Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 72: water mirror


After sending the apartment address to Pei Su, Xu Yinian glanced at the clock on the living room wall.

The trial should have been over.

He called Yu Huai and gave a general account of Pei Su's affairs. After a while, Yu Huai rushed back before Pei Su came.

Xu Yinian was thinking about this trial all afternoon, and immediately asked him when he saw him, "How was the trial?"

"Just like the confession, Chao Zi insisted that she had nothing to do with Qi Luo and said nothing."

Xu Yinian couldn't help asking, "My master...?"

"Tang Fei wasn't there." Mentioning the name, Yu Huai showed a sneer, "He said he had a mission, the ghost knows what he did."

Just as Yu Huai finished speaking, the doorbell rang. Xu Yinian walked to the door, and when he opened the door, he met Pei Su, who smiled at him: "Hi."

Not seen for a while, Pei Su's state is better than that of the judgment stand. Xu Yinian led him into the living room, seeing Yu Huai, Pei Su was surprised for a moment, then patted Xu Yinian on the shoulder, and gave him a look of "you're not bad".

Even though he was not in a relaxed mood, Xu Yinian was also confused by him. Yu Huai greeted Pei Su, and the three sat down in the living room.

Pei Su took out a pitch-black wallet and said to them, "There is a memory card in it, which is a video recording."

Pei Su said, looking at Xu Yinian: "You may have forgotten that the first time we met was not in the Black Tower. I met you when you were 17 years old."

"Really?" Xu Yinian looked surprised, "When exactly?"

"It should be July and August, and it was summer at that time." Pei Su recalled, "It seems that every summer, you have to live in Tang Feina for a while?"

Hearing Tang Fei mentioned, Xu Yinian paused, then nodded.

Because of his fierce fate, he would go to Tang's house to stay for a period of time every year. Xu Yinian looked at Pei Su: "But how do you know...?"

"I was Tang Fei's lover for a while." As if feeling that this was not an appropriate definition of his relationship with Tang Fei, Pei Su added, "Or, bed partner."

Pei Su was not born well, and there are no relatives at home. He left school very early to wander around, doing odd jobs around. This kind of life made him used to meeting all kinds of people, and his personality became smooth and alert. When she was in her early twenties, thinking that she had some supernatural powers, Pei Su simply tried to get rid of the demon bureau to apply for a job.

He didn't know anything about the demon extermination world at all, he just thought that the treatment in this place was pretty good, except for the executive department, there were ordinary people in other departments of the demon extermination bureau, Pei Su thought that he could have some three-legged cat abilities, maybe he could be selected. He is also ignorant and fearless, so he directly submitted his resume to the General Administration of Demon Elimination.

The same is true, Pei Su met Tang Fei by chance.

He didn't know Tang Fei's status in the demon world, but he could feel that everyone around him respected him. When Tang Fei spoke to him, Pei Su felt flattered. A big man respected by everyone has shown interest in him. The other party is not only young and promising, but also impeccable in appearance. You dare not write like this in a novel

Not long after, he became Tang Fei's lover. Although Pei Su vaguely felt that Tang Fei's attitude towards him was too casual, and it didn't seem like he really had feelings for him. But Tang Fei's conditions in all aspects are really excellent, and sometimes he is in a good mood, and he will patiently coax him. Pei Su quickly sank into it, and had no time to think about the dormant shadow behind this relationship.

What made him a little uncomfortable was that Tang Fei had a very special habit in bed, which often tortured Pei Su to the point of collapse several times. Because he liked it so much, Pei Su chose to accept it, and even comforted himself that Tang Fei could not fault it in every aspect, and it was normal to have a little quirk.

Hearing this, Xu Yinian and Yu Huai looked at each other. Yu Huai's expression remained unchanged, while Xu Yinian felt slightly embarrassed.

"And then?" He asked Pei Su.

"At that time, I fell into it completely, and I circled around him every day, and I was very sensitive to his emotional changes." Pei Su frowned slightly for some reason, "I have a vague feeling that he prefers a simple and straightforward character. , I didn't think too much about it, I pretended to be like that on purpose to please him."

Yu Huai's eyes suddenly darkened, he narrowed his eyes slightly, expressionless.

Pei Su continued: "In front of me, his temper has always been a little volatile."

Xu Yinian was slightly surprised. Tang Fei has always been a calm and reliable image in front of the public. Even if he gets along with Xu Yinian in private, he is not an emotional person. It is almost like a different image from Pei Su's description.

"I thought this was his personality, until after two months of knowing each other, he took me to the Tang family."

At this time, Pei Su already liked Tang Fei very much, and wished to be with him every day. But most of the time Tang Fei was lukewarm towards him, and only in bed would he show a desire for aggression that was completely opposite to usual, and he was especially intimate and enthusiastic. Even though every time they make out, they will be tortured, Pei Su is willing to do so.

Gradually, Pei Su noticed something.

He and Tang Fei always went to bed in the same room. After staying in this room for a long time, Pei Su always felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange.

It wasn't until one day when he passed the promenade of the garden, the fountain pool splashed with water, and the crystal clear crystal statue in the pool reflected sunlight and pierced his eyes, that Pei Su suddenly realized where the violation was.

The entire Tang House is beautifully decorated, and everywhere you look is splendid and luxurious, and sparkling lamps and lanterns can be seen everywhere. But in the room where Tang Fei made out, except for the mirror in the bathroom, there was no reflective thing, no windows, no decorations with smooth surfaces, not even a dark LCD screen, which was different from the exquisite Tang family. The decor is out of place.

He felt strange, but he didn't take it to heart, it was only Tang Fei's personal habit, until one time when the love was strong, Pei Su couldn't help but suggested to go to the bathroom to continue, but Tang Fei's face changed and he was very unhappy. They threw him in the room.

After that time, Pei Su didn't dare to make similar requests again, but secretly remembered this matter in his heart.

After a while, Fengqiao College had a summer vacation, and Xu Yinian came to Tang Fei's side to stay for a while as usual. Pei Su was very impressed with Tang Fei, a young apprentice, for no other reason than Xu Yinian was so good-looking, Pei Su remembered Xu Yinian's appearance at a glance. He thought that according to Tang Fei's desire to control, the apprentices he accepted should be more well-behaved and sensible types, but he didn't expect Xu Yinian's temper to be far stronger than he imagined.

One afternoon, without knowing what happened, Pei Su heard their master and apprentice quarreling. Not only did Pei Su not avoid it, but he listened to the corner with relish. Before Tang Fei rushed out the door, Pei Su quickly slipped aside to avoid hitting the muzzle of the gun.

He didn't want to hurt Tang Fei, but Tang Fei took the initiative to find him. Tang Fei's actions that time were extremely rude, almost dragging him into the room. Not only was Pei Su beaten as soon as he entered, Tang Fei also tied him up and fixed his limbs to the bed.

Seeing his appearance, Pei Su couldn't help feeling terrified, and was lamenting in his heart that he would definitely lose half his life today, when Xu Yinian's voice came from outside the door.

"Master?" Through a door, the boy's voice was slightly indistinct. He seemed to be looking for Tang Fei for something, the Tang family was too big, Xu Yinian couldn't find anyone, so he had to knock on the door one by one.

Hearing the commotion outside, Tang Fei frowned, finally got up from the bed, and said to Pei Su before leaving: "You just stay here."

Maybe it was because Pei Su always behaved purely and obediently in front of Tang Fei, or maybe Tang Fei felt that there would be no surprises with his ability. Tang Fei didn't think much, put on his clothes and hurried away. Pei Su heard him and Xu Yinian His voice was getting farther and farther away, and he thought of the mirror for no reason.

He was not a quiet character, and Tang Fei told him to be honest, but Pei Su didn't want to be obedient, and even felt that this was a rare opportunity. It is rare for Tang Fei to leave midway, he wants to see what will happen if there is a mirror in this room.

His supernatural ability is water. Although he is not talented and rarely uses his ability on weekdays, Pei Su still worked hard to condense a water mirror. The blurry water mirror gradually became clear, and Pei Su looked at himself in the mirror intently, almost screaming out of fright.

The person in the mirror has a bright appearance, with a youthful look between his brows, his eyes are like peach blossoms, and there is a small tear mole under the corner of his eyes.

It's not his face at all!

Pei Su was startled and tried his best to calm himself down, only to realize that this face looked familiar. When he realized where he had seen it before, he broke out in a cold sweat.

This is Xu Yinian's face.

The more nervous he was, the faster his mind turned - could it be that every time Tang Fei slept with him, he cast illusions on his face, turning him into Xu Yinian's appearance? ! No wonder... No wonder there can't be a mirror in the room!

Tang Fei's attitude towards him was always uncertain, but thinking about it carefully, since Xu Yilai came to the Tang family, one day if he got a little closer to Tang Fei, Tang Fei would be much gentler to him, on the contrary like today's situation , Tang Fei would treat him as Xu Yinian and abuse him... What a lunatic.

The more Pei Su thought about it, the more frightened he became. Xu Yinian's figure flashed in his mind, and he suddenly felt that he and his figure seemed very similar. In this way, even the reason why Tang Fei talked to him in the first place was clouded.

He knew that he had broken a small secret. Thinking of Tang Fei's ruthless methods, Pei Su tried hard not to tremble, letting the water mirror slowly dissipate, not daring to leave a trace.

When Tang Fei came back, he pretended nothing happened, forcing himself to empty his mind and stop thinking about whose face he was facing now.

Pei Su was terribly frightened by this incident, and his feelings for Tang Fei gradually cooled down. He couldn't help but feel that Tang Fei was a psychopath. Not only did he have such thoughts about his apprentice, but he also vented his desire in such a shady way.

But Pei Su didn't dare to break up with Tang Fei easily, so he could only pretend nothing happened and stay by Tang Fei's side. Knowing Tang Fei's high status and authority, he deliberately kept an eye out: he secretly recorded their one time going to bed.

"... It's in this memory card." Pei Su pointed with his eyes, "My face has been changed in the video. Just take a look and you'll know that I'm not lying."

When Xu Yinian heard this, his expression turned extremely ugly. Seeing that Yu Huai's expression was not very good, Pei Su said quickly: "I haven't been able to contact you before, I thought you were caught by him... Fortunately, I was overthinking."

"I didn't want to cause trouble for myself, and I didn't intend to tell you about it at first." Pei Su looked at Xu Yinian with a little apology in his eyes, "But you saved me once in the Black Tower and let me leave Heita, after the trial, I always feel that I owe you, and I have struggled for a long time, but I still feel that I should let you know."

Pei Su paused: "I won't tell anyone about this. If possible, don't let Tang Fei find out that it's related to me."

"Don't worry." Yu Huai's voice was icy cold, "He won't have time to take care of this matter."

Pei Su nodded, and glanced at Xu Yinian before getting up: "I'm leaving first. If you need anything, then contact me."

After Pei Su left, Xu Yinian was silent for a moment, and laughed at himself, "I never imagined that the first time I heard his gossip was something like this."

Yu Huai choked up his anger in the middle of Pei Su's narration, and when Pei Su left, he couldn't hold back: "Tang Fei, a bastard...for so many years, it's thanks to him that he has the face to put on airs."

Seeing Yu Huai cursing in anger, Xu Yinian actually wanted to laugh, but he twitched the corners of his lips and found that he couldn't laugh at all.

Xu Yinian calmed down, and suddenly said: "Why don't we take a look? We have to make sure it's true or not."

He was about to reach out, but Yu Huai took the wallet containing the memory card first.

"Don't read this kind of stuff, I'll just confirm that Pei Su is not lying." Yu Huai rubbed his head, "Wait for me for a while."

Seeing this, Xu Yinian didn't insist anymore, agreed and stayed in the living room. Yu Huai took the memory card into the study, and after more than ten minutes, Yu Huai came out of the room with a sullen face.

The picture in the video is as good as Pei Su's description. Thinking that Tang Fei actually had such thoughts about Xu Yinian, Yu Huai suppressed his anger and roughly finished scanning the video.

"What Pei Su said is true. It seems that the marriage contract was indeed manipulated by Tang Fei." Even if he wanted to cut Tang Fei into pieces, Yu Huai had to consider the identity of the other party, and frowned, " But he hid it too well, we have no evidence in our hands, and it is not easy to deal with him."

Tang Fei's status in the world of eliminating demons is extraordinary, and his strength should not be underestimated. If he acts rashly, it may backfire.

"There is a way, maybe it will work." Xu Yinian said suddenly.

In the burial ground, the dim yellow sunset approached the horizon, casting long shadows on everything around. That day Lan saw his true fate at the cost of consuming his life.

"Young Master Xu, if you want to remove the evil aspect covering your life, the evil aspect will disappear only if you find the caster and kill him. Correspondingly, the fate covering his life and belonging to you will also disappear at the same time." Disappeared. Other than that…”

The figure of the fortune teller gradually dissipated like mist, and his voice was indistinct:

"If you have doubts, there is a way to verify whether it is the caster."