Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 42: acting


When Pei Su returned to the cell, Xu Yinian was lying on the bed in a daze.

His irascible cellmate had somehow come across something, and was uncharacteristically quiet. The boy's face was thick and colorful like peach blossoms in spring, his long and dense eyelashes drooped slightly, and his expression was out of control.

"I heard you followed Yin?"

Xu Yinian looked up at him.

"It's spread all over the place. He gave you a kiss during the afternoon release." Pei Su looked at Xu Yinian's suddenly flushed cheeks, and while being surprised, couldn't help recalling with a smirk, "Silver is not bad, I don't have any messy hobbies. A few are still big. But is this your plan? Rely on the beauty of the prosperous age to get special prisoners, and disturb the black tower from the inside... "

Seeing that Pei Su's words were getting more and more outrageous, Xu Yinian gestured to him to stop, Pei Su was still not satisfied: "It seems quite feasible."

Xu Yinian: "... You have read too many novels."

Pei Su accepted it as soon as he saw it, and straightened his face: "Yin is very strong, and should be able to protect you."

Xu Yinian became interested: "Is he very strong?"

Yu Huai can deal with Yin calmly, and no one doubts that he pretends to be the other party. What is Yu Huai's current strength

"I see that other prisoners are very polite to him. Like Jiang Xiao, they usually don't conflict with him."

Hearing that Jiang Xiao was used as a reference, Xu Yinian showed disgust: "Brother Xiao is such a jerk, I can hit three with one hand."

Pei Su laughed.

The black tower is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. The higher it goes up, the smaller the space on the entire floor, and the more comfortable the living conditions. In the prison on the 181st floor, a silver-haired and blue-eyed prisoner walked out of the bathroom. He wiped the dripping hair with his bare upper body, and casually called to his cellmate: "Lend me the bracelet."


"I found a new kid, take him down to play around."

The inmate took off the bracelet and threw it to him, Yin caught it firmly. The inmate was surprised: "I've never seen you so patient with someone before, what the hell... Didn't you let him go after sleeping?"

"This one is different. I have a stubborn temper." Yin slowly put on the bracelet, "It would be interesting to throw him down alone and wait for him to cry and beg me to save him."

Hearing that he had such a bad idea, the inmate smiled and reminded: "Take it easy, don't play people to death."

The sky gradually darkened, and the restaurant on the 100th floor was crowded. During dinner time, Jiang Xiao and a few prisoners walked towards the stairs, when footsteps came from the other end of the corridor. The boy walking in the front was tall, thin and fair-skinned, and the two behind him were about his age. Seeing Jiang Xiao, the corners of Xu Yinian's lips turned up: "Brother Xiao, what a coincidence?"

The expression on his face was like a smile but not a smile, with an air of looking for trouble. Thinking of Yin's intimate behavior with him in the afternoon, Jiang Xiao endured it and didn't plan to talk to him.

Jiang Xiao walked forward sullenly, and the two were about to pass each other. Xu Yinian stepped forward with a long leg, blocking Jiang Xiao's only way.

"Didn't you come to have dinner with me a few days ago?" Xu Yinian looked provocative, "Now you know how to pretend to be a grandson?"

Behind him, Chen Ran twitched the corners of her lips imperceptibly. Xia Ziheng stared at Xu Yinian's sloppy back, thinking that he is indeed your little brother Xu, a bully enough.

Jiang Xiao held back his anger and stared at him bitterly. Xu Yinian pushed forward: "Why, you can't speak when you're sick? Hurry up and find a place to see, and treat cerebral palsy by the way. It's been a long time since both serious and minor illnesses have been delayed."

"Damn." Jiang Xiao couldn't bear it any longer, "Don't think you'll be confident if you hold Yin's thigh, you're just lying down and being fucked—"

Xu Yinian punched him in the face.

Jiang Xiao was stunned for a moment, unable to believe that this lunatic would do something again. Until the nosebleeds dripped to the ground, Jiang Xiao wiped his face, his eyes were bloodshot: "... brat! I'll fucking kill you!!"

Xu Yinian's hands flashed with lightning, and he attacked Jiang Xiao's face. Behind him, Chen Ran and Xia Ziheng also confronted other prisoners, all kinds of abilities flew together for a while, and the whole corridor became a mess.

"Stop! Stop!" The prison guard's voice came from the end of the corridor, and he warned loudly while running. The prisoners showed more or less hesitation, but Xu Yinian became more and more unscrupulous. In an instant, the blue-purple light shone brightly, knocking down a large number of prisoners.

"No. 4988, stop immediately!"

Xu Yinian was very arrogant: "Don't get in the way, or I will beat you together."

Rao is a special prisoner who has always been domineering, and has never done anything to the prison guards. Many people looked at Xu Yinian with crazy eyes, and the prison guard hesitated for a moment. Xu Yinian was thinking about knocking him out, but the prison guard rushed towards him with a baton, and Xu Yinian subconsciously covered his face with his arm. The baton struck menacingly on the back of his hand, but it had no force.


Blood spattered beside him, and a few drops of it splashed onto Xu Yinian's face. He turned his head, Jiang Xiao's body slammed into the wall heavily, his skull and brain were all shattered, and the explosion-like movement came from this. Leaning against the wall, the headless limbs twitched a few times and completely stopped moving.

This scene happened so quickly and suddenly, Xu Yinian caught a glimpse of the corner of the prison guard's lips from the corner of his eyes, with a strange look on his face.

— If he wanted to avoid him from killing Jiang Xiao, the prison guard could only do it! Such a tricky killing angle is one of the few that can be achieved in the entire Black Tower.

In an instant, Xu Yinian remembered that he had said in the confinement room: "If you really want to repay me, you have a chance to help me beat Jiang Xiao."

In front of him, the handsome Yaozu replied softly: "Just wait."

Xu Yinian suddenly realized something, and looked straight at the prison guard. The latter's expression changed, and he shouted, "It's unreasonable! How dare you kill people in the Black Tower!"

Xu Yinian: "?"

you fucking? ? Obviously you killed it! Yu Huai, how many vests do you have? ? ?

Before Xu Yinian could react, the prison guard vomited blood and fell heavily in front of him. In the eyes of outsiders, Xu Yinian not only killed Jiang Xiao, but also attacked the prison guards in a second row. The prisoners who were used to the stormy waves for a while were shocked by his ferocity and took a step back. Xu Yinian really wanted to Shout an injustice.

After the prison guard fell down, he still insisted on his duty, grabbing Xu Yinian's ankle with trembling fingers: "Don't... don't try to run."

Xu Yinian: "You..."

The prison guard had blue veins protruding inch by inch on the back of his hand, and he seemed to have exhausted all his strength, but he pushed him calmly: "Don't go!"

"Go!" Xu Yinian understood, and said to Chen Ran and Xia Ziheng, "Hurry up! Something big happened!"

Chen Ran slapped the wall with his palm, and the fiery flames forced the prisoners back. Xu Yinian ran away, and Xia Ziheng rushed out after him. The prison guard who fell on the spot took out the communication tool tremblingly. He seemed to be exhausted, but in fact he said slowly, "There was an accident on the 100th floor. A prisoner killed someone and fled westward! It seems that he is probably planning to escape from the prison... The situation is urgent, hurry up!" Send reinforcements!"

Xia Ziheng ran and said, "Damn it, have you discussed it with Chen Ran! How long did it take to decide to kill Jiang Xiao? Now that you've been caught, you're bound to enter the laboratory!"

"It's not me," Xu Yinian ran around the corner and rushed down the stairs, "The prison guard is Yu Huai, he moved his hand."

"... what?!" Xia Ziheng was dumbfounded, "He is too elusive."

From the restaurant on the 100th floor to the bottom floor, there are prison guards guarding every staircase. With the sudden sound of the siren, the three of them hid in the black tower, the wind was loud outside the narrow iron window, and with the white lightning splitting the sky and the earth, a storm was coming.

Rushing through the tight corner, Chen Ran stopped abruptly.

Outside the stairs are all prison guards assembled in an emergency, densely packed at a glance. The prison guards raised their heads in unison when they heard the movement, and the atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out.

"It came so fast." Xu Yinian said in a very soft voice.

"Catch them!" The leading prison guard gave an order, and countless vines protruded from the ground, trapping the three of them like a cage. Xu Yinian released a thunderbolt and jumped up. Chen Ran thought he was preparing for a protracted battle when he saw his aggressiveness. Unexpectedly, after a loud noise, Xu Yinian was directly smashed into the ground by vines.

Chen Ran: "..."

Xia Ziheng couldn't stand it anymore: "Is he...a bit fake?"

Xu Yinian rolled around on the ground: "Hurry up, I'm dead!"

Xia Ziheng immediately understood what Xu Yinian was up to, and thought to himself that I am so treacherous, I don't want to run away anymore! Compared with Xu Yinian, who lacks expression, Xia Ziheng's performance can be described as brotherly love: "No! Let's go together!"

Chen Ran thought in his heart, are you two sick? But the situation forced him, so he could only cooperate: "Didn't it be agreed? We will leave the Black Tower together!"

The prison guard grinned grimly when he heard the words: "A group of brats who don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth! No one wants to leave!"

Xu Yinian didn't expect that everyone wanted to finish it right away. He glared at Xia Ziheng, who was causing damage, and released a thunderbolt to plunge into the prison guards.

After a brawl with thunder and rain, Xu Yinian finally got his wish and fell to the ground. Several prison guards rushed forward to hold him down. Just in case, the prison guards not only handcuffed him, but also tied Xu Yinian tightly, swearing and pushing him to the bottom of the black tower.

The first time was born and the second time was acquainted, seeing the door of the confinement room, Xu Yinian actually felt a little kind. The prison guards escorting him pushed him into the confinement room, Xu Yinian staggered, and the heavy iron door was closed behind him.

In the next few days, there was no movement outside the confinement room, except for a small amount of water and food to barely maintain energy, Heita seemed to have completely forgotten them.

The confinement room this time can only accommodate one person, and the too cramped space is a great psychological torture. In the darkness where he couldn't see his fingers, Xu Yinian could only estimate the time silently. He couldn't help but start to suspect that the punishment this time was not the same as last time, or that the operation failed this time, and the Black Tower didn't intend to "deal with" them...

Hunger and cold were constantly destroying willpower, Xu Yinian closed his eyes, tried not to move, and conserved his strength to the maximum extent, even so, the anxiety became more and more unstoppable. Just when he was about to be locked up beyond endurance, there was a slight knock at the door.

Xu Yinian woke up almost immediately, hesitated for a while, pretended to be asleep and kept still, someone stood still in front of him. He opened his eyes slightly as if awakened from a start, the soft and damp cloth covered his mouth and nose, Xu Yinian struggled a few times while holding his breath tightly.

His eyelids closed, as if he had fallen into a coma under the influence of drugs, and the prison guard who covered him said, "It's ok."

This is... Yu Huai's voice.

As if comforted, Xu Yinian's tense body relaxed unconsciously. He felt like he was being put on a stretcher. Similar movements came from the two confinement rooms nearby. He didn't dare to open his eyes, he only heard the wheels rolling on the ground, and the prison guards in charge of transporting were uncharacteristically silent.

From the looks of it, he should be going to the lab.

The elevator went down all the way and entered the enchantment where the laboratory was located. Xu Yinian felt that all the abilities in his body were suppressed for a moment. Instinct made him move his fingertips, but luckily the light was dim and no one noticed his small movements.

There was a rustling sound of unlocking in the darkness, and after the door opened, a prison guard muttered something, as if feeling uncomfortable with the indoor environment. Xu Yinian was pushed forward until he stopped in an open space. Someone picked him up from the stretcher, and when he was put on the bed, he leaned over and whispered: "Be careful."

Accompanied by inaudible instructions, Yu Huai's breath fell on his ears when he breathed. Xu Yinian exploded all over, and he almost didn't tense up. At the same time, something quickly clasped his wrist. The suppressed ability returned to his body, Xu Yinian opened his eyes a little, half-closed his eyes to peek at Yu Huai's leaving figure.

When the prison guards' footsteps gradually faded away, Xia Ziheng whispered, "What the hell is this place?"

Xu Yinian said in his heart that you are really dedicated to your work, and you are still acting after everyone has left, so he opened his eyes openly.

There was no light source in the room, Xu Yinian took a while to see the surrounding scene clearly, and was as surprised as Xia Ziheng: "What the hell is this place?"

Chen Ran's calm voice sounded: "What a fuss... Fuck me."

The room they were in was so wide that it was as large as a playground with hundreds of floors. Countless prisoners were fixed on hundreds of small white beds, like a huge morgue.

Xu Yinian turned his head and saw clearly the face of the prisoner sleeping next to him.

To be precise, only half of the prisoner's face remained. The other half of the face is covered with fish scales, and the countless scales move up and down with the prisoner's snoring, like living creatures.

"It's over." Seeing the strangely shaped prisoners around, Xu Yinian's eyes darkened, and he let out a voice from his throat, "... Ye Qiao hasn't had plastic surgery, has she?"

"It's okay," Xia Ziheng said with difficulty, "Even if it's plastic surgery, it's a big deal... take him to the hospital and come back."

"Can it work?" Xu Yinian was very skeptical.

Chen Ran broke the chains on his hands and feet with a snap, and interrupted them softly: "Find someone first."

Xu Yinian and Xia Ziheng also lightly opened the chains. The prisoners around were all sleeping deeply, Xu Yinian got down from the crib. The door of the room was locked from the outside, Chen Ran drew a blasting talisman, and after a long time of fiddling with it, he precisely stuffed the talisman into the lock cylinder, and there was a slight explosion sound, and the door lock opened in response, Xia Ziheng did not expect the blasting The talisman can still be used like this: "If you change your career in the future, you can consider picking the lock."

The three of them went out like thieves. The lights in the corridor were bright and dazzling, and the bifurcation outside the door led to one left and one right, and there was no end to the twists and turns no matter which way you went.

"This place doesn't feel very comfortable." Xia Ziheng muttered.

"Let's act separately." Chen Ran made a quick decision, "I'll go to the left, and the two of you will go to the right. Find Ye Qiao and contact me again."

"I understand, I understand, balance strength." Xia Ziheng was very self-aware, and grabbed Xu Yinian, "Little brother Xu, we rely on you here."

Xu Yinian casually agreed: "Just lie down."

Chen Ran saw that they were out of tune, and reminded: "I will feed back the information about the laboratory and the black tower to the Demon Elimination Bureau later, and the current situation should be enough for the General Bureau to come in and search. Pay attention to your safety. It won’t be long before the Demon Elimination Bureau will arrive.”

Xu Yinian exchanged a glance with him: "Understood."

After Chen Ran left, Xia Ziheng asked with a smile: "Little brother Xu, when did you listen to Chen Ran so much?"

In the past, if Chen Ran gave orders to him, Xu Yinian might be able to fight him.

"He made sense, why didn't you listen?" Xu Yinian asked strangely.

The smile on Xia Ziheng's face got bigger and bigger, and Xu Yinian couldn't bear it anymore: "Smile, aren't you very obedient?"

When he was not familiar with him, Xia Ziheng didn't like Chen Ran for a while, thinking that this guy's eyes were on the top of the sky. Xia Ziheng put Xu Yinian's shoulders on his shoulders, half joking and half serious: "As long as it is a friend's words, I will listen to it."

Xu Yinian snorted, "Then I told you to call me daddy, will you do it too?"
