Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 10: Picnic


"Practice exam in the afternoon, this year's punishment is so exciting, I guess the boys are working hard."

"Have you noticed the man next to the vice principal? He's so handsome."

"I see, I see! When I was writing the test paper, I accidentally glanced out, and I was immediately stunned by his handsomeness."

"Shh, don't you know who that is?"

"Who is who?"

The conversation beside him brought Xu Yinian back to reality. Someone announced a name, and the girls were quiet for a moment, all staring wide-eyed.

After a while, the voices of their conversation became more excited.

"real or fake."

"I actually look so good-looking! I always thought he was scary..."

Although everyone knows the name, five years later, there are not many students who know Yu Huai's appearance. Xu Yinian couldn't help but smile when he heard them chatting and discussing various rumors.

The punishment formulated by Yuan Mu fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the students, and even a salty fish like Xia Ziheng had to brace himself for the practice test. In order to ensure fairness, students of each grade will only encounter opponents of the same level.

On the side of the tenth grade competition stage, the students waiting to play shivered.

There was no other reason. The boy with black hair and black eyes stood on the stage and stunned an opponent every three minutes on average. There are a total of more than one hundred people in the whole grade, and he almost killed one-third of them.

"Boss, this is going to start a killing ring..." The boy who spoke choked up, "Should the vice principal reflect on how far he has pushed him?"

The person next to him showed despair: "Can I just admit defeat?"

"Although I want to admit it, isn't Miao Counseling a bit embarrassing?"

While they were talking, Xia Ziheng stepped onto the stage.

"Little Brother Xu," Xia Ziheng has a very clear understanding of his own strength. He doesn't face up to difficulties like others, but plays the emotional card, "A friend, let's put water?"

The lightning flashed from Xu Yinian's fingertips suddenly.

"Understood, you don't need to do anything," Xia Ziheng said bluntly, "I admit defeat."

The onlookers off the court were stunned: "...someone is really intimidating."

"The opportunity has come, brothers!" The boy who spoke slapped his thigh suddenly, happily, "Since someone takes the lead, let's admit defeat together!"

The next boy on the stage was afraid that Xu Yinian's hands would slip, so he called out the respectful title as soon as he got on the stage: "Little Brother Xu!"

Xu Yinian was stunned, but before he realized who this person was, the boy shouted: "Don't hit me, I admit defeat!"


The following students basically had the same painting style as him, and some of them who liked to work around even bowed when they came on stage.

"Brother, don't do anything, admit defeat immediately!"

"Surrender! I surrender!"

"Brother Nian, you understand, my own people, come up and go through the motions."

Investors who visited the college were quite surprised to see this situation like a gangster gathering to recognize their eldest brother: "This student is...?"

Yuan Mu smiled without changing his face: "Excellent students in our school."

The investor understood it, and then smiled and said, "Mr. Yu also graduated from Fengqiao College, right? Sure enough, there are many capable people."

Yuan Mu thought that you were right, no one dared to come up to the stage when this student stood on the stage.

"The teacher taught well." Yu Huai said politely. His gaze turned to the stage. Xu Yinian stared intently at his new opponent after he took the stage. Although his expression didn't change, those who knew him could tell that he was starting to get nervous.

Seeing Ye Qiao walk onto the stage, Xu Yinian concentrated his attention, gathering supernatural powers with both hands calmly.

He has always been unable to see through Ye Qiao's strength. Most of the exorcists grew up in Fengqiao College, and there are only a handful of transfer students like Ye Qiao. Four years ago, Xu Yinian had a new roommate who transferred from another school. The two of them were in different classes, and Ye Qi was very quiet. At first, Xu Yinian didn't notice anything special about his roommate. It wasn't until he gradually became familiar with it that he realized that Ye Qiao could maintain the same level as most people no matter in class work or task practice, as if she could do everything with ease, and could always be in the middle.

He didn't know why Ye Qiao was hiding his clumsiness, and if the other party didn't mention the reason, he didn't ask.

Ye Qiao looked at Xu Yinian's serious face, remembered that his theoretical grades had always been in single digits, and sighed, "I admit defeat."


Ye Qiao got off the stage after speaking, thanks to his consistent image, no one thought there was anything wrong.

The next person to take the stage was another familiar face, Xu Yinian finally became interested: "You won't just admit defeat, will you?"

"What do you say?" Yan Ran moved his fingers, and the knuckles rang. "It's easy to catch the opportunity. It is a pity not to beat you. I haven't brought a group member who is more troublesome than you."

"I think so too." After Xu Yinian finished speaking, he released a large amount of lightning and rushed forward.

Lightning and flames collided violently on the stage. After such a long time, someone finally dared to fight Xu Yinian, and everyone gathered together to watch the excitement. It's a pity that the fight between the two spread far and wide, boom! With a bang, the stage was blown to pieces under the watchful eyes of everyone, smoke and dust rose all over the place, and the students who were close were coughing non-stop.

After the flying sand and rocks dispersed, one of them fell to the ground.

"Admit defeat." Chen Ran wiped off the blood on his lips, and said simply.

Xu Yinian walked towards him.

"Although you are rather verbose as the team leader," Xu Yinian stretched out his hand, "It's not unacceptable to be in the same group as you for the make-up exam."

Chen Ran pulled his lips, snorted with a half-smile, and held Xu Yinian's hand.

In the evening, the practice tests were all over. The teachers of each grade group are responsible for calculating the overall grades of all students. Because this year's punishment was too frenzied, everyone stayed on the stage in fear and waited for the calculation results. Finally, Xu Yinian saw Director Qin coming with the report card, and Xia Ziheng who was next to him had already started chanting: "No me, no me! , definitely without me."

"Xia Ziheng." Director Qin announced loudly.

"..." Xia Ziheng's face was ashen, "Damn, bad luck."

"Chen Chi, Lu Pengfei..."

Director Qin read a few more names. From time to time, wailing came from the crowd. As the names were revealed one by one, Xu Yinian clenched his hands unconsciously.

"The last student's practical grade is the highest in our whole grade, but this theory is really...even if you get a point or two more?" Director Qin shook his head, somewhat resentful, "Xu Yinian!"

Xia Ziheng came back to life, elated: "Little brother Xu, good brother!"

Xu Yinian made a sulky face and said nothing, Xia Ziheng thought he had accepted the fact, and was about to put his brother on the shoulders when his fingers touched—

"Oh!" Xia Ziheng screamed.

Xu Yinian had an electrical leakage.

The ability overflowed, and he seemed very angry.

The picnic will be held next to Maple Lake. Since a hundred years ago, all the maple trees in the college have been enchanted, and they maintain their fiery colors even in spring. Layers of maple trees spread along the shore of the lake, and long tables and chairs are placed on the grass under the trees.

The student union had arranged the scene in advance, thousands of temporary lights were floating in the air, and the glowing plant spores scattered like stars.

The two long tables in the center are filled with all kinds of delicacies for the students who come and go to take them by themselves. The tempting aroma of the food melts in the warm spring breeze. Such a night should have been called a pleasant and pleasant one, but Xu Yinian just wanted to plunge headlong into the wooden barrel filled with fruit juice.

Thanks to Hara Mu, tonight's event has changed from "a picnic party to look forward to" to a drag party to look forward to. Xu Yinian held a bowl of vegetable soup, and put it in front of an eighth grader with a blank expression: "Your soup, please use it slowly."

He didn't look at it after he finished speaking, and was about to turn around and leave when his junior called him quickly: "Wait a minute!"

Xu Yinian stopped.

When he met his eyes, the junior looked a little uncomfortable. Even though this senior had a fate that the entire demon world was afraid of, he arrogantly knocked down a grade in the afternoon, but...

His appearance is really strange.

The long straight black hair blended with the original hair color, and the bangs weakened the edges and corners that belonged to boys. He was wearing a maid outfit, with a lace headband, a black skirt, and even a white apron tied around his waist with ruffles.

Xu Yinian's complexion is very fair, and his facial features are impeccably beautiful. In addition, he is tall and thin, with a slender waist and long legs. The other waiters who are disguised as women are faced with hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha It was as if the pause button had been pressed on the place he passed, and everyone kept staring at him.

The girls around murmured in surprise.

"No makeup?"

"My God, it really didn't melt! Even the eyelashes are his own!"

Xu Yinian felt uncomfortable in this shabby outfit, and wanted to stay away from the crowd every second, but he stopped his junior to be dumbfounded and silent. He was a little anxious, and took the initiative to urge: "If you have something to say, just say it!" .”

The junior touched his nose embarrassingly: "I thought about it, let's add another bowl of seafood noodles."

Xu Yinian turned a corner when he came to his mouth, and replied very politely: "Okay, wait a moment."

He went back to pick up the meal, and ran into Xia Ziheng who was also wearing a maid outfit, and the latter had accepted his appearance calmly: "Good brother! Now I think it's good to wear women's clothes, this is the first time there are so many girls together Stare at me."

"Good brother, don't bother me."


Xu Yinian gave the noodles to the junior, and was thinking about urinating, when he passed a small table wrapped with flower vines, a laughing voice stopped him.

Xu Yinian turned his head and saw Yuan Mu and Yu Huai sitting at the table. The former nodded to him, meaning to let him go.

At that moment Xu Yinian didn't know if he could control his expression. Obviously, he had been observing for a long time before, and only sneaked over after making sure that Yu Huai was not in this area.

When did these two people come? besides…

Xu Yinian looked at Yuan Mu's smiling face, and wanted to praise you for being a bridge for the peaceful coexistence of the two worlds, and you never forget to bring the idol of the demon world with you wherever you go.

No matter how reluctant Xu Yinian was, he could only walk in front of them step by step.

It was Yuan Mu who spoke first. The vice-principal looked at his attire, and the smile deepened from the corners of his eyes and brows: "Is it hard to be a waiter?"

"It's not hard," Xu Yinian said in a firm tone, "serve the people."

Yuan Mu didn't seem to hear the resentment in his words: "If you exercise, you should accumulate experience."

Xu Yinian really couldn't think of the usefulness of this kind of experience, Yuan Mu suddenly said: "This is quite suitable for you to wear."

As he talked, he seemed to ask the people next to him casually: "What do you think, is it beautiful?"

Xu Yinian scolded Yuan Mu in his heart for being old and disrespectful. Realizing that Yu Huai really looked over, his back tensed involuntarily, and his breathing became light and slow.

Soon he felt his reaction was inexplicable again.

Yu Huai's temper has changed so much, he will definitely laugh at him for his strange appearance, which is as bad as his theoretical grades...

Thousands of bright lights made the surroundings as bright as day, and Xu Yinian's face was clearly illuminated. Yu Huai remembered that there was a small tear mole under his eyes, and when he looked at him, he paid attention to the corner of his eyes.

It was exactly the same as in memory.

"He has always been beautiful." Yu Huai replied softly.

Xu Yinian was taken aback, unable to believe what he heard.

When he came back to his senses, the temperature on his face was already like wildfire, and even the roots of his ears and neck were completely reddened.