Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 14: wishing machine


Hearing what Yu Huai wanted, Xu Yinian's mind went blank for a moment, because the embarrassment and unnaturalness caused by the sitting posture were all forgotten.

The blood in his whole body was completely cooled, and the blush on the ears and cheeks that were slightly hot had faded away.

"If this is what you need, I'm sorry, but I really can't help you." Elder Luo sighed, "Mrs. If she was still alive, the demon world might not be what it is today. Even I was shocked when I heard the news of her murder, so you can imagine how you feel."

Xu Yinian didn't listen to what Elder Luo said. He couldn't help raising his eyes, wanting to see Yu Huai's expression at the moment, but from his angle, he could only see the tight jawline of the other party. Xu Yinian's heart was stabbed hard, and he couldn't help but grab Yu Huai's clothes horn.

Yu Huai said nothing, his expression was cold.

"Since you asked me for the list, you must have found something. But you should know that there are many branches of the Illusory Demon Clan, and the situation is complicated. The elders are a completely independent system. Difficult to know."

The atmosphere in the box dropped to freezing point. For a moment, Elder Luo mistakenly thought that he saw thousands of ghosts behind Yu Huai. The dead souls sent by the ghost clan seemed to fill the box, and countless ghost eyes stared at him like an abyss—

In the next second, Elder Luo realized that there was no ghost in the box, he was just too nervous.

His heart is beating wildly! Cold sweat drenched Elder Luo's back. Even though he regretted it in his heart, he could only try his best to maintain a sincere expression: How could they think that he had forgotten those things? Since the puppet clan was slaughtered overnight, Yu Huai's position has become obvious. He didn't come back to live a good life, he won't be vain with anyone, everyone let go of their hatred and happily make money and enjoy themselves... He came back for revenge!

But the House of Elders believes that puppets cannot be compared with phantom demons. They are a noble family with friends in the business and political circles. I can only swallow my breath.

They are all wrong. The first thing Yu Huai asked for was a death list. Elder Luo had no doubt that after getting the list, he would kill all the phantom monsters on it—in the tragedy that caused a sensation in both worlds, they directly or indirectly killed Of course, the blood debts of all ghost clans except him can only be repaid with blood.

In the frozen atmosphere, Yu Huai took the lead to break the silence: "You didn't participate in that incident, and I don't plan to pursue it with you for the time being."

Elder Luo immediately understood his subtext: Yu Huai came here to see him because his hands were never stained with ghost blood.

"You might as well think about it for yourself, whether you want to continue to struggle with the other elders, or be more pragmatic and save your own life first."

"... From this point of view, you are not willing to accept the conditions of the Elder's House, and you will not stop there." After Elder Luo finished speaking, he wiped the cold sweat from his brow, "Then let's talk about private matters."

He took the initiative to meet Yu Huai's gaze: "I am personally happy to make a deal with you. I will provide you with a list. If Hua Hengjing succeeds in the end, I hope you can help me once if necessary; if the presbytery quells the civil strife , you take this as a meeting gift from me, as long as you keep the origin of this list a secret."

Even if the House of Elders wins, it will inevitably be turbulent in the short term, and they all know what will happen to the phantom monsters on the list. Elder Luo is not only selling favors, but also using external forces to resolve opponents who are fighting for power.

Yu Huai readily agreed: "Yes."

Elder Luo breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and Yu Huai's next words made his expression freeze: "Hua Hengjing hates you very much, or rather, he hates you. According to his current momentum, if you don't kill each of you It's strange to be ashes... What's wrong with you?"

"It's just a family matter, so I won't tell you a joke." Elder Luo said.

Yu Huai didn't force her, and got up when she heard the words.

Xu Yinian was originally quiet and hung on him like an ornament, but at this moment he subconsciously wanted to stand up. Before he could make a move, Yu Huai's arm slid down to the bend of Xu Yinian's leg, and hugged him horizontally.

Xu Yinian: "!"


What is Yu Huai doing? !

He was so frightened that his whole body froze, a shock almost leaked, and he stared at the ghost hugging him in disbelief.

"Thank you for the hospitality tonight," Yu Huai said to Elder Luo, "I will take the gift away."

Hearing what he said clearly, Xu Yinian's sense of shame reached its peak, with a prick, a small electric current overflowed from his fingertips.

Yu Huai was stabbed like a cat scratched by him, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

He knew that Xu Yinian had always had this little problem, that he couldn't control his supernatural ability after too much emotional ups and downs, and he didn't expect that five years had passed and he still hadn't rectified it.

When leaving the box, the two monsters standing guard at the door bowed their heads to Yu Huai. A male waiter came around from the corridor. Compared with the waiters here, he seemed to be here for consumption. The male waiter was wearing a half-covered cat mask. The smiling cat covered most of his face, which perfectly concealed the male The waiter looked neither happy nor respectful.

But after seeing Yu Huai, the male waiter seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and his stinky face became stunned.

Chen Ran: "..."

Xu Yinian: "..." Damn.

Xu Yinian didn't expect to have a face-to-face meeting with Chen Ran as soon as he came out, and he was still in this untimely state. In an instant, Qi and blood surged up, as if someone was knocking on his ear with a gong, and the loud bang made Xu Yinian completely awake from the state just now.

He struggled several times, but Yu Huai maintained the posture of hugging him as if he didn't feel it. Xu Yinian didn't believe that the other party didn't see his intention, and sensed Yu Huai's wicked teasing, he lowered his voice: "It's almost done, what else do you want to do?"

Yu Huai raised his eyebrows, showing a suddenly realized expression.

He said very insincerely: "It's you, I didn't even recognize it."

There was no one around the corner, so he put Xu Yinian down.

The four eyes met, Xu Yinian looked at his calm appearance, and couldn't tell whether he had recognized him before.

Chen Ran turned around and saw such a scene of two confronting each other, neither of them spoke. He could only understand what happened in the box after he left, and seeing Xu Yinian being carried out with his own eyes, his heart was shocked for a moment, and all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind.

He mustered up the courage to explain to Yu Huai: "We are here on a mission. For convenience, we changed the waiter's clothes. If there is anything offensive, you... don't get me wrong."

After Chen Ran finished speaking, he wailed in his heart.

Xu Yinian, you fucking owe me your life.

"What mission?"

"Graduation assessment," Xu Yinian continued, "Recently, hundreds of people in Qihai City have passed out for no reason. We were sent by the academy to investigate this matter. While checking on the victims, some phantom monsters attacked us. They said they arranged the attack." It's the elder of the family... the one you met tonight."

Yu Huai thought for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Where are those people?"

"You can see the mark." In the dim ward, Nan Zhi's soft voice broke the silence. After carefully inspecting the unconscious victim, she nodded towards Yu Huai, "It is exactly the same as the mark that appeared before, it is indeed a wish machine."

Xu Yinian looked into Nan Zhi's eyes. Under the white light, her amber eyes showed a strange texture, as if they were covered with a layer of mist. Xu Yinian is very familiar with this kind of eyes. When people or demons with yin and yang eyes use yin and yang eyes, their eyes will turn into this cloud-like appearance. He had seen such eyes more than once at a fortune teller.

Nan Zhi's outstanding appearance is unforgettable, and Xu Yinian still remembers that she was Yu Huai's female companion at the auction all the time. Knowing what happened to Qi Hai recently, Yu Huai called her over.

Seeing that Chen Ran and Xu Yinian were confused, Nan Zhi explained: "The wishing machine is also known as the cage demon. After it marks a human or a monster, a symbol in the shape of a bird cage will appear on the body of the person being marked. Only Humans or demons with yin and yang eyes, as well as the wishing machine itself can see it. Once marked, the life of the marked person is completely in the hands of the wishing machine, and most people will lose consciousness and fall into a coma as a result, and become sacrifices for blood sacrifices .”

"Blood sacrifice..." Xu Yinian murmured.

He remembered.

At the backstage of the underground auction, he and Chen Ran were caught in a bird cage. At that time, the monsters from all directions laughed at them. They were finished. There would be a blood sacrifice tonight, and the guys in the cage were the sacrifices.

"Equivalent exchange, wish fulfillment." Nan Zhi said, "The more the wish violates reality and the more difficult it is to realize, the more sacrifices are needed and the longer the blood sacrifice. Theoretically speaking, the wishing machine can almost To realize any wish, even if you know that countless people will die in a blood sacrifice, there will still be monsters who are willing to make a deal with him."

She didn't finish her sentence, but Xu Yinian understood what she meant. In the eyes of most Yaozu, human life is not worth mentioning.

Do you feel guilty about crushing an ant

Will not.

For the Yaozu, humans are not of the same race, and it doesn't matter how many people die. But the wish that the wishing machine can fulfill is different—wealth, glory, power, beauty, can bring you anything, and it can fulfill everything for you.

Xu Yinian didn't say a word, obviously shocked by such a wicked monster. Such novelty has never been seen in college textbooks.

Chen Ran noticed a detail and asked Nan Zhi: "Can only human beings be used as sacrifices?"

"Usually, anything weaker than him can be used as a sacrifice." This time it was Yu Huai who explained, "Ordinary people are naturally weaker than wishing machines, and he generally tends to choose humans as sacrifices, but in some Under special circumstances, Yaozu can also become his sacrifice. For example, if I am seriously injured and I am about to die, and I have no ability to resist at this time, as long as I am weaker than him, he can mark me."

Xu Yinian couldn't help frowning, Yu Huai continued: "You said earlier that there was a phantom monster attacking you. I guess the phantom monster caught by you didn't tell the truth. Elder Luo's order to him was not to kill you, but to seriously injure you. ,Thus… "

Before he finished speaking, both Xu Yinian and Chen Ran turned pale. They spoke at the same time:


"Xia Ziheng!"