Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 23


At noon, Soyeon took the Xiaogong people who had finished their work back to sweep the place.

When walking to the alley, Su Yan who was walking in front suddenly said in a low voice, "Your Highness has come down, everyone knelt down." and knelt down in front of her.

The rules of the government once said this, and when you meet the master in the house, especially the rough servants like them are not qualified to look directly at his face. You must kneel and bow your head, and you must not peep rashly.

A group of a dozen or so small palace people quickly knelt down and lowered their heads. There were also a few Xiao Gong people who didn't seem to react, and were still standing there stupidly.

Xiaohua lowered her head, not knowing what was going on, but out of the corner of her eye she saw a pair of black boots embroidered with dragon patterns and the corners of her purple clothes passing in front of her, followed by another pair of black Soap Boots.

When the people walked far away, after a while, the people who were kneeling stood up.

After Su Yan stood up, she looked furious, but she didn't speak, she just glared at the little palace people who were standing stupidly.

Among them are Xi'er and Qiaolian. Xiaohua once dragged Xi'er twice when she knelt down. Xi'er didn't know what to do, and she didn't even feel it.

A group of people silently walked towards the Sasao place, and Xi'er kept looking uncertain and didn't know what she was thinking during the walk. Because Su Yan's face was ugly, the little palace people who forgot to kneel just now realized their mistake and felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

As soon as she returned to the sweeping place, Su Yan went inside, leaving the group of small palace people standing outside in the yard and not allowed to move.

Seeing this situation, everyone was even more hesitant.

The faces of the little palace servants who had just forgotten to kneel were a little ugly, and Xi'er was stunned at this time, her eyes were red, "Won't you not give us food today?"

It's too small to not give food, I'm afraid—

Sure enough, things weren't so simple, Aunt Chen, the steward of the Sweeping Office, walked out with Su Yan.

Aunt Chen is about forty, with a long face, slightly convex cheekbones, and a stern complexion. She is wearing a sauce-purple cross-collared short ruff and a snow-blue horse-face skirt. As soon as he came out, he scanned the circle below with sharp eyes.

"Whoever broke the rules just now, stand up by yourself."

There was silence for a while below, and then a small palace servant walked out by himself, and then one after another, the small palace people couldn't stand Aunt Chen's coercion and walked out.

Xi'er's eyes turned even redder, anxiously looking at Xiaohua and Xiuyun Qiaolian, but she knew she couldn't escape, so she walked out. Qiaolian's face was pale for a long time, and when everyone went out, she followed.

No one dared to take chances, because Su Yan was present at the time, and Su Yan would definitely report to Aunt Chen if she violated the rules.

Aunt Chen sneered, "Very good, it seems that you both know you are wrong. If you break the rules, you will be punished. This is the rule in our house. If you are your first offense, you will be punished."

As soon as the voice fell, two sturdy palace servants came in, holding a torture rod that was one zhang, three, one chi and five inches thick, and one of them dragged a long bench in his hand.

Seeing this battle, all Xiao Gong people were stunned, including Xiao Hua.

She died with a stick in her last life, but how can the boards in the Jinyang Houfu be so scary, not only longer than that, but also amazingly thick.

Xiaohua didn't know that this kind of punishment was the usual size in the palace.

These two palace servants seemed to be veterans of playing the board, and no one took the initiative to step forward. Without saying a word, he stepped forward and dragged a errant Xiao Gongren and pressed it on the bench. One of them lifted his skirt and trousers and half faded, and he started 'papapapa'.

For a while, Xiao Gongren standing next to him involuntarily wrapped his arms around himself, as if he was suffering. The other Xiaogong people who broke the rules were all scared to tears.

Even if you cry, the board will suffer.

The ten boards were knocked down, and all the tortured Xiaogong could not stand firm.

However, Xiaohua knew that the two executioners were merciful and did not act ruthlessly. She has suffered this kind of thing in her previous life. If she is ruthless, she will definitely beat people down, let alone stand.

Of course, being stripped of his pants and hitting a board was not only physically traumatized, but also extremely embarrassing psychologically. After all, she was a teenage girl.

Xiaohua sighed, her heart very complicated.

When she was in the Jinyang Mansion, it was not that she had never seen a little girl who made a mistake being beaten, but it was the first time she saw her pants being beaten. What Xiaohua didn't know was that this kind of rule has always been used in the palace, including the government's trousers when playing the board. This is not only a physical punishment, but also a psychological torture. Let you know the shame in your heart, and don't dare to do it again next time.

Seeing that the beaten Xi'er and Qiaolian were unsteady, Xiaohua and Xiuyun helped one back to the palace room. As soon as she entered the door, Xier burst into tears, Xiaohua and Xiuyun comforted her a few times, but they didn't seem to be able to comfort her.

At this moment, a Xiaogong person brought two bottles of wound medicine, saying that they were for the beaten Xiaogongren.

Xiaohua and Xiuyun each took a bottle and began to apply medicine to them.

Qiao Lian is usually arrogant, but at this time she was also in tears, not to mention Xi'er, her crying never stopped from beginning to end.

"Okay, don't cry anymore. Although Aunt Chen beat you up, she is also teaching you the rules, and the palace servants who enforced them didn't act ruthlessly. You all get down." Xiaohua said with a sigh after rubbing the medicine on Xi'er.

"You don't have a backache while you're standing and talking, it's not you who was beaten!" Qiaolian said bitterly.

Xiaohua's face froze, but she didn't reject it. After wiping the medicine for Xi'er, he put down the medicine bottle in his hand and said lightly, "I'm going to have lunch."

Xiuyun had already helped Xier with the medicine, and stood up in a hurry, "Xiaohua, I'll go with you." Feeling the awkward atmosphere, she said, "Xiaohua and I will go eat first, and bring it back to you when we come back."

The two went for lunch and brought it to the other two when they came back.

Because she was really afraid of Qiaolian's mouth, Xiaohua put the bowl on the table, and went to the side of her bed and tilted it. Xiuyun didn't speak, and put the food in her hand on the table.

No matter how stupid Xi'er was, she could see that the atmosphere was not right, so she slowly stood up and went to eat at the table. I was tired all morning and was beaten again, and I was really hungry.

Qiaolian glared at Xi'er, who was heartless, and looked at Xiaohua's appearance of being out of the way, and sneered: "Don't you like to pretend to be good people, why don't you feed people? You two are really cruel, and you are in the same room. After living for so long, I don’t know how to take care of others when I see others injured.”

"Qiao Lian, it's not like you can't move anymore, so why don't you use someone else to feed it. You don't come to eat soon, be careful that the meal is cold." Xi'er was also reluctant to talk to Qiao Lian, but seeing her mocking Xiao Hua and Xiu Yun, she couldn't help but speak. Two words of advice.

Qiaolian's muzzle shifted, "I want you to talk more!"

For a while, everyone in the room was silent, Xi'er blushed and closed her mouth angrily, but the actions of her subordinates to eat showed a bit vicious.

Xiao Gongren belonged to the lowest servants in King Jing's mansion. Even if they were beaten, they would still be unavoidable when they were on duty.

When they went out to sweep again, there were a few small palace people in the team with very stiff walking postures, obviously the few people who had been hit by the board the day before.

After this incident, all the Xiaogong people couldn't help but tense their nerves, for fear that they would be beaten for something else.

Seeing that Xi'er was trembling for a few days, Xiaohua couldn't help but say to her, "As long as you keep the government rules in mind and follow them, you don't have to worry all the time."

Xi'er didn't believe it at first, but after thinking about it, she felt a little credible. Because what Aunt Chen said that day was that they had broken the rules of the mansion and beat them up.

She also knew that there were a lot of rules and regulations, and even when there were no errands in the afternoon, there would still be people from the palace leading them to study the rules. There are a total of forty major articles and one hundred and twenty small articles, and the rules and regulations are very trivial.

What these little palace people don't know is that these palace rules are actually abridged versions of the palace rules. If they are complete palace rules, there are more rules.

That's what makes Xi'er anxious. She has always had a bad memory, so how could she remember so many. Qiaolian laughed at Xiaohua, "you know as much", but when she studied the government rules, she was obviously more active.

Xiaohua is noncommittal.

Wherever you mix, you must be familiar with the rules of the game. She used to be a maid in other places. Although there are no government rules, there are many rules taught by the steward mother. If you can't remember or don't follow them, you will be criticized. A good meal will not be eaten, and a bad meal will be beaten.

Therefore, since the people from the palace began to teach the rules of the house, Xiaohua has been very diligent, and can almost memorize the rules of the palace of King Jing.

As for why those little palace people forgot to kneel down at Su Yan's reminder that day, Xi Er also explained the reason later. According to her statement, she stared at His Highness in a daze, and she wondered if the same was true for others.

Under Qiaolian's embarrassed scolding of 'you have a long mouth', Xiaohua knows that Qiaolian is also for this reason.


How handsome a man can be!

Xiaohua thought with a smile, and put the thought behind her in a blink of an eye.

However, within a few days, the story of His Highness's beauty spread among the small palace people who were sweeping the place. Xiaohua can see that when many Xiaogong people are talking secretly, her eyes are full of longing and admiration.

How can there be a girl who doesn't have spring, especially this handsome person who has a lofty identity. It symbolizes wealth and honor, symbolizes the superiority of people, and symbolizes flying on the branches.

In her last life, Xiao Hua had just arrived at the Jinyang Hou Mansion and stayed among the rough envoys. She also encountered a similar situation, but the target at that time was not His Highness, but the Fourth Young Master. The fourth young master was young and handsome at the beginning, and he was clean and did not pass the room, which can be regarded as the dream of many rough girls.

After reliving the first life, Xiaohua saw this kind of scene again, and there was nothing else but a wry smile.