Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 43


The next day, Xiaohua hesitated for a while, but she still took the plunge and went to work.

Now in this situation, she really doesn't know how to feel good. Let's say she is just a small palace person, she has done something that is not a 'business', and now it is not a question of her willingness or not, but simply unable to resist.

After thinking about it, she simply broke the jar and didn't think about anything. Anyway, she never hoped to be favored, let alone fall out of favor. The worst result is just a life of loneliness, but she has even planned to let go of being a 'widow', so what else would she be afraid of.

No fear, no fear, and I don't know if that's what I'm talking about.

In fact, things have developed to this day, and Xiaohua has also figured it out a bit. She couldn't figure out why King Jing would recruit her to serve again. The first time it could be said to be drunk, the second time it could only be said to be fresh.

Well, there are still three days of fragrance in Xinmaokeng, so she can only think so with self-deprecating.

King Jing's face was still the same as before, and he didn't even give her a straight eye. Every time she sees King Jing's calm face, Xiao Hua feels that her heart is blocked.

Fu Shun smiled when he saw her, even in front of King Jing, she could see the silent smile on his face.

Xiaohua definitely couldn't give Fushun a face, even if she knew that she was in this predicament at this moment, most of them were fueled by this old man.

But she hadn't forgotten that this old man was not a simple old man, he was the head of the house of King Jing's mansion. Smiling, sweet and ruthless, this alone made Xiao Hua dare not offend him in the slightest.

How could Fushun not see Xiaohua's calm face with a puffy face, but he couldn't figure it out. Ordinary Xiaogong people can climb up to His Highness's couch, and they are all very happy. This is called Xiaohua. What the hell is the Xiaogongren angry about

Fushun was not in the mood to analyze Xiaohua's mentality, because for him, nothing was the key, the key was His Royal Highness's human relations. As for this little palace man, she couldn't possibly be unwilling, or it didn't matter to Fushun.

After Fushun's observation during this period of time, although this little flower's reaction is different from that of ordinary people, on the whole, she is still a very stable and general person.

Just a little too knowledgeable!

When other people are spoiled, they all want to be spoiled and spoiled, and various means of inviting pets are frequent, but she seems to be fine and doesn't say anything.

Fu Shun looked at the little flower who was standing there honestly as a pillar, and then looked at King Jing with a calm face over there.

Perhaps, His Highness likes this

Fushun didn't dare to speculate on things he was not sure about, so he had to leave it alone and do nothing else.

Xiaohua stayed beside King Jing in such a strange situation.

Said that she was a servant who served, and on weekdays, there was nothing to do except stand occasionally, serve tea, and serve a meal. Saying that she is not a servant, the eccentric King Jing recruits her to 'special service' from time to time.

The number of times is not much, it seems to add up to three times in more than a month.

These three times alone made Fushun almost smile on his face. When he was carrying King Jing, his eyes always turned to Xiaohua's belly, and he wished that a little grandson would pop out of it.

Xiaohua has always been a person who goes with the flow. If she can't resist, just be honest. Don't say anything, don't mention anything, let her do whatever she wants.

She has never been able to understand or see through the eccentric King Jing.

He was usually taciturn, and he didn't know what he was thinking. She served her several times, and he hardly spoke to her, just did it. But Xiaohua could still see that this King Jing was a little different from the usual one on the couch. Although his face was still expressionless, he could feel a little enthusiasm.

Sometimes Xiaohua also has a depressed mood, feeling that she is a tool to vent her desires. But in an instant, I stopped thinking about it, thinking about it will only make my heart uncomfortable, what else can I do

During this period, Hu Liangyi suddenly came and gave Xiaohua a pulse.

It was said that it was the last time he was poisoned to check the recovery situation. At that time, King Jing and Fushun were not there, and it was Xiao Qinzi who brought people in.

After Hu Liangyi took the pulse, there was no problem, and the person left.

Xiaohua thought that was the case when the doctor saw a doctor, but she didn't take it to heart.


It got colder day by day, it started to snow the day before yesterday, and it has not stopped until now.

The temperature outside was terribly low, but there were earth dragons burning in the Jingtai Hall, but they couldn't feel the cold.

At this time it was already dark outside. After King Jing finished his dinner, he went to the study to read a book.

King Jing sat behind the book desk, holding a volume of books to read, with Fushun standing beside him, and Xiaohua standing in the corner of the study with her head down.

When the book in his hand was finished, King Jing glanced at Fu Shun beside him, and Fu Shun immediately went to the bookshelf and picked up another one. Under normal circumstances, if King Jing didn't speak, it means that he can take any book at will.

Fushun handed him the one in his hand, and the man turned back and stood with his head bowed. It's true that the person is standing, but those old eyes are staring at the book in King Jing's hand.

King Jing didn't pay attention to the book cover, and opened it at will, but who knew that there were no words inside.

He flipped it a few times and raised his eyes meaningfully, just in time to bump into Fushun's twinkling old eyes.

"Hehe, does Your Highness want tea?" Fushun asked with a dry smile. In his heart, he sighed, it's really not easy for him to be a slave, and he has to worry about it. Seeing that His Highness had been silent for ten days, Fushun began to think carefully again.

Xiaohua heard this and went to the pantry.

King Jing's eyes made Fu Shun a little restless, but he was always thick-skinned, so he stood up for a while, then said, "That girl Xiao Hua is too slow, I'll urge you."

Fushun went out in front, and Xiaohua came in behind. He didn't see Fushun and didn't think much, so he served the tea and put it on the right side of the desk.

He glanced at the bookcase at random, and when he took a closer look, his face turned red with a swipe.

"Huh?" Even involuntarily surprised.

When the voice came out, she hurriedly lowered her eyes and was about to walk away with a hand wrapped around her slender waist.

"Your Highness?"

At this time, Xiaohua's delicate little face was full of blush, and her eyes didn't dare to look directly at King Jing, flickering and flickering.

Her heart skipped a beat, and Xiaohua was no stranger to that book.

In the last life, the four young masters had a romantic nature, and like other young masters, they would also collect a few fire avoidance maps, and also talk about the treasures that were madly passed down among the literati.

I didn't expect that His Royal Highness King Jing, who looked serious on the surface, would actually read this!

She didn't have time to think about it any more, and she was carried into her arms. A large hand stretched into the placket, and the trousers under the skirt were also clumsily unbuttoned.


Xiaohua's head was completely blown up. His eyes moved up, and he met King Jing's calm face and indifferent eyes.

How could he do this!

By the time she reacted, the person had already been seated on her lap.

"Your Highness, I can't do it here, ah..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was pushed back.

King Jing was actually not so impulsive. After reading the book, he still felt that the old man Fushun was really busy.

But the little palace man accidentally saw the shy look of the book, but it reminded him of the taste of the previous days. I also thought that the picture just now was of someone who was looking for fun in the study, and I couldn't help but get a little restless, so I wanted to try it.

Once you try it, you get hooked.

He looked at the charming and charming appearance of the little palace man on his body, and his loving eyes seemed to be dripping with water.

In his last life, he had been very indifferent to this thing, and in addition to eating fast food and chanting Buddha all the year round, he was even more indifferent. It's not that he doesn't want to, he always thinks that it's inconvenient at times, and it's too troublesome to go around to the backyard, plus he always refuses to go to the backyard in his heart, so he stopped thinking about it.

It was a complete coincidence for this little palace man.

I drank wine that day, and was moved by her rubbing, so I didn't want to endure it any longer before I wanted her. The next few times, I was also a little worried that she was just close. Anyway, she already asked for it, so King Jing didn't plan to restrain himself any more.

King Jing felt that he had always restrained himself quite well, but he couldn't help but break down on her. Especially at this time, looking at the picture, it was on such an occasion that he had never seen it before, which made him even more excited.

I don't know if King Jing did it on purpose or not. Xiaohua was adjusted by him, and the open book was under her eyelids. Seeing what was drawn in the book, thinking of her current posture, and feeling the movement behind her, Xiao Hua's brain exploded into a large piece of dazzling white.

In the end, Xiaohua didn't know how she got out of the study. All she knew was that she pulled up her clothes and pushed people away before running away.

He didn't even think about who he was pushing, King Jing didn't say anything when he saw that he was running away, but quietly sorted out his clothes.

After Xiaohua left, Fushun appeared out of nowhere after a while.

"That girl Xiaohua doesn't know where she went. The old slave went out to look around and didn't see it. It's really unruly..." Fushun lowered his head and muttered in his mouth.

I didn't think my reason was ridiculous at all, I went out to find a palace servant for more than half an hour, you lied to the ghost.

King Jing glanced at him, his white jade-like face was still flushed with a hint of aftertaste, and there was no expression on his face, "Stop pretending."

Fushun smirked, blinked his old eyes, and said a few words about the weather today, the moon outside, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

He coughed and cleared his throat, "This old slave thinks that Xiaohua is a good girl, and she is doing her duty. Since His Highness did not plan to arrange her in the backyard, why don't I arrange a room for her in the temple? Alas, outside here It's getting colder and colder, and there are no earth dragons in the palace room, so don't freeze this little girl. It's fine if you don't give people a name, and let people live in such a simple place as the palace room, let's talk about it Others will say that our King Jing's mansion is harsh on people..."

King Jing didn't listen any more, gave Fu Shun a rare look, stood up and walked out.

A voice floated far away.

"what ever."

What was left was Fushun's smirk.

The rest really followed Fushun. He arranged Xiaohua's room in a small room in the hall, very close to the back bedroom where King Jing rested, almost next to each other, just at the corner.

The room is not big, but it is very delicately furnished, and the furnishings are very gorgeous.

When she heard that Fushun was going to arrange her to live in the palace, Xiaohua was a little at a loss. Originally wanted to refuse, but who knew that Fu Shun had an old face, saying that it was arranged by His Highness, and then ignored her.

Xiaohua could only pack up her things and move in.

As soon as Xiaohua moved away, Chuncao was left alone in the palace room where she and Chuncao lived.

Who would have known that Chuncao was still very happy. He didn't say anything, but his eyes were full of encouragement. All I have to do is say to Xiaohua, Sister Xiaohua, come on, I am optimistic about you.

Xiaohua lived in Jingtai Hall like this. At first, she was not used to it. Later, she found that except for moving a place, there was no difference, so she got used to it.

On weekdays, it should be a bad job, and it will be worth the next value, just change the place to sleep at night.

But it's still a little different, because sometimes when I was about to rest at night, there was suddenly one more person in the room.

That person didn't feel like this was her room at all, very casual. Of course, it doesn't come every day. It comes every seven or eight days. When you come, you will stay here for the night, and people won't leave.

Sometimes Xiaohua can't help but wonder what she is now. She feels that there is only one word to describe her.

I didn't expect to mess around. I was a passer in my last life, and I'm also a passer in this life. The only thing that is better than my previous life is that this Jingtai Hall is very quiet, there is no dispute, and no one is fighting with her.