Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 46: white forest


Before she could finish her words, Ye Qiao's eyes completely lost their luster.

Xu Yinian lost his strength and knelt on the ground. The violent impact and the damage caused by the explosion made his eyes almost invisible, and the world in front of him became blurred blocks of color. In the distance, Xia Ziheng fell to the ground like him, Chen Ran couldn't believe it, and stared blankly at Ye Qiao's body.

Huge anger raged and roared in his heart, Xu Yinian looked at the monsters with blurred faces around him, and his voice was full of hatred: "You all have to die."

A huge and dark vortex suddenly appeared beside Xu Yinian, and the faces of the monsters in the big warehouse changed.

The storm vortex is one of the iconic abilities of the Rain Clan. The abilities of this clan are very special, and even the most powerful monsters will not easily provoke them. Once the vortex takes shape, not only will everyone present be swallowed up, but the Rain Clan may also die because they cannot control the vortex.

Is this kid crazy? ! Don't die

"Kill him, kill him quickly!" A fierce shout came from the crowd of monsters, and all the monsters that rushed forward were blown away by the majestic airflow. A white storm surged in the vortex, and the overwhelming wind seemed to be able to split the world!

Xue Yao turned a blind eye to all this, he ran down from the second floor of the big warehouse with a pale face, his eyes fixed on the blood hole in Ye Qiao's chest: "Give it back to me...give him back to me!"

"Doctor!" Shadow Spirit stopped him anxiously, "It's too dangerous, you can't get any closer!"

"Get out! Get out!!" Jiang Chengxue's voice suddenly rose, Ying Ling gritted his teeth and insisted on blocking him.

Seeing that the vortex was getting bigger and bigger, Chen Ran's face turned pale, and he grabbed Xia Ziheng who was in a daze: "Get up! Xu Yinian seems to have lost his mind!"

"..." Xia Ziheng came back to his senses, and was startled when his sight touched the terrifying vortex, he hurriedly stood up, "He must be stopped!" Otherwise, Xu Yinian might lose his life due to backlash!

Fragments of sunlight poured down on top of cumulonimbus-like swirls. Xia Ziheng and Chen Ran fought forward desperately against the violent wind, constantly calling Xu Yinian's name, but the person in the center of the storm remained motionless, as if all the outside voices were deaf.

In the gust of knife-cutting wind, Xia Ziheng managed to see Xu Yinian's face clearly, his throat suddenly seemed to be blocked by a stone, and he could no longer utter a word.

The violent wind carried sand and gravel across Xu Yinian's blood-stained cheeks. He knelt beside Ye Qiao's corpse, tears dripping from his eyes. Even though the monster power around him was strong enough to destroy the entire warehouse, his appearance was extremely fragile, as if it would break at the touch of a finger.

Xia Ziheng couldn't bear to watch any more, and shouted in tears: "Brother Xu! Wake up!!"

Chen Ran shouted anxiously: "Xu Yinian!!"

The sun shines through the damaged walls of the big warehouse and shines on the cracked walls. The demonic power suppressed by the drug flooded into Yu Huai's scarred body in an instant, and the natural self-healing ability of the ghost race played a more powerful role. Yu Huai moved her fingertips, pressed her shoulder with one hand, and straightened the misplaced bones with a click. With the summoned spirit body, the large and small wounds on his body healed quickly, as if the effects of the medicine had never existed. Yu Huai stretched her sore arms, finally stood up slowly, and walked towards the center of the storm.

Accompanied by the newborn Chaoyang, a figure gently embraced Xu Yinian from behind.

"Okay, it's all right." The slender arms wrapped around Xu Yinian's shoulders, and gently embraced him into his arms, "You did a good job."

"Whoever you want to kill, I will help you." Yu Huai whispered softly, coaxing him in an absurd way, "Stop, you will get hurt."

Xu Yinian listened to the soft comfort in his ears, and vaguely saw the spirit bodies floating in the air, he stared at them blankly, motionless.

Yu Huai pointed upwards, from the back of the shoulder to the smooth nape of the neck, and finally pinched it gently, as if stroking a grumpy cat.

"Hey, don't worry me."

Xu Yinian reacted slowly, and Yu Huai had already recovered.

The body temperature of another person came from behind, and the body surrounding him was strong and strong. The familiar atmosphere brought him an unparalleled sense of security, and he couldn't help but feel dependent.

so tired.

Once he relaxed, his tense nerves seemed to be pulled into a swamp, Xu Yinian slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a coma in Yu Huai's arms.

The roaring wind in the room stopped abruptly, and the vortex filled with ominous atmosphere also dissipated. Yu Huai held Xu Yinian with one hand, and wrapped several puppet strings with the other hand. He pulled with his fingers, and the thin spider-like threads pierced the necks of the monsters one after another. The monsters in the hall turned against each other and killed each other in a blink of an eye. In order to protect the doctor, the shadow spirit had to do his best to kill the monsters who were attacking him. In the chaos, the snow monster ran straight to Ye Qiao's direction regardless of his care.

"Doctor!" Shadow Spirit cut off the heads of several monsters with one blow, and hurriedly followed.

"Give it to me, give him to me...!" Ye Qiao's body was close at hand, Jiang Chengxue kept repeating, and a morbid persistence appeared on her beautiful face. Suddenly, the demon force brushed past him, the snow demon stopped, and the shadow spirit behind him was chopped off by an invisible force. Before he died, he looked surprised, as if he didn't expect his life to be taken so easily.

Instinct made Jiang Chengxue freeze in place, belated fear filled his heart, he trembled uncontrollably, and met a pair of dark purple eyes.

From a very young age, he knew that the Onizu were the most powerful monsters in the world.

The Snow Demon family is good at mind control, and the Snow Demon who can truly use his ability to the extreme is one in a thousand. Compared with other members of the same family, his ability is even weaker. At that time, he hated his own weakness extremely, and even hated his mediocre bloodlines. He admired and envied the ghost clan, and his complex and contradictory feelings made him think of creating the ghost clan by himself.

Over the years, his experiments were on the verge of perfection, and the ghost race was almost wiped out five years ago. He thought that he had created a more powerful experimental body and trampled the ghost race under his feet.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized that the eyes in front of him were still as far away as before.

Suddenly there was severe pain in all the limbs, Jiang Chengxue's eyes were about to burst, and he fell heavily to the ground. The pain of heartbreaking made him almost unable to think, he raised his head reluctantly, and saw the undisguised malice in Yu Huai's eyes in a trance.

This is revenge.

Jiang Chengxue reacted quickly.

He hurt Xu Yinian with the blood deed, so now it's his turn.

The pain throughout his body didn't decrease but increased. Jiang Chengxue felt as if he had been skinned alive, cramped, and his bones were scraped. He rolled on the ground in pain, and for a while, screams burst out of his throat.

Xia Ziheng and Chen Ran rushed over, Xia Ziheng hugged Ye Qiao's cold body, and looked resentfully at the snow demon not far away who was screaming heart-piercingly. Rao hated him so much, Chen Ran couldn't help hesitating for a moment: "If this goes it okay?"

"I can't die." Yu Huai looked at the tearful Snow Demon, with an indifferent expression, as if looking at a lifeless dead thing. The big warehouse was full of blood and blood. The last monster who killed his companions committed suicide with a knife under the control of the puppet thread.

Yu Huai looked down at the bright blood-colored runes on the side of Xu Yinian's neck.

That small piece of rune was imprinted on the fair skin, and it was hard to detect without looking closely, but when the blood deed occurred, the rune would spread from the neck to the whole body, causing Xu Yinian terribly painful.

Cold fingers slowly stroked the bloody lines, Yu Huai's eyes were dark.


A violent impact came from the top of the head, and the ground under his feet trembled. Xia Ziheng was stunned: "What's the sound?"

Yu Huai: "There is a fight from above."

Chen Ran was surprised and said: "What's going on, isn't the Demon Elimination Bureau here?"

Logically speaking, it has been a whole night since the news was sent out, and the Demon Elimination Bureau should have controlled the scene long ago, but the current situation does not seem to be the case. Obviously the experimental subjects are basically in Dacang, could it be said...!

"The Black Tower has always been dissatisfied with the regulations." Yu Huai said coldly, "They used to have to obey the management due to the situation. These years, they have been very ambitious. Those special prisoners whose identities have been wiped out are the troops secretly cultivated by the Black Tower."

In this way, the Black Tower's unusual connivance with special prisoners can be explained.

After the separation of powers between the two worlds, the Black Tower belongs to the demon world. The Peaceful Coexistence Act has greatly restrained the Black Tower. Xuan Tan's death caused the relationship between the two worlds to drop to a freezing point. Over the years, there have been frictions of all sizes from time to time, and Heita naturally became more and more unwilling to be subject to the regulations. Even when Xuan Tan was alive, the prison was not so obedient to discipline.

After Yu Huai finished speaking, he looked at the two shocked exorcists: "Help me take care of Xu Yinian."

Chen Ran felt something in his heart: "You..."

Before he finished speaking, huge black wings stretched out from Yu Huai's back, he set up an enchantment, and carefully put the unconscious Xu Yinian into it. When the wings fluttered, the wind stirred up dust all over the place, and the smoke cleared away, and there was no one in his original position.

"Captain Xia, the situation is worse than we expected. The Black Tower basically released all the prisoners with more than 100 floors! Most of the prisoners seem to have been transformed and have more than one ability." The demon exorcist who spoke was covered in blood, Gritting his teeth, he said, "The Black Tower has been cooperating with the laboratory for a long time, and they didn't pay attention to the regulations at all... These bastards!"

It was rare for Xia Yan to be so embarrassed during the mission. His ability lowered the surrounding temperature to freezing point, and the ice wall that reached the ceiling temporarily blocked the attack, but there were prisoners shouting outside and trying to destroy the ice wall. Hiding in the corner was not For the long term.

Xia Yan sneered: "It's really a long time ago to think about raising private soldiers."

This time the mission was only to search the laboratory. Rao Xia Yan deliberately recruited more people to prevent accidents. He did not expect that the Black Tower had been conspiring to tear up the regulations for many years. They would turn their faces when they saw the search warrant from the General Administration. Outnumbered, he was beaten and retreated steadily.

Bad news came from the communication array one after another, and despair gradually emerged in the demon master's heart: "The brothers in the other teams are almost unable to survive! We are short of manpower, if this continues..."

Xia Yan said in a deep voice: "Hold on! The General Administration will be here soon!"

Thunder and lightning flashed outside the window, and the violent storm isolated the black tower on the isolated island from the outside world. The exorcising master didn't say a word, even if the headquarters set out immediately after receiving the distress signal, it would take a lot of time to reach the black tower in the storm.

Except for the team led by Xia Yan himself, victims appeared in several other teams. The exorcist became ruthless: "Captain Xia, remove the ability, you may still survive alone."

"Yes!" The exorcising masters of the same team responded one after another, "No one will survive if it continues!"

Some were even half-joking and half-serious: "Captain Xia, you have to have confidence in us, we're not so weak that we need the captain's energy to protect us, right?"

"No." Xia Yan didn't want to refuse, he wanted to say something, but his face suddenly changed.

Powerful power is like a surging tide, you don't need to see yourself, just because of this overwhelming aggression, it must be a monster with extraordinary strength.

The exorcising masters who were still talking a second ago were waiting in full swing, accumulating abilities one after another. The white grass spread rapidly on the black brick floor, and countless pure white trees rose from the ground. In the blink of an eye, the entire floor seemed to be a forest covered with snow.

"What the hell?" A prisoner reached out to touch the tree curiously, and he poked it lightly, and the clump of leaves was instantly annihilated into countless white powders.

Many people were puzzled: "Whose ability is this? Why put a piece of plant?"

"No, these things..." The prisoner who touched the tree at first realized that he sniffed his fingers carefully, "This is ashes."

The sharp birdsong came from the woods, and the strange-shaped bone birds rushed towards the prisoners like arrows! Many prisoners were unprepared, and were scratched by the sharp wings of the birds with scars. The wounds quickly turned into a large area of white infection, and continued to spread towards the whole body. Realizing that the arm that had turned all white was stiff and unable to move, some prisoners horrified: "What's going on...! What is this thing!?"

The ossification spread to his throat, and the prisoner could no longer make any sound. If he didn't look at the shape, he almost merged with the forest. The prisoner's whole body was white and petrified, motionless, and the person next to him subconsciously reached out to touch it, and the prisoner's entire arm was instantly annihilated into snow-white dust.

"...he died?" The prisoner who spoke was unbelievable, "Just being caught by those strange birds, he turned into petrification, died?!"

The elderly prisoner recognized what it was: "Don't touch them! They are ossified! If they are now missing arms and legs, after deossification, this person will be missing that part!"

The prisoners turned pale, and immediately understood the horror of this ability: lack of arms and legs is not bad, but if the head is cut off and the heart is pierced, the moment the ossification is de-ossified, they will die immediately.

And the ossified monster is as fragile as a statue made of gravel, which cannot be easily broken.

The pure white grass and trees just stopped outside the ice wall, and the birds only wandered in the forest all the time. Even though the monsters tried their best to kill the bone birds, there were still bone birds pouring out of the canopy, seemingly endless! The monsters that had driven the demon exorcists to a dead end were ossified one after another, and it didn't take long for the entire floor to breathe, only the ice wall remained.

"It seems to be..." Seeing that the bone bird was harmless to them, some exorcist showed hesitation.

"The ability of the leader of the west area of the Boneyard, White Forest." Xia Yan confirmed his guess, "This is the unique ability of the old monster who has lived for nearly a thousand years. He has developed the bone demon's power to the extreme."

The bone burial ground is isolated from the outside world and has its own system. The outside world knows little about the situation inside. Even the Demon Elimination Bureau only knows a little bit about the abilities of several of its leaders.

It is impossible for the leader of the West End to appear here, so...

Xia Yan was keenly aware of the floating demon power, he turned his head and saw a large piece of white moss on the window sill.

The daring exorcist looked up from the window. The moss stretched all the way along the edge of the window. Most of the black tower was covered with a layer of white grass and trees, like a whistling wind and snow. At the top of the black tower, huge black wings stretched out from behind the high ghost clan, and the white light spots falling from his fingertips turned into a boundless forest, miraculously reversing the situation in the black tower.'s not a miracle.

It is a powerful force that crushes everything.

"Fuck," the demon extermination master swallowed, unable to understand why he was suddenly agitated, "Captain Xia, please move Yu Huai to the Demon Elimination Bureau!"

The people next to him reacted in disbelief: "So, before he left the burial ground, he killed the leader of the West District?"

"Haven't you heard? The way Yu Huai came out seems unusual. Some people speculated that he killed all the leaders of the fourth district."

"How is it possible? Make up a story! You don't have to brag like that!... But with his current momentum, maybe one day he can really surpass Mrs. Xuan."

Rescued by accident, the demon masters excitedly discussed the unexpected savior. Yu Huai's behavior style has always been unscrupulous and unpredictable, not only the demon world, but also many people in the demon elimination bureau are interested.

Only Xia Yan stared at that figure with a complicated expression.