Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 75: round up


Seeing the flame-like marks on Tang Fei's body, someone turned pale and murmured, "This is the mark left by the nine-tailed fox demon."

Although Chao Zi did not reveal a single word related to Tang Fei during the interrogation, all the exorcists who participated in the trial knew that she had fought Qi Luo in the boneyard. Serious injury, the injury can never heal in a short time. In other words, there must be traces of the fox demon on Qi Luo's body.

Nine-tailed foxes are rare in number, and Zhao Zi's fire marks are even more unique.

"Qiluo...he is Qiluo!"

"No wonder no information about Qi Luo can be found no matter how hard I search, who would have thought that the murderer would be...!" The exorcist who spoke was still unbelievable. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have identified Tang Fei and the culprit behind the massacre of the ghost clan. connect together.

Facing the shocked demon extermination masters, Tang Fei's expression remained unchanged. The revelation of the tragedy that shocked the two worlds did not seem to affect him in the slightest. Tang Fei turned a blind eye to everything around him, instead he looked at the ghost clan at the other end of the altar, and asked abruptly:

"You haven't been able to understand the information given by the wishing machine, have you? About the identity of the person who made a wish to him."

Xu Yinian's heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help turning his head. During the Yaoshan Blood Sacrifice, he and Yu Huai split up, he went to stop Hua Hengjing, and Yu Huai seized the opportunity to make a wish.

According to Tang Fei, what did the Wishing Machine seem to have told Yu Huai alone

Yu Huai looked at Tang Fei coldly, as if waiting for him to say something else. Tang Fei smiled slightly, with an indescribably treacherous expression: "There are two people planning to slaughter the ghost clan, and I am one of them."

There was an uproar all around, Tang Fei snorted lightly, and looked at Yu Huai with condescending sarcasm, as if their identities were reversed, and Yu Huai was the one who had nowhere to go.

"Don't think that this is the end of the matter, the other person..."

Everyone was attracted by the other murderer he was talking about. Tang Fei paused for a moment, and his figure suddenly moved. At the same time, several white lights with extremely terrifying destructive power attacked Xu Yinian without warning!

No one expected Tang Fei to be so frenzied when he was at the end of his life. Yu Huai and Yuan Mu reacted quickly, thick black shadows and dense vines pulled up from the ground, Song Qi also immediately manipulated the rocks on the altar to transform into rock needles, and attacked Tang Fei like a storm! Tang Fei was covered in glaring white light, and he dodged the attacks one by one. The bright and bright light system abilities made people chill for no reason at this moment, and the eyes he looked at Xu Yinian were full of greed and hatred.

The moment Tang Fei attacked, all the images since the acquaintance flashed through Xu Yinian's mind like a revolving lantern, from the year when he was ten years old when his fate was determined to be fatal, to the moment when Tang Fei tore off his disguise. moment. In Xu Yinian's heart, the last trace of friendship with this master was completely broken, leaving only anger.

It turns out that accepting apprentices is just a disguised form of surveillance, and he treats himself well because he has other plans, and even the extermination of the ghost clan was all planned by him...

Xu Yinian's eyes were red, and blue-purple lightning suddenly exploded from the palm of his hand. He was not afraid of Tang Fei's gloomy gaze, and flew to meet him without hesitation! The two powerful forces collided fiercely, and the altar instantly split several gaps with this as the center of the circle. The strong light left only dazzling white in front of the eyes, and the towering ancient trees around the altar collapsed under the impact.

While the mountains were shaking and the ground was shaking, several fortune tellers were almost caught in the violent wind, and Chen Ran, Xia Ziheng and several other exorcists had no choice but to protect a few of them. The gust of wind swept the sand and stones, Song Qi immediately opened the barrier, and the huge barrier protected everyone in it. When everyone could see clearly again, a huge ball of white light suddenly floated in the center of the altar, Tang Fei and Xu Yinian disappeared.

Yu Huai's complexion changed, and a strong demon power erupted from his body. Several beams of light attacked the light ball, but they passed straight through as if they were not in the same dimension. Yu Huai's expression sank completely.

Tang Fei actually used his ability to build a different space alone, dragged himself and Xu Yinian into it, and couldn't destroy it from the outside world!

The different spaces of the white light structure fit perfectly together, not only can't see the inside from the outside, Xu Yinian also can't see the outside. The whole space is extremely monotonous, the sky and the ground are spotless white. He stared at Tang Fei not far away, and kept accumulating abilities in his hands.

The fight with Yu Huai consumed a lot of Tang Fei's energy, coupled with the huge energy consumed in constructing a different space, Tang Fei was a little bit powerless, his eyes were bloodshot, but his tone was the same as usual, It seemed to be talking about Xu Yinian's schoolwork, which was shockingly weird.

"It seems that you really didn't want to give me a way out." Tang Fei laughed lowly, "Not only did you call all the fortune tellers you could contact, but you also brought in so many helpers... the formation, Lan taught you? Like this The matter of changing lives is a certainty."

Xu Yinian stared at him coldly. Seeing that he was silent, Tang Fei's tone became softer, but his expression was extremely evil: "I will die today, but you will die with me, and stay with me forever."

"Stop dreaming." Xu Yinian retorted, "Even if you die, you have to accept the trial before you die."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Yinian's ten fingers burst into lightning, and he rushed to Tang Fei first!

He has experienced countless actual combat trainings since he was a child. Even if he was injured in the training, Xu Yinian knew that Tang Fei would not hurt his life.

But this time the fight was completely different from the previous ones. If there was a slight mistake, Xu Yinian was sure that he would kill him without hesitation. Tang Fei's state was far worse than usual, Xu Yinian made up his mind not to give Tang Fei a chance to breathe, and attacked directly.

He was covered in dazzling lightning, and his speed was astonishingly fast, but Tang Fei could always avoid his attacks. Not only that, but Tang Fei also seemed to understand that his power was over, and the offensive became more vicious and vicious. The sharp light blade was flying around his fingertips. Xu Yinian brushed past the blade several times. Tang Fei saw that he had no time to deal with it. The condensed light blade suddenly deformed and elongated. Originally, the tip of the knife was still a short distance away from the face, so the tip of the knife would directly pierce Xu Yinian's eyes!

Xu Yinian had no choice but to lower himself to avoid the point of the knife, but several white lights suddenly shot up from the ground. Xu Yinian immediately bent down to protect his vitals with his arms, and jumped away from the spot at the last moment!

No... not good!

Xu Yinian's pupils narrowed, and he suddenly realized something, but Tang Fei flew behind him first, as if he had expected Xu Yinian's possible reaction to the surprise attack. Tang Fei slapped him heavily on the back. The huge impact caused Xu Yinian to be smashed into the wall, blood spurted out of his mouth, and he twitched unconsciously due to the severe pain. Tang Fei grabbed Xu Yinian's neck with one hand and lifted him face to face.

"Xiao Nian." Tang Fei kept closing his fingers, and Xu Yinian was in so much pain that he grabbed Tang Fei's arm with both hands in vain. Tang Fei seemed to find it funny that he was struggling so hard, "Why haven't you changed your habit of avoiding attacks?"

After Tang Fei finished speaking, his five fingers tightened suddenly!

"—Uh!" Xu Yinian's cheeks flushed due to lack of oxygen, and the electric light in his hand flickered and went out. Tang Fei's other hand was close to his heart, and Xu Yinian watched as a sharp blade of light condensed from his fingertips!

"It won't hurt very much." Tang Fei whispered almost gently, "See you later."

After the words fell, there was a sudden sound of electric light jumping from behind, and Tang Fei didn't even have time to react—Boom!

The sea-like surge of lightning instantly engulfed Tang Fei, and the different space constructed of white light even began to shake under the impact of the powerful supernatural power. Tang Fei was caught off guard and could barely protect his lifeline. He never expected that Xu Yinian had accumulated strength in secret, and when life and death were on the line, he could seize the right moment to launch a surprise attack.

The bursting lightning caused Tang Fei's skin to be ripped apart, and the wounds all over his body were opened one after another. Xu Yinian took advantage of the victory and pursued. After breaking free from the bondage, he punched Tang Fei in the abdomen. He didn't dare to stop for a moment, and punched Tang Fei one after another. Tang Fei was seriously injured, and he could hardly maintain the different space, but the emotion in his eyes became more and more crazy, regardless of fighting with Xu Yinian, it seemed that he would rather die than drag him to be buried with him.

Xu Yinian was aroused by blood, so he desperately mobilized his abilities, and the blue-purple arc was extremely dazzling in the pure white different space—


Another loud bang fell, and the majestic force seemed to be able to split the sky and the earth. Tang Fei and Xu Yinian were hit by the thunder that fell from the sky at the same time. Such a self-destructive attack was so powerful that even Xu Yinian himself couldn't dodge it. Tang Fei was smashed into the ground heavily, and blood gushed out from his seven orifices. The waterfall-like electric light completely broke through the crumbling alien space. With the first cracking sound, the entire space was covered with dense cracks, and it fell apart in an instant!

Without the support of Tang Fei's ability, the different space turned into nothingness, and the two fell from midair at the same time. Xia Ziheng shouted loudly: "They came out!"

Xu Yinian and Tang Fei fell to the ground one after the other. Xu Yinian managed to stabilize his figure and half knelt on the ground. Not far away, Tang Fei was seriously injured and fell to the ground unable to support himself. Seeing that Xu Yinian came out alive, Yu Huai breathed a sigh of relief, and the next moment, noticing the flashing light in Tang Fei's hand, Yu Huai's expression changed suddenly, and he roared angrily:

"Stop him!!"

Xu Yinian turned his head, his eyes widened in disbelief at the scene that suddenly entered his field of vision.

Tang Fei's body was covered in blood, and even his face was hard to recognize, but he still mobilized the last ability, causing a very thin beam of light to penetrate directly into his heart!

Xu Yinian didn't even have time to condense the lightning, and Tang Fei's heart gushed out a lot of blood. Several demon masters rushed forward, Song Qi immediately confirmed Tang Fei's condition, and immediately frowned deeply: "He's dead."

Xu Yinian stared blankly at the chaotic scene not far away, still unable to react. Yu Huai bent down and held his hand, slowly pulling him up.

Xu Yinian's last attack overdrawn his abilities, and he trembled unconsciously. Seeing that he was almost unsteady, Yu Huai grabbed his shoulders and let him lean on him. The warm mist wrapped around Xu Yinian, gradually stopping the bleeding. Seeing him in a daze, Yu Huai lowered his tone and said jokingly: "If you don't come out again, I don't even know what to do."

Xu Yinian turned his head to meet Yu Huai's gaze, saw the faint worry in his eyes, smiled at him, and squeezed Yu Huai's hand: "Isn't it all right?"

"Little Brother Xu!" Xia Ziheng ran over in two or three steps, and Chen Ran followed behind him. Xia Ziheng saw Yu Huai and Xu Yinian's fingers intertwined, Xu Yinian's expression was normal, he relaxed and said with a smile: "Fortunately, you are fine, you don't know how anxious Boss Yu was just now."

Chen Ran looked at Xu Yinian carefully: "Are you all right?"

Xu Yinian shook his head, knowing what they were worried about, and looked at the exorcists gathered not far away. Tang Fei's blood soaked the cold altar. Yuan Mu and Song Qi stood together. The latter frowned and was talking on the phone. words.

Xu Yinian withdrew his gaze: "It's his fault."

The atmosphere was a bit heavy, Xia Ziheng broke the silence: "Anyway, your real destiny has finally returned."

Knowing that Xu Yinian has received a lot of criticism because of his fate, Chen Ran agreed: "Some people can finally calm down."

Just as he was talking, a gentle voice came in.

"Young Master Xu." A young fortune teller walked towards Xu Yinian, "Would you mind letting me take a look at my fortune?"

The fortune teller had a handsome face with a faint smile on his face. Xu Yinian has met many fortune tellers over the years, and he vaguely remembers the appearance of this young man. If he remembers correctly, when he was young, the other party had read his fortune teller with Lan.

"Are you Lan's...?"

"My teacher once said that your fortune-telling is very special." The fortune-teller paused slightly, seemingly regretful, and said with some guilt, "I didn't expect that we haven't found the truth for so many years."

After the fortune teller finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, Xu Yinian understood and put his hand on it. The two clasped their hands, and the color of the pupils of the fortune teller changed, like the radiant neon feathers of a phoenix.

The fortune teller looked at it for a long time, his expression did not last for a moment, and he was very careful, until a thin layer of sweat even appeared on his forehead. After a long time, he withdrew his hand to wipe off his sweat, and said to Xu Yinian: "The fierce look covering your fate has faded away, and you are a bright daytime destiny."

When Xu Yinian heard this, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

For so many years, the fierce fate has made his memory of around ten years old not very good, but after meeting Yu Huai, he no longer cares so much about the prediction of fate. Now that he has truly determined his fortune, and didn't know whether he should be happy for a while, Xu Yinian sorted out his emotions, and sincerely thanked the fortune teller who came to read his fortune.

Thinking of the bright fortune teller I saw just now, the fortune teller reminded: "Young Master Xu, I don't know if you know that, different from the other two fates, daytime destiny is like a gift from the Dao of Heaven. Maybe at a certain moment, Dao of Heaven will respond strongly to you. prayer."

It was the first time Xu Yinian heard such a statement. Ever since he figured out it was a bad fate when he was ten years old, he has resisted the matter of fate, and even knows little about the other two fates.

"Haven't you heard of it?" Xia Ziheng interjected, "Even I know that Bai Tianming can 'borrow his life' from the Dao of Heaven, but the probability is very small... I used to think that what was written in the textbook was just a legend, but it turned out to be real?"

"Of course it's true." Seeing Xu Yinian's face full of surprise, Chen Ran had to sigh, "As expected of you, you haven't listened to a few theory classes seriously."

Yu Huai rubbed Xu Yinian's head: "Maybe one day I make a wish, and it will come true if I'm not careful."

In order to completely avoid Tang Fei's eyes and ears, only some exorcists from the Nanhai Branch took part in the operation this time. As soon as Song Qi's notification was received, the staff of the Nanhai Medical Branch, who had been on standby in other places early in the morning, rushed to the hospital. Came to the scene. Seeing Xu Yinian, one of the female medical practitioners frowned directly, and quickly put him on a stretcher.

At this time, Song Qi's deputy walked over quickly and whispered to Yu Huai, Yu Huai nodded, and then asked Xu Yinian: "After the injury is cured, do you want to go home first?"

Afraid that he might not be able to tell the difference, Yu Huai added: "Go back to Nanhai, where your parents are."

Xu Yinian sat on the stretcher and looked up at him: "What about you?"

People were coming and going around, Yu Huai approached Xu Yinian, and said softly: "The next step is to conduct a thorough investigation of Tang Fei, the sooner the better, the vice principal and I will participate."

Tang Fei committed suicide, and it is impossible to have a fair and open trial for his crimes. Although all kinds of evidence are now very complete, Tang Fei's reputation in the world of eliminating demons for so many years will not be easily collapsed, and it will not be achieved overnight if he wants to completely eradicate his influence in the General Bureau. Today's roundup of Tang Fei had never been reported to the General Administration, and it was a big problem to get the people from the General Administration to fully approve and assist in the investigation of Tang Fei.

No wonder Song Qi frowned so much when he called just now that he could pinch a mosquito to death.

Xu Yinian turned his head, Yuan Mu was talking with Song Qi in a low voice, both of them looked very serious. Just as Xu Yinian was about to respond, seeing the blood on Yu Huai's body, he couldn't help but frowned and asked, "What about your injury?"

In the fierce fight with Tang Fei, Yu Huai was also seriously injured. Although relying on the strong resilience of the ghost clan and Yu Huai's simple treatment for himself, there is no serious problem on the surface, but still needs to be injured. Professional and meticulous treatment.

"I'll go to the medical center over there, don't worry."

Xu Yinian's eyebrows stretched, and he remembered something: "The Wishing Machine..."

"Don't worry about it now." Seeing that he still seemed worried, Yu Huai's heart softened, she bent down helplessly, and lightly pecked his forehead, "I will tell you about this when I return to South China Sea."

People around cast their gazes one after another, and even the neat female doctor couldn't hold back her curiosity, her eyes lingered on the two of them all the time. Chen Ran didn't expect Yu Huai to be so open-minded, Xia Ziheng silently gave Xu Yinian a thumbs up after a brief moment of stupefaction.

There was a soft and warm touch on his forehead, Xu Yinian's ears were slightly hot, he was a little annoyed, he felt that the eyes from all directions wanted to dig a hole to get in, but he had nowhere to hide, he could only stare at Yu Huai,

Only Yu Huai was fine, after kissing his forehead, he pinched Xu Yinian's cheek affectionately: "Take good care of your injuries, we'll talk about it when you recover."