Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 47


Xier came to look for Xiaohua from that time, and then came twice again.

One time it happened that in the morning, King Jing was in the room, and Xiao Qinzi didn't dare to come to report, so he let the little eunuch guarding the door send him away. The second time was when the little eunuch guarding the door went to report that he was scolded by Xiao Qinzi, and threw her away directly.

Xi'er is here again.

When the little eunuch saw her, he frowned, "Why are you here again? I told you last time that I was scolded, so hurry up and don't come again."

Xi'er's face froze, and then she burst into a smile.

"This brother, I really have something to do with Miss Xiaohua, can you help me? I have a very good relationship with Miss Xiaohua in the past. If she knows that I am looking for her, she will definitely meet me. Please help me. ."

The little eunuch's face was full of embarrassment. Seeing this, Xi'er said again, "I will talk to the little girl at that time, and the little girl will also thank you very much."

This little eunuch is from the Jingtai Hall. Although she is a gatekeeper, she also knows that Miss Xiaohua is His Highness's new favorite. Although there is no status for the time being, it is not difficult to have a status in the future, let alone someone who is protected by Duke Fu. If it weren't for this consideration, he wouldn't have been reporting to Xi'er one after another.

Everyone wants to make progress, and this little eunuch is no exception, so he hesitated even more when he heard the latter sentence.

If you have a chance, you can't let it go. Seeing the shaky face of the little eunuch, Xi'er worked harder. She stuffed something into the little eunuch's hand and said, "This brother, I'm really bothering you. You can rest assured that you won't suffer any loss by doing this."

The little eunuch hesitated for a while before saying, "Wait, I'll ask." Then he told a little eunuch next to him to let him watch.

After a while, the little eunuch came out.

"Wait, the little girl will be here in a while."

Xier came several times and said she wanted to see her, and Xiaohua knew it. She didn't report it the first two times, but she only found out afterward.

She is idle today, who knows that Xi'er will come again.

Is there really something wrong with her? After all, they used to be in the same room. Although there were some contradictions in the middle, Xi'er didn't do anything after all. After several visits, Xiaohua decided to see her and see what happened to her.

When they arrived at the gate of Jingtai Palace, in the distance, they saw Xi'er dressed in the clothes of a little palace man.

People seem to be thinner than before, and their temperament seems to have changed.

"Xi'er, what's the matter with you?"

Xi'er looked at the little flower who came over, her eyes flashed again and again.

Today Xiaohua is wearing a small jacket with a dark pattern of camellias embroidered on a moon-white background, and underneath is a satin skirt with willow yellow embroidered bamboo and blue cloud patterns. The winter clothes I changed this time are much better than the clothes Fushun prepared in the past, and it can be seen from the fabric.

In particular, Xiaohua has been looking very good recently, and she just came out of the palace. The ground dragon was burning in Jingtai's palace as warm as spring, and Xiaohua's fair face was still slightly flushed. The skin seems to be able to ooze water with a pinch, and the attitude is relaxed.

"I, um, I thought I haven't seen you for a long time, so I'll come to see if you're doing well recently."

In contrast, Xi'er was thinner than before. The small round face in the past has lost a lot of weight, the eyes are bigger, and the skin is white with a bit of yellow air, and the whole person seems to be lacking in energy.

good or not? This question is too deep.

Xiaohua didn't think too much, and said in the same tone as before: "Is there any good or bad, it's still the same as before."

"I see that everyone calls you Little Flower Girl."

Xiaohua paused for a while, and said as usual: "It's everyone's attention, after all, when I serve His Highness in the palace, even if I was a maid in other rich families, those who serve next to the master will be looked at by others. "

"I think you've changed too much. Did Eunuch Fu let you serve His Highness?"

Xiaohua raised her eyes and glanced at Xi'er, seeing that her face was dark and inexplicable, her eyes were flashing, and she felt annoyed in her heart for no reason. She regretted why she came out to see her, and Xi'er came to inquire about this.

She smiled and blinked, "What did you say? I have been serving His Highness in the hall, and the errands were also arranged by Eunuch Fu."

Xi'er wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xiaohua, "Is this what you came to me to say? I thought there was something wrong."

Xiaohua's tone was very cold, and the meaning of sending a guest was strong, and Xi'er naturally heard it.

"No, it's nothing, I just thought we used to be in the same room after all, come and see you."

"Oh, then thank you for your concern. If there is nothing else, I will go in. As a servant of the Xiaogong, you know that you have no freedom in terms of freedom. It's cold outside, so you should go back early."

"Okay, okay, then I'm leaving."

Xiaohua turned around and entered, while Xier left quickly.

Walking into the distance, a man dressed as a palace servant was waiting for her.

The palace servant himself had been staring at the palace gate of Jingtai Palace from a distance, and asked about the conversation between them, so Xier quickly went back to the needle and thread, and he left quickly.

Changchun Courtyard.

Chunxiang has been waiting for the person to come back, and after seeing the person coming back and asking carefully, she went to the main room.

She explained the details reported by the people below to Princess Jing, and then stood silently and silently.

The matter has come to the present, it is already very clear, and it is indeed as they thought at the time.

Although he couldn't see through the inside, at least from the reactions of others and what the people below saw, it could be judged that this little palace man named Xiao Hua really served King Jing.

What happened now, Princess Jing didn't know. Anyway, Jingtai Hall didn't reveal the information about adding people to the backyard. Princess Jing estimated the time, and felt a little irritable, because she didn't know what was going on inside, and she was even more annoyed.

The tea cups smashed on the ground, and the frequency of broken tea cups in Changchun courtyard has been on the rise these days.

"No, I have to think of a way to do this, I have to think of a way." Princess Jing stood up and walked around the room nervously. Suddenly he said again, "Mommy, you must not let her husband have children, absolutely not."

"Okay, okay, mammy think of a way, so many of us have our hearts and minds, we must be able to come up with a good way."

Xiaohua was about to enter the temple, but after thinking about it, she turned back.

Find the little eunuch guarding the gate just now at the palace gate, "This father-in-law is good."

"Hello, Miss Xiaohua." The little eunuch who helped Xi'er reported to her was full of smiles, a little flattered.

Could it be that the little girl is going to promote him

"I want you to do me a favor."

"Little flower girl, you said, the little ones who can help must be willing to do anything."

"That's it, the little palace man came back just now, how about you push her for me?" Xiaohua's face was a little hesitant, and she was hesitant to say anything.

The little eunuch turned his head quickly, and quickly realized that the relationship between Xi'er and Miss Xiaohua was not very harmonious. For a while, he was stunned and cursed himself for being stupid.

One can think of it, one was transferred out and the other was left to serve His Highness, how could the relationship be good.

"It's all my fault that Xiao Xiao listened to her nonsense. She said that she has a good relationship with you and that I will help you to report if I have something to do with you. If I knew this earlier, Xiao Xiao would definitely not give her any convenience."

Xiaohua speculates about Xier's intention in her heart, but she can't figure it out. Seeing the nervous look on the face of the little eunuch in front of him again, he reassured and said, "It's okay, I used to be in the same room with her. Next time she comes again, just push it for me, and you don't need to report in again."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Seeing Xiao Hua's back, the little eunuch wiped away his cold sweat and scolded that Xi'er for cheating, and made up his mind to scold her if she came again later.


Fushun did not go out with King Jing this time.

It was cold and snowing outside, and Fushun was getting old, so King Jing left him in King Jing's mansion.

After King Jing left the mansion, Fu took a rest by the way. When he was bored, he began to worry about things that he should not worry about.

"It's a lot of times, why hasn't that girl moved?"

This morning, Fu Shun was in the small kitchen talking to Mammy He about this. Because he felt he was speaking a secret, and emptied the kitchen.

Mammy He's face froze, "It's not like you don't know, Your Highness, it's so fast."

"I don't think it's normal, but I've counted it. It's been seven or eight times this October, and once this November."

Mammy He sighed in her heart, and said with her face as usual: "That girl is young, and it's not long since she came here, so it won't be so fast."

"Is that so?"

In exchange for this, Mammy He glanced at it, "Do you understand or I understand?"

Fushun scratched his chin and smiled dryly, "It must be Mammy, you understand." This old lady had served the imperial concubine before, and she knew more about women than him.

"Okay, Xiaohua's little girl's life is a little rough. I'm taking care of her, so don't worry, there will be good news in a short time. This matter can't be rushed."

Mammy He said it lightly, but she still revealed a little bit, but she didn't tell Fushun the truth.

Xiaohua is not only a bad day, but very bad. Even if Mammy He doesn't know medical skills, just based on her clichés that Xiaohua didn't come to King Jing's mansion, she knew that she must have suffered when she was a child, which caused the mild palace cold now.

She has a way to deal with this, but she just needs time to take it slow.

She knew what Fushun was thinking, which was why she didn't tell Fushun the truth, but only vaguely revealed a sentence.

After getting along with that girl a lot, she also likes Xiaohua a little bit, so she will inevitably protect a little bit. She was really afraid of revealing the truth. Fushun was disgusted by Xiaohua, who felt that she was useless or couldn't wait. Xiaohua would become an abandoned child. After all, there was no movement from His Highness to see how to arrange that girl.

Abandoned child, she had seen too many women in the palace who had become abandoned children for various reasons. She really didn't want to see that girl fall to that level.

But Fushun is a good person, and Mammy He also knows it.

So she didn't dare to tell the whole truth, but she didn't dare not to reveal it, she could only say it lightly and with a superficial attitude. In this way, even if Fushun finds out in the future, at most, she will only think that she has neglected the actual situation for a while. After all, Mammy He is a palace servant and not a doctor.

If you don't know, it's better, and it can be regarded as buying Xiaohua some time.

This Mammy He is really well-intentioned.

"Then you can take good care of her. The girl is only fourteen, so it shouldn't be that fast. If you need any herbs or something, just tell Chang Shun directly, these are not lacking."

Mammy He laughed and teased, "That's up to you."

"Our family doesn't ask for anything, as long as we can see the birth of a child of His Highness. Alas, I don't know what His Highness thinks." Fu Shun sighed, sighing on his face, and then said with self-deprecating: " It can be said that His Highness is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is in a hurry."

Mammy He didn't speak, her eyes were faintly complicated.