Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 54


The next day, Xiaohua got up very early, and after having breakfast, she was ready to go to Changchun Courtyard in full armour.

The weather in Jingzhou is very cold, especially in winter. The snow season is very long. It always feels like the snow on the ground has not yet melted, and it starts to snow again. When Xiaohua was still having breakfast in the house, she heard Ding Lan say that it was snowing outside.

Xiaohua put on a small jacket and wrapped the cloak that Lilac had made yesterday. The cloak was velvety and fur. Holding a stove in his hand, wearing Tang wood sandals on his feet, and Lilac holding a green silk oil umbrella on the side, he doesn't feel cold outside.

The East Third Courtyard and the West Third Courtyard are one in the east and the other in the west. There is a long distance from the West Third Courtyard to the East Third Courtyard. Xiaohua seldom wears tang clogs in the past, not to mention that it was a snowy day, so she walked very slowly.

When she arrived at Changchun Courtyard, Xiaohua found that everyone had arrived, but she was the last to come.

She took off her outer cloak and sandals under the porch, and gave Lilac the stove. When they arrived in the hall, they respectfully greeted Princess Jing who was sitting at the top and Princess Qiao who was sitting at the top left.

"Please don't take offense, princess, the maid is late."

These etiquettes and etiquettes were all told by Lilac when she was chatting with her in the past two days. In King Jing’s mansion, apart from the princess and the concubine Qiao, concubines like Mrs. should call themselves concubines in front of the high-ranking concubines. This little flower can, but the posture of the salute here is more elaborate. Lilac said a few words, and she understood.

Princess Jing was wearing a red jacket with engraved silk peony blossoms today, with a smile all over her face and a very kind look. I just forgot to call, as if looking at Xiaohua.

Xiaohua was wearing a very simple dress today, with a light peach red narrow-sleeved jacket and a moon-white satin skirt. Good-looking is good-looking, and when I am young, I wear everything I wear, but it looks much simpler than the others in this hall.

And Xiaohua is also dressed very plainly, which refers to the jewelry she wears.

According to Lilac, a concubine with a rank like a wife will send extra jewelry every season. Xiaohua has just been promoted to his wife, and she also got the jewelry, just two gold hairpins, a pair of jade bracelets, and two pairs of earrings. , certainly can not be compared with the accumulation of several other people who have been the wife and concubine of King Jing for many years.

Especially today, I don't know if these people are intentional or unintentional. All of them are wearing gold and jade, and they are very gorgeously dressed. It is not a problem for Princess Jing and Concubine Qiao, and the other two jade ladies are also extremely rich.

Compared with the two, Xiaohua is really shabby.

A slight contempt flashed in Wang Fei Jing's eyes, Concubine Qiao Fang couldn't hear the meaning, and Yu Rong said it directly.

"Sister Hua is really dressed up, hasn't she been serving in Jingtai Hall for a while?"

Yu Jiao smiled and continued, but she said to Ji Feng, "You're true, why do you say that, there are several types of waiters, and those who are not favored are also useless."

Princess Jing coughed lightly, and seemed to realize that she hadn't screamed, and said with an expression on her face, "Sister, hurry up and sit down, this princess was a little stunned when she saw her beautiful appearance."

Following her, she said softly, 'Yes, too plain', and turned to Chunxiang, who was beside him, and said with a smile, "I'll pick out a few pieces of jewelry that this princess didn't use in the past, and Madam Hua will bring it with her when she leaves." He smiled at Xiaohua and said, "Sister, don't dislike it."

"The princess's things are good, and it's too late for the maid and concubine to thank you."

With just these few words, Xiaohua could see the secret plan. But before she came, she was mentally prepared, and she didn't show any emotions like resentment. As for not being called up, let alone the fact that what you could learn from the school was not fake.

She half-blinded her eyes, pursed her lips and smiled. Smile so that people neither feel flattered nor rude. It's just that there is a little less enthusiasm in her voice, telling everyone that she is not as grateful as she said, but it makes people unable to pick out any faults.

After all, what is expressed in this voice has to be experienced carefully. If you hear it, you will understand what she means, and if you can't hear it, you can't say anything.

Xiaohua secretly looked at the women who needed to be in constant contact with in the future, and the people in the hall were not looking at her. In just this short time, Princess Jing and Concubine Qiao Fei felt that Madam Hua was not an easy one. Yurong Yujiao's two idiots were so naked, naked, and sneering, this lady flower could be so steady at fifteen, and she behaved in a polite and disciplined manner, making it impossible for people to choose.

What they didn't know was that Xiaohua had heard a lot of ridicule, ridicule and insults in her two lifetimes, and Yu Jiao Yurong's two paragraph numbers were really not high for her.

Lilac has been standing in the back, seeing Madam Hua's performance, she is relieved.

She originally thought that Mrs. Hua was young and had little knowledge. This is the first time she met this kind of greeting, and she probably couldn't hold back her anger and quarreled with others.

Seeing her in the past two days, she has always had a silent and tacit attitude, and she also speculated that she is not assertive. From her performance today, it can be seen that she is well-intentioned.

Princess Jing said something like 'to serve Your Highness well, and to be a person'. Xiaohua also respectfully said, 'Yes, thank you Princess for teaching' and other dialogues.

During this period, Xiaohua took a seat below, and the palace servants serving in the house made tea for each master and placed them on the flower table at hand.

After Princess Jing's scene was finished, it was a little cold for a while.

Concubine Qiao kept sitting there smiling, not speaking, and her expression was unclear, but Yu Jiao spoke again, "Sister is said to be a palace servant who sold herself into the palace, where is her home?"

Both belong to the same rank, but Yujiao is a few years older than Xiaohua, so she can be called a younger sister.

Xiaohua saw that she was born cute and beautiful, her skin was fair and beautiful, but her face was full of obvious sarcasm, she smiled and said, "Yes, the concubine sold herself into the mansion, and she had no home. When there was a flood in my hometown, it was sold by my family.”

The main room was extremely quiet for a moment, and it was estimated that no one could imagine that Madam Hua would say such a thing.

Generally, people from low backgrounds have gained power once, and wished that everyone in the world would not know what their background was. Yujiao also thought about this, and wanted to embarrass her a little, but she didn't expect others to be so big without any scruples. Strictly said.

Xiaohua naturally understood what Mrs. Yujiao meant, the embarrassment was never given by others, but by herself. She was originally from a lowly background, and these people probably all touched her bottom, so why bother to cover up and make jokes.

It's a pity that she didn't understand this truth in her previous life. Many people fought tit for tat because of this matter, and she came back to life again in this life. When encountering such a situation, Xiaohua chose to show it generously.

Seeing that the hall was extremely quiet at this time, she slightly curled the corner of her lower lip.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall was a little stagnant, Princess Jing said, "I have been reluctant to drink the new good tea that this princess has acquired. I will bring it out to entertain all the sisters today. Let's all try it."

Generally, when you are embarrassed, you can use the behavior of drinking tea to cover up. Otherwise, you are embarrassed, and staring at small eyes will only make it more embarrassing, and a movement interrupt can also eliminate the embarrassing atmosphere.

Yujiao borrowed the donkey under the slope to pick up the tea cup and sip it lightly. Several people in the hall did the same.

Xiaohua also picked up the tea cup, and seemed to think about something, put it down again, and said, "My concubine, I heard that the princess once said that elder sister Yujiao is a noble person from the palace, and the palace must be very luxurious." With a little bit of envy in it.

Concubine Qiao raised her eyebrows and smiled meaningfully. When Concubine Jing saw Xiao Hua's movements, her eyes darkened and she put down the tea cup in her hand.

Yu Jiao put the tea cup down, gave Xiao Hua a sarcastic look, and said, "The royal aura of the imperial palace is something that someone from a humble background like you can't see..." After speaking sarcastically, she began to tell how the imperial palace was. The solemn, solemn and luxurious style and so on, a look of pride and disdain.

Xiaohua also put on a very serious attitude.

Yu Rong wanted to cover her face, but she didn't know how to interrupt Yu Jiao's words.

The smile on Concubine Qiao's face was even bigger, but it was a little mocking.

When Yujiao finally finished describing what she could say, she heard Xiaohua say something over there, "Sister Yujiao is so familiar with the palace, her family must belong to the palace."

Yu Jiao who said these words choked on the spot.

How could it be that the family belonged to the palace? Everyone knew that the palace staff were chosen from the people to the palace.

In the Daxi Dynasty, there was a selection system, and the royal staff were all selected from the good family women of innocence. Generally, a better family would not send their daughters to the palace to serve people in the moment. The palace staff can only be released from the palace when they are over twenty-five years old. By that time, they are usually old girls who are not very easy to marry.

On the other hand, if you enter the palace and become a palace servant, no matter what kind of good people and pariah you are, you are all servants who serve others.

The meaning of Xiaohua's words is very obvious. Aren't you mocking me for being a servant girl? Are you not? It's just that her way is a little more obscure, not as straightforward as Yu Jiao just now.

But it was because of her sarcastic manner that she really slapped her face when she said 'the family must belong to the palace' at this time.

Yujiao just didn't have any brains, but she wasn't stupid either, she reacted on the spot.


Relying on her young age, short knowledge and shallow eyelids, Xiaohua blinked her 'ignorant' eyes and said, "Could it be that Sister Yujiao doesn't belong to the Imperial Palace?"

Don't you look down on her from a lowly background and have no knowledge? She really has no knowledge.

Yujiao was suffocated again.

Princess Jing came out to smooth things out, "Okay, okay, this is King Jing's mansion in Jingzhou, what are you doing so far away, drink tea and drink tea."

This is the second time Princess Jing has talked about drinking tea. The person who wanted to borrow the donkey from the slope took the ladder, but Xiao Hua still didn't move the tea cup on the flower table, and sat there with her eyes half down.

"Mrs. Hua doesn't like drinking tea?" Princess Jing asked with a smile, unconsciously dipping the tea soup with the bowl cover in her hand.

Xiaohua smiled, but she said a little embarrassedly: "My maid and concubine are not very good at drinking this. When I was a servant in the past, where can I drink any kind of tea, it's all drinking water. Move it to the yard. There is also tea in the case, but unfortunately the maid and concubine can’t sleep at night, so she no longer drinks tea. The princess’ tea is good tea, but it’s a pity that the maid and concubine don’t have any blessings to share.”

Princess Jing snorted and stopped talking.

After a while, Princess Jing put down the tea cup in her hand and said, "It's been so long, this princess won't stay with you. It's snowing outside, so be careful on the road."

Only then did the few people sitting at the bottom stand up, bowed to Princess Jing again, and then retreated.

After leaving the house and under the porch, Lilac and Ding Lan served Xiaohua and put on their cloaks. The temperature of the hand stove was not too hot, but it was still a little hot, so Xiaohua held it in their hands.

Putting on Tang clogs and opening the green silk umbrella, Xiao Hua took Lilac and the two out of Changchun Courtyard.

From Changchun Courtyard, there are two ways to go back to the residence of Xiaohua West Courtyard. One is from the front of Jingtai Palace, the other is from the back. The distance from the back is farther. Lilac sees the snow outside. When she got older, she carefully supported Xiaohua and walked from the nearest road.

"Madam is really amazing. I saw Madam Yujiao's face turned purple just now." Ding Lan said aside.

Xiaohua chuckled lightly, noncommittal, "I can't help it, I can't let people slap in the face, and I won't return it."

Actually, Xiaohua still understands who can provoke and who can't. In other words, Princess Jing and Concubine Qiao Fang said this today, so she could only bear it.

But Yujiao, with the same rank, is still not favored. Since she dares to come out and rush to the front, she naturally wants to show her attitude.

That is to be respectful enough, but also to tell everyone that he is not a soft persimmon.

If you change your identity, you can't handle things like you used to, you can't just give in and you can't give up.

Xiaohua fell into her own contemplation, and the tiny snowflakes rustled. The air contains a coolness that penetrates into the heart, and breathing into the lungs makes the brain extraordinarily awake.

Lilac suddenly said from the side: "Madam, it seems to be Your Highness over there."

The author has something to say: In the title, Princess Jing is not a very smart person, and it should be seen from the front. Xiaohua is not stupid, ~(≧▽≦)/~. For the past two days, I have been watching everyone worrying about Xiao Huahua's situation. In fact, I want to say that Princess Jing really has no advantage except for the suppression of her identity. If you think about it carefully, you can understand that, first, the internal affairs are not in the hands of Princess Jing, but in the hands of Aunt Qi, and second, they are not favored.