Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 83


On this day, cloves came to get the tonic soup.

When the small kitchen got the letter, Aunt He put a small black sand jar into a small basket and handed it to Aunt Meng.

Although Aunt Meng and Aunt He did not have the names of masters and students, their ability to cook meals was taught by Aunt He, so the two have always been close, and Aunt Meng can be regarded as a person that Aunt He trusted very much. On weekdays, I would deliver soup to the western courtyard. Obviously, I could just ask a little eunuch to help me, but Aunt He never let it go in the hands of others, and Aunt Meng went there in person.

Those who came out of the palace have always been cautious.

Aunt Meng went to the entrance of Jingtai Hall, gave Lilac the basket in her hand, and took a basket from Lilac that she had taken away yesterday.

"I'm bothering Aunt Meng again."

"What's the trouble with this, let's go."

After Lilac left, Aunt Meng turned around and entered the door.

Before taking two steps, she saw a small palace person walking towards her.

The little palace man was young, about fourteen years old, wearing a pink jacket and a moon-white pleated skirt. The face of melon seeds, a pair of large and flickering peach eyes, pink cherry mouth, narrow waist, slender like a willow.

Seeing those eyes, Aunt Meng thought of what Xiaodouzi said yesterday, and her heart was right.

It's not that Aunt Meng hasn't seen these people, but she hasn't had close contact with them, so she took a look at them. At this time, it happened to meet head-on, and it was clear to see.

A thought flashed through her mind, and it was very similar.

But it's just eyes, and they look like gods.

Aunt Meng walked over without making a sound, and the Xiao Gongren glanced at her with curiosity in her eyes.

Seeing the old palace servant walking by, Qianxi walked to the palace gate and saw the little eunuch guarding the gate with a sweet smile on her face.

"Eunuch Little Li, who is that aunt? Why do slaves see her coming here every day to deliver things outside?"

"That's Aunt Meng from the small kitchen, who is bringing tonic soup to Madam Hua."

Qianxi was puzzled and said with a smile on her face: "Who is Madam Hua, why does Aunt Meng send her soup?"

Xiao Li Zi glanced at her, with a lukewarm expression on her face: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, who is Mrs. Hua? Of course you can find out. I've said it a few times, Eunuch Fu has an order, no The above allows you, the little palace people, not to leave the palace gate of Jingtai Palace, so don’t always come here when you have nothing to do.”

"Oh, thank you Eunuch Li for your pointer."

Qianxi smiled timidly, and turned her head to reveal a hint of anger.


Lilac took the meal back.

After Ding Lan and Chuncao had prepared their meal, they went down to eat, leaving only Cloves to serve the meal.

"Ma'am, drink some soup before dinner."

Lilac opened the lid of the small sand jar, took a small white porcelain bowl while talking, and scooped out most of the bowl with a spoon.

Xiaohua took it and drank it with a small spoon.

"Well... Mammy's craftsmanship is getting better and better, this soup is really fragrant." She squinted her eyes in enjoyment, and the corners of her slightly raised eyes were half-squinted.

Lilac let out a light whimper, and Xiaohua looked up.

"Madam, look."

I saw a piece of oil paper the size of a thumb belly stuck on the back of the lid of the small sand jar. The cloves picked it up with her hands, and the piece of oil paper fell off. It turned out that the piece of oil paper was stuck to the lid with a small lump of dough.

The oiled paper was folded, the cloves were opened, and a very small piece of paper was found inside.

Xiaohua put down the bowl in her hand and took it.

There are a few small words written on the note, come to the small kitchen.

The tonic soup was sent by Mammy He, and the crock pot came from the small kitchen, so this small note was handed over from the small kitchen.

Xiaohua thought of Mammy He for a moment.

Lilac turned over the oiled paper again and said, "Madam, there is nothing else."

"It's okay, this should be what Mother He handed me."

But why not say it directly, but in this way? Xiaohua and Lilac also flashed this thought in their hearts, and there were doubts in their eyes.

"Take it and burn it, just treat it as nothing."

Xiaohua said, holding a small white porcelain bowl in her hand.


While eating, Xiaohua has been thinking about this question for a long time, and she can't think of why.

Mammy He definitely couldn't hand her such words for no reason. Everyone knew how difficult it was for people to enter outside the gate of Jingtai Hall, so there must be a reason.

But what is the reason


King Jing came back from the front yard, and when he walked to the alley of Jingtai Hall, he turned his feet and walked towards the west courtyard.

"Your Highness, are you not going back to Jingtai Hall?" Fushun asked in a low voice.

King Jing has not returned to Jingtai Hall for several days, so it is no wonder that Fushun is impatient.

King Jing didn't say a word, just walked forward. All the way to the west courtyard, Chunmei was about to go in to report, but was stopped by King Jing's slightly raised hand.

Xiaohuawo was flipping through the books on the kang, and when she heard the movement outside, she was about to get up to meet him when she saw King Jing walk in, and raised her hand to stop herself from getting off the kang, and sat down by the edge of the kang.

"His Royal Highness." There was some joy in Xiao Huamei's eyes, especially King Jing's recent thoughtful actions, which made her heart feel sweet.

King Jing touched Xiao Hua's hair, but his expression did not move, but his eyes softened.

"Did Your Highness come back from the front yard? Are you going to leave later? If you don't leave, the concubine will ask them to bring the clothes they wear in the house. It's always uncomfortable to wear the clothes outside the house."

"Don't go."

Hearing this, the smile on Xiao Hua's face grew even bigger.

Lilac brought King Jing's homely clothes in the west courtyard, as well as a pair of silk shoes with extremely soft uppers.

Xiaohua got off the kang, and served King Jing without pretending that she changed his clothes outside. He was about to squat down to take off his boots and change his shoes, but King Jing held him back.

Lilac's eyes were good. Seeing this, she hurried over and knelt down and took off her boots for King Jing.

After a while, Ding Lan served tea, and the servants of the palace filed out.

King Jing doesn't like to have a lot of people around him, and when Xiaohua and King Jing get along, there are people around him who will be restrained. Over time, when two people get along, no one will be kept in the house, including Fushun after he came to the West Courtyard. You can also move freely.

Xiaohua gave King Jing the seat she had just occupied, and after placing King Jing on the kang, she sat down by herself.

King Jing touched her hair, and she rubbed his fingers back. The expression is very subtle, but the atmosphere between them is very good. Although Xiaohua looks at King Jing, her eyes are still so indifferent, but she can always catch something that makes her happy.

King Jing kept the books he liked to read by his hand, and he picked up one and turned it over. Xiaohua sat aside with a piece of clothes in her hand, and occasionally King Jing would look up at her and see the moon-white tunic, and she would be in a good mood.

"Is it really good to wear this coat without embroidering something?"

In particular, each of His Royal Highness's middle clothes is so delicate that it looks ordinary, but from the dark lines on the cuffs, it can be seen that it is made by the kind of embroidered mother with excellent craftsmanship. Looking at the one in his hand, Xiao Hua felt a sense of shame every time.

King Jing didn't speak, but touched her hand.

"Okay, the maid will not ask you any more, as long as you think it's okay." After a while of silence, Xiaohua said: "Forget it, the maid should still embroider some patterns on the cuffs. Don't dislike it." After thinking about it, she still felt that it was the case.

King Jing seemed to hear the apprehension in her tone, and touched her hair again.

The sense of shame and anxiety disappeared immediately, Xiaohua's half-drooped face smiled even more, and she buried her head and continued to sew seriously.

After doing it for a while, Xiaohua glanced at the hourglass on the cabinet beside her, and more than half an hour had passed in a blink of an eye. She put down the needlework in her hand.

Seeing that man was still reading a book with his eyes down, he said, "Your Highness, take a break."

King Jing looked up at her and put down the book in his hand.

These two people are the kind of extremely monotonous people, Xiaohua, who spends time on weekdays, apart from doing some embroidery work, they are reading books, and let the palace servants accompany them to do a double-land trip. And King Jing is even poorer. Anyway, Xiaohua didn't see him doing anything other than reading, or just sat in a daze.

Seeing the man staring at him, Xiaohua squatted aside, feeling that he was wrapping his arms around him, and sighed happily in his heart.

This situation is something that Xiaohua has never dared to imagine in her entire life. Although King Jing doesn't like to talk, he is very kind to her to tell the truth. She always hears people below say to her, "His Royal Highness loves his wife very much", and she gradually feels the same in her heart.

Except, he still doesn't like to talk.


Xiaohua raised her eyes to look at him, and saw him looking into her own eyes again. It is very dark and bright, and it is crystal clear as if there is no emotion, but it is very focused.

It seems like this, it's not unacceptable not to talk, right

Everyone has their own temperament, and she feels very, very good that he can do this. It was so good that occasionally when she sat there alone, she suddenly wanted to cry.

At this time, Xiaohua has a feeling of wanting to burst into tears, this feeling is very inexplicable but always can't help it. She buried her head, rubbed her face in King Jing's arms, and stayed still.

King Jing has been silent, and it has been a long time since Xiaohua reacted, and the light in the room has dimmed.

She sighed and sat up straight, "Lilac, hold the lamp."

Lilac and Ding Lan walked in lightly and turned on the lights in the house one by one.

The instant light made Xiaohua unable to react for a while, squinting her eyes, and seeing the person beside her, she felt dizzy for a moment.

"What's wrong?"

Xiaohua smiled and touched her eyes, "It's nothing, it's a little dazzling when it suddenly lights up."

"Ma'am, do you want to eat?"

Xiaohua glanced at King Jing, who nodded.


During lunch, Xiaohua suddenly remembered the little note from Mammy He, and hesitated.

King Jing seemed to sense that she had something to say, "Speak."

Xiaohua hesitated for a moment and decided to tell the truth, "When the maid was in Jingtai Hall, the maid He in the kitchen treated the maid very well." She looked at King Jing's eyes, paused, and then said, "Maid It's been a long time since I saw Mother He."

King Jing thought of the light crimson clothes, and then looked at the little flower in front of him with anticipation and anxiety.

After a while, he said, "The Lone King will order."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

I don't know why, when King Jing saw this little flower's smile, he would feel very good, very good.

After dinner, nothing to do.

Xiaohua suggested, "His Royal Highness, maid and concubine help you relax?"

King Jing nodded, and the two went to the bedroom.

Now he is more particular than before, every time before giving King Jing Songfu, Xiaohua always asks him to take a hot bath first, and then press it after soaking. Of course, sometimes, when King Jing feels uncomfortable, he will suddenly ask Xiaohua to pinch, but that is very rare.

King Jing took a hot bath and came to lie down on the bed. . .

The temperature of the hot water was quite high, much higher than the temperature of his usual bath water. After soaking it, he felt that the pores on his body were all open. The quilt was extremely soft and soft, and it carried the usual faint fragrance of Xiao Hua'er, which made King Jing let out a silent sigh. ,,

The whole set is very skilled, Xiaohua said while pressing: "Your Highness, don't read for too long every time you read a book, keep your neck in the same posture for a long time, and you are accustomed to bowing your head, you will be here..." Said When she got here, she pinched the bones of King Jing's neck with her small hands, "It will hurt here. I don't feel it now at a young age, but when I get older, I will feel the drawbacks."

These are some preventive and corrective knowledge told in the manuscript. Although Xiaohua doesn't quite understand it, she will use it immediately, and she will analyze it herself, so she will put it all together in her own language and tell King Jing.

Moreover, King Jing is very busy with official business on weekdays. Even if Xiaohua has never seen that situation, he can still imagine it. He has a sullen temper again, and can sit for a long time in the same place without moving.

Sometimes when such a situation is encountered in the West Courtyard, Xiaohua will always feel distressed, and she guides him calmly, and arranges a comfortable place for him to sit. The heated kang in the west room, where Xiaohua often sits, doesn't seem to be any different from before, but Xiaohua has spent a lot of thought on making adjustments, so that King Jing can sit more comfortably.


This thought flashed through very quickly, Xiaohua didn't realize it at the time, and after realizing it, she realized that she actually used such a word...

Feeling distressed, why is it distressed, Xiaohua really dare not think about this issue.