Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 57: Back in time


Xu Yinian returned to the room with a dull expression on his face.

The effect of the Twin Life Curse was immediate, the headache that had troubled him all night disappeared, and the drowsiness also completely disappeared. Since entering the burial ground, the two of them have hardly spoken. Xu Yinian knew that Yu Huai was still angry because of the graduation ceremony, but just now Yu Huai... how could he keep pestering him? !

There was a little bloody smell in his mouth, Xu Yinian scratched around with the tip of his tongue, but he didn't realize that he was injured.

Could it be that he accidentally bit Yu Huai

Xu Yinian's heart beat faster, and he couldn't help licking his red and swollen lips because of the over-stimulating feeling, and it took him a long time to calm down.

He looked at the flower branch-like Twin Life Curse on his wrist, and he could only comfort himself that at least he didn't have to do it a second time.

This thought lasted until the next morning. Xu Yinian went downstairs to have breakfast, Yu Huai and Xie Qihan seemed to be out on errands, neither of them were in the villa.

Nan Zhi was wearing a black suspender dress with high heels hanging on her slender insteps, and was drinking coffee slowly. Even in the boneyard she is still elegant and polished. A pair of beautiful eyes glanced at Xu Yinian, Nan Zhi's eyes paused, and she asked casually, "Young Master Xu, is there a Twin Life Curse on your wrist?"

All the monsters in the room raised their heads in unison, confirming that he was holding the Twin Life Curse, and some monsters joked: "Is the boss powerful?"

"Nonsense! Of course it's amazing!"

Niyin excitedly asked: "Are you happy?"

Xu Yinian's face instantly turned red, and he really wanted to violently suppress this group of monsters who were talking too much, and finally managed to maintain his composure and sat down next to Nan Zhi: "We only kissed."

The monsters suddenly felt disappointed, and after a while, they began to laugh again: "I didn't see that, the boss is still very innocent."

Niyin crossed her legs and made a half-truth analysis: "According to my experience, the longer you suppress it, the more terrifying it will be when it erupts. This kind of person is more or less perverted."

Xu Yinian was eating bread, but he almost choked when he heard this.

"Then you guys have to kiss again today." Nan Zhi turned her head and looked at him with a smile. For the first time, Xu Yinian saw the expression on the banshee's face that watching the excitement is not a big deal, "The Twin Life Curse doesn't last long, remember to make it up in time."

Xu Yinian was dumbfounded, and the bread in his hand fell to the table with a clatter.

I heard from the monsters that the current leader of the East District and the previous one are brothers. Yu Huai killed the leaders of the four districts in order to improve his ability. After the former leader died, the current leader took over the East District.

"The old man only wants to see the boss alone, and he said that he can bring one more person at most." Xie Qihan brought back the news from the East District, and the monsters scolded after hearing it: "What a fucking idiot!" Don't be the head of the district, it's best to find a place to bury yourself next time in the East District selection!"

Xu Yinian asked hesitantly: "Is there any fraud?"

Xie Qihan smiled: "Probably there are, but there is no need to be timid. After all, his impression of the boss's strength may still be a few years ago."

Not long after, Yu Huai also came back, and looked sideways at Xu Yinian after hearing about Dong District's request: "Are you going with me?"

Seeing Xu Yinian ordered by him, the monsters laughed happily, and some good things even teased Xie Qihan: "Xiao Xie, you have fallen out of favor, the boss used to take you."

Yu Huai took it for granted, ignored their jokes, and just looked at Xu Yinian: "Go?"

"Go, go." Xu Yinian agreed repeatedly, and stood up abruptly, as if he was about to charge into battle, causing another round of laughter.

The mayor of the East District lived in a heavily guarded stone building. The surface of the blue-black stone bricks exuded a cold luster. The identical houses made this area like a maze, and there were always patrolling monsters shuttling through it.

Perhaps in order to make the environment not look so simple, a large number of salsae were planted around, and the butterfly-like blue flowers swayed in the wind. Xu Yinian reflexively felt his scalp go numb. Thinking of Nan Zhi's reminder, he looked down and wondered. Is it his illusion, the Twin Life Curse on his wrist seems to be a little weaker than in the morning.

After getting along for a few days, Xie Qihan's impression of him has changed a lot. Before entering the door, he whispered: "Nan Zhi and I are guarding the gate, and our people are hiding around. If there is an accident, we will rush in immediately."

Xu Yinian nodded.

As soon as he stepped into the stone building, the beautiful maid led him and Yu Huai into the living room. Different from the rough appearance of the stone building, the interior layout can be called exquisite. Chalcedony chandeliers gleamed from the ceiling, and the mahogany furniture was sunk in huge animal-skin rugs. The mayor of the Eastern District sat on the couch, Xu Yinian observed quietly and determined that he was a rock demon.

"Mr. Yu, long time no see." The rock demon smiled all over his face, but he didn't seem to make similar expressions often, and his smile seemed a little stiff, "I heard that you came back, I still don't believe it, when you left the boneyard after the bloodbath in the fourth district , I thought you didn't plan to come in again in your life."

He said while looking at Xu Yinian: "This is...?"

"Xu Yinian." Yu Huai sat on the left seat alone. Xu Yinian reckoned that he was playing a horse boy now, and was about to consciously stand behind Yu Huai, when Yan Yao enthusiastically said, "So it's Mr. Xu, please sit down too."

Although the Rock Demon was very hospitable, Xu Yinian always felt that the old man was acting strangely, subconsciously glanced at Yu Huai, and seeing that he had no objection, he simply sat opposite Yu Huai.

"Compared to three years ago, your strength has improved a lot, so you must have killed a lot of people?" The rock demon didn't care about Yu Huai's expressionless face, and patted his thigh self-consciously, looking quite excited , "I just said that the ghost clan only needs to be ruthless to become stronger!"

"I have something to ask you." Yu Huai was too lazy to listen to his nonsense. The rock demon was not annoyed when he was interrupted: "What's the matter? I'm sure I can talk endlessly."

"Where is the fortune teller you hired?"

"You mean Lan?" The rock demon was stunned. "I asked him to show my youngest child's fortune. The child has just turned ten years old. According to the tradition outside, it's time to take a test. After reading the fortune, Lan told me This took away the teleportation orb—I promised to send him out after the fortune-telling. I don't know where Lan went after that."

"Few people in the burial ground believe this, so you don't look for so many fortune tellers, why are you looking for Shang Lan at this time?" Yu Huai looked at the rock demon with a half-smile.

The rock demon's expression changed for a moment, and then he smiled again and said, "As I get older, I will naturally believe it. Hasn't Mr. Yu ever done fortune-telling himself?"

No one in the room spoke for a while. As if to break the embarrassment, the rock demon took the initiative to start the conversation again: "No matter what, Lan should be safe, after all, no one will kill a fortune teller."

This is true. Fortune tellers can spy on reincarnation, which symbolizes the will of heaven to a certain extent. They will never age and die naturally, but will suddenly turn into dust and merge into everything in the world on a certain day. If a fortune teller is killed, the murderer will be punished by heaven and lose half of his lifespan.

"If he hasn't gone out yet, you can ask the intelligence point to help you inquire about the news, and I will help you find it in the East District. It will be easier if he goes out. I believe that Mr. Yu has a lot of ways to find someone. The big boss of Freeport, he must find a fortune teller. No problem!"

The Rock Demon seemed to be warm and polite, but he spoke with a gun and a stick, and talked about him for a long time. Yu Huai's expression became colder. At this moment, the sound of pushing the door suddenly sounded, and a young man in his thirties came out from the compartment of the living room.

The young man's eyes have strange double pupils, although they are golden, they are not the color of Xie Qihan's dazzling sun, but rather like some kind of cold-blooded and sticky reptile. He faced the rock demon and said without thinking: "The time is up."

The rock demon paused, and for the first time a real smile appeared in his eyes: "Very good."

Feeling the monster power suddenly gathered in the air, Yu Huai instantly came to Xu Yinian and blocked him behind. The youth's double pupils continued to spin at an accelerated speed, like a turbulent vortex, and the dark golden light that fell from the sky enveloped the youth and Yu Huai at the same time! Seeing that the situation was not good, Xu Yinian released lightning and rushed towards the young man, but a thick layer of rock rose up from the ground, blocking his way!

Xu Yinian slapped his hands hard, and in an instant, the lightning flashed, and the cedarstone chandeliers hanging from the ceiling were knocked down, but the rock layer remained motionless. Not only that, dense rock formations popped up in all directions at the same time, and soon surrounded and trapped him and Yu Huai like a cage.

The dark golden halo never dissipated, and Yu Huai was surrounded by an ominous demon power. Xu Yinian was in a hurry, the bright electric current pierced the air with a sharp sound, and the next moment, the current column rushed from the ground to the roof and directly pierced a huge hole in the stone building!

The broken gravel from the ceiling fell, and the rock demon was a little surprised when he saw that he quickly destroyed the rock prison, and then he said in relief: "It's really impossible for Yu Huai to bring a waste... It's a pity, you all have to die here."

Accompanied by the rock demon's voice, the halo surrounding the young man gradually receded, and Xu Yinian's gaze suddenly froze.

For some reason, the young man turned into a boy of about three or four years old. The boy's expression twisted and he screamed, "It hurts! I'm in so much pain!!"

The dark golden halo on Yu Huai's body has not completely dissipated, as if trapped in an invisible bondage, and has never moved. Xu Yinian had an intuition that the boy had something to do with it, and immediately released a large amount of lightning to attack him. Seeing his murderous aura, the rock demon had no choice but to block Xu Yinian again with rock formations, and at the same time rushed to grab the boy's shoulder, and asked anxiously, "Did you succeed?!"

"I don't know, wow...! It seems to be successful, it hurts! It hurts...!" The boy was suffering from the shrinkage of his body, and his bones seemed to be broken and reassembled. At this moment, his shoulders were pinched again, I couldn't control my instinct to cry anymore.

The rock demon looked at the figure in the halo in surprise. Four years ago, Yu Huai killed his brother, but the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, and the rock demon could only bury the hatred in his heart, until he accidentally heard the news of his return, the rock demon was overjoyed, and immediately decided to avenge his dead brother .

Based on his strength alone, he would never be able to kill Yu Huai in his life, but a few days ago he attracted a monster with double pupils. The reason why this young monster turned into a boy is because of its special ability: time travelling.

This monster can turn back the time of the locked target, not only the appearance, but also the memory, ability, and physical fitness... But during the effect of the ability, the cast monster will also go back with the locked target, and only retain its own memory.

The time for the two sides to turn back is not uniform, but there is a time difference due to the difference in strength between the two sides. However, if the calculation is done properly, the enemy can return to a weaker age without harming himself, and it can even turn him into an unfettered person. Chicken Power's toddler.

Everyone knows that Yu Huai's strength has been greatly improved in the burial ground, but before the change of the ghost clan, no matter how talented he is, there is nothing to fear. Once the time goes back to five years ago or even earlier, Yu Huai can only do whatever he wants. By slaughter! The monster with double pupils is close to forty years old, and at least thirty years can be used to look back—no matter how big the gap in strength between him and Yu Huai is, it should be enough to make up for the time gap.


The slender fingers made a crisp sound when they moved, as if they were not used to the pain caused by going back in time. The dark golden halo completely dissipated, and the tall and straight figure of the ghost clan became clear. Going back in time, his figure is even thinner, but he also possesses extremely terrifying explosive power. The dark purple demon pupils were full of blood, and Yu Huai was surrounded by an undisguised murderous aura—

He looked at the rock demon who was waiting in full force, a little strangely: "Aren't you already dead?"

After a long while, Yu Huai came to his senses, and said with a light smile, "You are the younger brother, that worthless waste."

The rock demon's eyes turned red with anger, and soon his face turned pale again.

His elder brother died at Yu Huai's hands in the winter of four years ago, that is to say, the time has not gone back to five years ago at all! The gap in strength between the youth and Yu Huai was far greater than they had expected. Even if the youth turned into a boy and went back nearly forty years, Yu Huai only went back four years!

Before Xu Yinian could react, he just felt that Yu Huai looked a little strange, and the rock demon shook the boy's shoulder like crazy: "Not enough, not enough! Turn back time! Keep going back!!!"

"It's useless, the time difference can't be made up at all!" The boy was terrified, and looked at Yu Huai with the eyes of a monster, "Besides, if I go backwards, I will die!"

The rock demon was still yelling, Yu Huai was annoyed by their quarrel, his eyes flicked across the room, and he stopped suddenly.

The pupils of the ghost clan's bewitching colors shrank almost vertically, and the handsome face was slightly distorted, saying each word: "Why are you here..."

Xu Yinian was puzzled: "Didn't you ask me to come?"

Yu Huai actually flashed directly in front of him, and slammed him against the wall. The huge momentum made Xu Yinian's back ache, and he couldn't help but glared at him: "What are you doing!"

Yu Huai stared straight at him, his eyes were particularly horrifying, as if he wanted to tear him apart. Xu Yinian's scalp was numb from the sight, and from the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the rock demon running away in the chaos, and hurriedly said: "No, that guy is going to run away!"

Seeing that Yu Huai didn't deal with him, but instead dealt with his companions, the rock demon only thought that they had a grudge four years ago, and sighed in his heart that he was lucky. He minimized his sense of existence as much as possible, and just as he couldn't wait to close the door, he was pierced through his brain and heart by countless steel thorns emerging from the wall.

The rock demon was firmly nailed to the door, its body covered with steel thorns was like a hedgehog, and the hot blood immediately stained the animal skin carpet red. Xu Yinian was stunned for a moment, thinking that he would kill him immediately, his long and slender fingers pinched his face, Xu Yinian was forced to turn his head and meet Yu Huai's eyes.

The body temperature of ghosts is far colder than that of humans, and Yu Huai's tone is even more cold: "I will kill the person you want to kill for you, be honest with me."

No matter how dull Xu Yinian is, he can see that something is wrong with Yu Huai. He subconsciously wanted to push him away, but this action stimulated the nerves of the ghosts. Yu Huai held both sides of his shoulders tightly with his hands like iron clamps, and pressed him back to the wall. The overwhelming force made Xu Yi Years can't move.

Different from the fierce action, Yu Huai's voice was very gentle, like whispering between lovers: "If you dare to run, I will take off your hands and feet."

Xu Yinian's breathing was stagnant, and cold sweat broke out on his back instantly.

He opened his mouth to say something, and the aroma of salsa suddenly became very clear. Different from the faint fragrance before, the rich aroma swept over the sky. The familiar dizziness came quickly and violently, Xu Yinian was top-heavy, barely glanced at his wrist, and the Twin Life Curse really disappeared completely.

Yu Huai lowered her head, as if she wanted to kiss him. Xu Yinian couldn't bear it any longer, and turned his head with the last bit of strength when his lips were bitten.

He vaguely felt that this Yu Huai seemed to be much younger. Although his face didn't change much, the killing intent and aggressiveness on his body didn't restrain at all, like a sharp blade.

According to what the rock demon said before his death, Xu Yinian speculates that the youth turned into a child because of the ability to go back in time, and Yu Huai was also affected, and his memory probably stayed in the time period shortly after he was abandoned and entered the boneyard.

If so, there is an explanation for Yu Huai's attitude and reaction.

Seeing him avoiding intimacy, Yu Huai looked gloomy. Xu Yinian said first: "Why don't you mend the Twin Life Curse by the way, and we'll talk later."

Anyway, we have to kiss, at least don't make him dizzy anymore.

Yu Huai paused, Xu Yinian thought he thought it was troublesome, and asked hesitantly: "It's not a lot of trouble, right...?"

As soon as the words fell, he was completely hugged. It was too easy for Yu Huai to hug him, and Xu Yinian left his feet off the ground before he could react, habitually wanting to struggle, but thinking that Yu Huai probably didn't like him now and showing resistance, Xu Yinian finally didn't move.

His obedience seemed to please the monsters surrounding him, Yu Huai smiled lowly and said, "A kiss is enough."

After saying this, Yu Huai leaned close to his ear and said something harsh.

Xu Yinian's nerves went numb from his blunt and rude words, and his eyes widened. The redness gradually dyed his cheeks, and even his snow-white neck was not spared.

After a long while, he made up his mind and took the initiative to hug Yu Huai's shoulder: "...Then come."