Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 49: psychic


Different regions of the Freeport have different seasons and do not correspond to the outside world. Although it was snowing heavily in the Obsidian Square, as soon as you stepped into the location of the Wu Clan, the bright sunlight fell into the rose garden, painting the castle hidden in the thorn bushes with warm colors.

Xu Yinian recuperated in the medical headquarters for more than half a month, and his body basically recovered, but the sun was too bright today, which made his eyes hurt a little. Xu Yinian entered the gate, and heard the skeleton soldiers guarding the gate muttering: "The sun is out again, how annoying."

"Isn't it! We've been spending summer in this area recently, and our bones are almost falling apart from the heat. I really want to lie back in a cold tomb."

The four skeleton soldiers were hunched over from the heat, and when they heard the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the ground, they straightened their backs: "Miss is here! Stand up and stand up."

The oncoming witch was dressed in a red dress. Her complexion was pale, her eyebrows were beautiful and decadent, which suited this gloomy and beautiful castle very well.

Seeing Yu Huai, Yin Shu had a smile on his face: "You are here, the preparations for psychic communication are ready."

"Hey, she's not that...!" Xia Ziheng thought for a long time and suddenly realized, he lowered his voice as much as possible, but his tone still showed excitement, "Does she like Yu Huai? I remembered! A few years ago, Yu Huai never When she came out of the boneyard, she publicly expressed her love for her!"

Xu Yinian was expressionless: "Shut your mouth and take care of yourself."

Feeling the murderous aura emanating from Xu Yinian's body, Xia Ziheng's back felt cold.

Yin Shu led them forward with a smile, talking to Yu Huai from time to time along the way. Even Xu Yinian told himself not to care about it three times and four times, but still couldn't help but stare over there.

Chen Ran looked at him several times, wanting to remind him that his performance was too obvious, and also afraid that Xu Yinian would directly become angry from embarrassment.

The psychic location was set on the top floor of the castle. Twelve skeleton soldiers sat kneeling in a circle. Yin Shu explained to everyone: "The River of Forgetfulness is divided into twelve branches. The dead person you are looking for may be in any river, and they will find him first. Then I will summon his soul."

Having said that, the banshee stretched out her hand: "Give me one of his tokens."

Xu Yinian gave her Ye Qiao's pen. Yin Shu took the token and clasped his hands together. Circles of psychic spells surged around her, and those spells went up faster and faster. The kneeling skeleton soldiers got up one after another, and then a huge gap opened in the void—

The gloomy death energy rolled down from above, and in an instant there was a strong wind, ghost fires howled, and the twelve skeleton soldiers were wiped out because of facing the death energy! After they died, a still river emerged from mid-air, and a large number of Bianhua flowers bloomed on both sides of the river bank like fire. Xu Yinian saw countless translucent souls in the River of Forgetfulness. These souls were of different colors from white to red, dyeing the twelve branches of the River of Forgetfulness into different colors.

"Red is evil, white is good." Chen Ran said in a low voice, "The darker the color, the more it means that this person has committed all kinds of evils and sins."

at the same time.

In the basement of the castle, the Twelve Branches of the River of Forgetfulness also slowly emerged. Jiang Chengxue's soul stared at the red and white river, and his eyes gradually showed morbid excitement.

In the prison on the trial bench, he finally told the name of the person behind Yu Huai's laboratory. The contract tore his heart apart, and until now, there are still bursts of sharp pain in his heart. In exchange, Yu Huai will send him to Dead River where Ye Qiao is.

For this reason, his soul has been staying in the world, just waiting for Yu Huai to fulfill his promise, but he has not waited for more than ten days in a row. Just when he suspected that Yu Huai had turned his back on him, the other party invited the great elder of the Wu clan to personally Send him to Wangchuan.

The elder of the Wu clan shot the spell into his soul, and Jiang Chengxue followed the spell and stepped into one of the rivers. Once contaminated with Wangchuan water, Jiang Chengxue's soul turned blood-like, extremely viscous red. Such unclean sins surprised the elders of the Wu clan who were used to seeing the dead.

"Under normal circumstances, the dead cannot communicate with each other. Only when there is a strong desire to communicate with each other." The elder reminded in a deep voice, "Whether you can meet or not is not decided by you unilaterally."

Jiang Chengxue walked along Wangchuan without looking back. The gaps in the void gradually closed, the elder's voice became indistinct, and the aura that belonged to the world completely disappeared.

Jiang Chengxue glanced at the souls around him, knowing that Ye Qiao was among them, he said softly: "I'm sorry, I was too excited at the time, I didn't expect to kill you."

"You're so good to Xu Yinian... I'm obviously the one who met you first, I'm so jealous that I'm dizzy."

"As long as you talk to me, I promise that I will never use my ability to manipulate you from now on, so you can come out and see me, okay?"

His tone was very gentle, it could even be called a pleading, but the surrounding souls sensed the ominous aura on his body and avoided it on their own.

When the River of Forgetfulness flows, it is silent, and his cry is like a stone sinking into the sea, and no one answers.

After receiving no response for a long time, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Jiang Chengxue's face: "—If you don't want to see me, I can only come to you."

He used to hate his own ability extremely, and among the snow demons who were not good at fighting, his ability was considered to be at the bottom: he could only choose one person to manipulate in his life, and he could not change it until he died. But at this moment, he was grateful for the ability of his spiritual department like never before.

Even Yu Huai couldn't imagine that once he chooses a partner, he can even manipulate a person's soul.

Even if Ye Qiao doesn't want to meet him, he can force Ye Qiao's soul to show up, and he wants to cross the River of Forgetfulness and reincarnate with him.

Not only in the next life, but also in the next life... Life after life, Ye Qiao will never even think about escaping.

A white storm brewed in Jiang Chengxue's eyes, and he stepped forward step by step, using his ability to find Ye Qiao's direction. But until he reached the intersection with another river of death, he could no longer move forward, and he couldn't find Ye Qiao's soul.

what happened

Unwilling to give up, he tried again, but this time there was still no movement. Jiang Chengxue's face darkened completely: "Yu Huai..."

Yu Huai lied to him.

Ye Qiao is not in this river of death at all!

The twelve branches of Wangchuan represent different present lives. Once the soul enters two different rivers of death, they will be far apart, and it is impossible to meet again after reincarnation.


No, no! ! ! !

Jiang Chengxue's expression was distorted, and she called Ye Qiao like crazy. The torn heart was completely turned into powder, and the black blood flowing from his seven orifices dripped into the river of forgetfulness. The originally calm river surface became turbulent, and the violent waves scared the souls around to flee. He made too much noise, attracting ghost messengers from the river bank.

"Oh!" The ghost messenger saw that his soul had changed shape, "Too much obsession! Harm others and yourself! Send him to Granny Meng to wash his brains!"

After the ghost messenger finished speaking, several little ghosts flew down and grabbed Jiang Chengxue's arm.

"Go away! Don't try to touch my memory!" His face was ferocious, and his soul became more and more twisted. The little ghosts let go of their hands in fear, and no matter how the ghosts ordered them, they would not come forward.

"I don't know what's good!" The ghost guard spat, cursed and jumped into the river, "Be honest, add more work to me, and I'll throw you into the frying pan!"

The ghost messenger dragged him ashore, Jiang Chengxue stared at the countless souls in Wangchuan with wide eyes, and he suddenly burst into a scream, which startled the ghost messenger.

"...Get out of here, Ye Qiao!" He scolded angrily, "Don't try to pretend to be dead! I saved your life, without me you would have died long ago, don't even think about leaving me!"

He yelled and cursed on the bank of the river. The ghost messenger shook his head and dragged him forcibly into the depths of the underworld.

Castle top floor.

Yin Shu summoned a translucent soul from the Dead River, and his body slowly became clear. When Ye Qiao opened his eyes, he heard Xia Ziheng's voice.

"It really is white!" Xia Ziheng was in high spirits, "At a glance, I, brother Ye, are the whitest in the whole river."

"You can even see this clearly?" Xu Yinian was very suspicious.

"Is Ye Qiao conscious?" Chen Ran carefully noticed that the soul was looking at them without blinking.

Ye Qiao nodded, and after a while, he couldn't help but smile: "Yeah."

Xia Ziheng was excited: "Damn, Brother Ye!"

Xu Yinian stood up straight at once, a little nervous: "What did you... want to say?"

In the big warehouse, Ye Qiao lost her breath before finishing her words. Xu Yinian recalled the scene countless times, trying to guess what Ye Qiao said.

He was afraid that Ye Qiao would have unfulfilled wishes and regrets.

Unexpectedly, the smile in Ye Qiao's eyes was even bigger:

"I want to say, it's a pleasure meeting you."

Xu Yinian froze for a moment, then stammered, "What are you doing! Don't do this with me, I can't stand this."

After Xia Ziheng was stunned, he pointed at himself enviously: "What about me, what about me! Are you happy to know me?"


Xu Yinian listened to their questions and answers, as if everyone was still chatting in the academy, his eyes gradually turned sore, he silently turned his head to one side, and let out a slight sob from his throat.

Chen Ran thought he heard it wrong, but seeing his slightly trembling shoulders, he hesitated and said, "Xu Yinian...?"

In his usual impression, Xu Yinian has always been domineering, and with only half his life left, he can kill a large number of monsters, which can be called a model of bleeding but not tears. He knew that Ye Qiao's death had dealt a great blow to Xu Yinian, even he hated himself for not getting to Dacang earlier, let alone Xu Yinian who had been with Ye Qiao for four years.

He wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how to speak, so he could only pat Xu Yinian on the back in the end.

Xia Ziheng was also in a bad mood, but when he noticed that Ye Qiao was staring at Xu Yinian helplessly, he immediately smiled and said, "Don't look at him like this, brother Xu is actually a crybaby, he loved tears the most when he was young."

Several young boys were making noise. Yin Shu asked curiously, "Are they very good friends?"

Beside her, Yu Huai also stared at them.

Chen Ran and Xia Ziheng cheered up the atmosphere with each other, but Ye Qiao was the only one who comforted her with a kind voice, but unfortunately it backfired. Originally, Xu Yinian had already suppressed his tears under Xia Ziheng's ridicule, but now he couldn't stop Living.

Yu Huai looked at Xu Yinian with soft eyes: "Well, a friend who is worth giving his life to."

Yin Shu's heart skipped a beat. The monster race is by nature obsessive, since Yu Huai walked out of the burial ground three years ago, she has been attracted to him unknowingly, and she has also gotten used to his high-ranking, sharp-edged appearance.

It was the first time she saw Yu Huai like this...

The news from the communication team brought her back to her thoughts. After listening to the report, Yin Shu relayed: "The elder asked me to tell you that according to your request, he sent the doctor to the river of death that is farthest from Ye Qiao. His soul will return to Wangchuan, and it will never be possible to meet him."

Yu Huai nodded: "Thank you."

When Xu Yinian stopped crying, Chen Ran asked the most concerned question: "How long does it take to reincarnate, do you know?"

"It should take several months for the soul to erase its memories in the River of Forgetfulness. However, the time flow in the two worlds is different." Ye Qiao calculated, "According to the time here, it may take more than ten years."

Xia Ziheng was whimsical: "More than ten years? I should be married, can you be reincarnated into my family, we will be a family in the future."

Xu Yinian slapped him on the back of the head: "You still want to be Ye Qiao's father, are you shameless?"

"Then it's fine for me to recognize him as my father!" Xia Ziheng covered his head, pretending to be serious, "Father Ye, if you vote for me, I will take your surname."

Chen Ran couldn't stand it anymore: "Stop flirting, your parents know they won't beat you to death."

"By the way," Xu Yinian said without thinking, "I'm in ambush today."

He looked at Ye Qiao: "I remember you like summer the most."

Ye Qiao was startled, and then smiled: "Yes."

The gorgeous sun poured down, and the sky was endless. The south wind blows away the last trace of chill, passing through the flowers and thick shade all the way, leaving a shaky shadow. Amidst the chirping of cicadas, even the corners and alleys are left with warm colors.

Midsummer is here.

The soul can't leave Wangchuan for a long time, when the channeling ended, several people reluctantly bid farewell to Ye Qiao.

Xu Yinian was thinking about Ye Qiao's matter, absent-minded all the way. The four skeleton soldiers guarding the gate saw a group of people approaching from a distance, opened the gate and bowed in unison.

Near the door, Yin Shu stopped.

She faced Yu Huai, and generously invited: "Are you free tonight? There is a new restaurant on the west coast, do you want to go there together?"

Xia Ziheng smelled gossip, poked Chen Ran secretly, and Chen Ran looked at Xu Yinian. The boy was still distracted, but when he heard this, he raised his head and thought he was looking at Yu Huai calmly, but his fingers curled up nervously.

The banshee's eyes sparkled, and because of her love, the naturally gloomy brows of the witch clan softened.

She was beautiful and patient in the afternoon when she reminded them that it was almost time.

A long time ago, he knew that Yu Huai would have someone he liked sooner or later. He thought he was fully prepared mentally, but when a similar scene really happened in front of him, Xu Yinian found that the psychological construction he thought he had was solid had no meaning at all. It's useless, he can't be indifferent at all.

He lowered his eyes to cover up his emotions, and at the same time silently hoped that Yu Huai would not agree in his heart.

"Okay." Hearing what he said, Xu Yinian's heart sank suddenly, but the next sentence pulled him back from the dark bottom of the water.

"Let's go together." Yu Huai's tone was relaxed, without burden. Although he was talking to Yin Shu, he glanced at Xu Yinian calmly from the corner of his eye, noticing that Xu Yinian seemed to be relieved, Yu Huai couldn't help but smile.

Seeing that he seemed to have misunderstood what he meant, Yin Shu boldly said, "But I just want to invite you alone."

The banshee's eyes were fiery and straightforward. Faced with such a scene, Xia Ziheng shyly looked away.

Yu Huai looked at her slightly distressed, then walked to Xu Yinian's side, holding his hand naturally.

Clasping fingers is a very intimate and ambiguous gesture.

"I'm married." Xu Yinian's body froze, and Yu Huai held him tightly before he could react, not letting him break free, "If I eat with you alone, I can only sleep in the study when I go home tonight."

Yin Shu opened his eyes wide and looked at the boy beside Yu Huai in surprise, Xia Ziheng was dumbfounded, this time he blatantly poked Chen Ran, Chen Ran remained motionless, almost thinking that he had an auditory hallucination.

Feeling eyes from all directions falling on him, Xu Yinian suddenly felt that the marriage contract runes behind his ears became extremely hot. For a moment, he didn't know whether he should enter the role, but when Yin Shu looked over, he subconsciously raised a smile.

"For the psychic matter, I will thank the Wu Clan well in another day, and I will leave today." After Yu Huai finished speaking, he led Xu Yinian towards the door.


The author has something to say:

Yu: Since you want to ask, I can only show off