enough, there were no delicate calluses at all.

Xiaohua's heart jumped, and she laughed a little, what does it have to do with her, she likes to worry about it.

The days in the carriage were very hard, the place was too small, and the legs could not stretch. Even if you are hungry, the size is troublesome. Because it is convenient to stop the carriage once during the day, and if it is more convenient, I will endure the Qian Yapo convoy to get off the bus at night.

Qian Yapo's team was very long this time, with about a dozen carriages and a few cage cars. She didn't know where these people were sold.

On the third day, the unconscious girl woke up.

Seeing her shocked and sad face knowing that she was sold, Xiaohua couldn't help comforting her.

She can only help her with this, and the rest depends on what she thinks. After all, people live, not by the words of others, but by whether their heart is strong enough, or whether they have that kind of tenacity.

If not, she doubts that this girl, who was pampered before, can hold on.

Xiaohua thought that she would break down and become hysterical when she saw her heartbroken crying. After all, her appearance was so weak that she grew up pampered at first sight. But she didn't expect her heart to be completely different from her appearance. Not only did she quickly regain her composure, but she also had the courage to ask Qian Ya for something to eat.

Surprisingly, Qian Yapo made an exception to give it once, and Xiaohua reaffirmed her thoughts.

The vitality of human beings is very strong, and even in a desperate situation, one can grit their teeth and persevere.

Day by day, Xiaohua saw that the girl's eyes went from dim to bright, and finally filled with an indescribable light.

She liked those things, because she saw a glimmer of hope in this dead carriage. Even if she knew in her heart that even without these, her little flower would be able to hold on, but seeing this, she couldn't help but feel tears welling up in her eyes.

That feeling is very strange, what is it? Xiaohua couldn't understand.

The girl told her her name, which was very nice, called Qingwan.

Every time someone introduced herself to her, Xiaohua always sighed that other people's names were nice and her own name was tacky, but she never thought of changing her name.

In the past, every time she was resold, even if the host gave her a very elegant and delicate name last time, she would abandon her the next time she was resold, and she still told others that her name was Xiaohua, a small wild flower that would never die. flower.

The last sentence she had never told anyone else.

Qingwan is a very special girl, which does not match her weak appearance.

She is very alert and cautious, Xiaohua smiled bitterly and felt that she seemed to see her intention.

She actually wanted to run away!

After watching for a few days, Xiaohua confirmed her guess. She couldn't help but think, should she be ordered

After hesitating for two days, Xiaohua finally couldn't help but tell Qingwan about her own experiences and the outside world.

She didn't mean to persuade her, she just wanted to tell her the real side of the world and let her choose.

run away? If it was really easy to escape, she would have run away long ago, and she would sell it again and again. Has she sold it five times

Not to mention that Qian Yapo's convoy was closely guarded, only the barren mountains and mountains, and the world outside, wouldn't be a weak girl who could survive. The good ones are living on the streets, the bad ones are being kidnapped and sold into the pickled places. Especially the kind of good-looking girls who can hardly walk outside.

Not to mention that she was used to being enslaved, but she knew in her heart that even if she was a slave and a maid, it would be better than being a slave outside.

As for Qingwan, she looked like she came from a good family. In the past, Miss Jiao, who had never left the door, didn't know that it was the young lady of the family in Beijing who had fallen into such a situation.

But Qingwan didn't say anything, and Xiaohua didn't ask. Everyone has their own secrets, and so does she.

The carriage continued to move forward, taking away their respective sorrows that suffering took away, but no matter what, people always have to live.