Court Marriage

Chapter 65: No misses


Qiao Yingxuan and his wife came here in the afternoon, but neither of them looked very happy. Qiao Yingxuan was a little helpless and apologetic, while Yang Yingmo was shy and a little apprehensive.

Because Gong Zhuoliang's leg was still 'injured', after Qiao Yingxuan came to greet him, he and Qiao Yingze brothers went to the outer hall to talk, while Yang Yingmo stayed with him.

It turned out that Mrs. Qiao sent an announcement of good news for them this time.

"Your siblings are pregnant?"

After Qiao Yingxuan explained his purpose of coming with a shy grunt, Qiao Yingze couldn't help but look at him with a strange look.

It was only a month or so before the pregnancy was found out. It can be seen that the seeds were planted when they were just married. Thinking about the matter of the Jingshu girl back then, it seems that she was hit once. This kid is too...

"Well, I just found out yesterday. It is said that although the pulse condition is not very obvious, it is most likely to be wrong."

Qiao Yingxuan was so smoked by his elder brother that he drank it up in two sips from the teacup. He was a little indulgent because he was newly married, and his grandmother and mother exempted his wife from the first few days. It came so soon, it really seemed that he was in a hurry...

"Are you rushing here just to announce the good news?"

Hearing that it was just found out yesterday, Qiao Yingze's smile froze, and he looked at Qiao Yingxuan with some scrutiny.

Qiao Yingze knew about his own family affairs. He and Gong Zhuoliang were both men, and it was impossible for a child to pop out of their stomachs, but outsiders didn't know it. It was only as if he, Qiao Yingze, had married a wife for more than two years and had no heirs. Naturally, there are all kinds of rumors outside the words, but right now, Qiao Yingxuan came to the door just after receiving the letter. It really doesn't look like an announcement, but a demonstration... No matter how sincere Qiao Yingxuan is, it is impossible for him to be so lacking in heart Bar

"Brother... It's me who seems to have something on her mind in the past few days, so I want my sister-in-law to enlighten her."

Qiao Yingxuan saw that his brother's smile faded, and he became more and more embarrassed. In fact, when his mother asked him to come to announce the good news last night, he felt that it was not good to do so. After the words, he agreed with a hard mouth, but now there is no reason to say that the elders are not.

Thinking of his wife's thoughtfulness of taking the initiative to take over this responsibility when she found out about it last night, Qiao Yingxuan couldn't help but feel a little moved, but I don't know if it was because of the influence of those vague feelings and quiet book incidents in the past. There is not much feeling of love, and the other party is about the same age as him, and is quite independent and strong, so there is no way to talk about pity... Qiao Yingxuan can only comfort himself, they are all married like this blindly, between husband and wife It is already very good to respect each other as guests, how many people can be as happy as elder brother

"You... You need to be more considerate in your life in the future. Your sister-in-law and I know that you have no other intentions, but if you change someone else, you will inevitably complain."

Qiao Yingze also understood in his heart that there would be no one but his mother who could put his younger brother in such trouble. Thinking that Mrs. Qiao now regarded the couple as enemies, Qiao Yingze couldn't help feeling a little dull in his heart.

Speaking of it, it was because of the two pregnant aunts. The one in front had already given birth to a boy, and the other one was going to give birth in a while. These were all nails in Mrs. Qiao's heart. , let her hate the old lady, but also brought Qiao Yingze and his wife along, and because it was too late to teach them a lesson, that's why they wanted to find trouble when they had nothing to do to make them unhappy.

"I see, brother, I will pay more attention to it in the future, I'm really sorry."

Qiao Yingxuan stood up when Qiao Yingze just spoke, and sat down after listening to the lesson honestly and apologizing. Seeing that Qiao Yingze didn't seem to be annoyed by him, there was a smile on his face. He was also getting more and more handsome, he actually turned red at the maid who was serving the tea next to him, and hurriedly lowered his head not daring to overstep.

All the servants in the West Mansion know that Madam is extremely strict with the servant girls, let alone hoping to be accepted by the master, even if she shows a little affection for the master, or shows goodwill to foreign guests, that is only given to her. As for the fate of being kicked out, Hanxue who used to be by Madam's side broke the rules in front of Madam's cousin and was kicked out, and Handong who served the third master in the guest courtyard went to the second place because of a private change of errand with Hanqiu. If you don't want to get close to the master, let sister Ruolan send someone to take her home.

"Okay, don't talk about these things, don't you always feel that you are lacking in strategy? The cousin of the Gong family asked someone to copy some of the better papers from the Wu Jinshi over the years. Come with me to the study."

Seeing Qiao Yingxuan's bright smile without a trace of haze, Qiao Yingze couldn't help but relax, and the smile on his face became stronger.

Qiao Yingxuan is going to be crowned next year, so he really has the right to speak. Although his family did not agree, he has already made up his mind to take the martial arts exam in the next year, so he is secretly studying, and Qiao Yingze also supports his decision Yes, so I asked Gong Zhuoxiang to get some "real questions over the years" for Qiao Yingxuan to study.

"Thank you brother!"

Qiao Yingxuan laughed more honestly when he heard the words, and after he finished speaking, he ran behind Qiao Yingze, wagging his tail and followed.


In the inner courtyard, Gong Zhuoliang, whose legs were covered with a thin quilt, leaned on the cushions and leaned on the soft couch. He was also quite surprised to hear the news that Yang Yingmo was pregnant, but he was not as careful as Qiao Yingze, and was genuinely happy.

One must know that he and Qiao Yingze originally planned to last for another six months, depending on the condition of Yang Yingmo's stomach. Now that they have only been married for more than a month and they can conceive, their plan can be carried out with ease. What a god Help him get out of the sea of suffering as soon as possible.

As for the issue of offspring, Gong Zhuoliang snickered a bit like WS, thinking that Qiao Yingxuan could be regarded as a 'good shot', really mighty.

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

Yang Yingmo sat on the chair below with a slightly red face, seeing that there was nothing unusual in Gong Zhuoliang's smile, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart for his kindness.

For more than a month, because of the mother-in-law and husband's insistence on their brother and sister-in-law, Yang Yingmo's perception of the two of them was really confused, but because they adopted Qiao Minyan's child, Yang Yingmo was grateful Now, her attitude towards them tends to be kind, plus she has heard a lot of people's rumors in recent days, so Yang Yingmo is really curious about this sister-in-law.

Married for more than two years with nothing to do, and the husband is not allowed to take a concubine to take over the house, but up to the old lady, down to the maidservants who have served them like Qinghua and Yuhua, no one has ever said anything wrong about this sister-in-law, They said good things inside and out, and their husband and wife have always been very affectionate. I heard that they have never blushed, but they are really envious of others.

"Why do the younger brothers and sisters seem a little unhappy about such a happy event?"

Seeing the slight worry on Yang Yingmo's face, Gong Zhuoliang's eyes moved, and he asked softly with concern, thinking that he was going to ask me about a woman's private topic... I really don't know about these!

"Mo'er is very happy to be able to have an heir for my husband, but now that Mo'er is pregnant, where is my husband... Mo'er thinks that Qinghua is a good-natured girl, so if he wants to praise her, he must first do a good job with his husband." I just heard that my sister-in-law wanted to find a suitable marriage for her and girl Yuhua, so I came here today to ask my sister-in-law for her opinion."

A bitter smile appeared on Yang Yingmo's face, she looked at Gong Zhuoliang's hands with wet eyes, and when she talked about the later, there were tears in her eyes.

"You are healthy, so you can't wipe your tears. You husband and wife are doing well, why do you want to give the second uncle a room? But what did the second uncle do to apologize to you?"

Gong Zhuoliang was dumbfounded by Yang Yingmo's words, and his first reaction was that Qiao Yingxuan made another mistake, but then he thought about it and felt that he couldn't do it. This child is not so stupid. Understood, I can't help lamenting the tragedy of women in this era. Obviously having a child should be a happy thing, but in order to be a virtuous person, she has to take the initiative to find a housemate for her husband, otherwise she will be called a jealous woman.

It's just that although Gong Zhuoliang despised these bad habits in his heart, he couldn't express it directly on his face, so he could only pretend to be surprised and care a few words first.

"No, my husband is very kind to Mo'er. He has never done anything. It is Mo'er who knows these rules... Sister-in-law, Mo'er knows that she should be a virtuous person, but she really doesn't want to. Mo'er is now married alone. When I came to this city of Bo, besides the elders, there were only younger brothers in the family. Moer had no way to complain about her grievances. She really saw that her sister-in-law was so amiable, so she begged her husband to bring Moer over to disturb her, and invited her sister-in-law Don't blame me."

Although Yang Yingmo said that her heart was indeed panicked, she did not cry easily, and looked at Gong Zhuoliang with sympathy for those little daughters, showing a trace of stubbornness and unwillingness.

Yang Yingmo really didn't want to give her husband a house, but there were grandmothers and mother-in-law watching at home. If she didn't show her attitude at all, she might cause gossip and lose the favor of her elders, but if she really opened This mouth, get yourself a 'sister', then she can't find a place to cry even if she wants to.

She couldn't say these things to anyone in her husband's house, so she thought of this powerful sister-in-law, thinking that it would be great if she could get help here.

"Since you think like this, then tell your second uncle that he is the most informal person. If you don't mention it, he won't think about it at all, and second uncle said that he will not take concubines or accept them." As for the roommate, if you have any inconvenience to tell your elders, you can let him come forward to solve it, as husband and wife, you should communicate more to understand each other."

Gong Zhuoliang understands that Yang Yingmo is here to ask herself to be her 'excuse'. After all, if she is a new young daughter-in-law, if she directly makes it clear that her husband is not allowed to take concubines, and she has to follow the attitude of abstinence during pregnancy, she will be partial like Mrs. Qiao. Her mother-in-law, if she didn't say anything on the face, she might have to blame her for being inconsiderate in her heart, and like Yang Yingmo, who just got married and didn't understand her husband much, she didn't dare to let go of the words that allowed him to accept the room. That's why I want to come here to find an excuse so that she can achieve the goal of not losing her reputation and her exclusive right as a husband.

Yang Yingmo can honestly state her purpose, instead of relying on tears to win sympathy and use others, which shows that her nature is not bad, and Gong Zhuoliang still appreciates a little girl like her who has character and can fight for herself, so He is also happy to point out the way for her, and sincerely hopes that she and Qiao Yingxuan will have the good fortune to have a long-term relationship and become a true couple.

"Can you really say these things to Mr. Xiang? If he thinks Mo'er is a jealous woman..."

Seeing Gong Zhuoliang's determination, Yang Yingmo couldn't help feeling hopeful in her heart. Although Qiao Yingxuan had promised her on the wedding night, how could Yang Yingmo easily believe a stranger's sweet words? Even if that person's title is husband, you must know that the most unreliable thing in this world is a man's loyalty.

And after getting along for more than a month, although Yang Yingmo thinks that Qiao Yingxuan's appearance and temperament are good, after all, she has no fame and no interest. Yang Yingmo was just indifferent to Qiao Yingxuan, but if he could really stop taking concubines... he would be a good one to rely on.

"I still understand Second Uncle's temperament. As long as the siblings treat him wholeheartedly, he will not let the siblings suffer any grievances."

When Gong Zhuoliang said this, he couldn't help but think of the thoughtful words he said when he and Qiao Yingze first got married. His heart warmed up and his body also warmed up. He was looking forward to his birthday on the 15th... must be loved This caring little husband of my own will do a little bit.

"Mo'er, thank you sister-in-law for your advice."

With such a firm guarantee from Gong Zhuoliang, Yang Yingmo really felt as if she had taken a reassurance. Immediately, she got up and saluted Gong Zhuoliang respectfully. After sitting for a while, she happily left with Qiao Yingxuan. went.

Qiao Yingze sent away his younger brother and sister-in-law. He was a little afraid that Gong Zhuoliang would be unhappy, so he ordered Han Shu to make more dishes that Gong Zhuoliang liked at night, and then he carried his son to the house to coax people.

"Come on, my good son ("zi hei" is pronounced together with the four sounds of "thief", which is an affectionate name)!"

Having already washed off his makeup and put down his hair while Qiao Yingze was seeing off the guests, Gong Zhuoliang stretched out his arms to hug Qiao Minyan who was in Qiao Yingze's arms, and kissed his fleshy cheek first.

To say that the child was really cute when he was young, especially a beautiful child like Qiao Minyan with a tender face, round eyes, and looks like a child star. Although he was not his own, Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze have been raising him personally since he landed. , psychologically there is really no difference from his biological one, but unlike Qiao Yingze who always planned to be a strict father but failed, Gong Zhuoliang, the father, is really Hong Guoguo's doting.

"Daddy, Mommy..."

Qiao Minyan already knows how to recognize people, giggling happily in Gong Zhuoliang's arms, hugging his neck and trying to kiss his cheek, it's so cute.

In ancient times, mothers were also called mothers, but generally only children called them that way, and when they grew up, they all called mothers or mothers. However, Gong Zhuoliang still resented Qiao Minyan for calling him mother and Qiao Yingze's father. yes.

"Their mother asked them to come here today, and the second brother has no other intentions."

Seeing that Gong Zhuoliang didn't look unhappy, Qiao Yingze felt a little more relaxed, but he was afraid that he just didn't care, so after thinking about it, he defended Qiao Yingxuan.

"What? Oh... You said this, I know Ying Xuan's character well, so I won't misunderstand him."

Gong Zhuoliang was first questioned by Qiao Yingze's words, and he took a long turn to understand what he was referring to. He couldn't help but put Qiao Minyan on the soft couch for him to play with, and then walked over with his arms around Qiao Yingze's waist. She bit her face to bite his chin, and after biting and biting, it became a kiss, and her hands moved dishonestly.

"The child is still there..."

Qiao Yingze hurriedly grabbed Gong Zhuoliang's hand that was about to untie his belt, and out of the corner of his eye he cast it on the couch. Qiao Minyan tilted his head to look at him, his face blushed, and helplessly glared at someone who was laughing. glance.

Sure enough, I was thinking too much, this person is not a real woman, so why would he care about what his mother said that he couldn't give birth to a child.

"What can he understand now?"

Gong Zhuoliang became interested, but Qiao Yingze couldn't easily stop him. With a strong hand around the man's waist, he pushed Qiao Yingze down on the soft couch, then leaned over and pressed him down, holding his face deeply. Kissed deeply.

"No, no... hug Min Yan... um... Zhuo Liang..."

Qiao Yingze avoided Gong Zhuoliang's kiss, but his lips were firmly pressed against his body when he could avoid it. After a while, his clothes had been ripped off to his shoulders, revealing his white and slender chest, while Gong Zhuoliang Biting his neck passionately.

Qiao Minyan, who was originally sitting by the side, saw Qiao Yingze unbuttoning his clothes, and suddenly crawled over quickly, pouted and leaned towards Qiao Yingze's chest... I'm hungry.