Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 9


When the fourth young master came back in the evening, he heard that Biyuan was beaten, and the reason was because of the bowl of soup he gave Biyuan.

Qiao Shi definitely couldn't tell Bi Yuan that it was because you and my man were hanging out in the house in the daytime that I used you to kill chickens as an example. I could only find an excuse to say that Bi Yuan deceived and secretly drank the Fourth Young Lady's own hands. 'The soup for the fourth young master to replenish his body.

Of course, this excuse can only be used by people who don't know about it. That bowl of tonic soup was only a few days ago. No one in Jinxiu Court knew the reason why Bi Yuan was beaten.

Bi Yuan's eyes were red from crying, and she cried miserably and aggrieved when she saw the fourth young master coming back, as if she had died.

A few girls next to him talked about the cause, process and result to the fourth young master, as if they were the protagonist of the matter. During the period, he also added oil and vinegar, and described Qiao as very evil.

No wonder they were so diligent and sad, if the Fourth Young Master allowed the Fourth Young Lady to be so rampant, they would not be able to live in this courtyard in the future.

Bi Yuan lowered her head and wiped away her tears, feeling very satisfied. Someone told her for her, and she didn't need to complain in the ears of the Fourth Young Master.

Xiaohua stood far away, looking at the blue and red faces of the fourth young master surrounded by a group of girls.

The direction of things is similar to her previous life, but the protagonist is not her, but Bi Yuan.

"Young master, you have to decide for Big Sister Biyuan, even the young lady can't be like this for no reason." Cui Lan said softly beside her.

"Even if it's the young master, the young lady can't beat someone for nothing because of a bowl of tonic soup. What's more—" Liu Ye paused for a while, and then hesitantly said the following words, "What's more, this Master Tang is the gift you gave to Big Sister Biyuan. If you hit Big Sister Biyuan, isn't it just hitting you in the face, young master..."

The words behind Liu Ye were not finished, but they attracted infinite imagination. This willow leaf is not a good stubble, and when it comes to provocation, there is no worse than anyone else.

And Qiao's move to kill the chicken and warn the monkey is indeed a foolish move, and he chose the wrong target. If he chooses a little girl or someone with no background, everyone will be jealous but they will not react too much. The fault was that she was too impatient and used Biyuan as a raft. Biyuan was the steward of the Jinxiu Academy, and the top servants were beaten. The others must be dead and foxes with the same enemy, not to mention that Biyuan is still by the Fourth Young Master's side. people.

As the saying goes, when a dog is beaten, its owner comes, and that's it.

Sure enough, after the Fourth Young Master heard this, his face immediately turned dark.

Without saying a word, he lifted his foot and went to the main room. It seems that as soon as the Qiao family is involved, the gentleman's demeanor of the fourth young master is completely forgotten, which is enough to show how much he does not want to see this wife in his heart.

When the fourth young master entered the main room, Mrs. Qiao was having dinner.

The fourth young master's gentle and gentle face was rarely full of anger. He came in without saying a word and threw the dinner in front of Mrs. Qiao to the ground, and by the way, he kicked Chuntao, who was about to give her a blessing.

There was a crackling sound in the room, and Mrs. Qiao also stained her clothes with the meal that was thrown down.

Seeing that the Fourth Young Master was so angry, she was still a little baffled, but she immediately turned red when she thought that he was actually treating her like this.

Chuntao was kicked to the ground and couldn't get up. Mother Chen didn't have the time to take care of Chuntao at this time, so she quickly pulled Mrs Qiao aside to wipe the stains on her body. In fact, Mother Chen saw that the fourth young master was so aggressive, and was afraid that he would start with Qiao, so she took the opportunity to clean Qiao's clothes to pull her away.

The fourth young master kicked the maid and flipped the table. At this time, he was not as angry as before. He stood there with a sullen face and watched Mother Chen busy cleaning Qiao's clothes.

Only now did Mr. Qiao react and screamed immediately.

"What do you mean by you? When you don't come here usually, you beat the girl and flip the table!"

If Mr. Qiao knew about the Fourth Young Master, she should not have screamed at him and questioned him at this time, but should have gone to Fu Ruan to admit her mistake first. When the fourth young master is appeased, he will realize that he is outraged and will self-examine his inappropriate behavior. Even if there is nothing on the surface, at least he will feel a little guilt towards Qiao. If Mrs. Qiao complains of some grievances, maybe the relationship between the husband and wife will ease.

Overall, the fourth young master is still a good person. He never beats or scolds women, because this kind of behavior makes him think that it is not done by a big man. And the reason why he was so furious was because he had been inappropriate in his heart recently, and secondly, he felt that Qiao Shi did not give him face, and of course there was some pity in it.

It's a pity that Mr. Qiao didn't know the Fourth Young Master, and even screamed at him and questioned him.

The anger in the Fourth Young Master's heart has not yet subsided. Qiao Shi's hysteria not only made him feel that his ears were pierced, but also saw Qiao Shi's indecent and embarrassed appearance—

On the face of the round basin were a pair of small eyes. At this time, the eyes were so wide that the boss seemed to fall out, and his neck was bulging, reminding him of a toad.

The fourth young master immediately turned his face away in disgust.

In his heart, he began to complain about why the family wanted to marry him such a wife.

In fact, Qiao's family is not as unbearable as the fourth young master thinks. Qiao's body is just a little round, and it definitely can't reach the point of being like a pig, and then the neck is short and thick and looks a bit strong. It's just that the fourth young master likes beautiful things since he was a child. The maids in the yard are all good colors. They are used to seeing beautiful ones. When they look at Qiao Shi suddenly, they will feel particularly unsightly.

When Qiao Shi saw that the Fourth Young Master not only ignored her, but also looked disgusted, which made her feel that the string in her head was completely broken.

"Ruan Siyi, what the hell do you mean?! It's okay if you dislike me all day long and get close to me. Today you're going to flip the table and beat the maid..." Mrs. Qiao screamed while crying, grabbing Chen's mother's hand The handkerchief was thrown at the Fourth Young Master.

As soon as she saw the disgust in his eyes, she remembered the night of the wedding night and lifted her hijab. She was expecting shy and timid, but she was greeted by his stunned but disgusting eyes.

When the fourth young master saw Qiao's behavior as a shrew, he immediately became angry, and regardless of whether it was shameful to quarrel with the woman, he opened his mouth and accused: "The soup you gave me, I thought it was greasy and didn't want to drink it, so I turned my hand and rewarded Bi Yuan. , Just for a bowl of soup, you find someone to slap Bi Yuan, do you think your shrew's behavior has any dignity as a young lady?"

"Decent?" Mrs. Qiao sneered, and wiped away two tears in resentment, "When did you leave me decent? You made trouble with me on the wedding night, and the trouble was known to the whole house. You think my color is not good, Why did you marry me back then. Now, she came to slap me in the face because of a little girl. It's just a girl, not to mention that I only slapped her in the face. No one dared to say anything if I let her drag her out and beat her to death. ."

The fourth young master stood there, Qing Jun's face flushed with anger.

Qiao's words are not wrong. The servants who can enter the Jinyang Mansion as an errand have signed a death deed. The master dragged out disobedient servants and beat them to death everywhere, and no official from the government came to ask questions.

Human life is worthless, especially slaves who sell themselves.

It's not that the fourth young master doesn't understand this truth, but he has always been pity for Xiangxiyu and never beat or scold the maids beside him. It is even more painful for those who beat the maid's board at every turn, and they often say that this is a trick to destroy flowers. But he couldn't say that Qiao's move was wrong. After all, he has always been a very reasonable person, and he will not be black and have to say it white.

He also realized his indecent behavior at this time, how could he be so stupid to quarrel with an ugly-looking woman.

"I don't care how you treat the maid next to you, but you are not allowed to move the maid next to me." The fourth young master said, and looked at Qiao Shi disdainfully, "What a shrew!"

After speaking, he threw his sleeves and walked out the door.

Qiao Shi was quiet for a long time, and then laughed out loud.

Seeing that her condition was not right, Mother Chen stepped forward to comfort her. Qiao broke away from Chen's mother's hand, picked up the furnishings in the house and smashed it on the ground.

There was a crackling sound, like her broken heart.

Which girl doesn't love the beautiful boy, so does the Qiao family. But the worst thing in this world is that you love him, but he hates you for being ugly!

There was so much noise in the main room that even the study room could hear the movement.

After a while, the Fourth Young Master walked in with a dark face.

When he came back, he didn't say a word, just sat there and didn't move. Following the sound of crackling and smashing things from the main room, the fourth young master's face turned even darker.

Dinner has already been sent, and a few maids moved lightly on the table. Bi Yuan couldn't care less about being sad, and hurriedly stood up to serve the Fourth Young Master for dinner.

The fourth young master asked her to go down to rest, but Biyuan refused to do it, saying that no matter how big the matter was, it was not important to serve the young master.

The fourth young master was immediately moved, and when he looked at Bi Yuan, his eyes were so soft that he seemed to be dripping with water.

Anyone who can be a big maid by the master's side has a hand, at least Xiaohua sees that the fourth young master's complexion gradually improved amid the interjection and amusement of Biyuan and Cuilan Liuye.

After the meal, the fourth young master went to study calligraphy and read a book, and several big maids gathered around again, grinding ink and lighting the lamp beside him.

Xiao Hua let out a sigh of relief and slowly backed out.

Outside the door, the night is as cool as the water and the moonlight, and behind you are the bright lights and the sound of birdsong. Xiaohua glanced at the main room not far away, it was dark there.

Even though she was killed by Qiao's single-handedly in her last life, and even she suspected that it was Qiao's who gave her the contraceptive pill in her previous life. But Xiaohua couldn't hate Mr. Qiao.

Qiao Shi is also a very poor woman. It is not her fault that she is not good-looking. Her fault is why she married the fourth young master who loves beauty and is romantic.

In the last life, even as the wife of the main family, Qiao Shi never had a few days of comfort. There are always people jumping on her head, first Bi Yuan and then her, and there are many, many fourth young masters and other women behind her... And as the main room, she has no one to support her, so she can only watch her husband and her side. Yingying Yanyan shows her affection, but she has been alone in the empty room for a few years and can't even give birth to a child...

She can't have children, and even her in-laws don't want to see her anymore. In the end, she had to gradually change from a charming girl to a scheming and ruthless girl.

But at the end of her last life, before Xiaohua died, she never saw Qiao give birth to a child...