Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 65: tease


When choosing a room, Xu Yinian deliberately chose the room closest to the master bedroom, which was only separated from Yu Huai by a wall.

This day has been full of ups and downs, maybe Xu Yinian is more tired than usual because he has become an ordinary person with no abilities. He walked into the bathroom slowly, and the water steamed up. Xu Yinian yawned and began to recall what happened today.

Yu Huai is easier to get along with than he imagined, but the system only gave him a month to conquer, according to his current progress...

Xu Yinian frowned, absent-mindedly applied shower gel on his body, and couldn't help worrying about the situation outside.

He still remembered that when he entered the white waiting area, the system announced the time once: 9:55 in white time.

It was nearly ten o'clock when he came down for breakfast. From this point of view, the system's so-called "white time" should correspond to the real time. According to the special instructions at the end of the system, he spent a month in the game, and ten minutes passed in reality.

Xu Yinian originally wanted to ask about the time difference of the system in detail, but after releasing the task, the system seemed to disappear, no matter how much he shouted, there was no response.

I don't know what's going on in reality, but I still have to complete the task as soon as possible and leave the spiritual world.

As the hot water ran over his skin, Xu Yinian slowly relaxed and washed off the foam on his body. Just as he was about to turn off the shower, his feet slipped suddenly, as if he tripped over something that appeared out of thin air.

He snapped back to his senses, trying to grab the nearest washstand, but the cold countertop became extremely slippery, and all the bath products on the washstand were overturned and rolled down by him, Xu Yinian screamed reflexively, Then fell heavily to the ground.

I don't know if it's because of a change in my physical fitness, but the pain I usually can bear seems to have suddenly magnified several times. The tailbone and buttocks were numb with pain, and there was a piercing pain in his right ankle, and Xu Yinian hissed in pain.

He made a lot of noise, a sound of footsteps came from outside, and someone knocked on the bathroom door several times in succession: "Xu Yinian? What's wrong with you?"

"I fell...!" Afraid that Yu Huai would not be able to hear, Xu Yinian raised his voice. When speaking, Xu Yinian's injured right leg accidentally moved, causing him to scream out in pain.

Yu Huai directly pushed the door and entered, and was momentarily stunned when he saw this scene: "How can you do this after taking a shower?"

Xu Yinian was also very depressed, and said with a bitter face: "Maybe resentment has come to the door, and I won't fall every day."

Seeing him fall so miserably, Yu Huai didn't say anything to stimulate him: "I'll get you up, just say it hurts."

He bypassed the scattered bath products on the ground, turned off the shower, walked up to Xu Yinian, bent down and grabbed his waist, and hugged him face to face.

Xu Yinian's whole body stiffened when his feet left the ground unexpectedly. Yu Huai adjusted his posture for convenience, supporting his leg with one hand. He had no focus, and the weight of his whole body was on Yu Huai, Xu Yinian felt embarrassed for being late.

Yu Huai thoughtfully hugged him higher, so that his injured right leg did not have to touch the ground at all. But in this way, Yu Huai's palm completely supported him, feeling the low temperature of Yaozu's palm, Xu Yinian almost burned up. Especially when he glanced at the mirror on the washstand and saw exactly what he looked like being hugged by Yu Huai, Xu Yinian's brain suddenly rang.

And this scene looks more and more familiar, although some places are not quite right, but Xu Yinian is out of time and thinks that he was in the boneyard...

No, fuck it, stop it! It's all about what!

It's all Yu Huai's fault. He was forced to watch it at that time, and he will never forget that scene in his life!

Xu Yinian blushed and shook his head violently. Yu Huai looked at his flushed cheeks, feeling strange in his heart, and couldn't help asking: "Why are you blushing?"

It's okay if he didn't ask, but Xu Yinian's sense of shame reached the peak when he asked, he gritted his teeth and said, "Can you... hug me in a different position."

Yu Huai looked at the glasses subconsciously.

Xu Yinian was supported by him, his injured leg was slightly bent. The person in the arms was dazzlingly white all over, even his knees had a distinct layer of pink. There are drops of water hanging on the straight and long calves, and the slightly raised shoulder blades look like butterflies.

Yu Huai's Adam's apple involuntarily slipped slightly.

It's really powder everywhere...

When he hugged Xu Yinian, he didn't think too much, it was just for convenience, and now he noticed how subtle and ambiguous this hug is. His heartbeat gradually became faster, and he was a little uncomfortable, but more of a feeling that he had never had before.

Realizing that Yu Huai was looking at the mirror, Xu Yinian couldn't help struggling a little, but squeezed the hand that was holding him well, intentionally or unintentionally.

Xu Yinian's face was completely red. He wanted to ask what Yu Huai was doing, but he was also afraid that he would be indecisive now and would easily split his fork if he thought of anything, maybe Yu Huai was just afraid that he would fall...

After holding back for a long time, Xu Yinian could only urge: "Hurry up, get another one."

Yu Huai looked down at him, and it was the first time that he felt cute when a person made a request. He put Xu Yinian down gently as he said.

As soon as his foot touched the ground, Xu Yinian focused on his uninjured left foot. He and Yu Huai were too close to each other, and it was awkward to look at each other. The distance, let Yu Huai carry him out, but he stepped on something with his back foot unprepared.

"Hello!" Yu Huai's expression changed slightly when he saw that he happened to step on Yuhua.

Just as he was about to grab him, Xu Yinian pounced forward, grabbing the only support point in front of him without even thinking about it.

The floor of the bathroom was full of water, Yu Huai was leaning forward just to pull him, but when he pulled hard, his feet slipped, and he staggered a bit. Fortunately, he was able to stabilize his body by grasping the washstand at the last moment.

The previous charming atmosphere was gone. Yu Huai grabbed Xu Yinian's arm and snorted, "Xu Yinian."

"...Hey." Xu Yinian felt very guilty.

"Let you down, you will pull me into the water?"

Before Xu Yinian could speak, Yu Huai directly hugged him up. Probably because of the little accident just now, Xu Yinian remained completely still this time. Yu Huai hugged him, only to feel that the person in his arms was as light as a doll, but the sense of presence was too strong to be ignored.

He thought absently.

Human temperature... seems to be quite comfortable.

He carried Xu Yinian out of the bathroom and put him on the bed. When he bent down, Xu Yinian just sat up straight, and his soft hair brushed against his neck inadvertently. Yu Huai smelled the scent of shower gel on his wet body.

From Yu Huai's perspective, he could clearly see the dimple on his collarbone, and under the warm yellow bedside lamp, his already flawless skin looked even more delicate.

Yu Huai paused for a moment, then pulled the towel and threw it to him, with a low voice.

"Dry your hair and go to bed early."

Xu Yinian's sprain was not particularly serious, but it still made him unable to walk around freely. Probably because he was injured, Yu Huai didn't go out much. The two lived together peacefully under one roof for a few days, and Xu Yinian was finally able to walk normally.

Recalling what happened in the bathroom earlier, Xu Yinian couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. At that time, I was only concerned about embarrassment, and didn't think too much, and the opportunity to be delivered to my door was for nothing...

I knew that he should have slept with Yu Huai under the pretext of worrying about continued bad luck.

Xu Yinian walked to the dining room after washing up, and there was a sumptuous breakfast on the table. He got up late, Yu Huai had already had breakfast. Yu Huai is wearing a very casual sweater and trousers today. He is tall with long legs and broad shoulders. He looks a bit student-like, and even his sharp-edged temperament is softened a bit.

Xu Yinian couldn't help staring at him, seeing that he seemed to be going out, blurted out: "Where are you going?"

"Go to meet a friend." Yu Huai said while looking at the phone, "Someone will take care of you in a while, don't worry, I specially chose a good-tempered and fierce one, you haven't seen a dog demon yet?"

Xu Yinian said in his heart that not only have I seen it, but I have beaten countless of them. He had just sat down at the table, but when he heard that Yu Huai was going to entrust him to someone else, he stood up again: "You want to go out to play? I'm going too."

"Finish your breakfast first." Yu Huai said as he was about to walk to the door, Xu Yinian grabbed a piece of bread and followed him: "I can eat while walking, take me with you."

Yu Huai stopped in her tracks, met his eager eyes, and was about to say something when the phone rang first.

He pressed the answer button, and Hua Hengjing's tired voice came out from the other end.

"...Boss Yu?"

As soon as Yu Huai responded, Hua Hengjing sped up his speech, as if he would die if he chatted for a minute longer: "I'm sorry bro, I drank too much last night, so I really can't come today, let's make an appointment next time .”

"You've been cooed?" Seeing that Yu Huai had hung up the phone without saying a few words, Xu Yinian had a guess in his mind.

Seeing him gloating, Yu Huai's eyes fell on the bread in his hand: "It's no wonder your physical fitness is so poor if you eat so little."

Xu Yinian's face was full of innocence, and he thought to himself that you've been gossiped, why attack me.

"Forget it," Yu Huai looked at him, accepted the fact that he was going to take care of the child today, reached out and turned Xu Yinian around, and pushed him back to the restaurant, "Let's eat first, and I'll take you to a place later. "

Xu Yinian thought a lot about where Yu Huai might take him, but even so, he never expected that Yu Huai would take him to the library of Fuyao College.

Contrary to Fengqiao College, Fuyao's students are all monsters. Logically speaking, Yu Huai should also go to this monster academy, but Xuan Tan hopes that his son can understand human society more comprehensively, and Yu Huai himself is also interested in the knowledge system of eliminating demon masters. Came to study at Maple Bridge College.

As soon as he entered the door, Xu Yinian involuntarily raised his head. This is the first time he came to Fuyao's library. A huge old tree was planted where the tables and chairs should have been placed. The dense canopy reaches the ceiling of the library. The individual tree houses are the study rooms for the students. .

He looked around and found everything new, and the students around him were also surprised: "Hey, look over there, isn't that human?"

"Who is next to him? Is it Yu Huai?"

"Yes, yes, so handsome! I'm so lucky to meet him."

"But why did Yu Huai bring a human in?"

Discussions in lowered voices continued to be heard from all around. Xu Yinian heard one or two key words here and there, took his arm around the people around him, and joked, "You're quite famous."

As soon as Xu Yinian finished speaking, a snow-white bird flew onto his shoulder. The bird was fluffy, with a bright orange beak, and looked very cute. Seeing its cuteness, Xu Yinian poked the little white bird's head with his fingers, and said sincerely: "This place is really fun, and there are birds."

Yu Huai smiled when he heard his emotion, but didn't answer.

Yu Huai picked up a book related to the Nine-Tailed Fox, and Xu Yinian only glanced at the cover before his eyes lit up with mosquito coils. As the bottom one of the theory of Fengqiao College every year, Xu Yinian runs through the characteristics of a scumbag from the beginning to the end, and keeps a respectful distance from such things. He didn't take the book, and followed Yu Huai to the tree house empty-handed.

Yu Huaichao's tree house is the smallest here, and it can only accommodate two people. Xu Yinian sat down opposite him, and was about to take out his mobile phone to play games, when the white bird that had been resting peacefully on his shoulder suddenly screamed: "Stop, stop! The library is a place to study, how could you Are you ashamed to play mobile games?! Hurry up and get the books, hurry up and study!"

Xu Yinian looked at the white bird on his shoulder in surprise: "You can speak human language?"

Shiratori kept repeating: "Go get the book! Go!"

Xu Yinian was so disturbed by it that his brain ached, he could only put down the phone: "Okay, okay, don't bark, be careful of disturbing other people."

"Only you can hear its cry." Yu Huai said suddenly, Xu Yinian looked up and saw the gloating smile on his face.

Only then did he realize that everyone was followed by a white bird, including Yu Huai, but that bird stood peacefully on his shoulder, neither making noise nor making noise.

"As long as you don't read a book, it will keep making noise, and if you fall asleep in the library, you will even be pecked awake by it." Yu Huai looked at the ever-changing expressions on Xu Yinian's face, and the joy after a successful prank appeared in his eyes, " At the end of each year, the library will release this kind of bird to urge students to study, and it just so happens that the end of Fuyao's term is these few days."

"..." Xu Yinian didn't expect such crazy things to exist in the world, and broke down, "What did you bring me here for??"

"Didn't you just come out to play? Find a place for you to pass the time." Yu Huai didn't seem to see how speechless he was, and said solemnly, "Treasure the opportunity, many people can't get in even if they squeeze their heads. "

Seeing that he still didn't go down to get the book, Bai Niao started another round of bombardment in his ears. Xu Yinian had no choice but to get up numbly.

Yu Huai was almost done playing, and reminded him: "Go and get a monster illustration book, that is more interesting and has illustrations. As long as you don't fall asleep, it will not be noisy."

Xu Yinian's footsteps stopped, and his tone became brisk: "Say it earlier."

There are ten volumes in the monster guide, which are the primers for demon masters. Even in Fuyao's library, the monster guide is placed in the first grade area. When Xu Yinian was holding books, he encountered little monsters whose height was just up to his waist. It was rare for him to feel ashamed, but after thinking about it, even if he stopped pretending, he probably... could only read the monster illustration book , I have to fall asleep to see everything else.

He deliberately chose, and took a book containing ghosts. As Yu Huai said, as soon as he got the book, the white bird became quiet again. Xu Yinian poked its head lightly to vent its anger, and whispered: "Fortunately I didn't meet you at the beginning, otherwise Chen Ran's first position in grade It's mine."

He took the book and prepared to go back to the small tree house. On the way, he passed the dessert area, and Xu Yinian couldn't walk anymore.

Different from the quaint and quiet library in Fengqiao, the library in Fuyao is full of fancy clothes, and many students who are tired from reading are queuing up to buy desserts. Xu Yinian bought two cakes and a cup of milk tea, remembering that Yu Huai didn't like sweet drinks, Xu Yinian ordered him a cup of coffee.

Seeing him come back with a tray full, Yu Huai raised his eyebrows: "Are you here to read a book, or to have a picnic?"

"I'm here to play." Xu Yinian was very clear about his position, pushed the coffee forward, "This is for you."

Yu Huai gave him a funny look, but took the coffee without saying anything. Xu Yinian began to look through the monster clan illustration book he brought back. As a primer, the monsters on it were very familiar to him, and he had met many of them during missions. Turning to the chapter about the ghost clan, he pretended to hum.

"Yu Huai," Xu Yinian asked knowingly, and began to harass him, "Are you a ghost?"

Yu Huai looked up at him, and Xu Yinian pushed the illustration book forward: "Here, it says that the eyes of the ghost clan are all purple, and so are yours."

Xu Yinian originally wanted to find something to talk about, but when his eyes met, he looked into his dark purple eyes, his heart seemed to be rubbed by something, Xu Yinian said in a strange way: "It's very beautiful."

He said it sincerely, and he felt embarrassed after boasting.

Damn, what a mess.

Who would say such things now...

Xu Yinian glanced away embarrassedly, Yu Huai didn't speak, the atmosphere was quite subtle, after a while, Yu Huai asked, "Are you bored again?"

Xu Yinian hurriedly went down the steps: "Yeah, I don't understand this picture book, I only know half of it, why don't you tell me about the monsters in the book?... Does this count as a lecture topic? Can the white bird make noise? "

"Not in the book."

After Yu Huai finished speaking, Xu Yinian couldn't wait to sit beside him. The space of the small tree house was not that big, and the distance between them suddenly became very close. Xu Yinian patted him: "Let's start with yourself, what is your ability? Is it the thunder and lightning you used that day?"

"No." Yu Huai paused, and wanted to say that these things were written clearly in the book, but finally said, "Ghosts of the ghost clan mean exorcising ghosts."

Xu Yinian lost his mind after listening for a while.

It's not that Yu Huai's speech is not good, but that these contents have long been familiar to him. In comparison, it is the person in front of him that attracts him more.

This was the first time in the game world that he had the opportunity to look at each other up close and aboveboard. Xu Yinian could not take his eyes off him, and various thoughts popped up in his mind.

More than just good-looking eyes.

Everywhere is beautiful.

It turned out that it was quite interesting to go to the library together. Has he ever been to the library with Yu Huai before? Oh... Once, when they met for the first time, Yu Huai helped him copy the school rules in the library.

After Yu Huai talked for a while, he found that Xu Yinian didn't listen at all. Even so, Xu Yinian's eyes were still bright, as if the current situation put him in a good mood.

I didn't even listen, why are you so happy

As if catching a student who had deserted, Yu Huai asked abruptly, "Are you really listening?"

Xu Yinian came back to his senses, bent his eyes and smiled at him, trying to get away with it.

Yu Huai said with disgust: "You are the first human being I have met who is not interested in the monster race."

"Who said that?" Xu Yinian blurted out without thinking, "I'm very interested in you."

Yu Huai paused his hand flipping the book, raised his eyelids, and looked at him casually.

The pair of eyes in front of him are thick and colorful, with a small tear mole under his eyes, the end of the eyes is brightly raised, but the light in his pupils is exceptionally clear.

His eyes are beautiful.

Yu Huai thought for no reason.

The owner of these eyes does not seem to understand what is the sense of distance. Not only was she very close to him, but the words she said were also blatantly provocative, but because they were too blunt and clumsy, it seemed more like an unintentional act.

"Okay," Yu Huai looked away, and gently pushed Xu Yinian's head away, "If you don't want to listen to the story, go read by yourself."