Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 84: Excuse me


Traces of decay spread upwards from Yu Shuo's heart, leaving only a bone glowing with gloom. Xu Yinian stared intently at Yu Shuo's chest, seeing the bones pierced by the light beam gradually healed, Xu Yinian's expression became completely ugly.

It wasn't just him, Xie Qihan and Nan Zhi also lowered their faces and said nothing, the surroundings were deadly silent, only the sound of undead activities could be heard, and heavy shadows once again shrouded the square.

Everyone's reactions seemed to amuse Yu Shuo, a smile gradually appeared on his face, and his eyes finally fell on Yu Huai. After a brief shock, Yu Huai has recovered his composure, that blow almost exhausted Yu Huai's remaining demon power, and the spirit body hidden in the gravel gradually disappeared. Blood was flowing down the back of Yu Huai's hand, he looked at Yu Shuo expressionlessly.

Yu Shuo continued: "Maybe I have struggled for too long. Unlike ordinary undead, I retain my memory and abilities. They no longer regard me as prey. I can't wait to climb up from the river of death... That place is very Gao, I don't remember how long I climbed, but I'm very happy, thinking that I can go back to the normal world, I don't feel hard at all."

Yu Shuo seemed to be lost in memory, but the gentle expression on his face seemed extraordinarily weird in this situation.

"The moment I came into contact with the sun, my fingers gradually rotted, and a severe burning sensation came from the fingertips. Only then did I remember that undead cannot touch the sun."

Yu Shuo's expression gradually became gloomy, hatred and jealousy made his voice hoarse terribly. It was only then that Yu Huai realized why his voice was so hoarse and weird: Yu Shuo's vocal cords were also rotten, and that's where the bellows-like sound came from when he spoke.

A palm-sized skeleton body suddenly appeared beside Yu Shuo, and the wind blew up in an instant. The raging storm rolled up the gravel and unburned flames on the ground, mixed with scorched embers to tear the sky and the earth—

The strong winds all hit Yu Huai. He wanted to condense the barrier to resist, but failed to summon the spirit body due to serious injuries. Yu Huai couldn't dodge in time, was blown up by the strong wind, and was slapped heavily into the pile of rubble!

"I will be a dark, dark monster all my life." In the storm that can almost connect the sky and the earth, Yu Shuo's face is handsome and evil, "—this is not fair."

The roaring wind made the ground tremble, and even some undead were affected, and were cut into countless pieces by the strong wind in an instant. Nan Zhi immediately released the vines: "Grab them!...Quick...!!"

Nan Zhi's voice was blurred by the howling storm. Xu Yinian's whole body was covered with lightning, but the originally bright and dazzling light became dim in the flying sand and rocks. He had never felt that his strength was so weak, and he could only watch Yu Huai being seriously injured, but he was powerless.

Xu Yinian clenched his teeth, and small bloodstains were scraped off his body. He tried his best to move forward, but he could barely keep from being blown away by the strong wind, and he was still unable to take a step forward.

"The reason why the undead are evil is that they corrode not only the body, but also the soul." Yu Shuo's voice was extremely clear in the raging storm. It is easy to heal, but the damage to the soul is irreversible... except in one way."

When Yu Shuo said this, he looked at Yu Huai's bloody figure through the heavy fire storm. The latter was stunned for a moment, and a moment of blankness appeared on his face. Yu Huai seemed to understand something at once, and his eyes were stained with unprecedented anger.

Once the soul is damaged, it will never be healed forever, except for one way: the blood of ghosts.

As a race that drives souls, the ability of the ghost race is very different from that of all the monster races: they can control the dead and take the power of the dead for their own use. After being killed by ghosts, humans and monsters cannot be reincarnated, and their souls cannot be released until the ghosts die. Correspondingly, the blood of the ghost clan can heal all wounds on the soul.

"Half of my body is covered with skeletons. It takes a lot of ghost blood to recover. If I don't kill the ghosts, I will always be hiding in the dark. What else can I do?"

Yu Shuo seemed to be defending himself, but it seemed natural, he paused for a moment, and continued: "During the massacre, I found that my body recovered to a certain level, and the blood of this ghost race would no longer work. , I have to kill the next one. The stronger the ghost race, the more effective the blood will be on the trauma of the soul."

He still remembers the unforgettable feeling of repairing the trauma: warm blood flowed down, decayed muscles began to grow, smooth skin covered the body again, and he felt as if his soul was purified and reborn again.

"It's a pity that the number of ghosts is too small." Yu Shuo regretted, "Your mother is the most useful one. I spent three days cutting her blood vessels again and again. And heal my wounds."

Round after round of storms raged past, and when the strong wind stopped, everyone was blown away from the place, and several patrol members even disappeared without a trace. Yu Huai spat out a mouthful of blood heavily, and half-kneeled on the ground. His bones and internal organs were displaced due to the severe injury, and his back was also bloody.

"In order to satisfy my desire, you killed everyone with such cruel means..." Yu Huai's voice was terribly hoarse, he had no strength to mobilize his spirit body to heal himself, and the dark purple eyes that looked at Yu Shuo revealed Bitter hatred.

He will never forget that brutal massacre. There was a strong smell of blood floating in the air. Those goblins wearing robes and masks tied Xuan Tan to a cross and killed one ghost after another with extremely cruel methods. He thought the bloody massacre was to vent his anger, but he didn't expect that the real reason behind it was Yu Shuo's desire to obtain the blood of the whole clan.

"I've been waiting for you to grow up, until I heard the news of Tang Fei's death, I knew the time had come." Seeing the hatred in Yu Huai's eyes, Yu Shuo laughed nonchalantly, "I'm surprised that you were able to deal with him , Your speed of becoming stronger has far exceeded my expectations."

After leaving the Styx River, Yu Shuo was certain that the wounds he suffered could only be healed with the blood of the ghost clan. He made a deal with Tang Fei using the forbidden technique that he had learned by accident many years ago. Once the forbidden technique is cast, Tang Fei will be able to obtain half of her power after Xuan Tan dies. He needs the blood of all the ghost clan, and Tang Fei wants Xuan Tan's life, and the two hit it off.

With Tang Fei's help, they successfully contacted the other four monster clans and plotted the massacre that shocked the two worlds.

As an accomplice, Yu Shuo was well aware of Tang Fei's strength. When he heard the news of Tang Fei's death, he knew that the time he had been waiting for for many years had finally arrived—Yu Huai was already strong enough, and his blood could completely heal his undead body. Once cured, he will be able to change from a dead spirit back to a monster, and stand in the sun again.

The opening day of the Freeport is just around the corner, and everything seems to be destined. Those underqualified monsters who flooded in on the opening day will become his strongest support.

"If I hadn't stopped you, you would have been killed by Tang Fei a long time ago. You should thank me for allowing you to live for five years longer." Yu Shuo stared straight at Yu Huai, his eyes faintly revealed abnormal excitement and fanaticism, "Now, it's time for you to return."

At some point, a large number of dark green clouds gathered on the dark sky, and the strange and ominous color was like the fire in hell. A drop of black rain fell on Yu Huai's shoulder. Accompanied by a disgusting sour smell, burning pain came from the surface of the skin.

Intensive torrential rain quickly fell from the sky, and white smoke rose from the skin as soon as it came into contact with the highly corrosive rain. Yu Huai barely released the enchantment, but was unable to support it due to serious injuries, and the fragile barrier was crumbling in the pouring rain.

Seeing him struggling to support, Yu Shuo's laughter was hoarse and crazy: "Come on, try it! You have to experience it yourself before you can understand how I felt at the beginning."

"For thirteen years, I only let you return a little bit, and use your blood—this is obviously fair."

As if affected by Yu Shuo's rising emotions, the surrounding undead became more and more excited. There are quite a few monsters in the patrol with ashen faces, numbly confronting the never-tiring undead in this almost unsolvable deadlock.

Xie Qihan and Nan Zhi were blown to the outside of the square by the strong wind. Facing the tide of undead at this moment, they hardly had time to deal with the sudden rainstorm. Both of them were more or less injured. Among all the people, Xu Yinian was the closest to the center of the storm, and the barrier he condensed temporarily resisted the black acid rain.

Seeing that the enchantment released by Yu Huai was gradually penetrated by the torrential rain, Xu Yinian was very anxious. He continued to release lightning to destroy the undead, but in the heavy rain, the undead revived at a terrifying speed, almost turning the nearby undead into ashes Countless skeletons rushed up again, and Xu Yinian couldn't get rid of them at all.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the entire square was covered with dark green clouds. Yu Huai finally couldn't hold it anymore, the torrential rain from above quickly corroded his flesh. The blood dripping from Yu Huai's body was continuously washed away by the rainstorm, and he had long since lost the strength to stand, so he could only kneel on the ground.

"Yu Huai!!!" Xu Yinian was so anxious that the lightning that penetrated the clouds fell suddenly, but he couldn't break through the entangled dead spirits. He ignored the distraction of maintaining the barrier, and gradually one or two drops of rain penetrated the barrier and fell. On his body, the burning pain made Xu Yinian's expression slightly distorted.

It was just a drop of rain, and he was in such pain. He couldn't imagine how painful Yu Huai was.

Rainwater flowed over Yu Huai's cheeks, neck, and shoulders... as if hot oil was poured into flesh and blood, and a sharp knife cut tendons and bones. The scar on the back split open again, and under Yu Shuo's interested gaze, Yu Huai suddenly said: "You are indeed a monster... You are only worthy of being a monster who can't see the light."

Most of Yu Huai's throat was also corroded, and his voice was dry and strange. The rain dripped down Yu Huai's face, only half of his face still maintained its original handsome appearance, the other half was bloody and bloody, like a ghost, but he never cried out in pain from the beginning to the end. Blood dripped down the corners of Yu Huai's eyes, those dark purple eyes that were very similar to Yu Shuo were filled with sarcasm.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes...!" Yu Shuo's original expression of interest gradually sank, he looked at Yu Huai's eyebrows and eyes, and suddenly felt that he saw himself in the past. That stupid, noble, self-righteous self.

This thought made Yu Shuo's heart well up with unhappiness, anger appeared in his eyes, and as if he suddenly thought of something, a vicious smile was drawn on the corner of his lips.

"Forget it." Yu Shuo chuckled lightly, "It would be quite interesting if you die with this look on your face."

A palm-sized skeleton spirit body suddenly appeared beside Yu Shuo. The spirit body was blood-colored, with bright red lines on the bones. Yu Shuo clapped his hands, and the invisible force pierced through the air. There were several large and small blood holes.

Yu Huai's neck had long been eroded by the heavy rain, and his throat was bleeding profusely. He couldn't speak, but the severe pain that was almost fatal still made him let out a painful moan. Seeing the blood on Yu Huai's body converging into lines, all connected to the corruption in Yu Shuo's heart, Xu Yinian suddenly realized what Yu Shuo was going to do: "No—!!"

If all the blood is drained by Yu Shuo, Yu Huai will die! Just like those ghosts who died five years ago!

The lightning that exploded in an instant illuminated the boundless dark night around, but it still couldn't dispel the undead who were rushing forward like a wave. Xu Yinian had no time to take care of himself, he ignored the bone hands that had been grabbed, gathered all the lightning in the center of the square, and slashed at Yu Shuo—

Click, click!

The waterfall-like lightning interrupted Yu Shuo's movements, and all the blood lines were broken. Before Xu Yinian could heave a sigh of relief, the five fingers of the skeleton pounced on him and pierced his shoulder.

Most of Yu Shuo's body lost consciousness under the electric current, and the blood-red spirit body even disappeared after the blood line was broken. He looked at Xu Yinian angrily, but he didn't expect another thunderbolt to crash down from the top of his head!

Xu Yinian didn't care about the crazy dead spirits around him, and rushed straight to Yu Shuo. There were large and small wounds on his body, and his cheeks were filled with blood, but his eyes were astonishingly bright with anger. A blue-purple arc of light exploded at his fingertips, and he was only a few feet away from Yu Shuo.

The extremely thin and sharp wind blade struck from the side, and it was only a hair's breadth away from piercing through Xu Yinian's temple! Xu Yinian sensed the danger at the last moment and managed to dodge, but the sudden gust of wind slammed him into the ground. Before he could get up, another storm roared, and the ground shattered countless cracks due to the powerful momentum. Xu Yinian was hit hard, and his body was dripping with blood.

Sensing Yu Huai's sudden change of breath, Yu Shuo turned his head and said with a strange smile: "Don't worry, I know he is very important to you..."

Yu Shuo paused for a moment, the corners of his mouth became wider and wider: "I will let him come down to accompany you."

After Yu Shuo finished speaking, he no longer cared about Xu Yinian, the blood-red spirit body reappeared again, and the blood flowing out of Yu Huai once again turned into dense blood lines, all of which poured into Yu Shuo's chest. The black and sour dry bones are like rain after a long drought, greedily sucking the blood of Yu Huai.

Xu Yinian barely raised his head, his blood-soaked fingers kept trembling, but he could no longer gather any abilities. Yu Shuo's laughter was mixed with the sound of rain, and the skeletons all grinned ferociously.

Blood flowed from his forehead, the picture in front of Xu Yinian's eyes turned into a blurred red, he was trembling all over, and the beating of his heart became very clear.

Not far away, Yu Shuo's black and green skeleton reveals a whiteness that is no different from that of a normal person. The new flesh and blood cover it and grow slowly. The characteristics of the dead are gradually receding from him, but Yu Huai's face is getting paler and paler, as if In the next second, it will completely lose its vitality.

Endless hatred and anger rose from Xu Yinian's heart, giving birth to an unprecedented strong desire.

He wanted power, powerful, power that could destroy everything. He wanted to stop the rainstorm, completely annihilate the undead, and make the culprit who caused all the disasters pay with blood.

Xu Yinian's heart beat faster and faster, he stared at Yu Shuo who was condescending.

He wanted death above all else.

Yu Shuo's death.

A ray of golden light burst from Xu Yinian's fingertips. He felt as if he was wrapped in a gentle cloud, and the pain on his body seemed to gradually diminish. The blood-red world in front of my eyes is covered with a layer of hazy and soft white, the crazed laughter, the rattling of the skeletons of the undead... All the sounds are gone, and the world seems to be shrouded in daylight, becoming gentle and peaceful. silence.

But in the next second, he seemed to be pulled back to reality by a powerful and irresistible force, all the sounds and images returned again, he heard the sound of his heart beating, like a drum, clear and powerful like never before.

Xu Yinian's fingers moved slightly, and the blue-purple arc gradually turned into a beautiful and bright golden color. That ray of light was inconspicuous in the dark night, but the undead closest to Xu Yinian seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying, and there was a look of extreme fear in the hollow eye sockets.

He put his hands on the ground and slowly stood up with his strength. Xu Yinian swayed a bit, still a little unsteady on his feet, but he felt something in his heart, he controlled the ability as usual, the light condensed on his fingertips shone abnormally in the darkness—

boom! !

The thunder and lightning falling from above easily penetrated the dark green clouds, and the golden electric light tore apart the endless night, and the undead penetrated by the light were completely annihilated into ashes, and could never be resurrected.

"That's...!" A hundred meters away from the center of the square, the skeletons around Xie Qihan suddenly stopped moving. They stood there blankly, staring into the distance with their dark eye sockets. Seeing the dazzling light in the distance, Xie Qihan's pupils shrank suddenly.

"'s the sun." Under the ruined clock tower, Nan Zhi looked in disbelief at Xu Yinian, who was surrounded by golden lightning, and murmured, "The sun is attached to his ability."

The dead spirits in all directions fled frantically as if they saw a natural enemy. Xu Yinian looked at the dazzling light flashing on his fingertips, and the fortune teller's words flashed through his mind:

"Although the probability is extremely small, daytime life is different from the other two life forms. It can 'borrow life' from the way of heaven. Maybe at a certain moment, he will respond to your strong prayer."

—Heaven heard his prayer and lent him the everlasting sun that pierces the darkness.