Court Marriage

Chapter 36: exercise


After Gong Zhuoliang listened to Ruo Lan's report, because the answers he and Qiao Yingze had imagined were all answered, they thought about it and didn't think there was anything wrong with it, so they didn't take it too seriously.

However, for the sake of caution, Gong Zhuoliang carefully rounded up Ruo Lan's words in his reply letter to Gong Zhuoxiang later, and told Gong Zhuoxiang what happened after he left in a confiding tone, saying that he was taken care of by his sister, and his personality I became more cheerful. After my sister got married, I was kicked out of the house because I contradicted my aunt. It was because of my sister's care that I had the capital to go out to find work. Later, because of a coincidence, I helped a nobleman and got a lot of money. Then I went back to Bocheng to find My sister and brother-in-law helped to set up some properties, and now I am a disciple of a master of script, and it will take at least three years before I can leave the teacher, so I can't go to Beijing for the time being, and I am deeply regretful...

After weaving up his own story, Gong Zhuoliang thought about not being too melodramatic, so he added a few words of congratulations to the high school at the beginning. Your reply will be done.

With a sense of harmony, Gong Zhuoliang showed Qiao Yingze the edited manuscript. Although Qiao Yingze felt that the words of "missing" were very eye-catching, he didn't want to appear too fussy, so he just changed a few words slightly sour and agreed. Okay, Gong Zhuoliang suppressed the smile on his lips, and then he went to copy it neatly, and finally explained that he traveled with his husband in several southern provinces and lived without a fixed place, and it might be inconvenient to communicate directly with Beijing and China, so Gong Zhuoliang If Xiang has a reply, he should send it to his brother-in-law first and let him forward it.

Estimated the time difference between forwarding and replying, Gong Zhuoliang's letter was sent through the post station in mid-April, and it was already seven days later when it arrived in Gong Zhuoxiang's hands.


Gong Zhuoxiang confessed his thoughts and apologies in the letter, so he was very happy when he saw the missing words in the reply letter, and he was also relieved that he was safe and sound, but the more he looked down, Gong Zhuoxiang's face The smile on the face became weaker, and when he saw the last three years and Qiao Yingze's delivery of the letter, his brows frowned slightly.

The young man in Gong Zhuoxiang's memory, although he was literate, had never studied hard and had few chances to practice calligraphy. It was only during the half month with him that he could write a little neatly. But now the letter in his hand The words on the letter, however, are full of grandeur, with a faint demeanor, and the words are clear and cautious. How could this be written by a boy who is only thirteen years old

Gong Zhuoxiang could feel ambiguous and gentle feelings from the lines in this letter, but it was more like a kind of comfort... But if it is not written by Gong Zhuoliang, some old things mentioned in the letter are only Only the two of them knew about it, and the Qiao brothers didn't seem to be the ones with ulterior motives.

"Come on, call the chief guard."

Putting the letter paper on the table, Gong Zhuoxiang gently stroked the writing on it with his fingers, and called the servant outside the door. After the person he was looking for arrived, Gong Zhuoxiang turned his eyes back from the letter paper and said in a tone of voice. He gave the order coldly.

"Send a few people to Bocheng to find out what happened to the Gong family and the Qiao family. Don't disturb them. We must find Liang'er's whereabouts."

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX received Gong Zhuoxiang's reply again in early May, when Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze had moved to their summer resort outside the city, because Gong Zhuoliang's voice was not feeling well, and they knew it was the critical time to change their voices, so this time they The servant girl who served her personally only brought Hanshu, Ruolan, and Ye'er who knew well, and the matter of the manager fell on Qiao Ming's head. In the servant's room, even the maids who are responsible for sweeping and sweeping are not allowed to enter and leave the inner courtyard at will, and they can only come in to work when they are summoned.

Because Gong Zhuoliang's magazine was about to be officially launched, and Gong Zhuoxiang's reply only asked about some trivial matters in life, Gong Zhuoliang didn't pay much attention to him, and picked up some irrelevant rhetoric to deal with it, and concentrated his energy mainly I was in the bookstore, and the rest of the time was filled with teasing my wife, writing, practicing voice, and exercising. I couldn’t be free almost every day, but Gong Zhuoliang’s mood was getting better and better, and he was full of energy every day .

Speaking of sports, Gong Zhuoliang himself likes jogging the most. He thought that unless he was too crazy to get up the next day, he would run for an hour in the park downstairs in the morning, letting his mind go and let his thoughts fly. I can often think of some wonderful storylines, and then I don’t feel tired after typing on the keyboard in front of the computer all day. When I have time, I often go to the gym. Otherwise, how can I maintain his good figure that countless men and women covet.

But this sport is not so convenient now, he can't go out of the inner courtyard with his hostess status, he can't let him circle around the inner courtyard, he is not afraid of turning himself dizzy, and Afraid to scare his little husband.

Besides, if the servants saw him often staying in the yard, he would appear to be unruly, so Gong Zhuoliang had to find a separate room to use as an exercise room, because he didn't dare to make anything too advanced, so he only asked a carpenter to do it. The super simple and simple in situ bicycle and sandbags for boxing practice, as for the dumbbells are replaced by bricks, and he can do sit-ups, push-ups and other indoor exercises that do not require auxiliary equipment, but he can get by.

Therefore, Gong Zhuoliang replaced the previous jogging with Qiao Yingze's body-building boxing similar to Wu Qinxi, and then went to the exercise room to do exercises by himself when Qiao Yingze was taking a nap, and persisted for more than three months. Gong Zhuoliang has really achieved some results. At the very least, the soft flesh on his body that was raised by Qiao Yingze has now turned into small muscles with smooth and tight lines.

Another point that makes Gong Zhuoliang mixed is that during the three months at the summer resort, he has grown a little taller. According to his own estimation, he is about 1.6 meters tall. But thinking about Mrs. Qiao, an official in the north, The young lady is tall and likes to wear thick-soled shoes, especially likes to stand out from the crowd of maids and daughter-in-laws in the south. Gong Zhuoliang feels that she is safe until she grows to 1.7 meters, but she doesn't know if it is because of her body. He has always been well-raised. Qiao Yingze has grown in size in the past year since he got married. He is about 1.75 meters tall. Last summer's clothes were obviously shorter than before, and Qiao Yingze himself also looked very Happy. And Gong Zhuoliang also likes tall and tall people, and he is looking forward to Qiao Yingze's escaping again.

"Miss, the servants have sent the bookstore's account books."

Ruolan's knock on the door brought back Gong Zhuoliang's thoughts of not knowing where he had gone. With his upper body naked, he got off the wooden in-situ bicycle, took a cloth towel and simply wiped the sweat on his face and body. Sweat beads, then gathered the slightly loose hair behind his head and hung it high into a bunch, then put on Qiao Yingze's light blue thin coat loosely, and tied it casually around his waist with the belt , and then opened his mouth to let Ruo Lan in.

"Miss...Master, the account book sent by Zhou Guanshi."

Ruo Lan closed the door and turned around the screen. Seeing Gong Zhuoliang's hair hanging and wearing Qiao Yingze's clothes, she was slightly swayed, then she chuckled and changed her name in a low voice, and put the basic account book in his hand. , and considerately picked up the fan to fan him.

"Guan Zhou came to deliver it in person again? Sister Ruolan is really a big face."

Shaking the braids for Ruo Lan to fan the other side again, Gong Zhuoliang leaned back in the chair in a somewhat disfigured manner, with a teasing look on his unpainted face.

Unlike the cowardly immature puppet face of a year ago, now his facial features are gradually growing, showing the edges and corners of a young man, and his appearance is more and more handsome, especially the way his eyes are slightly narrowed and the corners of his mouth are smirking. , very attractive.

"Master! Don't make fun of Ruo Lan anymore."

Ruo Lan's face flushed when she heard this, she was annoyed and blamed helplessly, but the movement of fanning her hand didn't stop.

I don't know what rumors the young master heard from Qiao Ming. The head manager of the bookstore who always said seemed to be interested in him. I just came forward to communicate with him on behalf of the young master...

Thinking of the young steward who looked fair and honest but was full of cunning business experience, Ruolan's mouth curled unconsciously, but Gong Zhuoxiang's dignified appearance sitting on a horse with a smile suddenly flashed in his mind, and Ruolan's heart skipped a beat. Trembling, I suddenly didn't want to think about anything.

"Heh... this month's grades have obviously improved a lot."

Gong Zhuoliang also listened to Qiao Ming's gossip and nonsense. Seeing that Ruo Lan was not in a good mood, he just smiled and took it away. After looking through the bookstore's account books and Manager Zhou's report, he found that the young man was indeed an adult. The good news of the business is that he can implement his ideas so clearly and perfectly, and Shi Kang who introduced him here really has a vision.

While the two were talking, Qiao Yingze's voice came from outside the door, and Gong Zhuoliang remembered that he had finished practicing today, and Qiao Yingze had already woken up from a nap.

"I'm here, sir, come in."

As Gong Zhuoliang said, he hurriedly stood up and straightened his loose clothes, then threw the account book into Ruo Lan's hand who started laughing because of his appearance, and waited for Qiao Yingze to come in with a smile.

"My lord, that servant will leave first."

Ruo Lan took the account book and tidied it up, gave a blessing to Qiao Yingze who walked into the back room, then suppressed a smile and backed out, thinking that the young master is indeed mighty.

"Look at you, you've sweated all over again."

Seeing that the thin shirt on Gong Zhuoliang's body was sticking to him with sweat, Qiao Yingze put down the food box in his hand, took out a bowl of cool sour plum soup and put it on the table, then sat down to drink the soup by Gong Zhuoliang, and Then he opened his clothes and wiped his sweat with a cloth towel.

Ever since Gong Zhuoliang became so busy all day long, Qiao Yingze felt a little embarrassed that he always had to take care of Gong Zhuoliang when he was idle, so he took the initiative to take over some things within his ability to take care of him. Gong Zhuoliang's daily necessities.

"We didn't practice for nothing."

Gong Zhuoliang, who was drinking sour plum soup, breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his arms to show Qiao Yingze his figure, well, although he still has bright white flesh because he can't get the sun, at least we have clear texture and shape.

"… too skinny."

Touching the little arm that was no longer soft and tender, Qiao Yingze pursed his lips to express his pity, finally, under Gong Zhuoliang's expectant gaze, he only choked out three words that made him fall down, and then saw Gong Zhuoliang being overwhelmed by himself. After being hit so weakly, Qiao Yingze raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but then his expression turned helpless again, and he told Gong Zhuoliang a news that was not good for them.

"Grandma told us to go back as soon as possible? Did you say why?"

After hearing this, Gong Zhuoliang sat up straight, turned his head and looked at Qiao Yingze suspiciously, thinking that the old lady had clearly promised him to return to the main house at the end of August, and it was still a few days away.

"The person who reported the letter didn't know. He just said that grandma ordered him to come here in a hurry. It should be urgent."

Qiao Yingze shook his head and said that he didn't know, but he was a little worried, wondering what happened to make his grandmother so anxious.

"Now we can get home at night when we leave, so let's go back first, and let them pack up the other things before taking them back."

Knowing that Qiao Yingze was worried about the old lady, Gong Zhuoliang readily agreed, and called Ruo Lan and Han Shu to wash and change her clothes. After a while, a handsome and cheerful young man was dressed up as a dignified and beautiful young lady.

"Sir, let's go."

The mezzo-soprano voice was slightly lower but magnetic, and Gong Zhuoliang, who was already proficient in switching between the false voice and his original voice, gave Qiao Yingze a funny wink, and then walked out with his husband who was trying to hold back his laughter.

They rushed back to the house when it was dark, Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze didn't have time to go back to their yard to take a rest, they were invited into the sedan chair by the waiting servants, and the bearer carried them all the way to the old lady's yard, feeling In the tense atmosphere in the mansion, Qiao Yingze's face turned slightly pale, and Gong Zhuoliang saw his uneasiness, so he hurriedly pulled his hand to his lap and held it, comforting him to let him not worry.

The two entered the old lady's room together, and saw Qiao Yingxuan kneeling in the middle of the hall with his back straight, while the angry old lady was crouching on the couch to let the maids relax, and Master Qiao sat down at the head with a sullen face. She stared at Qiao Yingxuan with a look of hating iron and steel, but Mrs. Qiao had already cried into tears with her eyes swollen.

Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze looked at each other in surprise, thinking that the news from Wenshu two days ago was still calm, what is the reason for this today

[Volume 2]