Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 17: Stimulate


"As of now, player Xie Qihan has won six games in a row, without exception!" The commentator was full of enthusiasm, "Last month's Oak Mountain group match, the final winner was also this player, and there must be many audience friends watching He earned a sea view room, let us welcome Xie Qihan with warm applause—"

The demon clan present were impassioned when they heard this, and the scene could be described as a group of demons dancing wildly:

"Xiao Xie, Xiao Xie, the father of gambling with dogs!"

"Half a year's hard-earned money is here to fight, whether you can buy a house in Freeport depends on you!"

"Xie Qi Hanchong! Win for me, win!!!!"

"As his opponent in the seventh round, the masked contestant was a dark horse tonight, and the contestant who filled in the name column of the entry form with 'hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee' was amazing Speed won six rounds - that pseudonym is pretty easy to get, so let's take a look at the betting ratios on both sides!"

"Who is this?"

"I don't know, newcomer?"

"Based on my experience, those who don't dare to use their real names are master chefs. They hide their dishes because they are afraid that their dishes will be discovered by acquaintances."

On the big screen in the arena, one of the statistical bars representing the betting ratio of the two parties almost reached the top of the screen, and the other was only a thin layer.


The contrast is stark and bleak.

"It seems that everyone is more optimistic about player Xie Qihan. Regarding such a situation that is not good for you, what does player want to say?"

Xu Yinian didn't expect that he had played six rounds before, and all the commentators he encountered were routine. Now when he meets a star player, he will not only have to do a full set of introductions, but also have such an exciting interactive session.

Xu Yinian thought for a while, and told the truth: "The 7 shares may be all bet by me alone."

Explanation: "?"

Xu Yinian: "The opportunity to make money has come."

No one thought that the interactive part would be directly turned into a provocative part by him, and the commentators had to react for a while before they realized what he meant by buying their own victory.

The Oak Mountain Arena allows players to bet on themselves. For the Yaozu, winning the game under the eyes of everyone is far more attractive than money. Basically, there is no fake match in the Yaozu arena. For very serious players, the organizer will blacklist this player.

There was an uproar.

I don't know where his words hit the Yaozu's excitement, Xu Yinian's betting ratio suddenly increased a bit, and the number on the screen jumped to 90:10.

"Little brat," Xie Qihan smiled, "You're finished."

Following the referee's order, Xu Yinian and Xie Qihan left the spot almost at the same time. The speed of the two of them was astonishingly fast, Xu Yinian punched him in the face, Xie Qihan did not dodge or dodge, but took the opportunity to kick Xu Yinian's exposed abdomen. After jumping away, Xie Qihan was chasing after him. Dazzling lines like the sun appeared on his arms. From the corner of his eyes, Xu Yinian saw golden blood oozing from those lines. In just a short moment, the golden blood continuously deformed and combined , and finally condensed into a sharp shape like a blade, Xie Qihan held it as if holding a short knife. Because of the extremely close distance, Xie Qihan directly stabbed Xu Yinian's heart with the dagger!

Do you want to avoid it

Although I don't know what this thing is, it must be very troublesome to be stabbed at such a close distance. Xu Yinian hesitated for only a second before turning from defensive to offensive, jumping arcs burst out between his fingers - he wanted to test the hardness of this thing!

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee contestant chose to catch the blade with bare hands! Bravery is commendable! The last contestant who tried this way has long been a dead soul under the bloody knife! But hee hee hee hee hee's fingertips have obvious arcs, maybe he It can be buffered by the current... eh?! What's next?!"

Xu Yinian touched the blade of the dagger—it was so hard! It was sharper than he imagined. If it wasn't for the current buffer, his fingers might have been severed!

Almost instinctively, a large amount of electricity burst from his fingertips. With a crackling sound, the commentary's tone couldn't help but become passionate: "The blood knife was actually broken by the contestant with his bare hands. It's unbelievable! Are his fingers harder than the blood knife?!"

Xu Yinian frowned.


Something was overlooked by him.

Xie Qihan on the opposite side threw away only half of the short knife, he glanced at the other half of the knife Xu Yinian was holding, and said indifferently: "Then if you want it, I will give it to you."

At the same time, countless blades suddenly shot up from under Xu Yinian's feet, and a large number of golden bayonets rose densely from the ground, like wildly growing thorns, directly breaking through the ceiling of the arena!

The entire arena shook and the ground shook, broken stones rolled down from the broken ceiling, the monsters stretched their necks, and they all wanted to see with their own eyes whether there were blood foam and pieces of flesh in the pile of blood knives.

"Ru, if I'm not mistaken, hehehehehe player should still be in that blood knife," the commentator swallowed with difficulty, "In this way, the game may be over here, and it may even be impossible to find him." His body..."

Click, click... click!

There was a crackling sound from the center of the blood knives, bit by bit, the sound became stronger and clearer, and the purple current wrapped around the blood knives, like fireworks blooming, bursting from the center with a bang!

Countless shards of the blood knife fell like rain, Xu Yinian fell to the ground, his whole body was covered with lightning, and there were tiny scratches on the exposed skin, faintly oozing blood.

"It's the first time I fought with Emperor Ling. It turns out that your ability is to turn the blood in your body into a weapon." Xu Yinian looked at the lines covering half of Xie Qihan's body with great interest. The golden blood came from these dazzling lines. "Won't it hurt when taking blood?"

Even for monsters, the speed of hematopoiesis is limited, but the hematopoietic ability of Emperor Ling should be at the top of the pyramid. Correspondingly, the more blood consumed, the greater the physical loss.

"You'll know if you try it yourself." Xie Qihan saw that he still had time to talk to him, and the playful expression on his face gradually subsided, "Do you want me to open a hole for you?"

"No, I don't have that kind of hobby."

After Xu Yinian finished speaking, he lowered his body, the electric current in his hand surged, and he was about to attack Xie Qihan.

As soon as he took a step, he suddenly heard a small crackling sound, as if something had broken on his body. Xu Yinian suddenly realized that something was wrong with the mask! He reacted quickly with quick eyes and hands, grabbed half of the mask and pressed it on his face before it completely cracked, barely covering most of his face.

Looking at the other half of the mask that fell to the ground, Xu Yinian cursed in a low voice.

Fuck me.

Why is it at this time...

When he was buying a mask, he picked one up at the booth. He thought that the masks that could be sold in the arena should be more resistant to fighting, but he didn't expect the mask to undergo a double critical attack of blood knife and electric current. The blood taken out by Xie Qihan condensed into a long knife with a weird shape, with barbs on the blade, sharp and ferocious. Seeing that the huge long knife was about to strike at him, Xu Yinian quickly stretched his other hand forward, put his four fingers together, and made a pause gesture: "Stop!"

Xie Qihan really stopped, and Xu Yinian discussed with him: "Can we have a halftime break?"

The excited audience complained dissatisfiedly:

"Is this kid crazy? There has never been a halftime rule in the Oak Hill Arena!"

"Don't want to fight anymore? Then simply admit defeat!"

"Get out of here! Coward!"

Xie Qihan clicked his tongue angrily, obviously thinking that Xu Yinian was playing with himself, he ignored him, and rushed up with a long knife—


The long knife made of blood collided with one hand, and the blade happened to be stuck in the tiger's mouth, unable to advance an inch. The five fingers of that hand were long and slender, and the complexion was cold and pale. The owner of the hand pressed down the four fingers and pointed the thumb upwards, breaking the blade abruptly with the strength of his hand.

"I lean on lean on—it hurts!" Xie Qihan didn't hold back this time. Compared with the short knife that Xu Yinian broke before, more blood was extracted to make the long knife, as long as the weapon is still in his hand, his pain is connected with it. After being broken one after another, Xie Qihan asked angrily: "Damn, did you deliberately find fault?"

Dare to openly break the rules in the Oak Mountain Arena, he wants to praise this courage that is not afraid of death.

"If he wants to suspend, you should really force him to suspend. Did you discuss it?" Xie Qihan scolded, while retracting the broken sickle to look at the monster who was tired of working. The object of entry was a handsome and familiar face with sharp eyebrows and eyes, as if soaked in the cold wind and snow outside.

Xie Qihan was stunned for half a second, then went to look at the person Yu Huai was protecting. From his angle, he could only see a small part of the man's cheeks. His complexion was very, very white, and his soft hair was as black as jet black.

This is a human being.

Although it had been expected that this opponent with thin arms and legs might not be a monster race, Xie Qihan originally thought that he should be a mixed blood no matter what, given his strong strength, but from this point of view, this guy is indeed a human being.

It seems that you are not very old

"Ah, boss, it's you." Xie Qihan scratched his hair, praying in his heart that Yu Huai didn't hear his insults clearly, praying that he suddenly felt that the fuse of the whole incident was not on him, he suspiciously Looking at Yu Huai, "...wrong? What are you doing?"

"—What are you doing? I read it right, the boss actually appeared in the arena! Tonight's Oak Mountain is really full of splendor!" I don't know if it was Xu Yinian's illusion, but he always felt that the tone of the commentary was stronger than before. Be excited when fighting, "There may be many audience friends who didn't see the specific scene just now, it's like this, the boss pulled player Xie Hee Hee into his arms, and directly broke player Xie Qihan's blood sickle... Latest situation friends Ladies and gentlemen! The boss put his hand on contestant Hee Hee Hee Hee's cheek, and player Hee Hee Hee Hee's ears turned red!"

Xu Yinian wished he could drag the commentary down and beat him up.

As for being so dedicated? ? Explain all this? ? ?

Yu Huai's fingers covered Xu Yinian's face, and took off his remaining half of the mask.

There was a dull sound when the mask fell to the ground. Xu Yinian blinked. He wanted to tell Yu Huai that he didn't intend to show his face. There were many monsters who knew his appearance. He might be considered a The provocation, if you count Yu Huai's choice, you can directly slaughter the board in the United Community... But with these close eyes, Xu Yinian accidentally forgot what he should do.

The monster's eyelids drooped, and his slender fingers slowly moved down, from his forehead to his eyebrows, and then to his cool nose. Yu Huai slowly cast illusion on his face with his hand, gentle and patient.

Yaozu will only show such patience when they want something in particular.

Seeing him staring blankly at her, Yu Huai couldn't help laughing: "Are you here to mess things up? With such a ghostly name, you're still playing around halfway through the fight."

Xu Yinian moved his lips, wanting to speak, but didn't know what to say.

He vaguely felt that Yu Huai's recent attitude seemed to be a little different from when they met again, no longer so thorny, but even more overwhelming.

If he were a clockwork machine, the poor spring that kept him going would have burned out at this very moment.

The situation between them was too ambiguous, a monster saw the way, and shouted in the direction of the broadcasting station:

"Pause, pause! Stop playing! The director cuts all shots! We want to see Boss Yu touch his face!"

"Is the director ignorant? What is the camera doing to the broken blood knife? Can you broadcast something exciting for us?"

"The one in the boss' arms seems to be a boy..."

"Men are good! Men are more exciting!"

Yu Huai's fingertips slowly stroked Xu Yinian's cheek, changing the boy's appearance little by little.

Up until now, his feelings for Xu Yinian have been confused. When he was most unbearable, he thought about confinement and control, and even had darker and nastier fantasies. He is a monster race. Compared with humans, they are better at plundering and conquering.

The boneyard forced him to develop a lot of habits, as long as he sensed someone approaching him, he would reflexively become murderous. He originally thought that he would never have the desire to be close to others, but facing Xu Yinian who was motionless in his arms, he deliberately slowed down the speed of casting the illusion.

The body temperature of human beings is mostly higher than that of monsters, and the presence of the person in his arms is so strong that he cannot ignore it. He is not bored, but feels very comfortable.

Hugging doesn't seem to be any worse than swallowing it with the belt bone.

Xu Yinian felt his cheeks softly and delicately touched by those hands with low temperature, Xu Yinian's whole body was stiff, he was very worried that the temperature on his face would betray him, and he felt guilty, the comments of monsters came from all around one after another:


"The director is alive?"

The huge arena screen hung right in front of Xu Yinian. Hearing the whistle from the auditorium, Xu Yinian looked up dizzily and saw his completely unfamiliar face on the screen.

He suddenly realized what Yu Huai's seemingly ambiguous behavior was for.

It turned out to be to give him plastic surgery.

Under the effect of the illusion, his entire face has a bit of the original outline except for the eyes, and there is no similarity in the rest. Xu Yinian saw that the director zoomed in on the camera and gave a very clear close-up.

Yu Huai's fingers rested on his lips, pressing a small depression on the pale pink lips.

"Okay," Yu Huai withdrew his hand, "Go ahead."


The author has something to say:


*Modified Xie’s ability. When designing the ability for him, I thought very shallowly. I just wanted to use a setting of [simple elements + can be transformed into various weapons]. The works overlap, because it does not affect its own plot and other settings, just change an element directly, modify Xie's ability so that blood can transform and combine into various weapons