Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 39


On the 15th of August, the Mid-Autumn Festival came, but King Jing's mansion did not see any movement for the festival.

Of course, this is only Xiaohua's opinion. She has never been out of Jingtai Hall, so she doesn't know that the palace servants in other places outside are actually quite busy, because King Jing is going to hold a banquet in Chengyun Hall to entertain the subordinates of the fiefdom officials.

Aside from all the bad factors, it is actually quite good to be a vassal king in the Daxi Dynasty.

The imperial court gave the vassal king a lot of freedom. Except for some necessary precautions, the fief was equivalent to a vassal state of the vassal king.

That is, Shanggui Jingwang Guan, some officials below will definitely have to make offerings for the festivals or something. After all, people are all self-motivated, and even if Jingwang hates this kind of activity in his heart, he has to hold it occasionally. Always tell the people below 'Well, you are very good, the lonely king is very satisfied with you, and in order to reward everyone, we will hold a banquet today to show your importance'.

So this kind of occasion became an occasion for King Jing to exchange 'feelings' with his subordinates.

No one who is an official in Jingzhou does not know the character of the person at the top.

This guy doesn't have any habit, he just doesn't speak, and of course he's not dumb. At the beginning, when King Jing came to the vassal, some people below heard that there was a rumor about the mute five princes in Beijing, but after staying there for a long time, he realized that, King Jing is not actually dumb, but he just doesn't like to talk.

At this time, King Jing was sitting on the seat of the first hall of Chengyun Hall, holding a cup and drinking himself, as if the following celebrations had nothing to do with him. King Jing was wearing an orthodox crown dress today, looking majestic and handsome. It's a pity that his aura of indifference is so great that people always notice his indifference rather than his handsome face.

Even if everyone saw such a discordant scene, it was considered that they had not seen it, and they even had to enjoy it.

This is the welfare of the superiors. Even if you lack interest, the people below have to work hard to create a lively atmosphere, so as not to anger the superiors.

what's going on? The solitary king hosted a feast for you, and you still dare to cry and lose your face, why are you unhappy

So the banquet went on lively in this strange atmosphere. Ignoring King Jing's indifferent face and ignoring that he didn't say a word from beginning to end, it was actually quite harmonious.

Halfway through the banquet, an official in his forties came to the venue and knelt down and gave a salute.

"His Royal Highness King Jing, the lower official is Zhu Dajian, who is also known to Lucheng. It is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I present a special gift to His Highness."

After speaking, a young girl of fifteen or sixteen years old walked over from the gate of the hall. She was dressed in a green shirt, a long skirt with moon-white embroidery wrapped around branches and grass, and she was wearing a thin smoke gauze with emerald water. Her shoulders were cut off. The waist is like a plain, the muscles are like fat, and the eyes are full of spring water and clear waves of hope, what a beauty!

The other people at the banquet realized that this is to present the beauty? !

Everyone looked at Zhu Dajian, who knew the same thing, with strange eyes, which meant that he was watching a good show.

"This is the little girl Biyan, who knows singing and dancing, knows the rhythm, and is fifteen years old. It is specially dedicated to His Royal Highness King Jing."

I also have to say that Zhu Dajian is an old official who gave away his daughter as a gift, or in front of so many people. On the surface, it is not ambiguous at all. Not to mention that there is no expression of shame or anything, even with a smile on his face as usual.

The girl named Biyan knelt down beside her father. Although she couldn't see her face, her graceful figure was undoubtedly revealed in her crouching movements. In particular, the light from the palace lanterns in the hall illuminated his body, making the skin on his neck and neck crystal clear as if transparent.

It's a pity that the pretty eyes were made to be seen by the blind. King Jing's eyes were faint, but they didn't seem to gather on the girl.

Ordinary people would definitely say something, accepting it would be 'Hahaha, the solitary king accepted Zhu Tongzhi's kindness'. If you don't accept it, generally the beauties sent by the people below will generally accept them. After all, it is not uncommon to present beauty at a banquet, and it is generally not rejected on such occasions.

It's a pity that I met a freak today, who didn't say a word, didn't make any expressions, and didn't even bother to give the next one his eyes.

The hall was very quiet for a while, and Zhu Dajian's father and daughter, who were kneeling below, couldn't help but start to get nervous. The music playing in the hall didn't know when to stop, and the nervous Zhu Dajian seemed to hear a faint laugh beside him.

It stands to reason that someone should come out to smooth things out at this time. The most suitable candidate for this job is the Zuo Changshi Guan Zheng of the Changshi Division.

It's a pity that Guan Zheng has just arrived in Jingzhou and is not familiar with his subordinate officials. King Jing never likes to pay attention to him, and he doesn't want to make fun of himself out of the arrogance of a scholar.

What's more, Guan Zheng's office in the long history department of King Jing's mansion was a little short, and he faintly felt that the colleagues in the long history department seemed to be ostracizing him, but he himself thought that he would leave when the time came, but it was not too much. serious. Seeing the cold field at this time, he felt resentment in his heart, and naturally he would not come forward to round the field.

"Zhu Tongzhi is too restrained. Our Highness is not a serious person. Hurry up and sit down at the banquet." Fu Shun walked down quickly, smiling and helped him up.

Another little eunuch was called, "Send Miss Zhu to rest soon."

As soon as the words were finished, the music in the hall began to play again, and the others at the banquet began to raise their glasses and push their cups, as if the embarrassing scene just now did not happen.

Zhu Dajian sat down in a panic, when an official next to him approached and said, "This is the first time you have come to King Jing's mansion. We are not good at this. Besides, you are taciturn by nature. Today, Fu flattery helped you out , Usually no one is relieved, and you are not the first to be ashamed and angry."

"Isn't the little girl, the little girl sent down to rest?" Zhu Dajian was still thinking about this.

The official's eyes were weird, "You'll find out later." After speaking, he went to drink with the others.

After the banquet was over, Zhu Dajian was still thinking about "you'll find out later", and when he walked to the parking lot, he heard the servant who came over said that the young lady had rested in the carriage for a long time.


In King Jing's mansion, the eunuchs and eunuchs in the palace also served extra dishes tonight, and the mansion even distributed two moon cakes to each servant.

The Daxi Dynasty had the custom of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Although it was impossible to reunite with the family, it was still filled with the atmosphere of the festival.

Not to mention in the Jingtai Hall, the Highness went down to the front to hold a banquet, and the small kitchen specially made several tables and tables, which were arranged in various places, and the eunuchs and palace people below were bustlingly celebrating the festival.

Xiaohua and Chuncao are used by the older palace maids and maids in the small kitchen. These palace maids who work in the small kitchen have different personalities, but they still like the little girl Xiaohua.

After eating, Mammy He saw that Xiaohua likes to eat moon cakes, and gave her two more.

Xiaohua had eaten moon cakes before, when she was in the Jinyang Mansion, but the moon cakes in Jingwang Mansion were obviously much more delicious than there. The moon cakes are filled with red and green beans, which are sweet but not greasy. Xiaohua likes to eat, but unfortunately, Mammy He said that she can't eat too much of this thing, and she has accumulated food after eating too much.

Xiaohua took the moon cake given by Mother He back to the house and gave one to Chuncao. It's true that I don't feel it when I eat it, and it is inevitable that I feel a little tired and panic after eating moon cakes.

Xiaohua ran to touch the kettle and found that the water in the kettle was cold. She didn't want to drink cold water, she ate sweet and greasy, and it was much more comfortable to drink some hot water. Thinking that there was no boiling water in the small kitchen at the moment, Xiaohua turned her mind to the pantry in the temple.

There is a small stove in the pantry, and people boil water all day long, so it is convenient to drink tea next to His Royal Highness.

After staying in Jingtai Hall for a long time, Xiaohua's courage has also grown a lot, and thinking that His Royal Highness will hold a banquet in front of him in the evening and will not come back at this time, Xiaohua carried her small teapot to the hall.

When I entered the tea room, the little eunuch who usually looked after the tea room was not there, and it was estimated that he was still drinking. There was a copper pot on the small stove that was boiling hot water. Xiaohua has boiled water on a small stove, and of course she knows how to fiddle.

After a while, the water boiled, Xiaohua poured the boiling water into her own pot, and then added some water to the copper pot. He turned down the small stove, carried his own small teapot, and went out.

As soon as they reached the gate of the palace, they saw King Jing coming back, followed by Fu Shun.

For a while, there was nowhere to hide the small teapot, Xiao Huagan smiled and knelt down on the spot to salute.

Sure enough, the two of them didn't say anything to her. King Jing went to the palace, but when Fushun walked to her side, he said, "Go and make a cup of tea for His Highness."


Xiaohua stuffed her small teapot in a random place and went to the tea room to make tea.

After making tea and serving it, no one spoke, and she didn't dare to leave, so she could only stand aside as a pillar.

The room was terribly quiet, King Jing seemed to be drinking too much, and kept rubbing his brows with his hands crooked there. King Jing's clothes today are very different from those in the past, and he is wearing a royal crown suit that is very majestic. Because of the drunkenness, his eyes are not as indifferent as before, and they look hazy. The usual light lip color looks extremely rich at this time, adding some enchanting colors.

Xiaohua knew that King Jing had always been good-looking, but at this moment, her heart was stagnant, and she quickly lowered her head.

Fu Shun waited attentively on the side, "Your Highness wake up with a sip of strong tea, is it a severe headache?"

King Jing couldn't drink enough, so every time there was a banquet in the mansion, he would get drunk once. However, he has a good taste of wine, and when he is drunk, he will only have a headache, and he will not lose his temper.

"Otherwise, the servant will serve you and rest?"

King Jing drank tea and sat for a while before standing up. Judging from his walking and demeanor, he didn't look like he was drunk at all.

Fushun wanted to lift his heels up, and saw Xiaohua with a pestle beside him.

"You too, come along and hold hands."

The little eunuchs who served King Jing on weekdays didn't know where they were going, and Xiaohua could only follow Fushun to the back hall.

This is the first time Xiaohua has come to the back hall of Jingtai Hall. The decorations in the hall are even luxurious, but it looks very low-key and atmosphere. All the way to the inner hall, there is a large bed, surrounded by purple embroidery. Dragon drapery.

King Jing stood in front of the bed, with his arms flat, and Fu Shun stood aside to remove the crown from King Jing's head, during which time he made gestures with his hands to let Xiao Hua go to undress King Jing.

This is the first time Xiaohua has served King Jing so closely. She is no stranger to undressing men. She has undressed the Fourth Young Master quite a few times in her past life. But somehow, when she put her hand on King Jing's belt, she felt a little awkward. There was a strong smell of alcohol between her nose and mouth and a faint manly smell, and she became nervous for no reason.

Xiaohua moved cautiously, and took off her clothes until only her underwear was left. King Jing sat on the edge of the couch, waiting for someone to take off her shoes. Xiaohua carefully stepped forward and knelt down and took off King Jing's boots.

As soon as he put down his boots, An Cheng appeared out of nowhere. He used a copper basin to hold a basin of water and put it at King Jing's feet, and then he stood beside him.

what does this mean

Xiaohua looked back, Fushun was standing far away with a smile on his face, An Cheng was not far away, but the attitude of others was obviously not ready to intervene.

Xiao Hua's eyes flickered, so she honestly took off King Jing's foot socks, put her feet in the copper basin, and began to wash his feet.

King Jing's feet are very large, compared with that, Xiaohua's hands are very small, only half of them. King Jing's feet were also very white. Xiaohua compared them, and they were a little whiter than her hands.

How could the servant's feet have not been washed, Xiaohua put her hands in the water and rubbed King Jing's feet thinly. Anyway, the feet of the masters are more fragrant than the hands of the slaves, and Xiaohua has nothing to resist at this time. And King Jing's feet didn't have any peculiar smell and were very clean.

After washing, the little eunuch next to him handed over the cotton handkerchief, and Xiaohua took the cotton handkerchief to dry the water on her feet.

After she was done, Xiaohua was out of breath, not tired, but too nervous.

She thought it would be okay, she could retreat back to the room and calm her frightened heart, but who knew that the drunk person suddenly said, "Pinch your back."

A thunderclap struck Xiaohua on top of her head, leaving her stunned.

King Jing was already posing on the couch, just waiting for the little flower.

Fushun coughed twice, and Xiaohua immediately approached as if she had been electrocuted.

She still wanted to struggle, but turned her head and said to Fu Shun with a look of embarrassment: "Manager Fu, the slaves still need to clean their hands."

She touched King Jing's feet just now, and he touched the back of someone who had touched his feet. If King Jing didn't hammer her to death, Fushun would hammer her to death.

Fu made a quick move, and two more little eunuchs came out with basins of water in their hands, and there was a waiter with a handkerchief on the side, and even balsam.

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly in her heart, feeling like she was being chased by a duck on the shelf. She washed and dried her hands, smeared balsam, took a deep breath, and came to the bed.

She didn't dare to see what King Jing looked like at this time, she rubbed her hands warm, and bent over on the edge of the bed and began to push and knead.

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's not the first time to do this, don't be nervous just because you changed places, there's nothing to be nervous about.

After soothing herself for a while, Xiaohua was no longer nervous and began to massage King Jing in earnest.

When Xiaohua gets serious, she will be very focused. After she finished pressing her back, it was extremely quiet next to her. She turned her head with a small gesture, and found that Fushun and the little eunuch around her had disappeared. The curtains were also lowered.