Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 33: Snow


There are a total of six surveillance cameras in this restaurant, one of which is located just in front of them. Xu Yinian explained the purpose of coming, and adjusted the surveillance cameras after several people entered the restaurant.

The few minutes when Ye Qiao was attacked was very chaotic. The scream of the waitress attracted more people's attention, and various voices came and went, and the customers at several nearby tables got up and left in panic. Noticing that a brave man secretly took out his mobile phone to take pictures, Xia Ziheng's face darkened, and he snatched the other party's mobile phone: "Who asked you to take pictures? What are you taking pictures of?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and he reacted quickly: "I took a selfie! Why are you snatching my phone for no reason! Be careful, I will call the police!"

Xia Ziheng was about to throw his mobile phone into the baking tray without saying a word, Chen Ran called the emergency number of the medical headquarters with a cold face, and at the same time grabbed Xia Ziheng with one hand: "Don't throw it away, give him the phone back."

"I'm going to delete this video! This grandson..." Xia Ziheng cursed.

"Keep it." Chen Ran looked at the other party's smug expression, and said coldly, "This is evidence. He cooperated with the demon clan to attack the demon master. This video was shot to report the situation to his accomplices. Let the demon bureau handle it. "

The face of the man who thought he had the upper hand suddenly changed.

Xu Yinian checked the surveillance before and after Ye Qiao's accident several times. He even remembered the time when the man changed his face, but he still couldn't find anything unusual. Every waiter, customer...they looked like the most normal staff and diners that passed by. Xu Yinian suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and started to check the surveillance from the beginning.

The phone rang at this moment.

"Little Brother Xu!" Xia Ziheng said excitedly as soon as he answered the call, "Medical miracle, Ye Qiao woke up!"

"!" Xu Yinian gripped the phone tightly in surprise, "So fast?"

"Yeah! As soon as we got here, the medical doctor sent him to the emergency room as soon as he saw him, but he woke up not long after I heard that he went in."

Xu Yinian quickly asked: "How about his eye? Will he still be able to see it in the future?"

"I don't know, he's being examined right now, and several medical practitioners say it's unbelievable... It's good that he wakes up, that's great. Did you find anything there?"

"I haven't even seen a ghost." Speaking of this, Xu Yinian doubted his life, "I'll look for it carefully."

He looked over and over seven or eight times, but still found nothing, so he could only meet other people first. The nearest medical point is half an hour's drive away, and when Xu Yinian arrived, Ye Qiao had already bandaged the wound. The snow-white bandage was wrapped from the bridge of the nose to the back of the ears, completely covering Ye Qiao's injured eyes. Other than being pale from blood loss, he looked fine.

Xu Yinian felt relieved, and casually pulled a chair and sat beside the hospital bed: "Your recovery ability is very strong."

"I was shocked too." Xia Ziheng still had lingering fears when he thought of Ye Qiao's bleeding eyes, "I thought Brother Ye wouldn't be able to wake up tonight. With that injury, someone else would definitely be lying in the emergency room."

"What did the medical doctor say? Is it really all right?"

"Emergency treatment has been done, and the nerves are connected." Chen Ran said, "But the wound will take about a week or two to recover."

Xu Yinian's gaze fell on Ye Qiao's injured right eye involuntarily, blood was faintly visible under the bandage. Ye Qiao originally had a cold appearance, but this sickly appearance seemed to be more and more repulsive. Xu Yinian poked his arm: "Does it hurt? Have they prescribed painkillers for you?"

Ye Qiao looked down at him, and comforted him instead: "The anesthetic hasn't passed yet, so it doesn't hurt."

Chen Ran was always thinking about finding the culprit, and asked Xu Yinian, "Did you see anything from the surveillance?"

After receiving nothing, Chen Ran frowned: "I didn't feel any demon power at the moment of the explosion. It may be a timed attack set in advance."

"What do you mean?" Xu Yinian was at a loss.

"Did you forget the wishing machine? The monster that attacked Ye Qiao may have left a mark on him, and when the time is up, the mark left will penetrate one of Ye Qiao's eyes... We don't have any clues, and it's useless to analyze here. In the end It’s best to contact the Demon Elimination Bureau and let them solve it.”

"No need." Ye Qi said softly.

Chen Ran looked at him, Xia Ziheng thought he was troublesome: "Let's get in touch, in case that guy repeats his tricks—"

"I said don't contact the Demon Elimination Bureau." Ye Qiao's voice became cold.

The second half of Xia Ziheng's sentence got stuck in his throat. Since we met, Ye Qiao has never spoken in such a strong tone. There was a momentary silence in the ward. Just as Xu Yinian was about to speak, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." Xu Yinian said.

The person who came was holding a large bouquet of lilies in full bloom, and the full bouquet of flowers almost covered half of his body: "Ward 307, the courier for you...Where do you want to put it?"

Xu Yinian subconsciously looked at Chen Ran, who was also very confused. Instead, it was Ye Qiao who answered, "Beside the bed."

"Okay, please sign it." The courier said, and placed the dewy lilies beside Ye Qiao. After the courier left, Xia Ziheng half-joked in order to cheer up the atmosphere: "It's only been a few hours since you came in, and someone gave you flowers? Brother Ye, do you think it's a nurse or a medical doctor who fell in love with you?"

"It seems that something is caught inside." Chen Ran reminded with sharp eyes.

Ye Qiao stretched out her hand and took it out.

It was an exquisite ribbon envelope, pale gold in color throughout, with a pure white elk painted on the lower right corner.

Xu Yinian was sitting next to Ye Qiao, and accidentally glanced at him.

[Dear number 199:

… ]

"It must have been sent by mistake." Ye Qiao took a cursory look at the envelope, then closed the envelope, and put it back into the lily bouquet with a calm expression, "It's not for me."

"Hey? Then what should I do, why don't you call the courier just now?" Xia Ziheng said as he was about to walk out of the ward. Ye Qiao said at this moment: "It's getting late, I'll contact him tomorrow."

"It's fine, you have a good rest." Xu Yinian pulled Xia Ziheng, and at the same time pressed Chen Ran who wanted to say a few more words, "If you don't want to find the Demon Elimination Bureau, we won't. How to do it after you have a rest Let's discuss it again."

"But..." Xia Ziheng wanted to say something more, but Xu Yinian dragged him out, "Okay, stop pushing, don't delay your father Ye's rest."

He finally turned around: "Then let's go first, call us if you have anything to do."

Ye Qing nodded in agreement.

After walking out of the ward, Chen Ran whispered: "That flower looks abnormal, and Ye Qiao's reaction..."

"Ye Qiao was transferred to Fengqiao College at the age of seventeen. Besides him, do you know any other transfer students?"

"That's not true." Xia Ziheng has made countless friends, but he has never heard of anyone who became an exorcist halfway through. "I always thought he was quite mysterious."

Xu Yinian had an expression that the matter was over: "Since he doesn't want to talk about it, let's stop provoking him."

In the ward.

After the others left, Ye Qiao on the hospital bed looked at the half bottle of IV left. Sure no one would come back, he reached out and pulled out the needle stuck in the back of his hand.

Blood overflowed from the pinhole on the back of his hand, but Ye Qiao didn't bother to stop the bleeding, he walked towards the bathroom, taking off the bandage on his face while walking. Chen Ran and Xia Ziheng booked the best single ward for him, the bathroom was bright and warm, and his silhouette was clearly reflected in the mirror.

The blood-stained bandage was casually thrown on the ground by Ye Qiao, and he took off his contact lenses. The boy in the mirror had cold brows, pale complexion, and a pair of dark purple eyes with a strange color were staring straight ahead. The wound that had been pierced before had returned to its original state, and the right eye, which the medical practitioner estimated would take at least a week to recover, had no trauma, not even a single scar left.

Ye Qiao looked at herself in the mirror, without saying a word.

For a long time, he hugged his head in pain with both arms, and lowered his head bit by bit.

"-the last one."

The nightmare that had accompanied him for many years came to mind again. The setting sun slanted into the warehouse, and the several experimental subjects who escaped with him were more or less scarred. Among them, the oldest one had only one eye. The one-eyed boy whispered to his companions: "Everyone hide! They are busy! If you want to destroy the laboratory, you should not come here!"

The boys and girls hurriedly got into the wooden boxes scattered in every corner. Ye Qiao tightly clutched her abdomen, endured the pain and opened a nearby wooden box, when suddenly someone pulled his hand.

"199," the girl next to him stopped him, "are you seriously injured?"

Before he could answer, the girl's slender five fingers turned into turquoise webs, from which transparent mucus continued to emerge. She quickly smeared the liquid on his abdomen, and forced a smile at him: "I can only deal with it roughly, let's hide first."

Ye Qiao thanked her, and he noticed that there was a suture mark left by the experiment on her face, like a small moon.

Everyone hid in the wooden box. Before closing the lid, they encouraged each other: "No matter what happens, don't come out! Don't make any noise!"

"Don't worry! We will survive!"

Ye Qiao hid in the cramped space, looking out from a small gap. Relying on the experimental subject's outstanding five senses, he could vaguely hear the sound of fierce fighting in the distance, and the sirens from the Demon Elimination Bureau continued to sound. Based on this distance estimate, the team from the Demon Elimination Bureau would arrive here in a short time.

Just hold on a little longer, and they'll be saved.

Her heartbeat was getting faster and faster, Ye Qiao hugged her knees tightly, and cold sweat continued to break out on her back. Without warning, the warehouse door was blasted open—

Ye Qiao's nerves exploded! He held his breath tightly, and curled up in the wooden box without daring to move. The footsteps of several people came from the door, and the leader was unhurried. He clapped his hands, as if calling for a pet dog kept at home.

"Come out, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

The speaker's voice was very gentle, even with a hint of a smile. Hearing the familiar voice, Ye Qiao's scalp shuddered, he bit his teeth with all his strength, and forced himself not to tremble.

Why is the doctor here

He obviously should... How could he have the time...

There was an echo in the empty warehouse, but nothing else. Seeing this, the doctor had an idea: "Okay, then let's play a game. Count down to five, and those who take the initiative can live."

"Five, four, three—"

The five numbers are like reminders. Ye Qiao heard some movement from the wooden box not far away.

It's over.

He couldn't help closing his eyes.

As the doctor's voice fell, the one-eyed boy who climbed out of the wooden box at the last second trembled. He accidentally fell and fell to the ground with the box.

"No. 381." Seeing his pale face, the doctor said in a joking tone, "It's so pitiful, I peed my pants in fright."

Perhaps because of shame, or fear of death, the one-eyed boy burst into tears: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!... I came out! I came out on my own initiative!"

"There is still half a foot left, and it is impossible not to abide by the rules of the game."

"...?" The boy lowered his head and saw his right foot that accidentally stepped into the wooden box when he fell. The subordinates beside the doctor approached him, and the boy said dryly, "I can cut off my feet..."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, his head was chopped off. The sound of the head falling to the ground was very clear in the warehouse. Several experimental subjects crawled out of the wooden box, trembling with fright, begging repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry doctor! We are willing to follow!"

"Please forgive us this time! I know I was wrong! I swear it will never happen again!"

"You said that I am valuable, and I am still useful! I will definitely cooperate with the research!"

"As I said, it's okay not to follow the rules." The doctor lost interest and didn't look at them again.

The subordinates behind him rushed forward, crying and screaming everywhere, and blood spattered on the wall. The remaining experimental subjects hidden in the wooden boxes were dragged out one by one. The doctor turned his head and looked impartially at the wooden box where Ye Qiao was hiding.

Ye Qiao's heart was beating violently uncontrollably, as if it was about to burst in the next second. The alarm from the Demon Elimination Bureau is getting closer and closer, and they will be able to leave hell alive just a little bit.

Ye Qiao saw the girl's head rolled to the ground through the gap, and there was a moon-like suture mark on her cheek. Before she died, her eyes were wide open, her face was full of panic and unwillingness, as if she was resenting why the Demon Elimination Bureau couldn't arrive earlier.

Sweat rolled down Ye Qiao's eyelids, he didn't dare to wipe it off, the scene in front of him gradually blurred.

Someone approached the box where he was hiding step by step. That person had smiling eyes and skin as white as snow, but in Ye Qiao's eyes, he looked like a devil.

"The last one." The doctor said, and stopped in front of the wooden box where Ye Qiao was hiding.