Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 30: drink wine


The smell of tea filled the principal's office of Fengqiao College. Xu Yinian sat on the sofa sullenly, listening to Tang Fei chatting with the principal.

The headmaster is in his prime, facing his old friends, he rarely relaxes his usually serious demeanor. The young man opposite him has a handsome appearance and star-like eyes. The age difference between the two is nearly ten years, but they have known each other for many years and have a very good personal relationship.

Before entering the office, Xu Yinian was ready to be lectured. Sure enough, the principal severely criticized him for leaving the team without authorization and his unorganized and undisciplined behavior, with Tang Fei occasionally helping him. Xu Yinian is very familiar with this process, keeping his head down the whole time, with his left ear going in and his right ear coming out.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time. From Xu Yinian's graduation assessment to the world, he could still listen to them with his ears upright at the beginning. After the two chatted from the current situation of the college to the current situation of the demon world, Xu Yinian was already bored. , turned around and looked at the Maple Leaf school badge with red background and gold lines behind the spotless desk.

Noticing his small movements, the principal commented: "The talent is good, but the heart can't calm down."

Tang Fei is used to it: "It's been like this since I was a child."

"You're still too conniving with him." The principal looked at Xu Yinian when he spoke, the latter's soul had already flown out of the office, completely oblivious to the two elders talking about him. The boy looked out the window, staring intently at the little sparrow flapping its wings on the tree, "There is only one apprentice, and it is easy for a master to soften his heart. Have you considered taking another apprentice?"

Tang Fei's status in the world of eliminating demons is unambiguous, and there are countless people who are willing to learn from them. As far as the principal knows, those who visit the Tang family every year for this purpose can break through the door.

Tang Fei said lightly: "This one is enough."

The sparrow outside the window jumped down from the treetops, and the entertainment he finally found flew away. Xu Yinian was feeling regretful when his cell phone rang suddenly.

Seeing the caller clearly, Xu Yinian's expression was dull for a moment, he turned his head and asked, "Master, can I go out and answer the phone?"

"Go, don't go far."

Seeing him getting up from the sofa and running out impatiently, the principal shook his head repeatedly.

Xu Yinian coughed first, then pressed the answer button in the corridor: "Hello?"

"Are you busy?" The voice from the other end hit the ears, with a somewhat low tone. As soon as they heard the other party's voice, the chirping birds seemed to become far away.

Xu Yinian breathed lightly.

"At the academy, what's the matter?"

There was no direct answer: "Did you pass the graduation examination?"

"It should be over. I think the principal and the master had a good chat."

"Congratulations." Yu Huai congratulated, "I forgot to tell you before, Xie Qihan wanted to drink with you, and when I heard that you left Freeport, I kept nagging... It was so noisy."

Xu Yinian still remembered that Xie Qihan asked him to leave a name before he got on the stretcher, but he didn't expect that the imperial spirit really planned to invite him to drink.

"Are you free? If not, I'll let him calm down."

at the same time.

Xie Qihan listened to Yu Huai's nonsense, and said to Nan Zhi with deep eyes: "I think there is something wrong with the boss, he has already resorted to all means to make a date. I don't even know when I said it... no way? Could it be that the recent rumors are all it is true?"

A few minutes ago, Yu Huai suddenly asked him if he wanted to meet the masked human boy in the Oak Mountain Arena. That buddy hadn’t heard from him since the war, and it was rare to meet such a compatible human being. Of course he would be happy to meet Xie Qihan. But he didn't expect Yu Huai to take out his phone and make up stories in the next second.

"I don't know if it's true." Nan Zhi looked at Yu Huai thoughtfully, and then smiled, "But it's your honor for the boss to use your name."


Xu Yinian unconsciously clenched his phone tightly and leaned his back against the cold wall.

If drinking, Yu Huai might be there too.

"No, I..." Xu Yinian's voice went from low to high, and finally his head became hot, "Yes! I'm free!"

The monster on the other end of the phone seemed to be smiling, and he reported a location: "I'm here too, don't you mind?"

Xu Yinian responded, fixed the time and hung up the phone in a daze.

He just walked all the way back to the principal's office. Just as he was about to touch the doorknob, the door was pulled open from the inside. The young man who came out lowered his eyes slightly and met his four eyes.

"Master," Xu Yinian came back to his senses, "Have you finished talking?"

"The talk is over. Go back and write the mission report. If you have any questions, you can ask Chen Ran." Tang Fei explained to him, "Considering that you directly prevented the blood sacrifice, you finally gave a high score, congratulations. "

"Thank you, Master!" Xu Yinian opened his eyes wide in surprise. Tang Fei asked: "Who called just now? You seem to be in a good mood."

Only then did he realize that the corners of his mouth were always upturned.

Xu Yinian hesitated for a few seconds: "Xia Ziheng, he invited me to have dinner on the weekend, and he also invited a few other friends."

This is not entirely a lie. In order to celebrate the successful passing of the graduation examination of the whole group, Xia Ziheng did clamor for a gathering a few days ago.

Tang Fei nodded.

"By the way, Master, are you free tonight? My parents would like to invite you to dinner..." Xu Yinian walked side by side with him while talking.

The agreed location is on a magnificent cruise ship.

This huge ship about seven stories high was born hundreds of years ago and was originally only used by the nobles at that time. It encountered a shipwreck during the trip, and there were almost no survivors on board. More than ten years ago, a witch who was good at psychics bought the entire cruise ship. He recalled the ghosts who died in the shipwreck to the world. The banquet hall is full of singing and dancing; the ghost captain is at the helm, slowly sailing around the free port. The quick-witted Witch used this as a gimmick to open the veritable Ghost Bar, which has grown into one of Freeport's most popular entertainment venues.

When Xu Yinian boarded the boat, several ghosts were waxing the deck.

The ghosts moved very carefully and spoke a language he could not understand. Xu Yinian looked at them a few more times, and the ghost attendant who was in charge of guiding them nodded to him in greeting: "Welcome aboard, sir."

Xu Yinian showed surprise.

Unlike Hua Hengjing's spirit body, the ghost in front of him was light blue. Probably because he was used to being scrutinized by the guests, the ghost waiter was not affected at all: "Your friend is already waiting for you. He is at booth 11 on the sixth floor. Do you want me to take you there?"

Xu Yinian nodded and followed the waiter along the way. A female ghost in a foreign dress ran past him with her skirt lifted, and her companion chased after him. Suddenly, they both turned their heads to look at him. The feather fans in their hands covered half of their faces, and they said that he couldn't hear him. understand the language.

Upon seeing this, the ghost waiter translated: "They are praising you for your outstanding appearance."

One of the female ghosts put down her fan, smiled and said something to Xu Yinian.

"She asked if you'd be interested in spending the night with her," the ghost attendant reminded. "To date a ghost, you also have to step into the afterlife."

"...No, I haven't lived enough yet." Xu Yinian clasped his hands together towards the female ghost, "Thank you, we are not suitable."

The interior decoration of the cruise ship has completely restored its former appearance. The lobby on the sixth floor is dominated by platinum gold and sea blue, the marble floor is shiny, the reliefs on the tables and chairs are retro and exquisite, and all places are full of monsters. The singer standing on the stage is also a female ghost, with a charming and lazy voice, humming blues leisurely.

"Hi! This way." Seeing Xu Yinian, Xie Qihan waved his hand.

The tall Emperor Ling sat on the sofa, his eyes were golden in color, and half of his face was covered with demon patterns of the same color. Xu Yinian sat down in front of him. Like before at the Oak Mountain Arena, Xu Yinian is also wearing a mask today. However, for the convenience of drinking, his mask only covered the upper half of his face, exposing his beautifully lined jaw.

"Why are you still wearing a mask?" Xie Qihan was puzzled.

"It's ugly, I'm afraid it will scare you."

Xie Qihan thought he didn't want to reveal his identity, so he didn't ask too much: "What's my name? I'm Xie Qihan, you know?"

Xu Yinian casually made up a pseudonym for himself: "My name is Xu Yi."

When he sat down, he glanced around, and Xie Qihan understood: "Boss has something to do, so I'll be here later."

Yu Huai was investigating a class of drugs circulating on the black market recently, and he couldn't leave when he got news, so he specifically told him to drink slowly, because the person he was going to meet had a poor alcohol capacity.

With this foreshadowing, Xie Qihan put a little more thought into ordering wine. He pointed to the sparkling wine placed in front of Xu Yinian with his eyes: "Try this, it should be more suitable."

The boy took a sip as he said, and the sweet bubbles exploded on the tip of his tongue one after another.

"Like lemonade, so sweet." He couldn't help but say.

Of course, Xie Qihan said silently in his heart, this is basically a drink.

"Then you put more ice." He said as he drank the wine in his glass. After drinking a glass of wine, Xie Qihan said lightly, "You just graduated from the academy this year? It's amazing. No one has beaten me in the arena for a long time."

"You're not bad either." Xu Yinian was a rare compliment, "Are all the ones coming out of the boneyard so fierce?"

"Haha, it's okay. I can come out because of the boss's honor."

Hearing someone's name, Xu Yinian rubbed his face with his fingers, and asked casually, "I heard that the boneyard is easy to enter and difficult to exit. How did you leave there?"

"Of course it's up to him. The boneyard is divided into four districts, and the leader of each district has a teleportation spell orb in his hand. If you destroy the spell orb, you can get out." Xie Qihan recalled, "But this thing is very rare. The leaders of the North District cherished him like an eyeball. When Yu Huai killed the leader of the North District, the other three districts thought he was for the curse beads, and the North District almost beat the gongs and drums to send him out. As soon as the curse beads were in hand, He casually threw it to a Ye Yong next to him, and that guy's face died from a smile."

"He didn't throw it to you?"

"I asked, and I said I don't want it." Xie Qihan said while pouring wine, "It was an accident that I met him. He saved my life by accident, so I have to pay back the favor, right? Especially knowing him After what do you want to do…”

Xie Qihan paused for a moment. To this day, he still feels that Yu Huai's decision is unbelievably arrogant: "The outside world says that the boss is capable of surviving from the boneyard, but few people know that he came out after killing all the leaders of the fourth district. Yes! Otherwise, let alone two years, he will be able to leave in less than half a year."

Xu Yinian gripped the glass tightly.

He stared blankly at Xie Qihan, his voice was rough: "He...why is he?"

"In order to become stronger." Huang Ling smiled, and the bloodthirsty nature of the monster race was faintly revealed in his eyes, "The bone burial ground is not a good place, but there are monsters of different races gathered here, and the leaders of the four districts have passed A hundred-year-old monster. He threw away the spell orb in public, completely offending the other three districts, and everyone thought he was crazy... But if he can't handle the fourth district, how can he get revenge after he goes out?"

The boy was silent for a while: "You are right."

He grabbed the wine bottle next to him and poured a full glass, and downed it in one gulp.

Different from his dejection, Xie Qihan admired this approach very much: "At that time, I thought I must stay, not only to repay the favor of saving my life, this thing is so interesting! I want to see where he will go in the end step."

Xu Yinian couldn't help slandering: No wonder the two of you have a good relationship, it's not too far behind you being crazy.

But luckily this way... he wasn't alone.

Xu Yinian suddenly raised his head: "I think you are a nice person."

Before Xie Qihan could react, the boy on the opposite side continued: "You are very loyal and courageous. If it were someone else, you would have been scared away, but you are willing to bet your life with him..."

Just as Xie Qihan was about to speak, Xu Yinian grabbed his hand: "Good brother, cheers!"

Xie Qihan was suddenly grabbed by him, and he couldn't keep up with the rhythm for a while. The boy's peach-blossom eyes are full of his reflection, from Xie Qihan's perspective, one can see the small mole of tears under the half-covered mask.

He was inexplicably nervous and felt that something was wrong.

Yu Huai clearly has a crush on the human in front of him, if this buddy accidentally has a crush on him...

Xie Qihan was startled, and just about to withdraw his hand, he saw Xu Yinian took the wine bottle and filled it up for him. Only then did Xie Qihan notice that the sparkling wine in his glass was not the original sparkling wine at all, and his expression froze instantly: "Have you been drinking this?"

Xu Yinian didn't notice the problem at all, instead he smiled with his face propped up: "Yes, add more ice, it won't be sweet after drinking, and the taste is quite good."

"..." There are different types, so it's strange if they can be sweet.

Thinking of Yu Huai's exhortation, Huang Ling covered his face sadly: "I will definitely not die well tonight."

Xu Yinian agreed very much: "That's right! One of us must walk out of the bar sideways."

It's a chicken-and-duck talk.

Seeing that his eyes were starting to blur, Xie Qihan roughly estimated the amount he drank, and decided to find a way to save himself: "It's no fun just drinking, let's talk about something else?"

As he spoke, he moved the bottle towards him without any trace: "Actually, I don't like humans very much. After meeting you, I feel that my previous thinking was too one-sided."

"Why?" Xu Yinian muttered, "I've always liked monsters."

Xie Qihan was amused by him. Before coming here, he more or less wanted to help Yu Huai connect, but he didn't expect that chatting with Xu Yinian was more interesting than he imagined.

He simply explained: "Boss was once played by a human being, it was quite miserable."

After finishing the words, the boy sitting opposite was stunned for a while, and said a name with a complicated expression: "Xu Yinian?"

"You also know? Did this matter spread so widely?" Xie Qihan was a little surprised, and then poured wine into the glass, "Forget it, don't mention this."

"Who doesn't know." Xu Yinian narrowed his eyes slightly. He grabbed the wine bottle from the table, and before Xie Qihan had time to remind him that it was the wine with the highest alcohol concentration, the boy's next words left him speechless, "Unilaterally destroy the engagement, turn your face when you say it, Yu Huai was hunted down I don't care about it. It's obvious that Yu Huai is so kind to him..."

He listed them one by one, his eyebrows gradually furrowed, and he looked extremely depressed and sad.

Xie Qihan nodded secretly in his heart.

It seems that he is more aggrieved than him, there is a drama, this is it.

The boy counted to the end, as if he couldn't bear it anymore: "...Is there anyone like Xu Yinian who falls in love? It's just too stupid!"

Xie Qihan didn't have time to stop him, he raised his head and drank all the spirits in the glass, then put the glass down suddenly: "Scumbag! If there is no chance, I want to beat him up!"

Xie Qihan was shocked when he saw him open the mic passionately.

Monsters from all directions raised their wine glasses at the same time: "Brother, you are right! Toast!"

"Brother! Have courage!"

"Dare to speak and dare to think! I respect you!"

"Let me make a statement first, I agree with everything you said." Xie Qihan hurriedly pulled him back, "But don't say that in front of Yu Huai! The last person who said bad things about Xu Yinian in front of him is dead. Freeport is under the sea."

Xu Yinian's spirits rose, and he asked, "Can Yu Huai listen to the truth? Honest words are hard to hear!"

Xie Qihan: "..."

Xie Qihan: "...Are you really drunk?"

Xu Yinian responded indiscriminately, and wanted to pour another drink.

"Okay, okay, it's all over, don't talk about these unhappy things." Xie Qihan worried that he would drink more and more, so he changed the subject, "What do you think of the boss?"

He took a sip of the wine in his glass and murmured, "It's not good, it's bitter."

Xie Qihan was helpless: "I asked you Yuhuai, but I didn't ask you about wine."

"Huh?" Xu Yinian looked over blankly, "Okay? Pretty good?"

Xie Qihan couldn't judge whether he was still sane, so he could only continue to follow the trend: "You may not know that after the night of the Oak Mountain Arena, there were rumors about you and him everywhere in Freeport. The story of the two of you has been compiled from the first meeting to the marriage. … do you mind?"

Xu Yinian replied: "Okay! No problem."

Xie Qihan was startled, and asked hesitantly, "Do you like Yu Huai?"

"... I like it." The boy raised his face in a daze, and unexpectedly met a pair of dark purple eyes. At some point, Yu Huai came to the booth, and Nan Zhi followed behind him.

Xu Yinian smiled brightly, and repeated affirmatively: "Favorite."