Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 36: pity


"Fuck, Young Master Han has been taken away?" The young master who was familiar with Han Zheng widened his eyes in surprise.

"Fuck, Yu Huai is Young Master Han?" Xia Ziheng was even more surprised than they were, "Then he asked brother Xu to protect him just now...?" The acting was too real.

Chen Ran stared at the monster clan protecting Xu Yinian, and frowned.

Xu Yinian looked at the dark purple pupils close at hand, and instantly realized that "Han Zheng" was dropped from the beginning: " play me??"

Yu Huai chuckled softly, put his long and slender fingers on the back of his head, and pressed him into his arms at once. Xu Yinian only felt his world spinning for a while, Yu Huai seemed to hold him and used teleportation abilities, and when he opened his eyes again, the original position had been corroded by the venom to form a huge hole.

"Wow," the monster lying on the ceiling tilted his head and looked down, "the reaction is very fast."

Seeing Yu Huai approaching with someone in his arms, the young masters huddled behind the sofa were very puzzled, and the one who exclaimed before subconsciously took a few steps back, fearing that he would become the next target.

Yu Huai gently placed the person in his arms on the couch, and Xu Yinian finally regained his senses. He was about to stand up when his shoulders were pressed.

"It hurts so badly, don't toss yourself."

"I..." Xu Yinian wanted to say that I didn't hurt my muscles and bones, but when he spoke, he accidentally touched the wound on his face cut by the wind blade, and couldn't help hissing.

Yu Huai looked at the cut marks on his body that continued to ooze blood, and asked coolly: "It's all like this, do you still want to fight?"

"Young Master Han," a head popped out from behind the sofa and asked tentatively, "Are you...have you become stronger after taking the medicine?"

A group of them hid behind the sofa, originally listening to their conversation with anxiety, the more they listened, the more they felt that it didn't look like something possessed by an evil spirit.

How can I remember who I like

Xu Yinian thought that Yu Huai would not talk to these idiots, but he was silent for a moment, and then smiled slowly: "Yes."

Other people hiding behind the sofa popped up one after another. One of them looked at Yu Huai for a long time, very confused: "Eating a mixed race can make you handsome? Am I not eating enough?"

"Because I ate all my share." Yu Huai nonchalantly said without changing his face. Amidst the voices of everyone suddenly realizing, he squeezed Xu Yinian's shoulder and said to them, "Help me take care of him."

Seeing that the brothers were about to return to the battlefield, the entrusted young masters suddenly had a sense of mission: "No problem, I must take good care of my sister-in-law! Don't worry!"

Xu Yinian's voice almost squeezed through his teeth: "What are you all farting...!"

He glared at Yu Huai with a flushed face, and was about to ask which song you sang. Yu Huai seemed to be addicted to acting, and pretended to comfort him affectionately: "Wait a while, I will come back to treat you."

When he left, someone said with emotion: "Absolutely, Mr. Han, this is the standard tone of a husband!"

Xu Yinian was so shocked by Yu Huai that he didn't have the time to care what nonsense these young masters said. He was trying to calm down, and the young masters next to him became more and more excited: "Young Master Han actually hit two with one, no, four with one!"

"I'm so damn handsome, the special effects of movies are nothing more than that!"

"The drug dealer is really not lying. You can have as much ability as you take as much medicine. Look, this is almost five or six abilities!"

They babbled non-stop, and the beam of light that exploded in the center of the field rushed towards them like a comet. Several people turned pale with fright, but the luminous body that contained huge energy only hit the barrier that suddenly rose . The young masters, who had made a false alarm, turned their heads and became more excited when they saw the enchantment talisman formed in Xu Yinian's palm: "Sister-in-law! You can also draw enchantments, you and Young Master Han are a perfect match!"

"Stop burying your head all the time, take a look! This is the brightest moment in Young Master Han's life!"

Xu Yinian raised his head expressionlessly, and slapped the sofa with his palm. Thunder crackled from his fingertips, and the place he touched was scorched black.

After the deterrence was over, he shook his hand at them: "Understood?"

The young masters fell silent collectively, and after a while, one bumped the other with his shoulder: "Hey, hey, don't say a few words!"

"That's right, didn't you see that my sister-in-law's face turned red—sister-in-law, don't worry about them, they just owe you."

Xu Yinian: "..."

It's no wonder these people are yelling, the battle of the ghost clan is very interesting to watch. Yu Huai's exorcism speed is astonishingly fast, and he can use various abilities freely. Dozens of monsters retreated to the corner in embarrassment, and their slow-reacting heads had already fallen to the ground.

Xu Yinian roughly counted, and Yu Huai has used seven abilities so far. He remembered that Yu Huai could drive up to four spirit bodies at a time five years ago, and compared to that time, his strength was like a reborn. The number of spirits on the scene is even increasing.

"Monster..." Behind the coffee table with missing arms and legs, Xia Ziheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva. After Yu Huai shot, he and Chen Ran finally had time to breathe, "It's too scary, I definitely don't want to be his opponent."

"I don't want to either." Chen Ran wiped the sweat off his face, "Although I have mentally prepared, the gap is bigger than I imagined."


Ye Qiao was sent flying heavily, compared to dealing with other monsters, Yu Huai had already kept her hand. Ye Qiao coughed and got up, barely mobilizing her powers. Countless silver needles shot out from the decorative wall inlaid with silver threads behind Yu Huai, but they all melted when they were about to touch him.

The monster in the corner said hoarsely: "This can't go on anymore. Take number 199 away!"

"But the doctor's order is to kill those demon masters..."

"If you want to leave, you must release the fog in a large area." The speaking fog monster frowned and looked at Yu Huai. "That guy is not simple, maybe he will see something."

"I can't care so much, this is an unexpected situation." The monster stared at the spirit bodies suspended in the air, with a hint of fear in his eyes, "If we don't leave, we will all die here!"

A thick dark gray fog quickly surged up in the hall, and visibility became extremely low. Xia Ziheng failed to close his eyes immediately, and was so stimulated that he kept crying. Chen Ran said angrily: "They want to run away!"

Yu Huai narrowed his eyes, instinctively attacked to the front right, and a muffled groan came from the thick fog.

Although the barrier was not affected by the fog, he couldn't see the scene outside. Concerned about the young masters, Xu Yinian couldn't remove the barrier. Fortunately, the thick fog quickly dispersed, and he immediately broke the barrier and ran out.

The monsters who had behaved indiscriminately before disappeared with the mist. Yu Huai looked towards the direction from which the muffled hum came from, only half of the stump nailed in place remained.

Xia Ziheng's eyes were filled with tears from the mist: "It's gone!"

"Nonsense." Chen Ran's eyes were also extremely sore, and it was very difficult to open them. He said unhappily, "It slipped pretty fast."

Xia Ziheng said anxiously: "I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about Ye Qiao!"

Chen Ran turned his head, Ye Qiao's original location was indeed empty, and there was no one there.

The resplendent small hall was full of mess, and the champagne tower was broken to the ground. The young masters who came out of the barrier looked around with lingering fear, some of them boldly walked to the door of the small hall, saw the scattered corpses in the corridor, and gasped.

"No wonder none of the security guards came..."

Not only near the small hall, but also the entire floor was filled with a pungent smell of blood, and the surroundings were terribly silent. Several maids hugged each other and sobbed softly, and the originally elated young master fell silent gradually.

Just then, footsteps were heard at the end of the corridor.

Everyone looked up. Xu Yinian stared at the carved door of the small hall, slowly accumulating abilities with his fingertips. Two figures came into view one after the other, Xia Ziheng's expression changed first when he saw the appearance of the person in front of him clearly.

Xia Yan's eyes stopped on him, and he was stunned for a moment, his expression was startled and angry: "Why the hell did you come here?!"

"I still want to ask you brother," Xia Ziheng asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"You don't even remember the Demon Elimination Bureau you called yourself?" Xia Yan was annoyed and funny, "The Nanhai Sub-bureau issued an emergency notice, and I happened to be nearby."

Xia Ziheng looked at Xu Yinian, who was more confused than him, Chen Ran said, "I contacted you before we started fighting."

Xia Ziheng suddenly said: "You are indeed the most reliable one."

The situation in the mansion was even worse than expected. Xia Yan ordered the exorcist behind him: "Contact the General Administration and ask them to send people to the scene. The death toll has far exceeded expectations. Urge the medical point to send more people. Survivors need more help." Get medical attention as soon as possible.”

The exorcist nodded repeatedly. Xia Yan made simple arrangements and pulled Xia Ziheng over: "Come here!"

"... Hey! Brother!"

Among the four big families, the Xu family and the Chen family are from the older generation, but the two heads of the Xia family and the Tang family are only in their early thirties. Except for Tang Fei's talent and skill that ordinary people can't match, Xia Yan is the most prestigious exorcist among the younger generation. When Xu Yinian was young, he often saw Xia Yan teaching Xia Ziheng a lesson. As Xia Yan grew older, Xia Yan became more and more busy, so he hadn't seen Xia Ziheng's elder brother much.

Xia Yan pulled Xia Ziheng to a corner and reprimanded him. The scene that he hadn't seen for a long time was staged again, and Xu Yinian watched it with great interest. Someone sat down beside him, he turned his head, Yu Huai grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into his arms.

Xu Yinian bumped into his strong chest, raised his face hastily, Yu Huai's breathing became clear and audible. Feeling the extremely aggressive aura of the monster race, Xu Yinian was a little stiff: "What are you doing—"

"It was agreed just now," Yu Huai stroked his face with his fingers, "heal you."

Most of the healing abilities are very warm, and the cut marks on the face are like being immersed in warm water. Yu Huai pressed the corner of his bleeding lips with his thumb, and rubbed it lightly, as if he was repairing his own treasure: "The face is scratched..."

Xu Yinian could almost hear pity in his tone, this ridiculous connection made Xu Yinian get goosebumps all over his body, and he struggled to get up. As if aware of his intentions, the slender and powerful arms held his shoulders tightly, and Xu Yinian couldn't break free at all.

It would be even more strange if he asked Yu Huai to let go.

"You..." Xu Yinian blushed and said aggrievedly, "Why do you use this ability to heal? Change to another." Hurry up and change to one that doesn't require physical contact!

The monster holding him smiled, opened his eyes and said nonsense: "I only know this one."

Seeing that Xu Yinian is about to explode, Yu Huai no longer restrains him. He moved his palm down and squeezed the boy's thin waist gently and gently.

Impartially, it happened to be where a cut was located.

"Hiss!" Xu Yinian shivered in pain, his palms reflexively flashed lightning.

"Now you know it hurts? Isn't it very fearless to rush over just now?" Yu Huai put his finger on his wound while speaking. The wound on the waist was quickly covered by warm breath, and the pain was no longer felt.

Xu Yinian benefited from others, even if he wanted to electrocute him, he couldn't do anything, so he could only say: "At that time, who cares about whether it hurts or not."

"That's right. After all, the most important thing you lack is courage." Xu Yinian hadn't figured out whether he was praising him or hurting him, so Yu Huai changed the subject, "One of the monsters just now is a prisoner of the Black Tower."

Xu Yinian raised his head abruptly, his eyes full of surprise: "What did you say?"

"The mist they released when they fled is the unique ability of the fog monster. But the fog monster family was tried for serious violations of the regulations ten years ago, and they served their sentences to death. Except for the black tower, there is no trace of them in the world." Yu Huai met Xu Yinian's surprised gaze, "Since the Black Tower is also involved, if you want to continue participating, be careful."

Xu Yinian wanted to ask again, but Yu Huai slid his fingers and landed on his fair neck.

He was wondering what Yu Huai was doing, and there was no wound here, Yaozu's cold fingertips rubbed against the small piece of delicate skin, and his tone was almost joyful: "Look carefully, the recovery is really slow."

Xu Yinian froze for a moment before realizing that the other party was referring to the bite marks on his neck that hadn't completely faded away. Yu Huai bit too deeply that night when he was drunk in Freeport, even though the wound had already scabbed, there was still a glaring red mark on his neck, which was still lingering like a mark.

Xu Yinian didn't expect him to lift which pot he would not open, and tried to restrain his emotions: "Who is to blame."

Yu Huai watched him calmly, and when he could barely hold his expression, he suddenly leaned down and approached Xu Yinian's ear.

"I'll tell you one thing." Yu Huai's voice was slightly suppressed when he spoke, as if he saw his helplessness, and then viciously tore away the masked calm—

"I wanted to do something else more than bite you."