Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 24: flower


Xu Yinian's breath stagnates.

Yu Huai's expression remained unchanged, and he still looked at him with a smile on his face. The warm light in the corridor shone into the eyes of the monster, giving off a somewhat gentle taste.

The boy hurriedly looked away, not daring to look at him again: "I'll blow my head."

As he spoke, he turned around and walked back to the room: "Why don't you go there first, and I'll come to you later. Where are you?"

Yu Huai asked politely, "Can you come in?"

Xu Yinian responded.

The hair dryer was making noise in the room. After Xu Yinian took a shower, he only wore a loose T-shirt, and the wide open neckline was a little wet, revealing his thin collarbone.

Yu Huai looked at his side face for a while, paused for a moment on his collarbone socket, and then slowly looked back.

"Okay." The boy turned off the hair dryer and stood up, grabbing a coat for himself, "Let's go."

Yu Huai was pleased by the "we" in his words, and it was rare to patiently respond to a nonsense: "OK."

Xu Yinian picked up his mobile phone: "Shall I send a message to Chen Ran and the others? You probably haven't slept yet."

Yu Huai: "?"

Xu Yinian saw that Xia Ziheng was still trying to organize a team building in the group a few minutes ago, and the team building project was a very unscrupulous ghost movie: "Sure enough, I didn't sleep."

He felt that there was no difference between Yu Huai telling him to listen to the news alone or to listen to the news together. Out of politeness, he still put on a look of asking for opinions.

Yu Huai said flatly: "Your name."

Xu Yinian shouted in the group: [The group has been established. ]

Xia Ziheng was very excited: [Latent or Kunchiyan? ]

Chen Ran is very straightforward: [Climb. ]

Ye Qiao was very perfunctory: [. ]

Xu Yinian: [There is news about the wishing machine, come and listen? ]

Ye Qiao and Chen Ran, who were not in the mood just now, were all in high spirits. After learning that the source of the news was Yu Huai, Xia Ziheng, whose life was hanging on the wishing machine, couldn't help saying: [Boss Yu is awesome! ]

They all came very quickly, not long after Xu Yinian sat down in the living room, others also arrived one after another.

As an excellent housekeeper, Nan Zhi had already prepared snacks and drinks in advance. She placed a delicate white rose flower arrangement in the center of the long table, and the tablecloth was an embroidery style that matched the flower arrangement; Yi Nian feels that she is on standby 24 hours a day, as long as Yu Huai speaks, even at three o'clock in the morning, she can handle all the work with a radiant face.

"Everyone is here." Yu Huai said to Elder Luo on the other side of the long table, "Let's talk."

Xu Yinian sat on the left side of Yu Huai, and Xia Ziheng sat on the right side. Even if he is flattering in the group, Xia Ziheng is as quiet as a chicken when he really sits with this killing god, and dare not say a word of coquettishness.

On the other hand, Xu Yinian on the other side not only lazily nestled in the chair, but also found time to pour himself a glass of iced Coke. Xia Ziheng thought to himself, is this the power of his predecessor? Brother Xu, you are also awesome.

Elder Luo on the opposite side of the long table looked haggard and bloodshot in his eyes. Meeting Yu Huai's gaze, he said in a low voice: "Demon Realm Auctions have always invited reputable monsters. In order not to arouse suspicion, the Presbyterian Court also sent you an invitation letter."

"After confirming that you will participate, we thought of a way to distract you: hire a survivor of the puppet clan and let him steal the wishing machine in public. Afterwards, we will contact the seller with the highest bid in private to complete the transaction. To avoid leaking information, We poisoned that puppet girl in advance... At first, the Elder's House only wanted to use the wishing machine for auction, but later, we had to use him to deal with Hua Hengjing."

Out of some kind of tacit understanding, the elders did not mention the specific purpose of the wishing machine on the trial stand.

"The Patriarch wants to drive us all to extinction, and even the Great Elder can't stand it." Mentioning the family ugliness, Elder Luo, who has been in the top position for a long time, smiled wryly, "We can only hope to control Hua Hengjing through the blood sacrifice, so that he will become obedient."

The expressions of the people present more or less changed, Chen Ran and Xu Yinian looked at each other, shocked by this insidious purpose.

Do what you say

Just like playing with a puppet, you can control a person's will and feelings with your own ideas. Xu Yinian frowned: "You must be sick."

Facing the young demon exorcising master who spoke rudely, a glimmer of gloom flashed in Elder Luo's eyes, which was soon replaced by numbness.

Forget it, he thought to himself.

At this time, the chips in his hand are already pitifully small.

"Hua Hengjing once had a younger brother. To be precise, the previous Patriarchs of the Illusory Demon Clan all had brothers."

"Every patriarch must kill his own brother with his own hands. Hua Hengjing is no exception." Elder Luo ignored the incomprehensible expressions of several demon extermination masters, and continued, "This is a family tradition. The Illusory Demon Clan has a generational A secret art that has been handed down. This secret art can only be bestowed by the current head of the family to the prospective head of the family and his twin brother after the approval of the elders' house. During the operation of the secret art, once the head of the prospective family kills his brother, he can gain great power The House of Elders has always believed that a strong patriarch can continue the family glory, and this tradition has existed secretly for thousands of years."

"Hua Hengjing's younger brother is called Hua Hengyi. They are twins with exactly the same appearance. The relationship between the two brothers is very good. The elder brother is cheerful and the younger brother is reserved and silent. When I first met Hua Hengjing, he had just turned 10. At the age of six, he was already one of the candidates for the prospective head of the house. He and several other children were on the watch list of the elders' house. Without exception, these children were all twins.

Hua Hengjing is the one that satisfies us the most. He has shown an astonishing talent in illusion, and his grades are also top-notch. The presbytery conducted a unified assessment on these children. It was a snowy day, and the parents of other children were guarding the waiting area, except for Hua Hengjing. He and Hua Hengjing were orphans, and they depended on each other since childhood. "

Speaking of the last few words, Elder Luo's eyes wandered for a moment, and he couldn't help but recall the scene on the day of the assessment.

The content of the children's assessment was to use illusion to turn the snowy sky into spring. Hua Hengjing did the best. He turned all the snowflakes into pear blossoms. There was a boy who looked like him in the waiting area, and he was standing on tiptoe waiting for him The assessment is over.

Probably a prank between the brothers, Hua Hengjing deliberately turned the eaves of the waiting area into a huge pear tree, and the pear blossoms rolled down like falling snow... The other parents were so angry that they went to hide in the house, Only Hua Hengyi stood motionless on the spot, being doused by pear blossoms, and happily waved at Hua Hengjing.

"... At that time, we were amazed at his talent in illusion, but we couldn't help but feel apprehensive. He and his younger brother had such a good relationship, it would be a big trouble.

When he grew up a bit, he was determined to be the prospective Patriarch, and the Elder's House asked the current Patriarch to grant him the secret technique. Even the First Elder agrees that he will be a good successor, but the First Elder thinks that his relationship with Hua Hengyi is a hidden danger. So we cut first and played later, after giving him and Hua Hengyi the secret technique, we explained to him the specific function of the secret technique. He has no way of turning back, he must become the head of the family, if he knows the family secrets and gives up this position, he and his brother will be cleaned up by the elders' house. "

Hearing this, Yu Huai snorted lightly: "You guys are really wicked."

Elder Luo did not refute.

"There have been many precedents for his situation. For prospective patriarchs who are unwilling to kill their blood relatives, they use money and power to lure, create misunderstandings, and instigate dissension... The Elder's House is handy in dealing with it. He discovered our actions and begged us not to force He hurt Hua Hengyi, he will obey the arrangement of the elders' house, and will do his best to become stronger. He is not the first prospective family head who has rebellious emotions, and we have ignored his disobedience and pleas.

Hua Hengjing is not easy to deal with, so we turned our target to Hua Hengyi. We explained the pros and cons to him, and told him that if Hua Hengjing couldn't kill him until the secret technique expired, Hua Hengjing himself would lose his life because of it.

It may be that Hua Hengjing protected him too well. Hua Hengyi didn't understand the power struggle of the family, nor did he understand the twists and turns. In addition, during that period of time, the Elder's House pushed Hua Hengjing very hard. He took on many dangerous tasks, and he was sick intermittently, and his condition was particularly bad.

Hua Hengyi was frightened, and he agreed to sacrifice for his brother, but he also had one condition—the elders' house must guarantee Hua Hengjing's safety.

Of course, as long as he becomes our Patriarch, how can we not guarantee his safety

We have arranged a trial.

Patriarch's trial. This has precedents in family history. If a quasi-patriarch passes the test and proves that he is strong enough, then he does not need to kill his own blood relatives. Hua Hengjing was surprised and delighted, but he still didn't let go of his guard. He consulted the information and repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of the trial within his ability—of course it was true, but we didn't prepare for the real trial.

He couldn't even deal with the elders' house, so how could he meet the standard for the trial

But we made a concession, asked him to prepare for the trial, and told him that the elders' house is not looking for trouble, and we are also working hard to find a solution. This is not a lie. He acted understanding, and on the surface we each took a step back. "

On the day of the trial, Hua Hengyi smiled and said goodbye to Hua Hengjing, wishing him a smooth pass of the trial and becoming the head of the family.

The trial site was in a deep mountain with many rocky peaks. As long as Hua Hengjing could kill the living things on Guangyao Mountain within three days, the elders' house would consider him to have passed the trial. The air in Yaoshan contains a kind of toxin, long-term inhalation will cause biological mutation, and the monsters gathered here are ugly and hideous. Similarly, it is difficult to find clean food and water on the mountain. Even so, it took less than two days for Hua Hengjing to kill the monsters in Yaoshan. On the last day, he looked around to see if he missed anything, and finally found a monster that had been dormant for a long time in the crack.

The monster's body was covered with bright red muscles, it had no skin, and it had eyeballs all over its body. Hua Hengjing tried to use various methods to attack, and the monster could always come back to life when it was on the verge of death. Hua Hengjing was injured during the fight, and gradually felt powerless. He forced himself to calm down and look for its weakness.

Hua Hengjing noticed that every time the monster was beaten to the brink of death, it would lose one eyeball. Realizing that the eyeballs might be a life-saving talisman for it, Hua Hengjing pierced all of its eyeballs in the final attack.

The monster was dead, and blood flowed from its eyes.

Hua Hengjing relaxed, and fell to his knees on the ground due to loss of strength. He finally passed the Patriarch's test. After returning, he no longer needs to be persecuted by the Elder's House, and can protect his younger brother openly and aboveboard.

"I remember very clearly that he smiled at this moment, and there was a kind of relief in his eyes." Elder Luo whispered.

Then Hua Hengjing saw a scene that he will never forget.

The dead monster faded to its original appearance, and after layers of illusion disappeared, Hua Hengyi's dark eye sockets were exposed. His eyeballs were pierced, and two lines of blood and tears hung from his sockets.

Hua Hengjing was stunned, golden and purple runes bloomed from his body, countless runes wrapped him and Hua Hengyi, like a huge pillar of light rising into the sky. The secret technique imposed on him began to take effect, and Hua Hengjing was about to gain astonishing power. In order to prevent him from retaliating, the House of Elders called all the masters of the family here. Once he showed abnormalities, he would be killed on the spot.

"We all relaxed when he lifted his face. He was crying."

"It's good to be able to cry. He carried Hua Hengyi's body and returned to the family with us. He was silent all the way. The elder's house buried his younger brother with the highest standard. Hua Hengjing was very cooperative. It was too quiet and everything was as usual. We thought he was just too sad to talk, and everyone felt that he had resigned himself to his fate.

But we overlooked one point, they grew up dependent on each other. For Hua Hengjing, his most precious thing will never change.

You know what happened after that. "

After Elder Luo finished speaking, his mouth was dry due to the long talk, so he slowly took a sip of the warm tea.

Yu Huai seemed to be thinking about something, and didn't speak immediately. Several young demon extermination masters were silent. For students who have not yet graduated, such a cruel story really brought a lot of shock.

After a while, Yu Huai suddenly asked: "The Wishing Machine is not in the hands of any elder, is it?"

"We didn't expect Hua Hengjing and the wishing machine to reach an agreement in private. After the accident in the elders' house, Hua Hengjing immediately took away the wishing machine." Elder Luo laughed at himself, "The elders' house also did him a favor by accident. , We originally wanted to use the wishing machine to control Hua Hengjing, marking more than 10,000 people to prepare for the blood sacrifice. Since we have not officially made a wish, these 10,000 people can be directly used by him to make a wish."

Xu Yinian felt something was wrong: "He still has a wish? Aren't you elders almost dead?"

As soon as the words came out, Chen Ran and Ye Qiao reacted one after another, and their expressions became very ugly.

Yu Huai said in a deep voice, "Resurrection."

"Yes," Elder Luo nodded, "I guess he wants to resurrect Hua Hengyi. After the destruction of the Presbyterian Court, this is the only thing he can't achieve by himself. But resurrecting and controlling a person are two prices." Well, more than 10,000 people are not enough to bring Hua Hengyi back to life, he still needs more human beings for blood sacrifice. If I am not wrong, before he really makes a wish, there will be a large number of unconscious people with unknown reasons."

Once Hua Hengjing's wish is successful, these people will be completely hopeless.

The protagonist in the story suddenly changed from a victim to a perpetrator, Xu Yinian unconsciously clenched the Coke cup in his hand. Even though he was in a warm room, the chill was creeping up inch by inch.

Yu Huai looked at Elder Luo's cloudy eyes: "You tell me this, what do you want me to do?"

"According to the original agreement, I hope you can protect my wife and two children. The children are still young and know nothing about the family secrets. My wife devotes all her energy to the family. She doesn't know that I what have you done?"

"Yes." Yu Huai agreed happily, "Since we have negotiated a deal..."

Xu Yinian suddenly felt something—

Elder Luo's eye sockets were suddenly pierced by an invisible force, and the eyeballs shattered into pieces with a snap. Blood and tears flowed from his eye sockets. The invisible force penetrated the back of his head neatly, leaving two holes on his head. blood hole.

Without even a whimper, the monster who was still talking last second died on his seat, just like Hua Hengyi's death in the story.

Xia Ziheng's face was pale.

Although he felt that the elders of the Illusory Demon Clan were heinous more than once while listening to the story, he didn't know how many twins they had killed in the same way.

But... how did this kill directly? !

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Ye Qiao beside him. Ye Qiao was as pale as him, and even looked more frightened. He stared at Elder Luo's empty eyes without even turning his eyes.

Xia Ziheng said in his heart that it would scare my father Ye.

Although he was generally mentally prepared, Xu Yinian really felt the killing intent coming from Yu Huai at the moment when Yu Huai made his move.

Although the killing intent was not directed at him, Xu Yinian's heart was still shuddered by the cold and tyrannical pressure, and all the nerves in his body stood up.

He couldn't help shrinking back a bit, causing Yu Huai to look at him.

"It's easy to kill," Xu Yinian's scalp tingled, and he blurted out a trash talk, "Boss Yu is awesome."


The author has something to say:

Wang Xiaonian

*The story of Hua was written in November last year, and there is a screen recording on Weibo [Guiding Star]. This chapter draws 300 comments to send red envelopes, thank you for liking