Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 24


Because it was just some flesh wounds, and with the medicine sent by Aunt Chen, the people in the small palace who were beaten recovered within a few days.

After a few days of silence, everyone jumped up again.

After that beating, it seems that Qiaolian and Xi'er are more anxious, and they want to get out of the sweeping place with all their strength.

It's just that after all, they are all new Xiaogong people. Apart from the Xiaogong people who came in with the same batch, the people they know are also a few Dagong people or aunts who take care of them. Aunt Chen, the steward of the Sasou Department, was stern, so they only dared to fawn on those people in the palace.

Xiaohua and Xiuyun, who were in the same room, did not move all the time. Xiaohua didn't have that thought. As for Xiuyun, she seemed to be too dumb and didn't realize it.

But Xiaohua thought that being able to become a palace servant from so many little girls who came in together was not enough to make people believe it.

Maybe Xiuyun also has this kind of thinking, but hides it deeper

Xiaohua just thought about this idea in her heart and didn't say it.

But soon she had no time to think about others, because Xiaohua's sunflower water came.

This is the first time Xiaohua has come to Sunflower Water in her life. In her previous life, Xiaohua Sunflower Water also came very late. She didn't come until fifteenth, but it was actually a little earlier in this life.

In the last life, every time Xiaohua came to Sunflower Water, it was a torture, and for the first time in this life, it was not very good.

He felt cold all over his body, his hands and feet were cold, and all the sensations of his whole body were concentrated on his lower abdomen.

There are four people in this house, and the other three have been to Sunflower Water. King Jing’s mansion was treated well, and even the menstrual tapes were issued. Seeing Xiaohua’s distressed appearance, Xiuyun went to help her get a few menstrual tapes and a bag of grass and ash back.

The person in charge of Omiya asked about the situation and knew that Xiaohua had her first menstrual period and was very uncomfortable, so she gave her a few days off, saying that she would be allowed to rest for a few days and then go to work after her menstrual period was over.

Xiaohua was already extremely uncomfortable, so she didn't take it to heart, and simply lay down on the bed.

Finally, after four or five days, the menstrual problem is gone. Xiaohua seemed to be alive, she was relaxed, and she went to work without delay.

The people of the palaces and palaces all over the palace came out of the dining hall.

Every day, there will be people from the big palace leading a few people from the small palace to carry it back. Usually, Suyan leads people there, but the people in Xiaogong below are undetermined, and they call whoever they meet.

This is the only time when the Xiao Gong people in the Sweeping Office can go out and let the wind out, except for the errands, so these Xiao Gong people are all rushing to each other, and they are hanging around in front of Su Yan when the time is up.

On weekdays, only Xi'er and Qiaolian like to do this in the same room, but today it's a strange thing, and when it's almost time, Xiuyun seems to be unwilling to leave.

Xiuyun seemed to have made a lot of determination before she came to Xiaohua and whispered, "Xiaohua, please do me a favor, I want to go to the Dian Restaurant, will you come with me?"

Xiaohua is very puzzled, she can go if she wants to, why drag her with her.

Xiuyun seemed to see her doubts and opened her mouth to solve her doubts: "I have a sister with the same mother who is also on duty in King Jing's mansion. I haven't seen her for a long time. She is now on duty at Dianshan, so I just want to try it out. Encounter. If you do meet at that time, when you want to talk, you need someone to help cover."

Everyone else said it like this, and it would seem a little impersonal if they didn't agree. Xiaohua didn't think too much, and agreed to go out with Xiuyun.

Luckily, Suyan happened to be going to carry lunch, and she saw Xiaohua and Xiuyun again. Knowing that these two are very honest on weekdays, she ordered two of them, and then called for the other two. There were five people together. Went to the restaurant.

The sprinkler is located at the northwest corner of King Jing's Mansion. To get to the Dianshan Restaurant, you have to go through a long lane.

Along the way, there are high blue-gray walls everywhere. Along the way, you can see many palace people coming and going, and occasionally eunuchs pass by.

It was only after she came to King Jing's mansion that Xiaohua knew that eunuchs were such people. It was said that they came out of the palace and used to serve the princes and concubines in the palace. At present, the eunuchs in King Jing's mansion were all brought with him when King Jing came down to the fief.

Everyone has a sense of awe, especially when Su Yan, who has always been dignified, sees people dressed as eunuchs who occasionally walk by, and she also bows her head and lowers her eyes. The few Xiaogong people who came out together inexplicably developed a kind of awe for such people.

When she arrived at the Dian Restaurant, Xiao Hua realized that the big kitchen in the Jinyang Hou Mansion was nothing compared to this place. Not only is the area large, but the people inside are very calm. It can be seen that the division of labor is extremely clear and the rules are very good.

Xiaohua always feels that the rules in King Jing's mansion are better than those in Jinyang's mansion. Let's not say anything else, the big kitchen of Jinyang's mansion is full of wives and little girls, who go to get meals. From time to time, you can often see the mother-in-law scolding the little girls who do not work well. But no one here dares to procrastinate, and the few palace servants who are in charge of things are also serious and tight.

The dining hall was divided into several areas, and the people who cooked meals for the palace people were in a large room near the outer corner. Those who come to take meals cannot go in, so they have to wait at the door for someone inside to carry them out for you.

There were a lot of people standing outside the kitchen door, and at first glance, it was time to pick up the meal.

After arriving at the Dian Restaurant, Xiaohua found that Xiuyun's always quiet eyes were a little anxious, and she didn't know if she saw her sister when she looked around.

At this time, a sixteen- or seventeen-year-old palace servant with a round face, wearing a bright red short skirt and a green long skirt came over.

She first smiled at Su Yan, and then said, "Hello, sister, I met a fellow villager in the small palace that you came with. I wanted to ask about the situation at home. I wonder if you can accommodate me."

In King Jing's mansion, the clothes are judged according to the grade. The people in the palace are dressed in bright red shorts and green long skirts, and Su Yan is also wearing the clothes of the people in the palace. So even if you don't know people, you know what to say when you see the clothes.

What's more, where the Ogong people are still divided into errands, it is obvious that the Dianshan is a little higher than the sweeping place, so Suyan is also willing to give face. After all, this is human nature. They are all working in the palace, and they are not allowed to go home all the year round. It is only natural to see their fellow villagers and ask about the situation at home.

When Xiaohua saw that the palace person called Xiuyun aside, she knew that this must be Xiuyun's compatriot sister, and she didn't know why this person said she was a compatriot.

But after all, it was someone else's business, and there was no need for her to cover up, so Xiaohua didn't think much about it.

Xiuyun followed Ru'er to a corner where no one was there before stopping.

"Sister, I finally saw you, you don't know how scared I am..." Xiuyun's expression was very excited, and she started to sob while holding Ru'er's hand.

Ru'er hugged her halfway and patted her soothingly. It took a while for Xiuyun to regain her calm.

Ru'er looked around and saw that there was no one around, so she said in a low voice, "How about these little palace people, have you paid attention to whether you are considered top-notch in it?"

Xiuyun wiped away her tears and blushed a little after hearing her sister's question, but she knew that she didn't have much time to talk.

"There are so many top-notch ones, and I can't be considered top-notch among them."

A flash of disappointment flashed across Ru'er's face for a moment, she thought for a while, and then asked, "Then have you observed other rooms, is there a room where a few people live together are all good-looking. "

Although Xiuyun didn't understand the reason, he still said honestly: "Some are okay, some are not eye-catching, and they are all uneven, but the other people in the same room have their own characteristics."

After speaking, Xiuyun showed a puzzled look, but Ru'er ignored her and continued to ask, "The few of you who are in the same room are not living in the same room from the beginning, right? "

Xiuyun nodded.

"Does this happen anywhere else?"

Xiuyun thought for a while before shaking his head.

Ru'er breathed a sigh of relief, put her mind at ease, looked at Xiuyun up and down, and sighed, "My sister is getting better and better now, remember to be careful with words and deeds, maybe a great luck will come to you. body."

Xiuyun looked puzzled, "Sister, what do you mean by that? Also, you asked me to follow your instructions, and I still don't know why."

Ru'er knew that she was going to tell her the truth now, so after hesitating for a moment, she said, "Sister Fifteen came in, and it's been almost two years now. It's the same as you from the Discipline Division to the Sweeping Office, but during this time my sister was called away. Jingtai served in the palace for a few days, but because the rules were not good enough, he was swept out and replaced with other errands... My sister is popular and knows a lot of things. Later, I found out that every year and a half, there will be some small palace servants in the palace. , and then every time I will send a few good ones from it to His Royal Highness to serve."

"But what does this have to do with us?"

Ru'er said in a low voice with a bit of hatred for iron not becoming steel: "Do you know that it is the first to get the moon near the water tower, which of the palace servants in the entire Jingwang's mansion are eager to go to the side of His Highness to serve. But the Jingtai Hall is usually in charge of Duke Fu. He picks people in to serve and never looks in the manor, but every time he picks people from the new small palace..."

"I didn't know the situation when I first came in, otherwise I wouldn't be swept out. You have to work hard. If you can get His Highness's eyes, you will fly up the branches in a day... In order to find out when people will enter the mansion, It took me a lot of effort and a lot of money to find out who I bought someone from, and the monthly money that I have saved for so long can be all smashed into it at once, you have to give me a good fight."

What my sister said was so unbelievable that Xiuyun couldn't digest it for a while.

Hearing that Xiaohua was calling her over there, saying that she was going back, she could only hurriedly nodded to Ru'er.

Ru'er patted the girl's hand, "Remember what I said."

Xiuyun nodded again, and then walked back to the team that had already taken the meal and was about to leave.