Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 59: Fate


When Xu Yinian came back to his senses, Yu Huai had already arranged his clothes as if nothing had happened. Even if he didn't speak, Xu Yinian knew that the ability to go back in time was lifted.

After waking up from the previous chaotic situation, Xu Yinian realized that the current Yu Huai was very different from the past.

He seemed taller and more muscular. Although his face hasn't changed much, his temperament has changed a lot. That one is hard to mess with at first glance, but this one is at least like a dog...

Xu Yinian was thinking wildly when Yu Huai suddenly looked at him.

The two looked at each other, Xu Yinian looked at him, who was neatly dressed, and realized that not only did he look embarrassed, but his hands were also locked by the head of the bed, and his face suddenly became hot. Especially when Yu Huai looked down, as if looking at the ambiguous red marks on his body, Xu Yinian was extremely embarrassed, and his already precarious sanity snapped.

The intense emotional ups and downs caused bright lightning to explode from his hands, abruptly breaking the restraints on his wrists. The metal chain jingled and tumbled to the ground. Yu Huai saw his series of reactions and seemed to praise him: "Not bad, he can unlock the lock by himself."

Xu Yinian was stuck in his throat, Yu Huai threw a new set of clothes and motioned him to change. His original clothes were almost torn just now. Xu Yinian grabbed the clean and soft T-shirt and trousers, and began to mutter in his heart.

How long did it take for Yu Huai to get back

Judging by this natural attitude, Yu Huai has completely separated from her past self...does she not remember anything? Ready to act like nothing happened?

Even though his heart was twisting and turning, it was impossible for him to ask. When he was struggling, Yu Huai glanced at him, frowned and said, "Don't get up and change your clothes, do you want to stay here tonight?"

Xu Yinian was called back to his senses, subconsciously replied: "Understood!"

Yu Huai didn't look at him again, and went straight out of the room. Hearing the sound of closing the door, Xu Yinian became more and more sure that he would just ignore it. The moment this thought came to mind, Xu Yinian suddenly relaxed a lot.

It's okay to skip it, or it's too fucking embarrassing.

After thinking about it, I felt wrong again.

Why should I be embarrassed? I was the one who was touched all over the place, not to hold him, fuck!

After Xu Yinian changed his clothes, he was stunned by the scene he saw when he opened the door. Not far away, a few monsters bound by vines were bloody and inhuman. Xu Yinian originally thought that Xie Qihan should do the work of torture, but he didn't expect that it was Nan Zhi who is usually gentle and gentle.

Xie Qihan turned his head when he heard the movement, and clicked his tongue when he saw the bite mark on his neck and the twin curse covering almost half of his neck.

To make it so obvious is to blatantly swear an oath of sovereignty.

No matter how curious the two of them were, Xie Qihan didn't have the guts to joke in front of Yu Huai. Accompanied by a few chirping sounds, the rattan pierced through the heart and splashed blood all over the place, Nan Zhi simply and neatly ended the lives of those monsters.

"The mayor of the East District invited Lan to tell his fortune at the boneyard, and promised to give him a large number of blue marrow stones and teleportation beads to leave after the fortune-telling, but after the fortune-telling, not only did he not give him anything, but he drove Lan away." She summed it up. According to the news, "Two of them saw Lan go to the West District."

"The old man doesn't believe what he says." Xie Qihan touched his chin. Yu Huai said indifferently: "It's not that coincidental, someone should have specially asked the old rock demon to introduce Lan to the boneyard, or Lan himself came in to hide from people."

Xie Qihan didn't understand the last sentence, but Xu Yinian knew what Yu Huai meant.

Lan single-handedly judged his fate and Yu Huai's fate, and he was the only one who could see this rare abnormality. If there is indeed a problem, Lan is the most suspected one.

"It's a pity that the old man died too early, so I can't ask anything. Hey, how did he die?" Xie Qihan asked curiously, Xu Yinian seized the opportunity and immediately wiped his neck: "Boss Yu a few years ago Come up and give him a click."

Yu Huai didn't speak, just looked at him.

Xu Yinian was taken advantage of by him, and his back unknowingly straightened. It was always Yu Huai who preached to him, but he didn't expect it to be reversed in this life, Xu Yinian crackled and said, "I'm too impulsive, I won't kill people casually without asking clearly, you said you can't understand his violent behavior?" How good is a beating? If you get a beating once, you can get another beating—"

"Xu Yinian."


"You talk so much, doesn't your mouth hurt?"

Xu Yinian couldn't help licking his lips, not only the skin was broken, but also very red and swollen. Reminiscent of the dog-like marks all over his body, the dull pain in several places, and even being spanked by him, Xu Yinian smashed his cans, regardless of whether Yu Huai is still angry with him now: "Don't talk It’s useless to admit it impulsively, and it’s not ashamed.”

Xie Qihan looked at Xu Yinian in shock. A few days ago Xu Yinian acted as if he didn't dare to face Yu Huai head-on, but he didn't expect to become so aggressive today.

Nan Zhi took it for granted and wiped the blood off her hands with a smile.

It seems that the two of them are almost quarreling

Yu Huai did not respond to Xu Yinian's provocation, but changed the subject: "For the West District, the district chief selection will start tomorrow night."

Xie Qihan thought of this, and his expression changed: "It's troublesome, the fortune teller probably didn't know about it, and he might die inside."

Xu Yinian heard an unfamiliar term, and habitually substituted it into the selection mode of the outside world: "Aren't you all outlaws in the boneyard, and there is still a selection vote?"

"It's not what you think," Xie Qihan explained, "The selection of the head of the boneyard is equivalent to raising Gu."

The monsters who are willing to participate in the selection stay within the area of the west area. Once the time is up, a barrier that prohibits entry and exit will rise in the west area. The monsters will fight each other, and the barrier covering the entire area will automatically open after a day. If there is only one person left, he will be the new head of the West District; if there is no one left or more than one person left, this selection will be considered invalid.

Lan may have entered the West District, or may have gone to other places. Back at the villa at the intelligence point, everyone decided to split up after discussing. The experienced Yu Huai and Xie Qihan entered the barrier in the western district, while Xu Yinian, Nan Zhi and the monsters from the intelligence point went to the remaining three districts to find clues.

The next morning, Xu Yinian yawned and went downstairs. He was lazily sitting on the dining table, and was about to pick up the bread in the basket, when Ni Yin beside him smiled and said, "Why don't you look worried at all?"

Xu Yinian bit the bread and asked vaguely, "What are you worried about?"

"Boss! He and Xiao Xie are going to enter the West District, and only tens of thousands of monsters can survive. When the barrier is opened, we can smell the bloody smell in the villa." Niyin said vividly, also I don't know if I really think it's dangerous, or I'm using this to tease Xu Yinian.

"Anyway, he must be the one who survived." Xu Yinian didn't care, "Yu Huai is so powerful, I might as well worry about myself first, I don't even know the way to the boneyard."

Niyin was amused by him: "You are too realistic, no way, our boss likes the naive type."

Xu Yinian heard the key words, and retorted: "He obviously likes..."

"What do I like?" A familiar voice suddenly came from behind, and Yu Huai came over at some point, and said unhurriedly, "Tell me."

Xu Yinian felt as if an invisible hand was strangling the back of his neck. He choked up for three seconds, grabbed the unfinished bread and rushed to his new teammate: "Work, work, what time is it?" , Nanzhi Nanzhi? Let's go!"

Looking at his fleeing back, Niyin held her cheeks, interested: "Are all human boys so cute?"

I thought Yu Huai would not answer her emotion, but unexpectedly he smiled: "You think too much, only this one is very cute."

According to Yu Huai's speculation, the most likely place for a person like Lan who is not good at using martial arts is to go to the markets in various districts, and Lan may make a living by telling people's fortunes. Xu Yinian and Nan Zhi went to the market in the North District to look for clues.

It is said to be a market, but it is actually a larger trading point without any formal planning. Chalcedony is the hard currency in the market. If you don't have it, you can also barter it, and you can even trade it with the head of the item designated by the stall owner.

Eight out of ten items in the market are explicitly prohibited by the Demon Elimination Bureau. Xu Yinian saw all kinds of weapons, some of which he had never seen before. There are two huge yellow keel doors at the door of a store. Through the gap between the skeletons, one can see the mermaid heart soaked in glass jars placed in the store at a glance. The pharmacy next to it was full of all kinds of strange medicines. When he found out that Time Potion was also sold here, Xu Yinian was shocked and stayed away from such things for the time being.

It was the first time he came to this kind of place, and Xu Yinian couldn't take it all in. Suddenly, a tall and hot banshee stopped in front of him. The thin clothes could hardly cover her uneven figure: "Is this the first time you have come to the market? You look very unfamiliar."

Xu Yinian was taken aback, and the banshee smiled and stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to pull his arm: "In this case, I'll give you a half-fold."

It was only then that Xu Yinian realized that there were many banshees in light clothes around him, and their ambiguous gazes came over.

This seems to be a... red light district

Xu Yinian said sorry and left in a hurry. The banshee didn't expect that the first reaction of this beautiful human being would be to run away. After being surprised, she said loudly: "Hey! Don't go, can I not charge you?!"

Nan Zhi saw everything in her eyes, she followed Xu Yinian's footsteps, and after leaving the area, she said with a smile: "Your appearance is very attractive to the banshee in the boneyard."

Xu Yinian rubbed his nose and asked curiously, "What about Yu Huai? Does he get the same treatment when he passes by the red light district?"

She thought she would get an affirmative answer, but Nan Zhi shook her head.

"From what Xie Qihan said, no one dares to come up to stop him." She lowered her voice, as if whispering, "He looks too fierce."

"Oh, so." Xu Yinian pretended to respond, but the corners of his lips raised uncontrollably. Not far away, the gossip of the monsters spread to the ears, and a noisy long dragon came into view.

"How long will it take before? Can you hurry up?"

"Grandmaster is almost a hundred today, and he hasn't even eaten a bite of his meal, so dedicated!"

"Really so powerful? A blue marrow stone at a time is not cheap."

"It's amazing! Master can even figure out that I killed someone three days ago, and even accurately said that I killed a fox demon!"

Xu Yinian caught the key word and looked towards the front of the line. There, the white-haired young man had a business smile on his face, his eyes were wrapped with a thick layer of bandages, and he calmly held the monster's hand: "This Guest, you are Bai Yeming, and there are fires everywhere in your fortune, and there may be bloody disasters related to flames in the near future."

Lan seemed to have hit on the monster's mind, and the monster suddenly became nervous: "Then what should I do?"

Lan pointed out the maze with a smile: "Find a monster whose ability is related to water and combine with it, and see if it can distribute the moisture to you."

The monster looked completely enlightened, put down a gleaming blue marrow stone, got up and left. The next monster sat down on the chair in front of Lan, with an imperceptible tension on his rough face: "Master, when will I become stronger?"

"Wait a minute, don't worry, let me see... Guest, you are a rare day-fate. It stands to reason that your life will be bright and aboveboard, which is a good fortune."

The monster gradually showed joy, and Lan said abruptly, "But good people don't live long in the boneyard."

The monster had bulging veins on his forehead, and was about to lift the table to scold people, Lan added: "It seems that sooner or later, the guest, you will leave the burial ground."

As we all know, only district chiefs or extremely powerful monsters can get the teleportation spell beads and leave the boneyard. The monster was overjoyed, and ignored Lan's irrelevant answer, left a piece of blue marrow stone and got up happily.

Xu Yinian hesitated, "His eyes...?"

Fortune tellers are born with yin and yang eyes. If these radiant eyes are damaged, they will not be able to continue to peek into reincarnation even if they have great abilities. Through a thick layer of bandages, logically speaking, Lan would not be able to see the fate.

Nan Zhi stared intently at the smiling Lan, her eyes were filled with various colors of brilliance, like the unpredictable clouds, which is the expression of the opening of the yin and yang eyes. Seeing the turbulent mist wrapped around Lan, Nan Zhi suddenly opened her eyes wide, showing a rare expression of surprise.

Although ordinary people can't see the dense fog on Lan's body, some guests have noticed something wrong: "Master, have you become a little more transparent?"

Lan's arm is white and transparent, and even the veins of the blood vessels are clearly visible: "Guests don't need to worry, this is a normal phenomenon. Let's take a look at your life first."

"His eyes are blind, he is using his lifespan to tell fortunes." Nan Zhi stared at Lan rightly, "There is a thick layer of fog around him, which is formed by his lifespan. The thicker the fog, the more lifespan will be. few."

Xu Yinian turned his head abruptly: "How could it be...?!"

"The people in the East District didn't dare to kill him, so they simply gouged out his eyes and left him to fend for himself in the burial ground." Nan Zhi paused, "He probably didn't want to live anymore, so he used such an extreme method fortune telling."

Xu Yinian clenched his fists, and uncontrollable anger rose from his heart. Nan Zhi analyzed: "The mayor of the Eastern District doesn't know Lan Su well, so there's no need to go to great lengths to deal with him. From this point of view, there is indeed someone who intends to trap him in the boneyard."

As the sun went down, the fortune-telling team gradually came to an end. The last guest sat down in front of Lan, who was silent. Lan smiled and said, "Give me your hand, please."

Interlocking her fingers, Lan's strength gradually increased, and she said softly, "Young Master Xu, I never expected to meet you here."

Xu Yinian's eyes flickered, and he asked in a low voice, "How do you know it's me?"

"Such a pure murder, there is no other other than you." Unlike him, Lan's attitude was much calmer. Xu Yinian couldn't bear it anymore: "How did you...? Why did you come to the boneyard?"

"I don't know if you have heard that the youngest son of the East District Chief has a very special fate. Which fortune teller doesn't want to see it?"

Xu Yinian's expression moved slightly, somewhat incomprehensible: "Just because of this?"

"Well, there is another reason." Lan was quite frank, "Man died for money, and birds died for food. They gave too much money."


"I don't need this pile of stones in my lifetime, but my lifelong dream is to die in the pile of money." Lan spread his other hand, motioning for Xu Yinian to give the money, "A piece of celadon, thank you."

Even though the atmosphere was extremely heavy, Xu Yinian couldn't help being speechless for a second. He was about to take out the money, when Lan's handshake with him suddenly strengthened: "Master Xu, it seems wrong...?"

Xu Yinian was stunned, Lan grabbed him with amazing strength, his translucent arms even began to tremble. Xu Yinian wanted to speak, but Nan Zhi pressed his shoulder at this moment, signaling him not to move yet.

Lan's lifespan seemed to be burning rapidly, sweat was streaming down her white jade-like cheeks, her gauze-wrapped eyes even soaked in blood and tears, this was the first time Xu Yinian had experienced such a long time of fortune-telling. Lan's body became more and more transparent, Xu Yinian could no longer feel the other person's body temperature, he couldn't help it, and was about to ask Lan if you were okay, Lan gradually loosened his grip on him.

The violent emotional ups and downs made the fortune teller's face extremely pale. He ignored the sweat and blood on his face, and repeated numbly and chaotically: "Wrong, your fortune is wrong... How did this happen? Why did I only see it now... !"

Seeing that he was too excited, Xu Yinian grabbed him: "Calm down! What's going on?"

Lan seemed to be brought back to his senses by this sound, he wiped the sweat off his face, trying to calm down his emotions. When he spoke again, his voice was more serious than ever.

"Young Master Xu, the mountain of corpses and the sea of blood in your fate is like a layer of blindness, firmly covering your original fate. If it wasn't for me...I'm using my life to read for you now, I might never have discovered your true fate. "

Lan paused for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "Your fate has been changed."

Shocked by the sudden news, Xu Yinian looked at Lan in disbelief, his voice was a little hoarse: "What did you say? Change your life?"

No matter how many methods he tried, his fate has not changed for decades, but Lan actually said...

Lan nodded, looking at his appearance, he couldn't bear it: "You carry someone else's fate on your body, and that person exchanged your fate with his with a forbidden technique."

In other words, he himself is not murderous.

A flash of lightning exploded from Xu Yinian's fingertips, and he clenched and loosened his fingers, forcing himself to control his emotions: "If I change my life, will I become a very evil person who kills innocent people indiscriminately?"

"That's not the case." Lan shook her head, "Many of you have misconceptions. Fate is fate, and fate is fate. These are two different things."

"Fate is not fate, but a fortune teller's prediction of fate. Destiny is fixed, but prophecy can be changed. I told you a long time ago that your fortune will not determine your future, because fortune tellers are just us. Give, prophecy about fate."

"Even if that person exchanges your fortunes, your real fate cannot be changed by any means. The only thing that can be changed is the part that our fortune tellers can see—that is fortune."

Even if he was replaced with a fierce fate, Xu Yinian's own life would not be affected in any way, but it would be covered up under the surface of the fierce appearance, making it impossible for fortune tellers to see the truth.

Even Lan almost used up the rest of his lifespan before he noticed something strange.

"Because of the forbidden technique, I can't see your real life. But you are likely to have a bright daytime life, so that person will exchange life with you at any cost."

"But how could he...!" Xu Yinian was too shocked, and when he noticed Lan's increasingly transparent body, he was incoherent in anxiety. Lan signaled him not to speak: "Don't worry, listen to me first."

"That person must be an out-and-out madman. For fortune-telling, you must use the eyes of a fortune-teller as a guide to perform a little-known forbidden technique. In order to change your life, that person did not hesitate to kill a fortune-teller. Take his eyes."

Xu Yinian couldn't believe it: "You can kill a fortune teller..." It will shorten your life.

Lan's body was about to dissipate, so he sped up his speech: "Young Master Xu, if you want to remove the fierce look covering your life, you can only disappear if you find the caster and kill him. Correspondingly, The life that belongs to you that covers his life will also disappear at the same time."

With the increasingly blurred sound, Lan gradually turned into a cloud of dust. Xu Yinian reached out to grab him: "Lan...?!"

"Sorry," the fortune teller's words came from the wind. There is guilt, and there is also the sympathy of the elders for the younger generation, "I didn't see your true fate earlier, which made your life very hard. If I can find out in time—"

Lan's voice froze suddenly.

"...No, your life and Yu Huai's life cannot be in conflict!...Wrong, I miscalculated...!"

Lan seemed desperately trying to tell him something, but the last bit of sound died away completely. Xu Yinian was stunned for a moment: "What can't be the opposite?"

No one responded to his inquiry, Xu Yinian said in a panic, "Lan??"

Nan Zhi was the first to react: "Young Master Xu, that person exchanged fate with you, which means that you must not be a murderous fate, no matter whether it is daytime fate or white night fate, it is impossible to conflict with the boss' fate."

Xu Yinian's expression froze.

Only between fierce life and Bai Ye life can there be a conflict. His and Yu Huai's lives have never been against each other from beginning to end, and Yu Huai will become like this...

[Yu Huai became like this because of you. ]

[Repay for repay, all the murders you caused will be repaid to him. ]

The mechanical sound kept repeating, like some kind of deep-rooted control. Xu Yinian felt severe pain in his brain, the more he thought, the more obvious the pain became. The intense pain was like digging open his brain with a hammer, pouring a thought that didn't belong to him into it.

In a daze, Xu Yinian recalled that the night he and Yu Huai broke up at the graduation ceremony, as well as the countless nights five years ago, he would feel faint headaches from time to time, and he thought it was just because of emotional ups and downs. Great, but now it seems...

"Uh!!!!" Xu Yinian was in extreme pain, he knelt on the ground with his head tightly held, his whole body twitching, jumping lightning flashed uncontrollably from his fingertips. Nan Zhi wanted to touch his shoulder: "Young Master Xu!"

The voice in his head was getting louder and repeated, and the delusion took control of his thoughts again. Xu Yinian couldn't bear it any longer, he punched the ground heavily, and the sudden burst of lightning split the ground apart: "Enough! Shut up!"

As if unwilling to reconcile, the mechanical sound still surrounded him like a ghost, Xu Yinian slapped the ground with his palm again, the huge thunder overwhelmed all the disturbances, and the sound finally disappeared.

At the same time, something loosened in his mind, and the mental restraint that had been controlling him was completely shattered.

Xu Yinian wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and gradually recovered. Facing Nan Zhi's worried eyes, he tried his best to keep calm: "I was controlled by the spirit... that person forcibly instilled in me the fact that Yu Huai's life was in conflict with mine, so I have never doubted its meaning for so many years. Authenticity."

"Lan may also be controlled by the spirit, and the instructions should be similar to mine." Xu Yinian murmured, "Plus my fate is overwritten, Lan can't find out that he miscalculated..."

Nan Zhi's complexion changed, Xu Yinian was about to stand up.


An earth-shattering loud noise came from a distance, and the violent sound waves even caused the ears of several little monsters nearby to bleed. After a few seconds, countless monsters made a noise.

"what happened?!"

"what happens????"


Xu Yinian looked in the direction of the sound source, the blood on his face faded little by little.

That's the direction of the West End.