Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 93


Xiaohua found that King Jing was in a bad mood these days.

King Jing's mood has always been very obscure, and it took Xiaohua a few days to react.

She could see that it wasn't aimed at her, but she didn't know what it was for. Of course, it's not the kind of serious bad mood, but the kind of always feeling gloomy.

Thinking of Fushun, who has rarely been seen recently, and King Jing's seemingly ready to take root in the West Courtyard, Xiaohua seems to have a little understanding in her heart.

It is said that His Highness was brought up by Fushun.

Understand, understand, Xiaohua can't say anything, after all, there is her reason in it, in addition to being completely moved and sweet, she is also a little uneasy.

For her sake, His Royal Highness, even Fu Shun was right.

She knows the relationship between Fushun and His Highness.

The result surprised her, but it would be completely false to say she was unhappy. Xiaohua has never been a very kind person, she can not provoke anyone, but if others break ground on her head, she will not be unresponsive.

She doesn't like Fushun, she must have some resentment, but to say she has resentment is a bit far-fetched. After all, how can she be so good with King Jing now, apart from her own efforts, she has to admit that she still has to be grateful to Fushun first.

She also knew that Fushun's role was the reason why Lilac, a helper, was assigned to her when she first came to the Western Academy.

And why Fushun brought so many people in, she also understood in her heart. As her position, she really can't give a good face, and as Fushun's position, it seems that he is right to do so. After all, what he has been asking for, she has seen it for so long. He pushed her up like this, and the role of those few is the same.

I understand, but I still can't accept it emotionally. Xiaohua can only put it aside and don't think about it or care about it. She just wants to live her life well.

On this day, the clothes for King Jing were finally finished.

The moon-white tunic, with embroidered cloud patterns on the cuffs and placket, looks simple and elegant. After Xiaohua took King Jing to try it, she felt relieved when she saw that the size was just right.

After trying it on, Xiaohua wanted to help King Jing take off her clothes and prepare to wash and wear them tomorrow, but King Jing ignored her, casually put a robe over her coat, and went to the East Room on her own.

This seemingly rare action made Xiaohua smile.

"Since Your Highness thinks it's okay, then the maid and concubine will be with you again." Xiaohua said after sitting down beside King Jing.


Xiaohua stuck to King Jing's side again, leaning on his lap, talking to him one sentence at a time.

Although King Jing is hard to change and reticent, what Xiaohua said to him can always be answered in two sentences now. Although the number of words is still so few, it is better than nothing. At least Xiaohua sees a little change.

Such a taciturn and indifferent man, because of how much he has changed, Xiaohua is still vivid in his purpose. Every time she thought about this, she couldn't help but feel the tears in her eyes.

Xiaohua rubbed her face on King Jing's leg, and then came over pretending to be okay. King Jing glanced at her, his eyes flashed, and he stroked her hair.

It was afternoon and the sun was shining outside.

King Jing was reading with his head down, and Xiao Hua was lying on his lap. Holding his hand boredly in his hand, dawdling and reluctant to lose it, there was always a kind of agitation in his heart. Make her feel high, feel hot, feel like she needs to do something to vent.

She looked at his face from the bottom up, her eyebrows were like ink and wash, the eyebrows flew diagonally into the temples, the slender and indifferent eyes, from the slightly drooping corners to the raised ends of the eyes, the lines of the eyes were extremely smooth and graceful, making people feel How to see how to love.

Seeing her look at him with joy, King Jing touched her hair again, and his mood suddenly improved.

These days she always likes to look at him like this. Although King Jing doesn't quite understand the meaning, he likes it very much. Because of this, his mood will be very light, as if the wind will blow up.

Xiaohua looked at that brow and that eye, she couldn't help being mad, her heart was pounding, as if she was about to hit it.

She lost the big palm in her hand, wrapped it around his neck, and rubbed it. He kissed fiercely on the mouth, as if this would make him feel more comfortable, but he unconsciously moved gently, for fear of hurting him.

King Jing dropped the book in his hand and hugged the person in his arms up. Although he didn't quite understand why this little flower suddenly appeared like this, he still loved it very much in his heart.

Lilac was about to come in to change tea, and when she saw this scene, she hurriedly crept away, and even carefully closed the door halfway.

After chatting for a while, the two stopped panting.

Something was burning in his eyes, and her eyes were so wet that they seemed to be dripping. After staring at each other for a while, the two began to move again.

To be happy is to be happy, and to vent is also to vent, but it is not easy to deal with afterwards.

After the matter was over, Xiaohua hugged King Jing's neck and was reluctant to come down for a long time.

"What should I do?"

Xiaohua was so embarrassed that she wanted to die. This kind of thing must be dealt with, but calling for water in the daytime didn't tell people what they just did.

King Jing did not understand, and did not understand why Xiao Hua'er had such a strange expression. Leaning on the pillow, he breathed lightly and calmly, with a touch of her long loose hair in his hands.


"That's it."

Seeing that the other party still doesn't understand, Xiaohua can only whisper: "The call of water in the daytime, doesn't everyone know what we do?"

King Jing glanced at Xiao Hua'er, who was buried in his chest with a faceless face, but did not speak.

After a while, King Jing said, "Come here, prepare water."

The expression and tone were the same as usual, but Xiaohua looked at the domineering side drain, making her stunned.


Xiao Xiazi's voice sounded outside, Xiaohua didn't dare to look up at all, she wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in, but her face was motionless, but she was holding King Jing's hand tight and tight.

After the people retreated, King Jing saw that she was so ashamed that he disappeared. Although he didn't understand her thoughts, he still liked her very much. Picking up the person, the two went to the bathroom.

Xiaohua made her own clothes and food, and changed the clothes for the two of them. The changed clothes were thrown into the bathtub directly.

After cleaning up, I went to the East Room. There was no one in it, but the crooked kang table and the messy kang table just now were restored to normal.

There was also a cup of white water and a cup of tea on the kang table, and Xiaohua knew that it was a masterpiece of cloves when she saw the white water. While sighing and being considerate in my heart, I was also a little embarrassed.

After that, the two returned to the kang, King Jing continued the unfinished book just now, and Xiao Hua also took a book and pretended to look at it. From the outside, the appearance of the two is no different from what they are used to, and it is only in the eyes that occasionally look at each other and then quickly dodge that they can see some clues.

Two days later, Xiaohua heard that the little palace people in Jingtai Hall had disappeared.

The news was handed over by Xiao Xiazi. As for why Xiao Xiazi was able to know the news inside Jingtai Hall, Xiaohua did not explore it.

That night, seeing King Jing looking as usual but obviously not feeling gloomy, Xiaohua finally let go.

She thought, this is the past, right? !

Sure enough, after that, although King Jing would still come to the West Court most of the time, he would also go back to the Jingtai Hall. The frequency of Fushun's appearance has also increased significantly, and King Jing also began to ask Fushun to do something. Xiaohua understood it and seemed to be business as usual.

Of course, on the surface, she seems to have suffered a bit of a loss because of this, but after all, Xiaohua feels that this is the only way to feel at ease. She doesn't understand what this kind of peace of mind means for the time being, but she has always known from experience that this kind of intuition is usually for herself. advantageous.


Looking at His Royal Highness sitting behind the desk holding the scroll, Fushun felt in vain tears welling up in his eyes.

It is said that he lives in the context of His Highness, but when he sent everyone out of the house in front of him, and His Highness came back in the back, even though his heart was as hard as Fushun, he couldn't help but be moved.

His Highness is still the same His Highness in the past. It is not obvious on the face, but in fact, he is considerate.

He is so inappropriate!

But there are some things that cannot be brought out and spoken to. Although Fushun was agitated in his heart, he still pressed it down. As in the past, people are ordered to serve tea and water, and they will bring everything to the table.

The study was still as quiet as before, but because the two people's moods were different, there were also some changes, but the changes couldn't be seen with the eyes.

After fumbling around for a long time, Fu Shuncai said in a low voice, "His Royal Highness, it's all the fault of the old slave."

In fact, these two are not the kind of people who are easy to express their emotions. Not only is Fu Shun uncomfortable, but King Jing is not obvious on his face, and he is also a little embarrassed in his heart, but more of it is a sense of relief.

Thousands of words were reduced to one sentence, "It doesn't matter."

Fushun lowered his head and stood aside, wiping the corners of his eyes with his sleeves when no one noticed.