Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 52: Ghost Marriage Contract


The Academy's maple forest will remain bright all night, and the spell will not wear off until sunrise.

The maple lanterns that have lost their leaves stand on both sides of the stage, the intertwined branches are dazzling, and the tree patterns are like luminous rivers. Yuan Mu stepped onto the stage, and he was also wearing a maple leaf bracelet. With the demon power he poured into the bracelet, maple leaves with red background and golden patterns grew one after another on the treetops. These maple leaves were all the size of jade plates, as clear as crystal, and There are lines of text engraved on it.

This is the graduation certificate of Maple Bridge College.

Certificates in the shape of maple leaves flew from the branches into the hands of each student. Xu Yinian caught his graduation certificate, and stroked the glowing words on the surface of the maple leaf with his fingers:

Xu Yinian, enrolled in the 480th class, has completed all the courses stipulated in the teaching plan, passed the grades, and graduated.

Hundreds of graduation certificates fell one after another, and finally only a few maple leaves were left alone on the treetops. Looking at the young faces below, Yuan Mu said: "Every year at this time, the teacher will watch everyone leave the campus and go to a wider world. Since I came to the college, I have watched the Maple Lantern Ceremony for more than a hundred time, and a century later, it's still my favorite ritual."

Yuan Mu smiled: "It's really beautiful, isn't it?"


The audience responded in unison.

Xu Yinian muttered: "There is still interaction."

"There was a student who was supposed to graduate here with everyone, but he was sacrificed in the mission of the Black Tower." Yuan Mu restrained his relaxed look, and said in a low voice, "His name is Ye Qiao."

Xu Yinian remained silent.

Chen Ran patted him on the shoulder, and from a distance, Xia Ziheng looked in their direction.

"There are also Jiang Qiuyue, Gu Xiaodong..." Yuan Mu said several more names one after another, "They all gave their lives for the companionship and the peaceful coexistence regulations. These graduation certificates will be placed in the honor showroom of the college, and Fengqiao College will always remember them their names."

I don't know who took the lead in applauding, then the second, third... Amidst the thunderous applause, the vice principal on the stage smiled again: "Eleven years ago, the Peaceful Coexistence Act was signed on Cross Street, and its The birth is inseparable from the joint efforts of the two worlds, but the road to peace is far more than that, and I believe that every student will make a difference on this road."

"I wish you all the courage to move forward, be fearless, and use your own power to change the world."

The soothing and melodious piano sound flowed like water, and the accompanying string band played music after the ceremony. Most of the tables and chairs in the auditorium were removed, and couples of students slipped onto the dance floor. The invited investors and the teachers of the college gathered together in twos and threes, chatting and laughing with each other.

Xu Yinian remembered Tang Fei's words, and after eating something to fill his stomach, he found Tang Fei by the window: "Master."

Tang Fei was originally talking with a middle-aged man, when he saw Xu Yinian approaching, he nodded to him, then turned to Xu Yinian: "Let's go."

Tang Fei led Xu Yinian all the way through the crowd. Seeing the back of the boy leaving from a distance, Yu Huai tapped his fingers on the champagne glass, Yuan Mu noticed his absent-minded little gesture, and motioned him to look not far away: "Look at Mr. Hua, he is more professional than you Yes. The Illusory Demon family has a big business, and after the collapse of the elders' house, he managed it in an orderly manner by himself."

Hua Hengjing chatted with several investors very happily, especially one of the female investors, a pair of eyes almost grew on him. Yu Huai only glanced at it, lacking in interest: "I'm rich. Those who want to do business with Freeport have already been scheduled for the next century, and I don't need to sell my sex to get paid."

Yuan Mu: "..."

Xu Yinian followed Tang Fei out of the auditorium. At night in summer, insects chirp from the grass, the shore of Fenghu Lake is as bright as day, and the reflection of golden maple leaves makes the lake sparkling.

"I heard that you were given a blood contract in the Black Tower." Tang Fei said suddenly.

Xu Yinian responded.

"Is there any discomfort in the body? It was very painful when the blood deed occurred. Did it leave any sequelae?"

Xu Yinian met Tang Fei's gaze. For some reason, he didn't say anything about the marriage contract with Yu Huai immediately, but said vaguely: "It's nothing serious."

"Currently I can't find the owner of the contract. Your life may be in danger the next time the blood contract occurs." Tang Fei frowned slightly when he said this, "My blood should be able to cover the blood of the original owner."

There are two conventional solutions to the blood contract, one is to kill the original owner, and the other is to sign a blood contract with a new owner who is stronger than the original owner. The new blood contract will overwrite the old blood contract, but the recipient It also needs the blood of the new owner to continue his life.

Xu Yinian was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"There is no other way." Tang Fei saw that he couldn't accept it, and his tone slowed down, "Sign up a blood contract with me to save your life."

Xu Yinian showed surprise, he didn't expect Tang Fei to be willing to save him like this, but if there is no marriage contract from the ghost clan, this is indeed the only feasible method at present. He hesitated for a moment: "Master, actually I... Yu Huai and I made a marriage contract of the ghost clan, and the blood contract on me has been lifted."

This sentence seemed to touch some kind of switch, and Tang Fei's expression suddenly darkened: "You and Yu Huai... have a marriage contract with the ghost clan?"

Tang Fei's voice was almost inaudible in the end, but the surrounding atmosphere seemed to freeze. Xu Yinian opened his mouth, seeing Tang Fei's extremely ugly face, he didn't dare to speak in the end.

"Xu Yinian, do you want to repeat the same mistakes?" Tang Fei stared at him, and it was rare to be angry when facing Xu Yinian, "Do you still remember your fate? You are harming him. You are hurting yourself even more!"

Xu Yinian whispered: "It's okay, Master, this marriage contract can be resolved, and Yu Huai and I won't be like before—"

"He told you it could be solved?" Tang Fei interrupted him, his cold eyes filled with suppressed anger. Xu Yinian realized that the situation might be different from what he imagined, so he nodded hesitantly. Tang Fei's eyes suddenly burst into a cold and fierce light:

"You have been deceived. The marriage contract of the ghost clan can only be broken by the death of one party."

Xu Yinian opened his eyes wide: "What did you say...?!"

"This is not an ordinary marriage contract." Tang Fei's expression hinted at sarcasm, "even among the ghost clan, few couples choose to enter into this kind of marriage contract. After the contract is formed, both parties can share each other's spirit body, but the corresponding , if one of them changes their minds, the changed ghosts will gradually lose all their spiritual bodies, and eventually become powerless waste."

The marriage contract of the ghost clan is above all contracts, but it also has extremely harsh restrictive conditions. If the two parties in the contract are loving and happy, the marriage contract can eliminate all negative contracts, but once there is a crack in the relationship, the ghost clan will pay a huge price for it, so there are not a few couples who turn against each other and kill each other.

Xu Yinian suddenly froze in place, unable to believe that this contract has such a strong binding force. He is not a ghost family at all, nor does he have any spirit body, Yu Huai and him make a pact, which will cause harm but no benefit.

Xu Yinian's face turned pale, and he hurriedly said to Tang Fei, "Master, I have to leave earlier."

As soon as he turned around, Tang Fei grabbed his hand and asked coldly, "Where else do you want to go?"

Xu Yinian's mind was full of the possible impact of the marriage contract, and he didn't care about anything else at this time, so he directly shook off Tang Fei: "I'm going to find Yu Huai!"

Tang Fei's fingers froze in the air. After a while, he slowly withdrew his hand, and stayed where he was, watching Xu Yinian's back as he ran away.

The golden maple trees on both sides of the road stretched endlessly, Xu Yinian ran very fast, and was about to rush into the auditorium, when someone stopped him from the side: "Why are you running in such a hurry?"

The familiar tone made Xu Yinian turn his face away. He looked at Yu Huai's slightly teasing face, and he was very anxious: "Do you know?"

He stopped talking halfway, no matter what, it is impossible for Yu Huai to be unaware of the constraints of the marriage contract of the ghost clan: "... what are you thinking! The marriage contract of the ghost clan is obviously insoluble!"

Thinking of the possibility of Yu Huai losing his spirit body, because of him becoming unlucky again...

Just thinking about it, Xu Yinian is going crazy.

His voice was not low, and many people looked over here. The smile on Yu Huai's face gradually faded, and he dragged Xu Yinian to the corner. After the barrier was extended, no one could see them anymore.

Yu Huai looked at his eyes that became brighter because of his emotions, and the boy frowned, as if he was questioning. Yu Huai felt a stab in his heart, and his tone unknowingly became harsh:

"Yeah, I can't solve it. You have to be tied to me for the rest of your life, so what?"

Seeing him admit it straightforwardly, Xu Yinian's face turned paler. His appearance made Yu Huai even more furious: "When we got engaged five years ago, you promised me this with your own mouth."

Unexpectedly, hearing him mention the past, Xu Yinian felt extremely painful, and he forced himself not to look at Yu Huai anymore.

"... I will find a way to dissolve the marriage contract."

As he spoke, he took off the purple diamond brooch on his chest with trembling fingers. He spread out the palm of his hand and handed it to Yu Huai: "I'll return this to you. It's too expensive, I can't accept it."

The eyes of the ghosts in front of them dimmed suddenly, like black clouds pressing down on the city. Such a terrifying sense of oppression made every nerve in Xu Yinian's body tense instinctively, but Yu Huai looked straight at him, with a sad expression on his face.

"Do you have to do this?"

Xu Yinian made up his mind and directly stuffed the purple diamond brooch into his hand, but Yu Huai avoided it at the last moment. The key to the free port that countless people flocked to fell on the ground, and Xu Yinian forced himself to look away. He headed forward sullenly, and when he passed by Yu Huai, he was pushed violently, and his back bumped into a leafy maple tree.

The leaves rustled as they shook. Xu Yinian kept pushing when Yu Huai came up to him. But the opponent's knees were against his legs, and his strong body was tightly pressed against him. Yaozu locked his wrists with one hand, raised his wrists high and pressed him to death on the tree.

When Yu Huai was angry, his strength was terribly great, and Xu Yinian continued to struggle, and a circle of red marks soon appeared on his white wrist. Xu Yinian panicked and said loudly, "Let go!"

His resistance completely annoyed Yu Huai, his dark purple pupils were radiant, revealing a cruel and ferocious beast. Yu Huai was so angry that she smiled slowly.

Xu Yinian's back broke out in cold sweat. Yu Huai's other hand gently grabbed his neck, forcing him to look up: "Do you think you can escape?"

In the face of absolute power, he is powerless at all.

"No... um!"

Xu Yinian wanted to turn his head away, but the fingers that had been holding his neck firmly pinched his chin, forcing him to accept the kiss.

A sharp pain landed on his lips, and Xu Yinian's breathing became disordered. The aura belonging to the monster clan is extremely aggressive, attacking cities and looting land recklessly. Several times Xu Yinian wanted to bite him, but his mind was disturbed.

Finally, Xu Yinian collapsed and closed his eyes.

Seeing that he no longer resisted fiercely, Yu Huai gradually loosened his grip on him, and embraced Xu Yinian in his arms.

"You are mine." He gazed at the colorful face of the man in his arms with some fascination, "It will always be."

Xu Yinian trembled all over, and tears overflowed from his eyes. Yu Huai paused, and wiped away his tears vigorously with his fingertips, a circle of red immediately appeared in the corner of Xu Yinian's eyes, looking embarrassed and pitiful.

Yu Huai turned a blind eye, held his face and wanted to kiss him again, but Xu Yinian pushed him away with all his strength at this moment.

Xu Yinian was disheartened, tears kept dripping: "... that's enough, don't do this again, I can't get close to you."

Before Yu Huai could speak, his emotions reached the extreme. Xu Yinian's chest heaved violently, and he spoke incoherently: "I will kill you... same as last time, your mother died and you were chased into the boneyard because of me...!!"

The more he said the more absurd, Yu Huai grabbed his hand: "What is the same as last time? What are you afraid of?!"

Seeing that he seemed to have lost his soul, and his complexion was abnormally pale, Yu Huai roared angrily: "Speak clearly, Xu Yinian!"