Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 60: I like you the most


Xu Yinian ran wildly all the way, heading towards the west district. His whole body was wrapped in dazzling blue-purple lightning, and the blessing of supernatural powers made his speed surprisingly fast.

Nan Zhi tried to contact Yu Huai and Xie Qihan after the explosion, but there was no news from them. Before entering the West District, Yu Huai cast a spell on himself and Xie Qihan to confirm their survival, but the spell disappeared after the earth-shattering explosion. Xu Yinian didn't dare to think deeply, so he could only run forward blindly.

The closer it was to the West District, the more chaotic the scene was, and many monsters who watched the scene gathered. Seeing the huge black curtain rising from a distance, a lot of unpleasant memories replayed in his mind... Another enchantment!

Xu Yinian's eyes were red, and he bumped into it without hesitation.

boom! !

The sound of thunder was deafening, and the flickering lights suddenly lit up the dark night. Even so, the thick barrier remained untouched.

"Yo!" The monster not far away was taken aback, "What are you doing, do you want to die? Didn't you know that the attack would bounce back on you?"

Xu Yinian rushed too hard, the special effect of the barrier caused blood to overflow from the corner of his lips, he wiped it away, and punched the barrier again!

His fists slammed into the barrier one after another, the supernatural power exploded like sparks, and the barrier returned his attacks one by one, Xu Yinian's fingers were quickly blurred. The scene that was very similar to five years ago made the fear in his heart more and more intense. Xu Yinian recklessly released lightning and tried like crazy to destroy this unbreakable barrier.

It was hard for him to find out the truth, how could Yu Huai... no, nothing will happen! !

"Human boy, don't get excited, the enchantment will open naturally after dawn." The monster next to him couldn't stand it anymore, "Even if you hammer yourself to death, this enchantment cannot be broken by you."

"Looking at him like that, there must be someone important in there, right? Let him vent, the entire West District was probably blown up to ashes, and I don't know where to collect the corpses."

"What's the matter with that loud noise? Could it be that someone blew himself up out of his mind? With such a strong explosion, the barrier couldn't be opened, and the one who exploded would have to die inside, so he'd be a fart district chief! "

"Maybe it's seeking revenge, don't you know? Yu Huai is back. He killed so many people back then, and most of them wanted to die with him!"

They were noisy and insisted on their own opinions. Xu Yinian couldn't hear any sound, and only knew how to beat the barrier desperately. Nan Zhi rushed over and saw his bloody hands and subconsciously wanted to stop it—the barrier in the west district had existed for thousands of years, and it was impossible to be destroyed by human beings, but she only stood silently behind Xu Yinian in the end.

Except for the torches and lanterns used for lighting in the monster pile, there is no light source nearby, and the night seems to be endless. The counterattack of the enchantment left Xu Yinian with scars all over his body. Seeing that his fingers that were emitting electric light curled up unnaturally, and his abilities seemed to be exhausted, Nan Zhi couldn't bear it anymore, and forcibly pulled Xu Yinian away from the insurmountable road. barrier.

"Young Master Xu." Xu Yinian still wanted to go forward, but Nan Zhi firmly grabbed his arm. She wanted to tell him that the barrier cannot be opened, and if it continues like this, it might be life-threatening. But the moment he saw Xu Yinian's expression clearly, the advice he was about to utter stopped in his throat.

Xu Yinian's face was extremely pale, it didn't seem like he was injured or his powers were exhausted, but he seemed to be extremely tense. Nan Zhi froze for a moment, and then understood why he had such a strong reaction.

He is afraid.

The memory of five years ago was deeply imprinted in his heart. Even though Yu Huai left the burial ground safely and he himself learned the truth from Lan, he still couldn't get rid of the shadow of that year immediately.

Nan Zhi sighed silently, raised her eyes to look at the impenetrable black barrier, and there was an imperceptible tension in her eyes. She helped Xu Yinian to sit down slowly, and comforted softly: "It's almost dawn, keep up your strength and wait for him to come out, he will be fine."

Xu Yinian's expression was in a daze, he didn't respond to her comfort, and he didn't know whether he listened or not.

The heavy night gradually dissipated, and the rising sun pushed away the heavy clouds, illuminating the entire western district. The thick barrier became transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the strong wind caused by the explosion completely broke through the shackles. The experienced monsters covered their noses first: "Damn, it's really strong."

The entire West District was blown into ruins, and the breath of death was stronger than any previous district chief selection. The high temperature brought by the explosion turned countless corpses into ashes. Except for the burning flames and billowing smoke, the West District There was no extra movement inside, and the extremely tragic scene was like purgatory on earth.

"Look and see! It's not all blown up to ashes, what about this selection? None of them survived!"

Xu Yinian reluctantly stood up, looking at the lifeless scene in the West District, the overwhelming despair overwhelmed him, and he suddenly lost his legs and knelt on the ground. For the first time, he knew that the pain was so extreme that he couldn't even shed tears. Xu Yinian numbly closed his eyes and lowered his head.

For a moment, he almost lost consciousness, and his senses were paralyzed. Someone stopped in front of him, blocking the pungent wind. The sun shone from behind, and the man's shadow enveloped Xu Yinian's whole body. Surprised voices came from all around one after another, and the monsters seemed to be talking about something. Xu Yinian turned a deaf ear and remained motionless.

The man squatted down, and the figure much taller than him had a strong smell of blood, and held his face with cold fingers: "What's wrong, he looks like he's about to cry."

Following his strength, Xu Yinian raised his head and stared at him blankly, not even daring to blink his eyes. He confirmed again and again that the person in front of him was not his fantasy, and after great grief, intense joy welled up in his heart. Xu Yinian's expression was contorted, he seemed to be crying and smiling, and he stretched out his arms and hugged him tightly.

Xu Yinian used a lot of strength, wishing to embed him into his own flesh and blood, as if he was afraid that Yu Huai would disappear if he let go. The boy's back was trembling constantly, and his bleeding fingers grabbed his shoulder regardless, like holding a lost and found treasure.

"...Xu Yinian?" Yu Huai was stunned for a moment, and the emotion in his eyes gradually softened. He stretched out his arms to embrace the panicked Xu Yinian, and gently stroked the back of his head, "Okay, okay, don't worry, I'm fine."

The familiar voice and breath were extremely reassuring, sure that Yu Huai was safe and sound, Xu Yinian couldn't hold on any longer, and closed his eyes in his arms.

Hearing his more and more gentle breathing, Yu Huai was sure that he had fallen asleep just like that, and wrapped his arms around Xu Yinian's shoulders in a funny way, letting his whole body weight rest on her.

"It seems that I didn't stay up all night." Xie Qihan whistled carelessly. Nan Zhi's nerves, which had been tense all night, relaxed, and asked, "What's going on?"

"There was a madman seeking revenge who blew himself up and came here specifically for the boss." Xie Qihan thought of the monster that self-destructed, and it was rare to affirm the courage of the other party. He and I have nothing to do with the enchantment, and everyone else was blown up. If the fortune teller was inside, he would probably be wiped out."

"We've already met Mr. Lan." Nan Zhi said, "He's at the market in the North District."

Xie Qihan wanted to ask more questions, but Yu Huai stood up holding the sleepy Xu Yinian. The monsters around were both curious and fearful, their eyes fell on him one after another, Yu Huai turned a blind eye to him, and said to Xie Qihan: "Go grab the curse bead."

After the selection of the western district is over, the new district chief will get a teleportation spell bead to leave the boneyard. However, Yu Huai and Xie Qihan survived at the same time, so logically speaking, this selection is invalid. A few old monsters as witnesses in the distance are about to turn around and leave. If they want to get the spell orb, they can only grab it by force.

"Of order." Xie Qihan moved his wrist, and habitually called out to his old partner, "Nan Zhi, let's go? I know two people, both of whom are difficult to deal with."

"I heard that every time the district chief is selected, the witnesses are of extraordinary strength," Nan Zhi said with a smile, "just in time, let's meet the masters of the bone burial ground."

After Xie Qihan and Nan Zhi left, Yu Huai held Xu Yinian's fingers, and the warm mist wrapped Xu Yinian's bloody hands, and the wound healed quickly. Probably because he was really exhausted, the person in his arms never opened his eyes, and Xu Yinian's breathing rate didn't change much even when he carried him all the way back to the villa at the intelligence point from the west district.

That explosion had a great impact on Xu Yinian, even when he fell into a deep sleep, he subconsciously clung to Yu Huai. Yu Huai took him back to his room. Both of them were covered with blood and dust, Yu Huai simply carried him to the bathroom.

The warm water washes away the blood and sweat, and the moist water vapor is dense. Xu Yinian was sleeping in the bathtub, Yu Huai looked down at him. Xu Yinian's hands and feet are very slender, with a well-proportioned and beautiful skeleton. His snow-white skin and dark hair give people a particularly strong visual impression. The small tear mole under his eyes makes his appearance even more beautiful.

Only then did Yu Huai realize that he still had large and small wounds on his body, and after thinking about it for a while, he roughly knew how it was left. Yu Huai's heart softened, and the mermaid-shaped spirit body was suspended in the air. His palm was covered with a transparent film, and he healed Xu Yinian's wounds little by little with his power. From the beginning to the end, Xu Yinian closed his eyes and let himself be manipulated. This obedient appearance stimulated the aggressive desire in Yaozu's bones. Yu Huai couldn't help turning his chin and biting his pale pink lips.

After taking a shower, he carried him to bed and dried his hair slowly. When he turned off the blower, Xu Yinian moved his fingers, and his closed peach eyes slowly opened.

Just waking up from a heavy dream, Xu Yinian's brain is still in a daze, seeing a familiar figure not far away, his voice is slightly hoarse: "Yu Huai..."

"Are you awake?" Yu Huai handed him the glass at hand, signaling him to drink water. Xu Yinian held the cup, warm water flowed down his throat, his thoughts gradually came to his senses, recalling the purgatory scene in the West District, Xu Yinian hurriedly asked: "Are you not injured? What happened in the West District?"

"It's nothing serious, I met a lunatic who blew himself up." Yu Huai naturally took the empty cup in his hand and put it aside, "Listen to Nan Zhi, you have seen Lan."

Xu Yinian was silent for a while, and said in a low voice, "Lan is at the market in the North District."

Yu Huai sat down by the bed and motioned for him to continue.

"He set up a fortune-telling booth, with bandages on his eyes, and he seems to be in good condition." Thinking of Lan's appearance at that time, Xu Yinian felt complicated, "If it wasn't for Nan Zhi, I wouldn't be able to tell that his eyes were already blind. He uses his lifespan to read fortunes for others, and every time he counts fortunes, he gets closer to death."

"Lan used all the remaining lifespan to read my fortune for the last time."

Hearing a certain keyword, Yu Huai grabbed Xu Yinian's hand. Xu Yinian saw his nervousness, squeezed his fingers between his fingers, and actively interlocked with his fingers.

"My fortune teller was misled by someone who changed my fortune teller. That extremely vicious destiny is not mine." Xu Yinian said, his voice trembling uncontrollably, "...our fortunes do not coincide. "

The moment these words came out, the cage that had trapped him for many years completely collapsed in his heart. Xu Yinian's eyes were flushed, and tears dripped down his face: "We can love each other, and I won't kill you."

Yu Huai suddenly clenched his hand. Even though Xu Yinian's previous reaction gave him a sense of foreboding, the joy he felt at that moment when he really heard him tell the truth was no less than the sudden pardon of a death row prisoner. The shadows accumulated in his heart for many years suddenly dissipated, and he was rarely at a loss. He couldn't believe that this moment had really come.

Even so, Yu Huai still did not forget to appease the agitated Xu Yinian, gently wiped away his tears with his fingertips: "Don't worry, speak slowly, what else?"

Xu Yinian repeated what Lan had said, and Yu Huai didn't say a word after listening, thinking deeply. Xu Yinian finally said: "For so many years, I have firmly believed that my murder has affected you, and there is another reason."

"I was under mental restraint."

Yu Huai's expression gradually froze, and he said seriously: "What kind of spiritual restraint?"

"Not only me, but also Lan. It's like a kind of hypnosis, making us firmly believe in a certain thing. My order is that my fierce fate will kill you, and we can't love each other. As for Lan..." Thinking of the fortune teller's last words Without further words, Xu Yinian shook his head dejectedly, "I don't know what his order is, but it should be similar to mine."

"There is another person just like you." Yu Huai said suddenly.

"Who?" Xu Yinian looked at him in surprise.

"Doctor. He was mentally restrained by the owner of the blood contract, and he was not allowed to explore the identity of the other party. After breaking through the restriction, he recalled that the owner was Qi Luo, who organized the massacre of ghosts five years ago."

Xu Yinian was shocked, and it took a while before he recovered his voice: "Then... my fate is really related to the ghost clan..."

"It was done by one person." Yu Huai confirmed his speculation. Even though there was a faint premonition in his heart, after learning the truth, Xu Yinian was confused and opened his mouth in vain, but couldn't say anything.

The room was quiet for a moment, and Yu Huai suddenly grabbed Xu Yinian's shoulder with a solemn expression: "So you didn't give up on me because of..., right?"

"No, of course not!" Xu Yinian suddenly felt distressed, and repeated eagerly, "I thought I would kill you, I was afraid that you would never leave the burial ground, I dare not tell you the truth... I like you! Yu Huai, I have always liked you."

As if afraid that he would not believe it, Xu Yinian hastily kicked off the quilt, knelt down on the bed, and leaned over to kiss his lips. Feeling the incoherent touch on his lips, Yu Huai was stunned for a moment, and immediately turned his back on the guest. He put his fingers around the back of Xu Yinian's head, and kissed him roughly and willfully, as if he finally got the long-coveted treasure.

"Me too." He said, wrapping his strong arms around the slender waist of the person in his arms, and the heat of his breathing fell on Xu Yinian's ears, just like that, pushing him down on the bed.

Yu Huai let him go, supported the bed with one hand, and kept stroking his face with the other hand, with long-suppressed longing in his voice: "I like you the most."

Xu Yinian's ears went numb, and his body went limp. This sentence seems to have magic power, no matter what the Yaozu who is close to him wants to do, he is willing to do it.

Yu Huai's eyes moved down slowly, and Xu Yinian realized that he was wearing his clothes.

The difference in figure between the two is obvious. The ill-fitting shirt is opened in a large area, revealing the flawless skin. The light in the room flows through the thin and thin collarbone, casting a sunken shadow. Xu Yinian boldly grabbed Yu Huai's hand and let him stick close to his clothes: " you want to?"

The sound of clothes being torn could be heard in the room, Xu Yinian couldn't help opening his eyes wide, unexpectedly he didn't even have this little patience.

Yu Huai gently wiped off the thin sweat on his cheeks, and her dark hair stuck to her jade-like cheeks. With his stroking, Xu Yinian's tear mole trembled.

"You saw me four years ago, isn't it scary?"

Xu Yinian couldn't breathe well, and he managed to squeeze it out between his teeth so that it wasn't scary. Yu Huai smiled and kissed the tip of his nose: "When I was at the boneyard, I wanted to treat you like this. You are not afraid because You have no idea what I was thinking at the time."

He spoke back, his voice lowered slightly. Even Xu Yinian was delirious, and his heart was scratched by a cat: "What... what are you thinking?"

Xu Yinian's voice is very clean and juvenile, and it is the first time that it is tainted with diametrically opposed emotions, which is particularly provocative. For a brief moment, Yu Huai almost wanted to follow his instinct and treat him with those dark and dirty thoughts.

The Yaozu looked at the curiosity in his eyes, and finally only uttered the most gentle thoughts.

"I want to tie your hands and feet, not allowing you to leave, and I want to cover your eyes." Yu Huai stretched out his hands to cover his eyes, and his usually cold palms felt scorching hot, "It's like this... completely possessing you. "

The scene in front of Xu Yinian's eyes went completely black, and before he had time to adapt, his voice was stained with crying.

The long eyelashes fluttered in Yu Huai's palm, the feeling was like catching a butterfly about to fly. And it is true.

The beautiful butterfly he had watched from afar many years ago finally fell into his palm again.

"Niannian." Yu Huai murmured, holding his hand on the pillow. Xu Yinian was caught off guard when he was called by his nickname, and his pinky fingertips curled up slightly. Yu Huai kissed his wrist, and on that delicate skin, the Twin Life Curse given by Nan Zhi was slowly fading away.

New curse lines climbed onto Xu Yinian's skin. Blossom-like blue lines wrapped around his white wrists, locking him tightly like chains. Xu Yinian wept softly, his eyes half-closed, Yu Huai twisted his small chin, looked at him like this, and said in a harsh voice:

"What are you crying for? You'll be crying later."

Although I already knew that Xu Yinian's appearance is bright and charming, he must be very beautiful when he is intimate, but when I actually hug him, the picture is more attractive than I imagined.

Yu Huai hugged him, kissed him, and took every inch of him as his own.

It's like catching day in the dark.