Counterattack of the Cannon Fodder Chambermaid

Chapter 94


After moving to the west courtyard, the two bizarre books Xiaohua also put them on the bookshelf.

When King Jing was away, she would occasionally take it down to observe it. Maybe because of her mentality, every time she watched it, she had to spend a few cloves.

This day, when he was lying on the kang and looked ashamed, King Jing came.

King Jing is here now, almost without anyone reporting, and Xiaohua is too focused, and she only reacts when King Jing comes to the side.

Her reflex action was to stuff the book under the pillow behind her, but unfortunately she didn't have time to think about it, otherwise she would choose to put the book down casually instead of being so deliberate.

King Jing didn't say anything when he saw this, and when Xiaohua got up and greeted Lilac to bring King Jing's home clothes, he touched her hand.

When Xiaohua turned around, she saw King Jing flipping through the book.

Although the book belonged to him, he must have read it, but when she was found out in person that she actually read it, Xiaohua immediately felt a very strong sense of shame, and she didn't dare to raise her eyes.

King Jing didn't say anything when he saw her shy and charming appearance, and asked Xiao Xiazi to serve and change into his homely clothes before sitting down on the kang.

The servants all went down, and King Jing saw that she was still so ashamed that he wanted to find a seam to crawl in, and he pulled her over with a big hand.

"His Royal Highness..." The voice was Qiqi Ai's.

King Jing didn't laugh at him, but opened the book, turned to a certain page, pointed to it and said, "This is not bad."

Xiaohua was stunned, this His Highness's reaction was too different from ordinary people!

Doubt in her heart outweighed shame, she glanced at her with a blushing face, and immediately her brain slammed, completely white.

The slender jade hands rubbed against her fiery face, and King Jing said unintentionally, "Let's try it tonight."

This time Xiaohua's eyes froze, and she couldn't turn.

"What's wrong?"

The man was pulled into his arms.

"no no… "

How could it not be? A fool could see that there must be something, but King Jing's reaction was that she was unhappy.


Seeing him frowning, Xiaohua sighed in her heart, that's all, this man's reaction has always been different from others, her shyness seems to be a pretty wink thrown at the blind man, and the other party can't understand it at all.

Now Xiaohua is very clear about the routine of getting along with King Jing, and she should not cover up in front of him. First, she doesn't want to hide from him, which is not conducive to harmony. Second, sometimes he doesn't understand, and he doesn't say anything if he doesn't understand her, but it's not that something is hidden in the middle.

Just like last time, she was jealous and uncomfortable for several days, but he was still ignorant, and even asked that person to come over to give him a massage.

If she was someone who likes to hide things in her heart, she would definitely hide things, but she panicked and cried so much when she said it out loud. Later, after listening to what he said, she realized that he didn't realize it at all.

If you have a problem, you have to say it, and you have to say something. This is the way Xiaohua has figured out to get along with King Jing.

Anyway, the two of them do a lot of shy things every day, what's so shy!

I thought so, but I couldn't avoid feeling shy.

So the little flower on the face looks like this-

His face was red and his eyes seemed to be dripping with water. Qiqi Ai buried his face in King Jing's chest and rubbed it several times before he said, "It's too embarrassing..."

When the last word was said, the ending sound disappeared immediately, which seemed to be really embarrassing.

King Jing likes to see her shy and charming. It looks delicious and delicious. He bit her ear and kissed her, "What's the shame, King Gu has been thinking about it, I'm afraid you won't want it."

If you are very serious, you use a very serious tone, which makes Xiao Hua's heart feel crisp.

"Then, let's try it tonight."

"Great goodness."

The final result of the experiment was that on the second day after King Jing left, Xiaohua rubbed on the bed while stroking her waist. In fact, he didn't do anything for half a day, just covered his face ashamed or smirked occasionally.


Aunt Qi arranged for Xiaohua a female gentleman to teach her.

The matter has to start from the book left by King Jing.

When King Jing got the books in the west courtyard, he always put them on a bookshelf, and Xiaohua also took a few books to read when he had nothing to do.

Xiaohua is literate, but not many. In the past, when there were only a few books to read, I didn't feel that, anyway, I just read it over and over. Now that there are more books and more choices, I feel that reading is very difficult.

King Jing was too busy on weekdays. After coming to the Western Courtyard, he was busy for a day before returning. Xiaohua was embarrassed to take the scroll and ask King Jing what the word was and how it was. Doing that kind of thing once was enough for her to be ashamed, not to mention many times. After all, that woman is willing to let her man know her shortcomings, and she just wants to have some beautiful images in his heart.

Over time, Xiaohua moved to find a female gentleman to teach her to read and write.

Anyway, I have a leisurely life, and I can pass the time with my studies.

Xiaohua told King Jing, King Jing agreed, and within two days, Aunt Qi sent a female gentleman over.

The class time is mainly set in the afternoon, one and a half hours at a time. Of course, if Xiaohua has something to do, she can skip it, and let the servants who serve next to her inform the teacher.

This female gentleman, whose surname is Chen, is a widow. She used to make a living by teaching young ladies homework in a wealthy family, and she didn't know how she was invited back by Aunt Qi.

Xiaohua has no foundation, and can't see the depth of Mr. Chen's level. Anyway, it seems that teaching her is enough, so she earnestly learns from her. She already has a foundation, but the foundation is not good. She has learned a lot, and she can write characters, but she really can't master the characters.

After thinking about it, Mr. Chen decided to start teaching from scratch. The foundation started from the Three Character Classic. On the other hand, the practice of calligraphy also started from the first pen-holding posture and arm suspension.

Mr. Chen originally thought that Mrs. Hua would be impatient. After all, she is old and enlightened late, and her identity is here. At first, she thought it was a joke. The status and generous monthly salary remained.

Who knew that after a few days of teaching, and found that the other party's attitude was very good, and there was no noble temper, he began to teach seriously.

The two are the kind of people who are very serious and rigorous in everything they do, and they are happy when they get along.

After a month, Xiaohua has made great progress in her previously unattractive calligraphy, and she can also complete the calligraphy homework assigned by Mr. Chen every day.

Xiaohua was very interested in learning, but King Jing found that Xiaohua'er spent less time with him, because sometimes when King Jing came to the West Court, he would always see Xiaohua doing her homework seriously.

Of course, she is not ignoring his state, and will put him in place.

For example, if you don't have a meal, you can arrange a meal. If you are bored, take a book with him. And people are also with him, but in the past, he would always do needlework, read books, and talk to him, but now he takes paper and copybooks and lays down on the kang table to draw red, and he doesn't talk to him anymore. .

For no reason, King Jing was a little disgusted by the copybook.

It's just that Xiaohua doesn't know about it.

Seeing that King Jing gave her a rare glance today, Xiao Hua put down the pen in her hand, "Your Highness?" There was some doubt in her voice.

Seeing King Jing's eyes moving to the copybook on the table, Xiaohua explained with a smile, "My concubine is doing the homework assigned by Mr. Chen. She used to be literate, but the writing was too ugly, so Mr. Chen found a few copybooks. , let the maid and concubine draw a few pictures every day."

King Jing knew about this, or he agreed to it, but he didn't expect that he would find himself depressed.

King Jing didn't speak, and moved his eyes back to the scroll. Xiaohua got used to it, so he started to draw red again.

"His Royal Highness, that Mr. Chen is very knowledgeable. He is good at playing chess, calligraphy and painting. Mr. Chen said that he will teach his maids and concubines these things in the future."

"I heard Mr. Chen play a violin yesterday, it was really nice."

Xiaohua finished drawing this piece and changed another piece of paper.

"The handwriting of the maid and concubine is not good, and I also want to practice a good-looking small style of hairpins."

Seeing her excited look on her face, King Jing asked, "Happy?"

"Yeah." Xiaohua replied.

King Jing glanced at her again, thinking that she was obviously in good spirits these past few days, and thinking that he once came to see her sitting there bored from the window, and temporarily felt that the copybook was not so dazzling.

That's all, she doesn't have much to do all day, so she has to find some time to play.

With that in mind, he turned his eyes back to the scroll.


It was June, which was supposed to be the hottest time of the year, but Jingzhou was just fine.

The trees are shady and the breeze is gentle, and there are two tables under the trees, one is sitting in front of a woman in Tsing Yi in her forties, and the other is sitting with a small flower.

"Madam's words are getting better and better."

After finishing the daily routine, Mr. Chen said this after reading Xiaohua's homework yesterday.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, for your compliment. We still need a lot of practice."

Hearing this, Mr. Chen showed a smile on his always plain face.

"Madam, don't be humble, you have made great progress."

Ding Lan came over and said, "Madam, Madam He is here."

Xiaohua first bowed to Mr. Chen, and then said to Ding Lan, "Help me deliver Mr. Chen."

Ding Lan sent the person away, and Xiaohua saw that the environment under the tree was comfortable, so she decided not to move her position, and let Dingxiang collect the things on the case, and went to the courtyard gate to greet Mammy.

Because King Jing spends most of his time eating in the West Courtyard, the relationship between the West Courtyard and Jingtai Hall is getting closer and closer. Not only the palace servants in the Western Courtyard were familiar with the aunts and eunuchs in the small kitchen, but Mammy He would also come to the Western Courtyard from time to time.

Xiaohua is living a very smooth life now. She has all the things she once thought about. There are spring grass, Mammy He, food and clothing, carefree and worry-free, and now there are things that she never thought about, King Jing...

Xiaohua and Mammy He sat down at the small round table under the tree, Chuncao Dinglan served tea and brought all kinds of fruits.

"This place is good, it's good to enjoy the shade." After she sat down, she looked around and said.

"Yeah, although it's not hot in summer, I always feel that there is no ventilation when sitting in the house. These trees don't feel anything in winter. I didn't expect that after spring, their branches and leaves will start to flourish, which is good for cooling. ."

"It's pretty cool." Mammy He picked up the teacup and sipped the tea foam, and said, "If you have nothing to do, come to talk to Madam. Madam, don't think Mammy is annoying."

Xiaohua said angrily: "Look at what you said, I have nothing to do. I spend time with Mr. Chen in class every day. I wish someone would come to talk to me every day."

"That's really a good idea. Recently, there have been few things in Jingtai Hall, and mammy is also very busy."

This is indeed a fact. King Jing has been very busy recently, and his appearance time in the West Court during the day has been greatly reduced, and most nights come back very late. The time spent in the West Court was short, as you can imagine in Jingtai Hall.

The master came back less often, and the group of people who served King Jing in Jingtai Hall inevitably had some time to spare. Mammy He has a small kitchen, but it's not bad, but eating is a must for everyone. Fushun has nothing to do with King Jing recently, not to mention Eunuch Chang, Xiaohua also recently learned that Chang Shun is not only in charge of Jingtai Hall, but also other things. It can be seen from Wang Zhishi.

The rest of the people felt particularly different, such as the little eunuchs who served King Jing closely in the past. Now many people are envious of Xiao Xiazi and Xiao Qinzi, and they feel that they are now like eunuchs serving closely by His Highness.

And Xiao Xiazi and Xiao Qinzi felt that when they came to the West Court, it was like smoke from their ancestors' graves.

These are not listed, and Mammy He is not just here to chat with Xiaohua today when she has nothing to do.

ps: If you want to be a favorite concubine in the future, how can you be dissatisfied with half a bottle of water. Our little flowers should be beautiful and knowledgeable. (laughter, enough is enough)

People like Meng Saojing can't hide in front of him. If Princess Jing understood this truth in her previous life and chose to tell Wang Jing directly, it is estimated that she would not play so many tricks in the future.