Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 71: Each has ghosts


Chao Zi said his name silently in her heart, and carefully glanced at the vacant seat on the jury again. Even though he wasn't there, the demon masters still vacated the middle seat. That was his place.

Tang Fei has always been a person with strong purpose and action. He was in charge of the huge Tang family at a young age, and gained a firm foothold in the world of eliminating demons; once he was counted as a murderous fate, he did not hesitate to use forbidden techniques to exchange for the life of the day to cover up the truth, just for himself to walk more smoothly; The family needs to take great risks, and Xuan Tan is even more powerful. Tang Fei has planned for many years and gradually figured it out, and even a powerful ghost family can overthrow overnight. Chao Zi knew very well that Tang Fei had always been a cold-hearted person, even if she couldn't be the special one, no one could occupy a place in his heart.

When did it change? When did Tang Fei start caring about that child

Chao Zi had met Tang Fei as an apprentice a long time ago, but in the early years, Tang Fei and Xu Yinian were not close. At that time, she wondered why he took such a child as his apprentice without taking the trouble, but later she found out that Xu Yinian was the tool used by Tang Fei to cover up his real fate. Long before Xu Yinian was ten years old, Tang Fei had exchanged fate with him, and accepted him as an apprentice so that he could keep him by his side and monitor him at all times.

Although he knew Tang Fei's life had been changed a long time ago, Chao Zi really didn't expect that he would dare to use a child from the demon-killing family. Given his status, the consequences of this incident would be disastrous. A strange sense of intimacy rose in his heart. Apart from the plan to slaughter the ghost clan, this was the second time Tang Fei took the initiative to share secrets with her.

Chao Zi could tell that Tang Fei didn't care about this nominal apprentice, and only maintained a superficial master-student relationship, so she naturally didn't take Xu Yinian seriously. Facing the Xu family who was grateful to Tang Fei, Chao Zi felt condescending sympathy.

Even his life has been changed, and he still has to thank the culprit foolishly.

Only she knew what kind of person Tang Fei was. This kind of relationship made Chao Zi very satisfied.

The plan to slaughter the ghost clan was proceeding in an orderly manner. They chose thousands of options, and in the next two years, they identified several other partners: the puppet girl, the phantom demon, and the laboratory. They also found the Wishing Machine.

As the planned day drew closer, Chao Zi almost forgot the existence of Xu Yinian, but when Xu Yinian was sixteen years old, Chao Zi gradually noticed something strange: Tang Fei's attitude towards Xu Yinian had changed.

Xu Yinian grew up, no longer as rebellious as he was when he was a child, and became closer and closer to Tang Fei. What made her even more unexpected was that Tang Fei stopped being perfunctory and actually spent all his energy accompanying and teaching him. At first Chao Zi was able to comfort herself, Tang Fei was just a whim, but after a long time, Chao Zi could no longer ignore his specialness to Xu Yinian.

The ghost clan was slaughtered, and their plan was completed smoothly. Tang Fei gained incomparable power because of Xuan Tan's death. Although he didn't have a clear position in the Demon Elimination Bureau, Tang Fei almost had the right to speak, and his status was even stronger. Unshakable.

While Chao Zi was happy for him, she also felt that the distance between her and him was getting farther and farther.

She was a dark pawn in his hands, she could never stand with him openly, but no one knew him better than her. Chao Zi saw his thoughts on Xu Yinian, she hesitated again and again, and finally mustered up the courage to test his thoughts, unexpectedly Tang Fei admitted it outright.

She was going crazy with jealousy, but there was nothing she could do. Fortunately, Xu Yinian didn't notice Tang Fei's thoughts at all, he only regarded him as a teacher and a family member. When Xu Yinian didn't know, the relationship between him and Tang Fei maintained a delicate balance until Yu Huai reappeared.

The elders' house and the laboratory collapsed one after another, Yu Huai got closer to the truth of the year, and Tang Fei would be found out at some point. For this reason, Chao Zi asked Tang Fei several times whether to take measures, but the answer he got was that the time had not yet come. But suddenly one day, Tang Fei came back with a sullen face and told her to kill Yu Huai.

Facing Yu Huai head-on, even Tang Fei couldn't guarantee that he would be able to escape unscathed. Tang Fei seemed to have an idea long ago, and was going to use her ability to trap Yu Huai, and then let Yu Huai leave the spiritual world before everyone else, and put herself in a helpless situation. At that time, she and Tang Fei teamed up to kill Yu Huai while he was awake.

After hearing his plan, Chao Zi suddenly said: "Didn't you say that you can't kill Yu Huai for the time being? At least you can't do it yourself."

She knew that Tang Fei had formed a blood contract with Xu Yinian through the doctor before, and she planned to use this to tie Xu Yinian to her side. In exchange, Tang Fei passed on the news of Xu Yinian and others to the doctor, telling him how to use Xu Yinian to contain Yu Huai, but Tang Fei did not want to kill Yu Huai at that time.

Because of that accomplice, Tang Fei couldn't personally attack Yu Huai for the time being. As for whether the doctor will kill Yu Huai or not, that is out of Tang Fei's consideration.

"If you kill Yu Huai ahead of time, that person will definitely not let it go." The fox family is jealous by nature. When thinking of that possibility, Chao Zi didn't hold back, and his tone became sharp, "Don't tell me that Xu Yinian is still alive." reason."

"Of course not, I'll deal with it over there." Tang Fei frowned, with a particularly cold expression, as if reminding her of Yue Yue, "Yu Huai's investigation has deepened, and he has already threatened us. He may have begun to suspect me. "

Tang Fei looked displeased, but Chao Zi did not immediately obey her as before. Constructing the spiritual world requires one of her fox tails, which is extremely exhausting for a fox demon. If the reason Tang Fei wanted to kill Yu Huai really had something to do with her guess... Zhao Zi looked directly at Tang Fei's pair of deep pools With eyes like eyes, he nodded slowly, agreeing to the plan.

But she had other plans in her heart, and for the first time she refused to follow Tang Fei's instructions: she wanted to use the method Tang Fei used to kill Yu Huai on Xu Yinian.

No matter what Tang Fei was thinking, her patience with Xu Yinian had reached its limit, and she only felt that the existence of this person was an eyesore.

Unexpectedly, Tang Fei and her had their own ghosts, and they also did not reveal their real plans. As soon as he entered the intelligence point, Tang Fei immediately turned his back on and killed all the fox demons she had brought. Only then did she realize that he didn't want to wait for Yu Huai to come out of the game. It is easy to kill Yu Huai while he is awake, but with Yu Huai's strength, it is not easy to kill him with one blow. She was hesitant about this at first, but she never thought that Tang Fei never planned to take this risk from the beginning to the end.

It may be that Tang Fei noticed her loss of control that night when the two discussed the plan, and even planned to kill her together. For Tang Fei, there is no better opportunity to kill than when Yu Huai is deeply immersed in the game. Once Yu Huai is killed, even she will die together. Solve two troubles at once.

Chao Zi was startled and furious, and fought him in a rage. Seeing Yu Huai returning to the intelligence point after waking up, she wanted to persuade Tang Fei to join forces to deal with Yu Huai first, but she didn't expect that the other party left her and left without hesitation.

Recalling this point, Chao Zi numbly listened to the judge's final verdict on her. When she heard that she would spend her whole life in the Black Tower, Chao Zi suddenly let out a slight sneer... She laughed louder and louder, In the end, all the exorcists on the jury looked at her.

Chao Zi turned a blind eye to their gaze. Fragments of getting along with Tang Fei over the years kept flashing in her mind. She no longer remembers how many things she has done for him, most of them are his orders, and a small part is her courtesy to please him...

By the way, she also made some small moves in private.

Maybe Tang Fei didn't know, or maybe he knew, but this matter was so insignificant to him that he didn't bother to care about it.

Tang Fei coveted Xu Yinian, but the lovers around him never stopped. Although there was only one lover who stayed with him for only three months, it was far beyond the usual practice and attracted Chao Zi's attention.

It was a very handsome young man with fox-like eyes. Compared to others, Tang Fei was extra patient with the young man, almost making her think that he was interested in the young man, but Tang Fei still separated from him.

She couldn't move Xu Yinian. Not long after that person separated from Tang Fei, she happened to make some small mistakes, and she tried to send the young man into the black tower by taking advantage of it and venting her anger.

What's the name of that hapless ghost

It seems that the surname is Pei...

Xu Yinian walked to the sofa and turned on the TV. Yu Huai went to the trial court, he couldn't participate in Chao Zi's trial, so he could only wait for the news at home.

After a few days, his heart was still in turmoil. Xu Yinian was absent-mindedly watching the picture on TV when his phone vibrated suddenly.

He glanced at the screen and saw an unfamiliar number. Xu Yinian pressed to answer: "Hello?"

The person on the other end of the phone was stunned, and his tone was surprised: "Xu Yinian? We got through this time... Wait, are you okay?"

Xu Yinian didn't hear it all at once, and after reacting for a while, he realized whose voice it was: "... Pei Su?"

"I haven't been able to contact you some time ago, I thought you—" Pei Su paused suddenly when he said this, and then heaved a sigh of relief, "It's good that you're fine."

What Pei Su said was a bit strange. A series of recent incidents made Xu Yinian nervous, and he said sensitively: "Is something wrong?"

"Where are you now?" Pei Su's tone sank, and he said solemnly, "I have something for you."


The author has something to say:

Tang Fei's plan to slaughter the ghost clan was about eight years ago, and his thoughts on Xu Yinian came later.