Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 31


No one could understand King Jing's thoughts, but Eunuch Fu's thoughts made Xiao Hua feel more and more amused.

Looking at the clothes in her hand, thinking about what Eunuch Fu had said when she gave the clothes, "I will put them on tomorrow", Xiaohua frowned in distress.

Up to now, four of the six palace people have been said by King Jing, "you go out", and she and Xiuyun are left.

Not to mention the reactions of those who were 'excluded', as time passed, Xiaohua felt more and more stressed.

She even has a feeling of wanting to make a mistake and get kicked out.

But Eunuch Fu's irritability under the calm surface made her dare not do it, knowing that his intention was to let them stay, if she made a mistake on purpose. With Eunuch Fu's old eyes, who had been in the palace and stared at King Jing's mansion for so long, he could definitely see the signs.

This risky Xiaohua didn't dare to take the risk, she was just a small palace servant, and even if Eunuch Fu said he would drag her out and beat her to death, he could only be next to him.

You can't guess the thoughts of the people above, and they are all powerful people who hold the power to kill themselves. These little ones should be honest, don't think about other things, just leave it to fate.

Xiuyun next to her still didn't speak, wondering if she thought the same thing.

However, Xiaohua is becoming more and more incapable of seeing Xiuyun. It is the combined experience of her two lifetimes that can make her stay safe until this point.

And this Xiuyun was so calm at the age of fifteen, and Xiaohua admired her, but she couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. In addition, the strange thing about Xiuyun's hometown, and the recent days, she didn't know if it was an illusion or what. She felt that Xiuyun His style is becoming more and more like himself.

Because of this, Xiaohua hardly talks to Xiuyun now. The two almost went in and out at the same time, but they didn't even say a word all day long.

"This is really different from the same people. Eunuch Fu is so kind to you, it really makes me jealous."

This is Qiaolian's voice. She always likes to laugh at her. Seeing that the previous way of laughing can't touch Xiaohua, she changed her tone in the past two days, but it was still very sour.

Xiaohua knew what she meant, but she didn't want to provoke the remaining four to target them together.

When you get used to ignoring, it really becomes ignoring. So Xiaohua was indifferent and put the new clothes in her closet. Xiuyun didn't say anything, but lowered his head even lower.

The other three didn't speak, but looked at Xiaohua and Xiuyun with complicated expressions.

The next day, Xiaohua and Xiuyun put on new clothes and went to work. They went on a pinch. After a while, King Jing came back from the front.

Six to four and only two left, Fushun put their errands on Xiaohua and Xiuyun, so now when King Jing is dining, Xiaohua and Xiuyun are serving the meal.

King Jing is a very simple person, so simple that Xiaohua feels that this is not the respect of a prince. Even when the young master of the Jinyang Mansion was eating, he had more dishes than him.

It's just five simple dishes, but there are meat and vegetarian dishes, but they are well matched, and they look beautiful, they should be very delicious. They don't even need their help in serving the meal, they carry the bowl and eat by themselves, at most they help to serve the soup.

Seeing King Jing's calm eyes, Xiaohua moved to the eight treasures soup, and immediately took an empty bowl next to it and filled half a bowl of soup.

The outstretched hand was fair, slender, with distinct muscles and bones, and it could be seen that it was a very beautiful but powerful hand.

After King Jing put down the bowl, several little eunuchs came up and served him with water cups and gargles, while two others were cleaning the table.

King Jing went to the inner hall.

Fushun glanced at Xiaohua and Xiuyun with satisfaction, his eyes full of approval.

"You two are good, work hard, our family is optimistic about you."

These two Xiaogong people are the ones who have persisted for the longest time in several batches. Fushun saw that the two of them were very stable in terms of mental state and usual behavior, and he was more optimistic about the two of them.

As time went by, Fushun had left behind the four little palace people who had been kicked out of the temple, and put all his energy on Xiaohua and Xiuyun, and his attitude towards them became more and more serious. He became more and more amiable, and occasionally he would give a few words of encouragement.

Xiaohua smiled and half lowered her head, her attitude respectful and modest. Xiuyun was a little nervous in her heart, so she could only half bow her head like Xiaohua did.

Fushun's eyes flashed, but he didn't speak any more, but the smile on his face became even bigger.


There is a very large study in Jingtai Hall, which occupies half of the front hall, and there are a lot of books in it.

When King Jing had no official business on weekdays, his biggest leisure hobby was reading, which was only discovered by Xiao Hua after spending a few days on the sidelines.

You can watch for a few hours at a glance, and they can only stand aside for a few hours.

Fortunately, there are not many times like this, otherwise Xiaohua's legs will suffer. Even so, Xiaohua will apply some hot water every night, and then press on herself to activate the meridians.

King Jing seemed to be very busy today. He read the book for more than an hour, and saw no other movement. He sat very upright from beginning to end. Except for the occasional tea, Xiaohua knew that he had to fight a protracted battle. is ready.

This kind of situation has been encountered many times, and it is not unreasonable for Xiaohua to realize that Eunuch Fu can serve King Jing personally for so many years. To be able to stand by for a whole day in such a silent place, and to be able to stand as if nothing had happened, is an extremely powerful skill.

"His Royal Highness, you always sit and read like this, it's not good for your waist and shoulders for a long time."

The atmosphere of silence was broken by Fushun's voice.

King Jing looked up at him, then lowered his eyes. Knowing in his heart that the old guy was in a hurry, and since there was nothing to do today, he wanted to tease him.

Sometimes King Jing, who is timid, feels that life is really lonely as snow, so teasing Fu Shun, who is closest to him, is a rare pastime for him on weekdays.

It's just that these other people couldn't understand it. Fushun always thought that the reason why His Highness was timid and often responded to him was because he couldn't bear to see him in his old age and serving him at a young age. When there is time to see King Jing give him a rare response, Fushun will even have a grateful state of mind. He felt that he was so wrong. He knew that His Highness's character didn't like it, but he was always hard on others.

After a while, King Jing's voice sounded without raising his head.


There is only one word, but it also means that there is a response.

Fushun borrowed the donkey to get off the slope, licked his face and said, "Why don't you go and rest on the soft couch for a while, so that you can be more comfortable." In essence, the expression on the surface was extremely bitter and hatred, as if sharing the main concern.

King Jing's eyes flickered in disbelief, and he took the scroll and came to the soft couch by the window in the study.

Fu Shun immediately followed the attendant, taking off his shoes and putting on the pillow, very busy.

He seemed to be ready to be restless today, and after serving King Jing half leaned on the soft couch, he said, "His Royal Highness, this old slave has heard people say that it will be more comfortable if you are tired from sitting."


Today's King Jing seems to be extremely cooperative.

"Hey." Fushun's baritone could actually say "hey" with that crispy feeling, which is enough to show how excited he is. I saw him beckoning to Xiaohua and Xiuyun who were standing in the distance, "Come here, you two come here to relax your Highness."

As if afraid of King Jing's reluctance, he hurriedly turned his head and said to King Jing, "Cough, old slave, old arms and old legs, and thick hands, don't pinch your Highness, let the little girls come."

Then, without waiting for King Jing to answer, he repeatedly urged the two Xiaohua who were stunned there.

The reason why Fushun wanted to get close to him was because of his apprentice, An Cheng, who gave him a coquettish idea.

Fushun saw that Xiaohua and the two had not gone wrong recently, and they seemed to be able to stay stably, so he changed his mind.

He began to worry that King Jing was silent.

Sometimes I think about what King Jing has to do. There is movement. Fushun dislikes him and tolerates others. If there is no movement, Fushun dislikes him for being too calm. Why is there always no movement.

Back to the topic.

According to An Cheng, men like to be free and have nothing to do. Find two little girls with good colors to pinch their shoulders, hammer their legs or something, so that they can get on the kang by hooking up.

Fushun is not a man, so he does not understand the psychology of men. However, he has also done a lot of homework. He knows that what An Cheng said is true, and he also knows that many young masters from rich families like this set. And he is also in a hurry now, as long as he can try, he wants to do it one by one.

His Highness is also a man, so maybe he likes this set too

Whether Jing Wangxi likes this set, only God knows, anyway, Xiaohua has black lines all over her face.

This, this Eunuch Fu is cheating, right? ! Why did his behavior make her have a malicious delusion.

Xiuyun's reaction was faster than Xiaohua's, and she first reached King Jing's leg and knelt down, looking like she was going to give King Jing Songba's calf.

Xiaohua's movements were a step slower. At this time, there was no other position to occupy. The only position was that of King Jing's shoulder.

Seeing Fushun staring at her with his eyes, Xiaohua had no choice but to go to the place that the two of them 'reserved' for her.


How to relax

In fact, in the past life, although Xiaohua had nothing to learn, she completely relied on beauty to serve people. But there is still a technique in the body, that is massage.

It was purely a coincidence that she could learn this, and it also came after she became the fourth young master and aunt.

When Xiaohua became Ruan Siyi's aunt, the fourth young master was already very romantic. Not only are there many 'confidantes' outside, but there are also many concubines in the backyard. Xiaohua is already extremely favored, but it's a pity that there is only one man, and there are still so many women grabbing it, and occasional snubs are inevitable.

Seeing that there are more and more women around the Fourth Young Master, and sometimes they don't even see each other once in half a month, the little flower in the previous life is a little anxious.

At that time, she was living in Dongkuayuan, and there was a rough woman in the yard who wanted to ask her for a reward, so she offered her family craftsmanship. She was desperately ill and went to the doctor, and she heard that this technique called massage is very rare. In addition, the fourth young master used to study poetry and books all year round, and it was inevitable that the back of her neck would be uncomfortable. With the idea that it might be useful, Xiaohua learned from that rough old woman.

It was only after this study that I realized that this vulgar old woman actually has a good hand. It is said that her ancestor was from a doctor, and her ancestor studied a set of massage and bone-setting methods. It's a pity that the family of her generation has been extremely desolate, and there is only one daughter like her left, who is still the only seedling.

After her father passed away, she sold herself as a slave and did some errands serving people on weekdays. The reason why I brought this up this time is because the family was extremely poor waiting for the money, so I came to Aunt Hua with the idea of giving it a try, who would have been attracted by Xiaohua.

In fact, the old woman said that she could, and she could do it a little bit. She learned it from her father when she was a child. After a long time, she almost forgot. Seeing Xiaohua's heart, she dedicated a manuscript at home to Xiaohua.

At that time, Xiaohua was already literate, and when she passed the room to the fourth young master at that time, seeing that she was illiterate, the fourth young master spoiled her and taught her by heart. Xiaohua took a look at the manuscript, flipped through it roughly, and felt that what was said in it was very deep and did not seem like a deceit, and the old woman did not dare to deceive her. He gave the old woman twenty taels of silver, which was considered a reward and a purchase.

The old woman only knew some basics, and Xiaohua slowly read and studied the rest by herself. Fortunately, the book contains not only illustrations for teaching people to recognize acupuncture points, but also records of experiences, which can be understood if you read it slowly.

Xiaohua's character is that she either doesn't study, or she is very serious if she wants to study.

In addition, the women in the backyard have nothing to do on weekdays except for being jealous. It is possible to do some needlework and so on, but Xiaohua has been a rough maid since she was a child. Where did she learn needlework, and then she went to Jinyang Houfu to go up and up again, but she didn't have the time to learn. Now that she has this book for entertainment, and it can be used to please the young master, she is very serious.

On weekdays, I read and compared books, and I also did some experiments with the two little girls who served by my side, and gradually I got a bit of fun and learned a bit of the essence. It's a pity that she was restless at that time, and she had a plan to learn this. She only learned the method of massage, bone-setting and so on. She was not a doctor. Come.

After the study felt almost the same, she pulled the fourth young master to please him.

I didn't expect the effect to be good, so even if the fourth young master has a new love, he will often go to her every three to five times, which makes her a lot of pets.

Xiaohua's foundation is good, but there is another thing hanging, and the fourth young master is very fond of Xiaohua.

Sometimes I press it on the couch, and the taste is very complicated, which is why Xiaohua is a little dazed.

The author has something to say:

ps: I want to say a word, the method of massage and bone setting has been around since a very early time, and it was more systematic and professional in the Ming Dynasty. Face to work and sedentary for a long time, code word for a long time, always go to the orthodox Chinese medicine massage. Go once every ten days to relax the muscles and bones.

Xiaohua can even give her a little golden finger here, just like An Cheng said, hooking up and hooking up on the couch... Hehe, of course, this is a joke.