Court Marriage

Chapter 85: Catch the gift of the week


Five days later, Gong Zhuoliang and his wife were summoned by the crown prince under the arrangement of Gong Zhuoxiang. The two were already very handsome and talented, which made the crown prince feel happy when they saw each other. Although the two resigned and left after only half a quarter of an hour of talking, they both knew that His Highness the Crown Prince appreciated Qiao Yingze very much, as the rewards were all auspicious things that implied titles on the gold list. As for Gong Zhuoliang, if it weren't for the fact that he is a 'wife', the crown prince would have sent him to the Ministry of Industry to receive an errand...

September 18th is the first birthday of Qiao Yingxuan's eldest son and daughter. Originally, Qiao Yingxuan and his wife only invited their acquainted relatives and friends. Both of them are also used to seeing big scenes, and there is nothing wrong with dealing with them. It can even be said that such a lively scene is more suitable for them to play, so that those guests who originally came to get close for various reasons are also very concerned about their family. Gao took a look.

"Zhuo Zhuo, it's almost time for formal ceremony, shall we all go there too?"

Since the morning, I heard that there are many guests from the East Mansion, so Qiao Yingze and Gong Zhuoliang did not go to join in the fun. Later, people reported that most of the visitors were asking about him and Gong Zhuoliang, obviously because of the happy event in the East Mansion. Come to see their friendship in the West Mansion, so that it would be even more difficult for the two of them to pass too early, so they excused themselves to stay at home, anyway, there is a courtyard wall between the two mansions, and they can go there at any time.

"All right."

Gong Zhuoliang was sitting on the couch playing with his sons, when he heard that he asked Hanlu to come over and take care of the two little guys, he also got up and tidied his clothes, and then put on a professional smile on his face.

As soon as the two of them entered the East Mansion with their children through the main entrance, everyone's eyes focused on them. Most of the self-respecting ones just paid attention first, and communicated while waiting for the introduction from the master of the mansion, while those who were more active had already come to get acquainted with each other. Yes, some said they admired Qiao Yingze's knowledge, some said they liked Gong Zhuoliang's novels, for a while it seemed that the surroundings of the two were very lively, until today the real master Qiao Yingxuan came to relieve the two of them, and introduced them to the outside world The guest then sent the two of them into the small hall, and the two who had already said their mouths were relieved.

"Brother, you have a meeting with Brother Xiang and the others first, and I'll go get ready. It's time soon, and then I'll pick you up."

Today is the first birthday of his son and daughter, Qiao Yingxuan was in a great mood, he smiled brightly and greeted the people in the room, he was busy preparing for other things again.

"Got it, go get busy."

Qiao Yingze smiled and patted Qiao Yingxuan on the shoulder, watching him walk out while ordering his servants to do things in an orderly manner, he couldn't help nodding his head in relief, but on the other hand, he was also a little distressed. It's really not good at anything, and the noisy people will feel that they can't stay... Fortunately, I have Zhuo Zhuo here.

"What's wrong?"

Sensing Qiao Yingze's affectionate gaze, Gong Zhuoliang, who had just put away his polite smile before, turned his face sideways, and hugged his arm with a thoughtful smile.


Qiao Yingze shook his head slightly, still reluctant to look away from Gong Zhuoliang's face, and couldn't help showing a heartwarming smile on his face.

"Hey, we're still here, it's wrong to act like no one else is around."

There was a round table in the small hall, and Lu Zijian, who had already come over, was sitting sideways to the direction of the two of them, holding his chin and teasing the two of them sourly, it was really enviable and jealous.

There were only Gong Zhuoxiang and his son, Lu Zijian, Zhang Lin, and Qiao Yingzi in the small hall. Among them, Gong Zhuoxiang and Lu Zijian had been sitting, and Zhang Lin stood up when they came in to greet them. Pee didn't sit with him, but stood behind Gong Zhuoxiang. Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze laughed at Lu Zijian's teasing, and greeted Zhang Lin to sit down together, and then let the maid's own baby sons hug Qiao Yingzi and the others Two small ones, let them coax and play together in the hall.

"Now the two of you are really the upstarts in Beijing, how do you feel?"

After Lu Zijian came here today and saw the battle outside, he guessed where those people were singing. Qiao Yingze and the other two were appreciated by the crown prince when they first entered Beijing, and praised him as a virtuous country, while the other was already famous. There are countless fans of the book, and now he has the noble status of the son of the palace family. It is not surprising that everyone pays attention to it, but some of these people outside are too snobbish. .

"What kind of upstart, it's just a scene, how can it be taken seriously?"

Seeing Lu Zijian's disdain, Gong Zhuoliang smiled and shook his head, not paying attention to those people's compliments at all.

The people who will be here today are just "little shrimps" except for serious relatives. Thinking that he and Qiao Yingze are now powerless, powerless, and official, they only have a little reputation, so it is really worth others to come Ingratiated? It would be superficial to be complacent just because of this excitement.

"Yes, but it's good for our family to understand these words in our hearts. You will have more entertainment in the future, so you can't show it on your face. If you offend people for nothing, you should trouble yourself."

Gong Zhuoxiang was very satisfied with Qiao Yingze and his wife's neither arrogant nor impatient attitude, but being used to being the head of the family, he couldn't help admonishing him a few more words, Qiao Yingze and Gong Zhuoliang responded with a smile, but Lu Zijian didn't do much to save face A grimace made a few people laugh again.

"By the way, your brother-in-law also has good news to tell you today."

Seeing that Zhang Lin hesitated to speak a little bit shyly, Lu Zijian brought the topic to him again.

"I would also like to thank my uncle and sister-in-law. This morning, His Royal Highness ordered my brother-in-law's errand to be in charge of repairing the hot spring village for the royal family. Because the space was three times larger than the original design, it had to be redesigned. Planning, this matter... I have to trouble my sister-in-law."

Zhang Lin smiled a little embarrassedly as he said that, the two dimples on the doll's face made him look even more childish.

Zhang Lin's errand this time is definitely a fat job, and His Royal Highness personally ordered him to be in charge, so the credit for Zhuangzi's cultivation will not be shared by his superiors, and his promotion to Yuanwailang from the fifth rank is basically guaranteed Yes... But even though he was only following His Highness the Crown Prince's orders, Zhang Lin felt quite ashamed when he thought that this Huangzhuang would trouble his uncle's family a lot, but he would get all the benefits of being promoted and getting rich.

"Why are you being polite to the family, it's just that it was the private hot spring village of His Royal Highness, how did it become Huangzhuang again?"

Gong Zhuoliang smiled indifferently when he heard the words, and didn't think there was any trouble. The actual architectural drawing was no better than the one that Qiao Yingze painstakingly drew before. As long as Gong Zhuoliang proposed the desired appearance, Pingxi would be able to do it very well. To complete it, thinking of this, Gong Zhuoliang felt that this matter could be handed over to Ping Xi. In modern terms, Zhang Lin is the engineering director who was a civil servant, and Ping Xi is the chief architect. But it is very big, and he must be happy to come to think of it.

"This is the filial piety of His Majesty the Crown Prince. Seeing that His Majesty's holy body violated harmony, he dedicated Zhuang Tujin to His Majesty. Next year will be His Majesty's Jiazi's birthday. After the completion of the work, His Majesty can be moved to recuperate. His Majesty's Longyan is very happy, and I am here The brigadier will expand this village."

The person who explained it was Gong Zhuoxiang, and the crown prince even asked his opinion on the matter of presenting the picture. His Majesty's body and spirit have become increasingly weak this year, and the government affairs are basically handled by the crown prince, while the second prince and The third prince's movements became more and more... Shaking his head lightly, Gong Zhuoxiang took his thoughts away from those things. Today is a festive day, so there is no need to let those things down.

"That's how it is. Since my brother-in-law is in charge of this matter, I'll go with you to see the specific terrain and environment, and then we'll make a plan after the area has been circled."

Gong Zhuoliang just asked casually, the bigger the Zhuangzi builds, the more benefits they will have. As for whether there will be problems with the quality of the project... Unless the officials of the Ministry of Industry want to drag the whole family to die together, no one has the guts Dare to engage in bean curd projects on royal buildings. Although the current Holy Majesty is still generous, he cannot stand the slightest provocation in terms of royal majesty.

Zhang Lin hurriedly responded when he heard the words, at this time Qiao Yingxuan came to invite them over, they stopped talking and went to the main hall to watch the ceremony together.

When it was time for the highlight of Catch Zhou, Qiao Minren and Qiao Yiyue, who were wearing the same red shirts, were carried by the nanny into the center of the newly carpeted hall. According to their rules, things for Catch Zhou should be given to relatives and friends Come and let go, you can use what others have prepared early in the morning, or you can prepare things yourself. The child catches whoever puts the things, that is the fate with whom, and there will be more intimacy when getting along in the future.

After the child was put away, there were no elders in the Qiao family, so Qiao Yingxuan asked Qiao Yingze to put the things first as a matter of course, but the master of the Yang family didn't come over in person. It was indifferent, and the youngest one of them showed a hint of displeasure. Qiao Yingze sighed secretly, but with a smile on his face, he placed the inkstone that Qiao Yingxuan handed over on the carpet.

Although Gong Zhuoliang bears the status of a wife, as a man, he naturally stayed among these men's families, so it was his turn after Qiao Yingze finished putting things away. He hooked the corners of his mouth and took out the I published a pocket hardcover Analects of Confucius with a cover made of gold and inlaid with rubies and jade beads, which really dazzled everyone's eyes.


There is a golden house in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book. This is a concept that has been used throughout the ages, and Gong Zhuoliang's display of such things is naturally very pleasing, but such a unique way of expression, everyone is somewhat different. Speechless, Xindao, the outside world's evaluation of this storybook master's "wonderful thinking, not sticking to small details" is really appropriate.

After Gong Zhuoliang, Qiao Yingxuan asked several wives and uncles to release them one by one, and then other relatives and friends put things in one after another, and then the nanny put the two little protagonists in the center of the hall. Yue was obviously more energetic than his younger brother. After being put down, he shook his head and looked around, not afraid of strangers at all, while Qiao Minren sat there timidly, and seemed to have no interest in the things around him. Qiao Yiyue moved first, hesitating for a while between Lu Zijian's gem-encrusted dagger and Gong Zhuoliang's little golden book, as if she still felt that the little golden book was a little brighter, so she rushed to grab the little golden book, caring for herself He started playing with it, and Qiao Minren seemed to be influenced by her, and he also played with the inkstone that Qiao Yingze put in his hand. Immediately, congratulations from all the guests rang out.

"All the benefits are taken away by you, I don't care, Ying Xuan, you agreed to let me be the godfather of the children."

After the guests had their seats, they reunited in the small hall again. Lu Zijian looked at the couple who were holding one in their arms and followed each other, expressing that as a loner, he was envious and jealous again. Then he hooked Qiao Yingxuan's neck and threatened him.

Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze handed over the babies in their arms to the nanny and took them back to the inner house. They laughed at Lu Zijian's playful words. In fact, such a big child really knows how to choose things, but because bright colors can attract their attention. That's all, as for Qiao Minren's choice of the inkstone, besides the location that happens to be at hand, I'm afraid it's because he usually plays a lot, so it's a conditioned reflex.

"Yes, yes, my senior brother."

Qiao Yingxuan hurriedly covered his neck and responded with a smile. After inviting a few people to the table, he had a drink with him, and then asked them to wait for him to come back before going out to entertain the guests.

In the inner house of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Yang Yingmo, who was talking with the female relatives, was secretly relieved when she heard the result of the catching week. Finally, she was not in vain. She put away all her son's toys, and let him only play with the inkstone .

"Is this something my sister-in-law placed?"

Taking the little golden book that her daughter had caught from the nanny, Yang Yingmo played with it for a while, and found it exquisite and pleasing, and she also showed some liking on her face.

Seeing this, the female family guests next to him also talked about Gong Zhuoliang's body, their admiration was beyond words, and Yang Yingmo couldn't help feeling emotional while chatting with them.

It turned out that when Gong Zhuoliang first came to Beijing, Yang Yingmo felt really awkward in her heart. She felt that he was of low birth and was a man, but he used the title of sister-in-law to overwhelm her everywhere. Later, I saw that he had never interfered with the affairs of Dongfu. , the knot in her heart was only small, and it would be good to think about living separately in the future. Who knows that in just a few days, he has suddenly become the son of the palace family, and now he is even appreciated by His Royal Highness, see Look at today's battle... Where will anyone see their Dongfu family in the future

Concerned about something, Yang Yingmo went back to rest in the room after the guests dispersed, and heard the nanny say that the eldest young master was a little startled, Yang Yingmo was still crying after hugging her for a while, she was even more annoyed, so she simply Let the nanny carry them back to their room to coax them, and recuperate alone in the room, but after a while, Qiao Yingxuan came back, smelling of alcohol.

"Why did you drink so much wine?"

Yang Yingmo's eyebrows were frowned, and she got up to remove the outer clothes for Qiao Yingxuan. Just as she was about to ask the maid to bring in the hangover soup, she was hugged by Qiao Yingxuan and fell down on the bed together.

"Madam, Madam, listen to me, I will start taking the martial arts exam next year, I will definitely work hard, and Chunwei will give you a Jinshi degree in the next year and come back, Madam, trust me, I will take good care of you and the children Yes, our family will live happily ever after... "

Qiao Yingxuan smiled drunkenly, and wanted to hug Yang Yingmo's waist, but she pushed her shoulders and stood up to avoid it. Qiao Yingxuan seemed to be so drunk that he had no energy left, kicked off his boots lazily, and rubbed himself into the bed. Lying there, with her face facing Yang Yingmo's direction, her eyes were already so dazed that she couldn't open her eyes, her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally she seemed to have fallen asleep.

"It's a good job to be a civil servant. You have to take some martial arts exams. What if you want to be a bodyguard or join the army directly? In this peaceful and prosperous age, what can you do..."

The words of complaint slipped out of her annoyance, and Yang Yingmo immediately regretted it after she realized it. She hurriedly took a closer look at Qiao Yingxuan, and saw that he seemed to be fast asleep, and then her nervous heart relaxed again.

Yang Yingmo knew that although Qiao Yingxuan looked cheerful and easy-going, he was actually very stubborn, otherwise she wouldn't have such a stiff fight with her natal family, and since her whole life had been entrusted to him, it would be a real disadvantage if she really had trouble The one who is wronged is myself...

Thinking that Qiao Yingxuan kept his promise and never took a concubine, Yang Yingmo felt awkward for a while, and wanted to take the initiative to serve him to rest, but she couldn't stand his smell of alcohol, so she turned around and went to sit outside. The maids came in to help him change his clothes...Yang Yingmo didn't know that when she chose to walk out with her back to Qiao Yingxuan, she also walked out of Qiao Yingxuan's heart.

"Aren't you promising..."

Qiao Yingxuan, who was supposed to be asleep, turned over and faced the inside of the bed, a bitter smile was forced on the corner of his mouth, and then quickly disappeared.

If his family hadn't been defeated back then, and he and Yang Yingmo had had more time to cultivate their relationship, and they hadn't had such an argument with the Yang family, maybe they wouldn't be like this now, but now... Forget it, do what you should Do it, then, so be it.

At the same time, Qiao Yingze and his wife were taking a walk in the yard to digest food in Qiao's West Mansion.

"By the way, Ying Ze, you said that next year is His Majesty's Jiazi birthday, can you pardon the world?"

Walking slowly with Qiao Yingze, Gong Zhuoliang remembered hearing them mention His Majesty's birthday today, and couldn't help but think of the amnesty of the world. Now that Master Qiao has been convicted for more than a year, he doesn't know that he is living in exile. What's the matter... It's impossible to think about it.

Withdrawing his divergent thoughts, Gong Zhuoliang focused on the matter of amnesty again. It stands to reason that what Master Qiao committed was not a heinous crime. If there is an amnesty, even if he cannot be completely exonerated, the punishment will probably be mitigated. Bar.

"Should be."

Qiao Yingze thought about it, and felt that there would be an amnesty in all likelihood, and he couldn't help but think of a family of young and old in Xingcheng.