Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 78: festival


The opening day is approaching, and the streets and alleys of Freeport are full of monsters of different races. Decorative flowers and vines climb tall and splendid buildings, and fountains formed by magic can be seen everywhere, and colorful ribbons and Gems, once someone passes by, the gems piled up on both sides of the road will explode like fireworks, filling the air with colorful mist.

Even at night, the Obsidian Square is still buzzing with people. The map elves with transparent wings are holding bright lights. Looking from a distance, hundreds of floating lights are like stars.

With Yu Huai at his side, Xu Yinian can enter and leave Freeport without sending the spell beads. As soon as he stepped onto the square, many monsters passing by turned their heads frequently, and some even stood there, staring at Yu Huai blatantly.

Nan Zhi had been waiting by the Obsidian Square early on. She was standing under the bell tower. The flower vines covering most of the bell tower were in gold and silver colors, shining brightly at night. Seeing Yu Huai and Xu Yinian, Nan Zhi smiled and said, "Boss, Young Master Xu."

Her eyes turned around Yu Huai and Xu Yinian's hands, the smile on her face gradually deepened, and her gaze at Xu Yinian became softer.

Unlike at the boneyard before, seeing Nan Zhi in Freeport seemed to have entered the link of meeting the parents inexplicably. Although Nan Zhi didn't say anything, Xu Yinian felt embarrassed by her. He subconsciously struggled, and Yu Huai pinched his hand dissatisfied, but held it even tighter.

Nan Zhi usually wouldn't wait in Obsidian Square, Yu Huai saw that she seemed to have something to say: "What's the matter?"

Nan Zhi put away her teasing expression and nodded: "A few days ago, there was a small incident. Many people entered and exited the free port spell beads and they would temporarily fail. After repeating it a few times, they could enter and exit smoothly... Could it be something wrong with the enchantment? question?"

Xu Yinian raised his head, and the vast and bright night sky was endless. He knew that the entire free port was located in a different space, and the barrier covering the entire space restricted access. The free port has existed for thousands of years, and this is the first time Xu Yinian heard of the failure of the spell beads.

Yu Huai also seemed a little surprised. The space in front of him was torn apart like a broken mirror, directly connected to the white castle standing on the cliff in the distance. Such a peculiar way of moving attracted the attention of the surrounding monsters. Yu Huai said to Xu Yinian: "You go back with Nan Zhi first, and I'll go see the enchantment."

Xu Yinian responded, and stepped into the split space together with Nan Zhi.

The hall is brightly lit, and the chandeliers cast shadows on the snow-white carpet. The curved ceiling is divided into six sides by arch ribs, and each side is painted with strange and colorful paintings of hundreds of demons. Compared to before, the decoration inside the castle seemed to be more ornate. Seeing him staring at the stained stained glass, Nan Zhi explained: "Because of the open day, the hall has been re-decorated. Doesn't this have a more festive atmosphere?"

Xu Yinian responded, "Yes, it's very pretty."

The monster sitting on the couch not far away turned his head when he heard the sound. When Hua Hengjing saw him and Nan Zhi, he greeted him with a smile.

"You are so beautiful today." He looked at Nan Zhi and praised him sincerely. While Hua Hengjing was speaking, beautiful roses condensed on his fingertips one after another, and then quickly dissipated, "It's a pity that the flowers transformed into illusions will dissipate sooner or later, and they are not enough to match you."

Watching his performance, Xu Yinian twitched the corner of his mouth. Nan Zhi smiled, but she didn't have the shyness of a girl in her eyes: "Your attainments in illusion are getting higher and higher."

"Really? I'm using illusion every day, and I don't feel anything yet." After Hua Hengjing finished speaking, he said to Xu Yinian, who was watching the show, "Is Boss Yu not with you?"

"He went to check the barrier." Xu Yinian sat down on the sofa, "Are you here for the holiday too?"

"Come to play for a few days, and talk about business by the way."

Reminiscent of the compensation Yu Huai said before, Xu Yinian understood it. He looked at Hua Hengjing alone, and asked casually, "Have you been staying in Freeport these days, then where do you live?"

Hua Hengjing avoided answering, and deliberately asked: "What about you, where do you live these days?"

Hua Hengjing's expression was teasing, obviously asking questions knowingly. Xu Yinian choked for a moment. Seeing that he couldn't answer, Hua Hengjing suddenly realized the joy of teasing children: "Since you are alone, why don't we stay together. I know which hotels in Freeport to live in." It’s the most comfortable to wear, and we’ll have dinner at Boss Yu’s place, and we happened to stroll over…”

Hua Hengjing's words became more and more outrageous, and Nan Zhi couldn't help laughing. Hearing their laughter, Xu Yinian was heartbroken, and flaunted in a tone even more outrageous than Hua Hengjing: "No, I want to sleep with Yu Huai tonight."

Hua Hengjing was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect him to be so unrestrained all of a sudden. Seeing that the other party was restrained by him, Xu Yinian was proud of himself, when there was a subtle sound of space breaking behind him, and someone came out of the crack.

… … Depend on.

Xu Yinian didn't even need to turn his head to know who the person behind him was. Realizing that it was a coincidence that Yu Huai came back when he was talking, Xu Yinian's cheeks were hot, and he was a little embarrassed, but Yu Huai wrapped his arms around his shoulders from behind and pressed him into his arms inside.

"Did you hear that, they have a family and a room, you should stay away."

That kind of complacent tone was natural to Yu Huai, and he was indescribably indescribable. Hua Hengjing twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling that the picture of showing affection in front of him was extremely hurtful to the eyes, so he changed the subject: "How is the situation?"

"I didn't find anything wrong, so I strengthened the barrier." Yu Huai frowned slightly, "It stands to reason that there can be no problem with the barrier of Freeport."

Hua Hengjing didn't care too much: "Maybe it's because it's been too long. The enchantment of our old house has some problems from time to time, not to mention that the free port has existed for thousands of years."

Thinking that the teleportation spell beads can now be used normally, Yu Huai nodded and stopped entangled.

On the opening day, Freeport was flooded with a large number of tourists. Although the restriction on strength has been temporarily lifted, and there are still only a handful of monsters who can get the spell orbs from the outside world, compared to usual, the number of monsters in the city has risen sharply. In addition to the demon clan, many demon extermination masters also came to see the splendor of this demon city on this day. The streets and alleys were full of laughter and festive atmosphere.

The free port hangs above the sea, and the waterways running through it extend in all directions. The small boats are decorated with colorful flowers, and the beautiful mermaids are playing and swimming in the water. splashing water.

Most of the monsters who passed by were dressed fancy, even Xu Yinian had never seen monsters of so many races at once. It was the first time to participate in the "New Year" of Yaozu, and he looked around to see what was new.

Yu Huai dragged him to walk among the crowd, seeing that Xu Yinian couldn't walk, he teased and said, "Anyone on the street looks more like an exorcist than you."

"Look up!" Xu Yinian suddenly tugged at him, looking at the dragons in the sky excitedly, "It's the first time I've seen such a big dragon, it's still dark red... so handsome."

Yu Huai looked at his hopeless look, and pretended to be disgusted: "Don't say I know you."

Xu Yinian squeezed his hand: "Boss Yu, can you call it down? Can you ride it?"

Yu Huai looked at him amusedly, and asked back, "What do you think?"

"None of this? Don't say I know you."


A huge parade float comes from the end of the road. It looks like a castle with red tiles and white walls. A crystal ball is suspended on the pointed red tower at the highest point. From top to bottom, the terraces on each floor are full of people. Monsters in costumes. Talking dolls and puppets followed the floats along the way, constantly spreading bunches of ribbons and flowers to both sides of the road. The monsters lowered the ladders and pulled the spectators onto the floats from time to time.

Xu Yinian couldn't take his eyes off, and was about to ask Yu Huai what the crystal ball was for. A banshee noticed Yu Huai in the crowd, and quickly patted her companions. They all ran over to catch Xu Yinian: "Boss! Your companion will lend us some use."

Xu Yinian grasped Yu Huai's hand subconsciously.

He didn't expect that Yu Huai not only didn't help, but pushed him up.

"Hey, wait...!" Xu Yinian was in a hurry, trying to drag him onto the float, but Yu Huai withdrew his hand, looking like he was watching the show.

A few elves flew to Xu Yinian's side, recorded this scene, and spread it all over Freeport through the transparent screen behind them. After seeing clearly who the newcomer was, a small commotion gradually spread from the crowd: "Damn, am I blind or something, is that Xu Yinian?!"

"Aren't you mistaken, he actually dared to come to Freeport, looking for trouble on a big day?"

"Hey! You pulled the wrong person, push this kid down quickly!"

"That's right, let him go down!"

Before the banshee could speak, the scene from a few seconds ago appeared on the transparent screen behind the map elves, who was holding hands with Xu Yinian, and even pushed and hugged him affectionately onto the float, the one who screamed the loudest The monsters were suddenly silent, and they were so surprised that they almost popped their eyes out.

After a while, they recovered their voices: "What, what's going on here? Isn't it what I thought it meant??"

"Boss Yu reunited with him? I'll go, is this going to change???"

"The buddy in the mask at the Oak Mountain Arena has nothing to say? Come on, I haven't seen enough dramas yet."

"That brother lost to this face after all...Xu Yinian is actually not a human, he is a goblin, he killed Yu Huai so much."

"No, the boss himself is also a monster, why do you still follow his tricks?"

Seeing the picture on the floating screen, the monsters on the float enthusiastically pulled Xu Yinian: "Come on! Go up."

"Send him up, he is the boss' companion!"

"It's so beautiful, let him open the crystal ball!"

The banshees laughed and pushed him to the highest tower, and the crystal ball was suspended above the spire. A banshee shouted at him: "Transfer power to it! This is an illusion prop, it will transform into different things according to you!"

"Before, a witch clan opened a bunch of skulls, and I stood underneath, killing me. Fortunately, the illusion only lasted for a few minutes."

"Someone has even produced gold, it smells like copper!"

"What will he bloom? A pile of flowers, perhaps?"

"Sparkling gems, I guess!"

Xu Yinian stretched out his hand, bright lightning gathered in his hand. As if sensing his ability, the crystal clear crystal ball gradually turned blue-purple, flying higher and higher with the transmission of the ability. Lightning lines appeared on the surface of the crystal ball, and finally bang! With a bang, countless bubbles were sprayed out like champagne opened in a festival.

A large amount of transparent soda fell into the crowd with the foam, like a sweet rain, the monsters were covered in foam, and they said strangely: "What is this? This is the first time I saw someone open this thing."

"It's carbonated soda!"

"Pfft... what do you mean? It implies that this kid has a bad temper?"

A tourist who didn't know why subconsciously licked his lips and complained: "This soda is too sweet, how much sugar is added?"

A few minutes later, all the soda turned into foam and disappeared. The group of monsters was clamoring and talking, and Xu Yinian thought it was fun, and suddenly felt a real gaze on him, he turned his head, and met a pair of eyes from a distance.

The man was tall and tall, wearing a mask that half-covered his face. He stood in an inconspicuous shadow, and only a pair of strangely colored eyes were exposed on the upper half of his face.

Dark purple, like gems.

Xu Yinian froze for a moment, and in the next moment, the figure of that person disappeared into the crowd.

Confirming that he was no longer to be found, Xu Yinian jumped off the float. Just bumping into Yu Huai who was waiting in the crowd, Xu Yinian said strangely: "I saw a monster just now, it looks a bit like you, and its eyes are also dark purple."

There are monsters with heavy makeup everywhere, with all kinds of eye and hair colors, Yu Huai said teasingly: "Really? Am I as handsome as you?"

When Xu Yinian was interrupted by him, he suddenly remembered how Yu Huai pushed him up after watching the excitement, and settled accounts with him with a smile: "Okay, you didn't go up with me just now."

"I want you to show off by yourself. Do you have a feeling that this trip is worthwhile?"

He described his behavior of teasing people so freshly and refinedly, Xu Yinian patted him amusedly, and Yu Huai took Xu Yinian's hand accordingly.

There were all kinds of monsters passing by all around, some of them had never seen Yu Huai and Xu Yinian in person, and seeing them fighting, they just thought they looked seductive. Several banshees were discussing something with bright eyes, and cast ambiguous glances one after another.

Yu Huai pulled Xu Yinian and walked along the frolicking crowd.