Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 66: overbearing


Going home at night, Xu Yinian glanced at his phone.

People send him messages every day on his mobile phone, but unfortunately he doesn't know any of them. Xu Yinian scanned around, most of them were friends who asked him to eat, drink and have fun. Just as he was about to cut out the chat software, a notification popped up from all of Aite.

This group chat is usually blocked, Xu Yinian took a look and found that it was the professional group of his university. The instructor's assistant made a group announcement, saying that the school will strictly check the class situation near the end of the term, and ask everyone not to play with mobile phones in class, to listen carefully, and not to be late, leave early or be absent from work.

"I almost forgot, I'm still a student." Xu Yinian said to himself, he didn't intend to care about this news, but a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

University campus... should be quite suitable for dating, right

The more Xu Yinian thought about it, the more he felt it was suitable, and since he had never been in contact with a school for ordinary people, he couldn't help feeling a little curious.

He has the character of acting when he thinks about it, Xu Yinian turned over and got out of bed, just when the door of the next room opened, Yu Huai seemed to be going out to find water, Xu Yinian couldn't wait to stop him.

The tall Yaozu glanced at him, and asked lazily, "What do you want, Master?"

After getting along during this time, he has gotten used to Xu Yinian's familiarity. Coming out of the library of Fuyao College, Xu Yinian returned home with him without even thinking about it, and he didn't feel anything wrong when he had dinner at night, as if he already regarded this place as his own home.

"Are you okay recently?"

Yu Huai was noncommittal: "What?"

Xu Yinian smiled at him: "You took me to the Yaozu school today, and I will take you to our human school in a few days."

As Xu Yinian spoke, he thought in his heart that he had to check the information of Nanhai University in advance to prepare, otherwise he would not know where he was going to take the class.

"Are you still studying?" Yu Huai gave him a strange look, "I thought you just pack up and inherit the family business."

Xu Yinian said inscrutablely: "I don't understand, I don't waste either of my hands."

Yu Huai was amused by him, and shook his head: "If I were your parents, I would beat you to death."

Having said that, three days later in the morning, the two of them arrived at the east gate of Nanhai University together. Seeing that Xu Yinian turned on navigation when he entered the school, Yu Huai didn't know what to say about him.

"It's over." Xu Yinian looked at the map for a long time, his expression froze, "I entered the wrong door, there are still five kilometers to go from here."

"Isn't there a shuttle bus?" Yu Huai gestured to the vehicle approaching in the distance, "Here, it happened to be here."

Xu Yinian said awkwardly, "I didn't bring my campus card."

To be precise, he doesn't have a campus card at all.

Xu Yinian once again scolded the idiot in his heart that the system was unreliable, and he didn't even get all the certificates for him.

"..." Yu Huai's tone cooled down, "Xu Yinian."

"Wait, wait! Don't worry," Xu Yinian was afraid that he would kill himself if he got impatient, "Let's get in the car first, and I'll find someone to borrow the card."

Fortunately, there were many people in the car, so he and a girl successfully borrowed the card. Xu Yinian is on the far left, and the shuttle bus has no doors. He looked at the cherry blossoms in full bloom on both sides of the road, and couldn't help feeling: "This school..." Xu Yinian suddenly realized, and added: "I mean our school, It's pretty."

Yu Huai turned his head to the side, Xu Yinian looked at it seriously, the mild spring sunshine fell on his face, the arc of his eyelashes was more attractive than the flourishing cherry blossoms.

Yu Huai looked at him and responded softly: "It's pretty."

The shuttle bus stopped at the gate of Wending Building. Just after class was over, the students were going out in groups. Seeing Xu Yinian going against the flow of people to the stairs, Yu Huai asked, "You mean taking me to class when you visit the school?"

Xu Yinian agreed, "Yes."

According to the identity given by the system, Xu Yinian's major is business administration. He checked the class schedule last night, and there was a high math class in the morning with several other majors.

Although Xu Yinian came here for the first time, he directly put himself in the position of the host: "You haven't taken advanced mathematics class, I will show you to experience it."

Yu Huai was speechless, followed him upstairs, and sat down in an empty seat in a large classroom. Their seats were at the back, and many students came one after another. A new boy who came in was yawning with a sleepy face, but when he saw Xu Yinian, he was so startled that he was so sleepy that he held back.

Chen Du sat down next to him, looking astonished as if he had discovered a new world: "What's going on, Nian? You already know that you came to class?"

Xu Yinian looked at this somewhat familiar face, and thought for a long time before he remembered that this person was the second generation ancestor who played together in the pool villa, and a good brother arranged for him by the system.

Xu Yinian brought up the rhetoric just now: "Experience campus life."

Fortunately, Chen Du didn't think it was strange that he acted on a whim, instead he babbled: "You just left that day, and Xiao Li has been nagging about it for a long time, why don't I push her contact information to you?"

Xu Yinian asked blankly, "Who is Xiaoli?"

"That's the most beautiful sister!" Chen Du hated iron, "What are you doing, you don't remember her name?"

The class bell rang, and the high mathematics teacher walked in from the front door of the large classroom, and the noisy classroom gradually became quiet.

Xu Yinian was about to refuse, when Yu Huai suddenly said, "Xu Yinian, where are your textbooks?"

Hearing that this person said something to Xu Yinian, he was inexplicably upset and interrupted them subconsciously.

"Uh, I don't have a textbook." Xu Yinian didn't realize that he had nothing to say, thinking that Yu Huai was used to being a bully, and couldn't understand his lazy look, so he turned his head and called the people next to him, "Chen Du, you Do you listen to the class? Don’t listen to the textbook and borrow it.”

Seeing Yu Huai, Chen Du didn't care about his sister or not, and excitedly held up the high math book in both hands and handed it over: "Boss, are you there too?"

There are natural barriers between the demon world and ordinary human society, and demon masters have always been respected. However, these young masters are used to being domineering on weekdays. They were injured by the mountain ghost that day for no reason. Chen Du later inquired about this demon extermination master, and when he heard about the other party's background, his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

No wonder.

If it were him, let alone caring about the life and death of human beings, he could directly go to heaven with this identity.

"No, did he really serve as your bodyguard?" Chen Du reacted and looked at Xu Yinian in surprise, especially when Xu Yinian nodded, he was even more shocked, "Did you give him your home? "

Xu Yinian was about to speak, but before he could speak, the teacher on the podium suddenly said: "The male student in the third row from the bottom, wearing white clothes, get up and answer this question."

Xu Yinian didn't realize at first that he was calling himself, until the front row turned to look at him, his eyes flicked around quickly, making sure that no one was wearing white except himself, and quickly stood up.

Xu Yinian's concept of mathematics is only at the elementary school level of ordinary people, and the advanced mathematics questions on the PPT are like a bible to him. After reading for a long time, he didn't even know what calculus was, and he hesitated for a long time without saying a complete sentence.

The teacher on the podium reminded: "Recall, a similar question type was taught in the last class."

The classroom was silent, and from time to time someone would look back at him. Xu Yinian felt distressed. Fortunately, he often faced similar situations in Fengqiao College. Xu Yinian pretended to be thinking, staring at the projection screen with piercing eyes.

The high math teacher was young, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and looked very gentle. Seeing that he couldn't answer, he said, "Sit down and listen carefully in class."

As soon as Xu Yinian sat down, Yu Huai chuckled, watching the excitement was no big deal: "It seems that today's experience is very rich."

Xu Yinian turned to look at him, just wanted to ask you, can you answer? The teacher on the podium ordered another person.

"The male student next to you, get up and answer this question." The high mathematics teacher explained specifically, "It's the one on the left of the student just now."

Xu Yinian was taken aback, and almost laughed outright.

Yu Huai didn't expect the teacher to draw him, so he got up. Someone in the classroom noticed his special-colored eyes, and quickly pushed the person next to him, until finally everyone looked over. The students lowered their voices and discussed:

"His eyes... colored contact lenses or real?"

"It should be a monster race! This temperament doesn't look like a human being at first glance."

"I rely on me, there is such a handsome guy among monsters? What race is he?"

Ordinary people seldom see Yaozu, and it is still in the classroom of the university campus, even the teacher can't help but look at him a few more times.

Seeing that everyone was staring at Yu Huai in amazement, Xu Yinian couldn't bear to look any further, he buried his head in his arms, his shoulders trembled and he suppressed a smile. Smiling and laughing, the gloating expression froze on his face.

Both he and Yu Huai came from Fengqiao College, and there was no such thing as calculus in the course content. There is a specialization in art, even Yu Huai, there is nothing he can do with human courses. But unlike him, Yu Huai has only heard praises since the day he entered Fengqiao College, even if he was as strict as the principal, he never picked on Yu Huai.

He originally wanted to find more opportunities to get along with Yu Huai, and it would be better to take advantage of the relaxed atmosphere of the university to promote the relationship, but it turned out to be counterproductive, and Yu Huai was cheated.

He guessed that it was the first time in Yu Huai's life that he was so embarrassing... When it was over, he wouldn't just turn into anger right away

Xu Yinian was flustered, wishing to answer the questions for him, just when he was about to ask Chen Du the next best thing, Yu Huai said generously: "I'm sorry teacher, I really can't."

The teacher on the podium was startled, perhaps he didn't expect him to admit it so readily. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the nervous look of the boy who was picked up to answer the question earlier, he understood, and said in a teasing tone: "Even if you are accompanying your boyfriend to class, you must listen carefully."

The students around were all snickering when they heard the words, Xu Yinian was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but Yu Huai unexpectedly responded: "Okay, I won't do it next time."

Xu Yinian trembled all over, thinking he had heard it wrong, Chen Du was dumbfounded: "...Isn't it, so you two are in this relationship?"

He didn't hear what Chen Du was saying clearly, and in an instant, his mind was filled with a thought: If it was Yu Huai who attacked him, maybe he would surrender in three days.

The lecture sound resounded on the podium, Xu Yinian didn't dare to do it again, and laid his hands on his chin quietly on the table. But Yu Huai became restless instead, and imitated his appearance, lying on the table and leaning over: "Why are you silent?"

Xu Yinian turned his head and bumped into his dark eyes unprepared.

Yu Huai was very close to him, their arms were close to each other, Xu Yinian could even see his eyelashes clearly. His heart beat unconsciously, and Xu Yinian said in a muffled voice, "Just now I promised the teacher to attend class, have you forgotten it now?"

"I promised to accompany my boyfriend to class and listen carefully, and I don't have a boyfriend." Yu Huai saw his actions, and his tone seemed to be complaining.

Xu Yinian inexplicably felt that these words implied a sense of hatred for marriage, and this association gave him goosebumps. He quickly suppressed the messy thoughts and asked nervously, "Do you want to fall in love?"

If Yu Huai has this intention, he doesn't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

"Thinking about it, I think it's time for me to fall in love." Yu Huai stared at him with a focused expression, as if he was the only one he could see, "What do you think?"

Xu Yinian's heart was pounding. Under normal circumstances, when one person consults another about love affairs, the one being consulted is basically not considered. But Yu Huai's words and deeds... Is he thinking too much? It always feels like a hint.

Xu Yinian didn't dare to answer easily, and looked away in a little embarrassment: "Let's take your class."

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the students left the classroom one after another.

After experiencing the anxiety of a class, Xu Yinian only wanted to bring the rhythm back, and secretly asked Chen Du about the dating site of Nanhai University. Under the shocked and admiring eyes of the other party, he dragged Yu Huai to the lotus beside the pontoon bridge. pool away.

Unexpectedly, Yu Huai was also very cooperative and didn't even tease him like usual.

The zigzag stone bridge connects the pavilion in the center of the lake, and there are large patches of blue and purple lotus blooming in the pool. It is noon, and there are not many students by the lake, and there are still a couple of lovers on the stone bridge. Xu Yinian stepped onto the stone bridge, thinking that this place was really the right one, and was trying to take advantage of the atmosphere to test Yu Huai's thoughts, but he didn't notice that there were two students beside them who had been watching them for a long time, and the girl with short hair grabbed her companion With his hands, he mustered up the courage to step forward and stop Yu Huai.

"Student... can I call you that?" The girl met his dark purple eyes, nervously, forgetting all the typed manuscripts, and explained her purpose in a stuttering manner, "Can you give me a contact method, social software or phone number?" It's all right."

Yu Huai looked at her flushed cheeks, but glanced at Xu Yinian's position from the corner of the eye. The person standing on the stone ladder had disappeared. The next moment, someone rushed over and hugged him, arms Wrapping tightly around his shoulders from the side, the tips of her hair gently rubbing against her chin, Yu Huai smelled the same shampoo scent on him as her own.

Xu Yinian always has no edges and corners in front of Yu Huai, people can only notice his cute side. But at this time, he was hugging Yu Huai and looking straight at the girl. His gorgeous eyebrows and eyes were naturally aggressive, coupled with his undisguised intimacy, he looked like a wild cat whose territory had been violated .

"No, his boyfriend is very strict." Xu Yinian said, putting his head close to Yu Huai's shoulder on purpose.

He didn't think much when he hugged Yu Huai, but subconsciously didn't want her to talk to Yu Huai. After doing that, Xu Yinian felt that it was a bit wicked for him to cut off love.

After thinking about it, Yu Huai himself accepted the teacher's words in the high math class, and he just took advantage of the situation... Xu Yinian regained his confidence, and even secretly squeezed Yu Huai's arm, implying that he was not allowed to tear things apart.

Sensing his small movements, Yu Huai's eyes were stained with a smile, and he said to the girl, "I'm sorry."

The girl who witnessed Xu Yinian's series of actions was very embarrassed, and quickly said: "It's okay, I... I'm also sorry to bother you."

Xu Yinian was in such a good mood that he forgot that he was still attached to Yu Huai. After the person left, Yu Huai suddenly asked, "How long are you going to hug?"

Xu Yinian came to his senses immediately, and let go of his hand with the heat in his ears. Yu Huai hooked his neck instead, pulled him into his arms, and asked inexplicably, "Boyfriend?"

Xu Yinian's back was pressed against him, and he could feel the slight vibration of his chest when he spoke. Yu Huai's voice mixed with heat fell on his ears, turning the person in his arms from a wild cat back into a docile domestic cat.

Xu Yinian was a little unaccustomed to this development, so he bit the bullet and forced his words: "Bodyguards can't fall in love privately, what should I do if you run away with someone?"

The smile in Yu Huai's eyes became more and more intense, as if he couldn't do anything about him, he rubbed his head gently and said, "It's really domineering."

Although Xu Yinian has always been dull, he also felt that Yu Huai was different from before, as if to confirm his thoughts, the system that had been silent for many days sounded an announcement without warning.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the strategy task. The target character has developed enough love for the player, and will be sent to the red completion area after ten seconds. ]

[ten, nine, eight—]

Xu Yinian turned his head abruptly, and met Yu Huai's eyes.

It turned out that those suggestive teasing in class today was not because he thought too much, Yu Huai had really treated him...

Xu Yinian looked at the familiar facial features of the person in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and hugged him. Even though Yu Huai didn't say anything, it seemed as if there was a Milky Way flowing over his head, and the falling stars were twinkling and shining.

Xu Yinian couldn't help saying:

"Me too, I will always like you."