Court Marriage

Chapter 27: Drive purple


After coming out of the old lady's house, Gong Zhuoliang went back to her own yard, Ruozi was packing things under the watchful eyes of Wenshu and Yuhua, she was only allowed to take away her personal belongings and the master's reward, Yuhua didn't give Ruozi any sympathy Yes, they really stopped Ruozi from taking a lot of things privately, and even though Ruozi's teeth were itching with hatred, at this moment she could only leave with her tail between her legs.

After Gong Zhuoliang entered the room, Wen Shu and Yu Hua retreated sensiblely, while Ruo Lan retreated to the side and waited.

"Miss, help me..."

After the two girls went out, Ruozi bit her lips and cried, and threw herself on her knees and hugged Gong Zhuoliang's leg. She didn't forget how disrespectful and mean she was to Gong Zhuoliang before, but she thought that he was the only one who could help her. His own people can only show weakness by taking chances, and he is still holding onto him, so he should not refuse to save him.

Ruozi didn't know why her father, whom she hadn't seen for several years, would suddenly come to redeem her, but she would never naively think that he was thinking about the family relationship between father and daughter, and that after leaving Qiao's house, his own life could only be left to him!

"... Ruozi, you can't stay in the Qiao family anymore. I'll send someone to take you to the Gong family. I think mother will protect you."

Gong Zhuoliang lowered his eyes and looked down at Ruozi who was hugging her thigh and weeping, her tone was gentle and comforting, but her expression was indifferent, showing no warmth or coldness.

Gong Zhuoliang lived a comfortable and unrestrained life in his previous life, so now he is very impatient with these inner house fights, but if he wants to protect himself and Qiao Yingze in this era and in this family, he has to get deep into it, and Ruozi like this Gong Zhuoliang thought that he had done a very kind job in driving away troublesome people with malicious intentions, and it had nothing to do with Ruo Zi which way she would choose to go after leaving Qiao's house.

"Miss Xie..."

With Gong Zhuoliang's guarantee to send her back to the palace, Ruozi let him go and stood up, thinking wildly. When Gong Zhuoliang asked his wife for Ruolan's deed to sell her body, she was glad that he didn't hold her back. , now I regret not having it in his hands, otherwise I would have taken it directly and destroyed it.

Now that the deed of sale is still in the hands of the wife, the secrets I hold can't be used as threats, and I still have to be a slave when I go back...

"Ruolan, you can accompany me for a walk."

Gong Zhuoliang didn't know Ruozi's heart was full of twists and turns, he was in a good mood after dispelling the time bomb beside him, so he planned to go back to his room to play with the little Xianggong.

As for Ruolan, this time Gong Zhuoliang asked her to go to the Gong family with another task, which was to tell Mrs. Gong about Aunt Wu's consideration of changing her voice, and then take Ye Er over in a proper manner, directly preventing Mrs. Gong from taking the opportunity to go again. Follow the way of people around me.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX was to send these people to the Gong family. Considering that there were two unmarried girls, Shi Kang decided to hire two small sedan chairs. Ruozi's father and brother waited, and from the corner of the eye, he looked at the crooked, black and thin old father and the white and clean boy, and saw that one of them was shy and timid, and the other was showing impatience and arrogance, Shi Kang withdrew his eyes and his mind moved slightly.

The two said that they were here to redeem the girl, but there was no trace of family affection in their expressions and conversations. On the contrary, they seemed to be thinking about something.

"Miss Ruolan."

Shi Kang and Ruolan had met a few times at the hot spring village, so when they saw the two of them coming out, Shi Kang greeted Ruolan first, and then lifted the car curtain for her politely, and Ruolan responded indifferently. With a big smile, he put up his skirt and got on the sedan chair, and the atmosphere of Ruozi's family behind them became very tense.

The old man casually called Ruozi's real name, while the young man, with a smile on his face, stared at Ruozi's attire and baggage, while Ruozi hugged his personal belongings with a frosty face, and reasoned Ignore them and get into the sedan chair.


Shi Kang looked at the family with a slight frown, but seeing a nonchalant expression, he stopped talking, got on the horse and asked the bearer to pick up the sedan chair, while Ruo Lan, who knew the matter, was putting down the sedan chair There was a silent sigh behind the door.

For Ruo Zi, Ruo Lan is also tired and impatient, but she also feels pitiful for her life experience. Her father dotes on his son, saves food and money and works hard to raise him, but he has raised a real animal.

After the person sent by the uncle sent the news back, the young master asked him to pretend that he was there to do business. The scholarly family "ran into" the young man, and he only mentioned a few words that there is a girl who looks very similar in the mansion. The dowry was so decent, the young man immediately questioned her, knowing that she was really the sister who was betrayed, and who owed a whole body of debts, he moved Ruozi's idea, thinking that besides getting a lot of property after redeeming, If he could marry someone else, he urged his father to redeem him. Although his father felt sorry for his daughter, he finally agreed for the sake of his son...

Thinking of this, Ruo Lan couldn't help feeling rejoicing that although her parents were poor, they loved her sincerely, so after they left, Ruo Lan never resented anyone even if she was sold by her relatives, and she was indeed the same in the Gong family. She has always eaten well and dressed well. Now that she is with the young master, she is not only trusted by him like a sister, but also free. If she is not satisfied, she will be bored even to the sky.

Ruolan and Ruozi went back to the Gong family, and reported what happened in detail, and how the young lady tried her best to protect her, plus Ruozi assisted in the accusation of everyone in the Qiao family. Madam thought about it for a while, and also felt that Ruozi could not be allowed to leave knowingly.

But we all know that the living people of their family of three were sent to me, and they can't just be lost in such a vague way, but if Ruozi is left behind, the girl who was sent back by the old lady of the magistrate's house, how dare she stay in her house? Maid...

"Ruozi, you also understand the reason why I can't keep you. If you really want to stay, there is only one way to go. Yu'er has already begged you with me...or maybe there is a suitable servant in the house." , I'm looking for a match with you, okay?"

Mrs. Gong looked at Ruozi's figure carefully, and seeing that she was a good child, she had an idea in her heart, but she couldn't show her enthusiasm if she wanted to stay, she had to ask her to do so.

Mrs. Gong's son was born by herself. She knew in her heart that she had no hope of leaving it to Gong Zhuoyu, so she could marry a concubine or a concubine as he wanted. It is also dependent on the birth of a girl who can marry well. As for those concubines who cannot be born, they will be pulled out and sold later.

"Madam... It's a servant's blessing to be able to follow the young master!"

Ruozi trembled, struggling in her heart, she didn't want to be a poor servant with a servant, and thinking about the way her so-called father and younger brother looked at her, Ruozi gritted her teeth and agreed.

Although I know that Gong Zhuoyu is not a good match, but he is the concubine of the Gong family after all, so he is still an aunt who is well-clothed and well-fed, and with his relationship and means, he may not be able to stand out, it is better than falling behind In the hands of the father and son, the future is unpredictable!


A flash of surprise flashed in Ruolan's eyes, but she quickly covered it up and congratulated Ruozi insincerely. Silently watching them spend some money to get rid of the dissatisfied father and son, wondering if wealth and pomp are really that important

Ruozi knew that Gong Zhuoyu was a waste whose body had been hollowed out by wine and sex, and she wanted to marry him as a concubine, so why didn't she find an honest and dutiful servant to be the main wife, and live in harmony

When only Ruolan and Mrs. Gong were left in the room, Ruolan brought up the voice change that Aunt Wu said before Mrs. Gong spoke, and said that only Ye'er knew how to train and maintain Gong Zhuoliang's voice , and because of Ruozi's family, it is still reasonable to send a maid to her mother's family, and it would be rude to add more.

If everything Ruo Lan said was in keeping with the rules, Mrs. Gong could only respond awkwardly. Having met Ye Er, she knew that she was indeed a good ventriloquist. Then she thought that Aunt Wu was still holding her hand, so she finally let Ruo Lan take her away. After leaving Ye'er, there was no mention of adding a maid.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "...does this make everyone happy?"

Asking Ruo Lan to take Ye'er down to resettle, Gong Zhuoliang, who was sitting on the couch, leaned on Qiao Yingze's lap, turned over and lay down comfortably, and smiled mockingly.

The blisters on her feet were all taken by herself. If Ruozi took the belongings with her, if she found a loyal young man to marry, she would have nothing to worry about eating and drinking for the rest of her life. .

"Thank you, really."

Looking down at Gong Zhuoliang's exquisite handsome face, Qiao Yingze caressed his brows and eyes, and slowly slid his fingers down his smooth cheeks to his chin. Lips covered.

The more he gets along with Gong Zhuoliang, the more Qiao Yingze dislikes him being covered up by makeup, but the freedom he can give Gong Zhuoliang is really limited, and now he is asked to work hard to practice false voice, Qiao Yingze feels very sorry .

"Then the gentleman will have to make up for me in the future."

Gong Zhuoliang couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and hooked Qiao Yingze's neck to deepen the kiss.

Gong Zhuoliang will keep this account well and get it back from Qiao Yingze in the future. Since he has to wait for this in the future, Gong Zhuoliang will charge Qiao Yingze a little more interest.

Finally, after the busy first day of junior high school, Gong Zhuoliang heaved a long sigh of relief after being exhausted. After staying at home for another three days, he and Qiao Yingze would be able to go back to the hot spring village. That lively little uncle was holding on, and it was not his turn to be delicate and frail.

"Zhuo Zhuo, I have asked Qiao Ming to prepare the pen and paper you want, and I will take them with me when I leave."

Peeling the orange for Gong Zhuoliang who was leaning against him like a boneless man, Qiao Yingze carefully peeled off the white silk and fed it to him petal by petal. As for the matter he had mentioned to him before to write a script, because Gong Zhuoliang With his mysterious attitude, Qiao Yingze was really aroused by him.

Although Qiao Yingze was not interested in those storybook legends, and always felt that they were miscellaneous knowledge that could not be put on the table, but now the one who wanted to write the storybook was replaced by his little wife, and Qiao Yingze still expressed his support. I didn't expect Gong Zhuoliang to achieve anything in this area, I just thought it would be good to have hobbies he likes to make him feel at ease.


Gong Zhuoliang snorted in satisfaction with the orange petals in his mouth. At this moment, Ruo Lan came over to tell the old lady to tell them to go and have a drink. Seeing the two of them sticking together like this was no surprise, she covered her mouth with a handkerchief and smiled He backed out with a smile.

"Lao Zhuozhuo will take care of me tonight."

Looking at Gong Zhuoliang who was sitting up, he smiled wryly, Qiao Yingze was already mentally prepared to drink too much.

Qiao Yingze seldom drank wine a few times a year, and it wasn't much, but the wine that the old lady invited every year on the first day of the Lunar New Year meant that the whole family would get together and have a good time. In previous years, Han Shu and the others took care of him, but this year he had to trouble his little wife.

Gong Zhuoliang, who had gradually developed a capacity for alcohol, readily agreed, and the two arrived at the old lady's room. They saw the second young master Qiao Yingze, the third young master Qiao Yingzi, and the eldest lady Qiao Yuanyin. Together with the two of them, a group of younger generations surrounded the old lady. It is also very lively around people.

After a while, Master Qiao and Mrs. Qiao also came over, the banquet officially began, and the maids filed in with fruit wine cups.

Because it was a festive day every year, Mrs. Qiao exempted Mrs. Qiao and Gong Zhuoliang from the rules of the two daughters-in-laws, and the family sat down separately. It was Master Qiao, Mrs. Qiao, and Qiao Yuanyin, and on the right were Qiao Yingze, Gong Zhuoliang, and Qiao Yingxuan.

Naturally, there must be a wine order for drinking. A maid has prepared a lottery tube long ago, and there are all kinds of lottery sticks written in it, from flowers, birds, fish and insects to tables, chairs and benches. Gong Zhuoliang can also deal with some romantic things, but today he was a little bit sloppy, all he picked up were some inconspicuous sundries, which made him choked up, but Qiao Yingze was able to handle these things with ease, and he was not caught. They were fined with alcohol, but they drank a lot for Gong Zhuoliang's sake, and Qiao Yingxuan was a funny kid, which made everyone very happy.

The old lady is the daughter of a general. After playing for a while, she got tired of these polite drinking orders. Instead, everyone took turns telling jokes, and those who laughed or not were punished with alcohol. This Gong Zhuoliang is good at it, but it's Qiao Yingze's turn. Where is he? Knowing these funny things, he was drunk a few more cups, he couldn't hold it anymore, so he pleaded guilty to the old lady and wanted to find a room to rest first, and then go back with Gong Zhuoliang when everyone had their fill of fun.

"I'll go with you."

Gong Zhuoliang looked at the naive and drunk Qiao Yingze worriedly, and asked while holding his arm.

After drinking, Qiao Yingze's expression became more lazy and indulgent. Seeing this, Gong Zhuoliang felt itchy in his heart. He really wanted to hug him and take a bite first.

"No, you play with grandma, I'll just lie down in the back."

Seeing that Gong Zhuoliang made the whole family happy, Qiao Yingze didn't want to spoil everyone's happiness at this time, so he barely ensured that he could walk in a straight line, so he let go of Gong Zhuoliang's hand and turned to the direction of the door.

"Yeah, girl Yan, don't go, you ghost spirit will tell grandma a joke."

Mrs. Qiao was smiling happily, how could she just let Gong Zhuoliang go like this, she was about to ask the girl beside her to send Qiao Yingze to find a room to rest for a while, when she saw Zhi Qi Fu Fushen volunteered, the old lady didn't think too much, He waved her off.


Zhiqi walked past Gong Zhuoliang with her head down, with a slight smile on her lips, she helped Qiao Yingze and led him out.

And behind them, Gong Zhuoliang only had time to look worriedly at Qiao Yingze's swaying back before being invited by the old lady to sit on the couch with a smile.