Court Marriage

Chapter 40: Big Joe's plan


"My dear grandson, if you feel better, just come out to see what's going on, and if you have anything to do, just send someone over to talk about it."

Not long after breakfast, Mrs. Qiao heard the maids report that the young master was coming. She hurriedly invited him into the room, and then waved to Qiao Yingze to let him sit beside her.


After being held by the old lady and pulled her to sit beside her, Qiao Yingze looked at the old lady hesitantly, with a very downcast expression.

"Ze'er, what's on your mind? Tell your grandmother. You're sick this time. Could it be that you're still wronged by Xuan'er's child? But you blamed your mother?"

Telling all the maids in the room to retreat and wait, the old lady looked at the haggard Qiao Yingze with distress, and saw that this good person fell ill right after he came back, thinking that he must not be able to let go of what he said before...

After thinking about it, the old lady hated Mrs. Qiao more and more in her heart, thinking that she really wanted to force her own son to death!

"How dare the grandson complain about his mother, he really came to grandma for something else..."

Sighing lightly and shaking his head, Qiao Yingze pursed his lips and looked away under the old lady's concerned gaze, hesitantly took out a few prescriptions from his pocket.

"Ze'er! Where did you get these things? How, how..."

The old lady took those few prescriptions and looked at them, her mind was buzzing into a mess, and she saw that some of them were written about congenital deficiencies, or weak and weak, anyway, the conclusions were the same two sentences over and over again—it’s not a problem for sexual intercourse. , Fear of offspring is difficult.


Qiao Yingze saw that the old lady's face had lost all color in an instant, and he fell to his knees with a plop of sadness and guilt in his heart. He knew that he was very sorry for this relative who loved and cherished him the most, but in order to keep his marriage with his little wife For the sake of the peace and future of the Qiao family, Qiao Yingze did not regret his choice, and... such parents, he really couldn't live with them anymore.

"Ze'er, get up quickly, what's going on?"

The old lady came back to her senses, and hurriedly pulled Qiao Yingze back to sit next to her, her eyes were full of anxiety and pity.

"Back to my grandmother, my grandson was always ill before getting married, so I didn't pay attention to this aspect. After getting married, because of my wife's careful care, my body and bones gradually improved, so I paid attention to this aspect. At first, I knew that there were some shortcomings, but I have been telling myself that I will get better soon, but this time I came back and saw that my second brother already had an heir, so my grandson became anxious and secretly went out to see the doctor..."

When Qiao Yingze said this, he was ashamed and stopped talking. Although the rhetoric had been rehearsed several times in his heart, he would still feel embarrassed if Qiao Yingze said that he was infertile in front of others.

It is said that a long illness makes a doctor, and Qiao Yingze himself has indeed read some medical books. Although it is only superficial, it is still very easy to fake a few symptoms of weak sperm. In addition, he is born with a weak body, so it is easier to mislead the doctors. .

"My miserable child, you are like this. You hide everything in your heart and suffer by yourself. You should have told grandma about it. Does the doctor have any good prescriptions? Our family can afford it at any price!"

When the old lady heard this, her eyes were already red, and she wished that her life would be shortened for a few years, and she also begged God to let her grandson be healthy and suffer less.

"Grandmother, grandson knows that grandma loves grandson. In this world, there is no one who is better than grandmother to grandson. But grandson really doesn't want to drag down grandma, nor does he want to drag down the family. Grandmother, grandson knows You wholeheartedly want to help our husband and wife inherit the family business, but with a body like your grandson, how can you take on the heavy responsibilities of the family? Even if your grandson is lucky enough to live a few more years, how many eyes will be on your grandson in the days to come? For the child, the grandson will be laughed to death just because of the fact that he has no offspring."

Qiao Yingze held the old lady's hand tightly, and every word came from the heart. Since he has chosen Gong Zhuoliang in this life, he will not put his mind on others, let alone touch women for the sake of his children. So he is doomed to have no descendants.

"Zer, what do you mean?"

The old lady wiped her tears with a handkerchief, and looked at Qiao Yingze with heavy and complicated eyes. She was born in a wealthy family since she was a child, and she naturally knew that the power of the patriarch in a big family comes with heavy responsibilities. She thought she would live a few more years Nian helped Ze'er and his wife to support the family, and when their heirs are successful, he can go there with peace of mind, but now such an accident happened...

"Grandmother, my grandson is incompetent, and I really failed your high hopes. If my grandson continues to stay, it will only increase everyone's troubles, and I really can't bear the charge of unfilial separation, so I want to ask grandma for pity, can you With the help of the second brother, let the grandson be separated in the name of not being able to belong to the family? The grandson knows that this is unfilial to his mother. As compensation, let the unborn child be adopted under the name of the grandson. Even if the mother and younger brother's problems are solved, the grandson will feel better."

Qiao Yingze spoke hesitantly, and in the last few words, he knelt down in front of the old lady again. Although Qiao Yingze's voice trembled and choked, his lowered eyes were full of determination.

Qiao Yingze knew that it was against filial piety for him to attribute the fault of family division to his mother, but it was undeniable that she was the one who lost morality first, and since there was no bond between mother and son, he voluntarily gave up the Qiao family property , let her favorite son inherit, and also solved the problem of the second disciple's heir for her, then I don't owe her any more!

People's hearts are fleshy. After being treated indifferently or even coldly by his biological parents for more than ten years, Qiao Yingze no longer had any extravagant expectations for the family relationship between them. From then on, he only wanted to guard his wife and family, Live a simple and happy life.

"Zer, you... grow up, and grandma can rest assured."

After listening to Qiao Yingze's thoughts, the old lady looked at him with astonishment and deep thought. She carefully looked at the young man kneeling in front of her for a long time. The old lady leaned tiredly on the cushion, shaking gently. Wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, he sighed and said something in a low voice.

"Grandmother doesn't agree with my grandson doing this? My grandson knows that this is against filial piety, but my grandson really... can't take it anymore."

The old lady's calm voice made Qiao Yingze's heart tremble, but thinking that there was no flaw in his pretending to be sick, except for his own selfishness, it was indeed for the sake of Qiao's family, so Qiao Yingze calmly raised his head to meet the old lady who was full of doubts Eyes, to show their clear conscience.

"No, it's both gratifying and a pity that you can consider Zhou Xiang's overall situation in such a way. Ze'er, you're not wrong. It's your grandmother who made things difficult for you. She knows that you are a good and filial child, but she still forces you You have a quarrel with your mother, and that's why you've been wronged to make this decision."

The old lady is pleased that Qiao Yingze no longer tolerates filial piety, but it's a pity that he is constrained by such a thin body. Naturally, she can't imagine that the root cause of the matter is Gong Zhuoliang, a fake daughter-in-law, or it should be said that she subconsciously doesn't want to raise herself The big good grandson has complicated suspicions, so the old lady only thinks that Qiao Yingze's actions today are a way to seek justice for Madam Qiao's heartbroken.

As for the prescription Qiao Yingze brought, the old lady already believed most of it. After all, Qiao Yingze could use it to persuade herself to separate from her family for many reasons, but no man would pour such dirty water on himself.

The old lady naturally didn't know that Qiao Yingze was willing to pour dirty water on himself like this because of far-reaching and long-term considerations. In this way, the old lady would not be in a hurry to give him a concubine, but would feel that he had no children. I'm sorry Gong Zhuoliang, if he uses this as an excuse in the future not to take concubines and only stay with his first wife, there won't be much resistance from the old lady's side, and as long as the old lady doesn't intervene, the husband and wife don't need it if others say it. care about.

"Grandmother is all for her grandson, how can grandson blame you without knowing it? Grandmother, since you know grandson's wishes, then this matter..."

Following the old lady's hand and sitting next to her again, Qiao Yingze breathed a sigh of relief at what she said next, knowing that she didn't doubt him, only when he was in a difficult position between her and his mother would he want to separate the family After that, Qiao Yingze didn't explain anything further.

"Let grandma think about it carefully, Ze'er, just relax, taking care of your body is the most important thing. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run. Grandma will definitely not wrong you. By the way, you didn't tell girl Yan about this. What about?"

Patting Qiao Yingze's shoulder reassuringly, the old lady suddenly remembered something, and looked at Qiao Yingze seriously.

"No, my grandson really can't say anything about it, and I'm afraid that my wife won't be able to hide his thoughts after he finds out, and others will notice."

Just like when Gong Zhuoliang was afraid that he would reveal his secrets when he returned home, Qiao Yingze would hide this plan from Gong Zhuoliang because he was worried that he would act too confidently, and the old lady would easily see his flaws, so he simply hid it from him. Explain it to him after it's done.

In addition, Qiao Yingze also deliberately teased Gong Zhuoliang, wanting to see his curious and cute appearance.

"You did the right thing. You can't let Yan girl know. After a few years, when you are all older and your relationship is deep, if there is still no movement, then let Yan girl know."

Thinking of Gong Zhuoliang, the old lady couldn't help sighing again, and she loved the eldest grandson and daughter-in-law even more, knowing that once this matter was concealed, he would be under the greatest pressure after not seeing any children for a few years after marriage, and he might be sad for how long...

Thinking about it, the old lady became worried about the important issue of her children. The eldest grandson saw that she was hopeless, and only Xuan'er and Zi'er were obviously weak... Thinking of her son who is in the prime of life, the old lady couldn't help but turn her attention to him There is no need to consider the three lowly concubines who are maid concubines and J girls. There are two concubines from good families who look good and have good temperaments, so let's temporarily avoid their contraceptive decoction.

"The grandson knows, so the grandson will go back without disturbing grandma's rest."

Hearing that the old lady meant that she had already agreed, Qiao Yingze felt relieved, seeing that the old man was already lost in thought, so he stopped disturbing her, stood up and saluted, and was ready to go back.

"Go back, have a good rest, stop thinking about it, girl Yan doesn't need to come over these days, just stay with you well."

After such a short period of time, the always strong and decisive Mrs. Qiao had already sighed several times. She was too confused now, so she didn't leave Qiao Yingze to speak. After sending him back, the old lady personally burned those prescriptions, and then I tossed and turned on the bed and thought about it for a long time, and gradually made up my mind...

As soon as Qiao Yingze returned to the house, he received Gong Zhuoliang's rare and attentive service. He was both amused and a little flattered by the dog-legged appearance. What exactly is the method? I only said that the grandmother has already agreed to the matter, and the specific aspects are waiting for her to arrange. Gong Zhuoliang was so angry that he threw on Mr. Qiao and made a toss...

With Qiao Yingze's guarantee, Gong Zhuoliang gradually stopped taking this matter to heart, and after spending a few days in the yard working on drafts, he resumed his habit of reporting to the old lady for three meals a day. It's just that recently Gong Zhuoliang felt that the old lady was treating him better and better, and the way she looked at him became more and more complicated. Gong Zhuoliang knew that it must be related to the separation of the family. It was appropriate to show some dazed and curious looks, which made the old lady love her even more.

Half a month passed in a seemingly calm atmosphere, during which Gong Zhuoliang sent Ruolan to Pingxi's place once, and gave him some exquisite snacks made by Han Shu, telling the other party that he had not forgotten the half-month agreement, And in mid-September, Gong Zhuoliang finally received a message from Pingxi Pai Xuehua, asking the couple to have a drink in the small building a day later.

"Sir, do you think we should take Shi Kang with us?"

Gong Zhuoliang was bored in Qiao's compound, thinking of Shi Kang's figure when he saw Pingxi that day, Gong Zhuoliang used his infinite ability to flirt, and fantasized about the possible JQ between them. He also mentioned it to Qiao Yingze.

After learning about the real relationship between Pingxi and Master Qiao from Qiao Yingze, Gong Zhuoliang also deliberately inquired about his situation, knowing that he has not received a monthly payment since he entered Qiao's residence, but almost all the food, clothing, housing and transportation are paid by himself. For the maid to prepare, Gong Zhuoliang became even more curious about the former famous actress, and Shi Kang, a silent man who didn't look like an ordinary guard and servant, also clearly wrote "I have a story" on his face ah.

"Zhuo Zhuo... Mr. Pingxi is father's nominal concubine after all, how can you bring a man over there to disturb you, besides, you have so many people who brought Shi Kang over without you, if they really knew each other, wouldn't you tell them clearly that we Do you have doubts? It’s not good to be misunderstood and have any malice.”

Shaking his head at Gong Zhuoliang's sudden proposal, Qiao Yingze, who was drawing, lowered his head and talked about his own considerations, but seeing no response from Gong Zhuoliang after speaking, Qiao Yingze thought to himself that it would be a disappointment to him, and hurriedly put down his pen and turned his head to look, But when he found that Gong Zhuoliang was staring at him with a smile, Qiao Yingze couldn't help laughing, thinking that he didn't know what happened to his little lady recently, and gradually asked for his opinions on matters in the store and everywhere in the property Come on... have to say, it feels pretty good.

"I'm just kidding, Mr., you're so cute..."

Seeing Qiao Yingze answering his question so seriously, Gong Zhuoliang finally couldn't help laughing. Seeing Qiao Yingze pursed his lips a little angrily, he simply rushed over to hug him and start chewing.

Hmm, I almost forgot that Qiao Yingze doesn't like his rouge kisses, so wipe them off first, and then pounce, haha...