Crashing into Daylight

Chapter 9: Anniversary


[Is there anyone at the Qihai City Auction? Yu Huai really went!]

[I was at the scene. After that day, I deeply understood the meaning of living away from idols. I advise everyone to stay away from me, otherwise I will lose my life. ]

[same. To be honest, the moment he showed his face, I would rather not have a chance to succeed in chasing stars in this life, I really fucking thought I had stepped into hell. ]

[What are the identities of the two upstairs? Look at the underground auction in this tone? ]

[I do! It's worth dying at the hands of a handsome guy! ]

[At first glance, you don't know what will happen if you are killed by ghosts. Do you think it's as simple as dying? ]

[Big news, friends! Xu Yinian also went to the auction and bumped into Yu Huai! ]

It was another bible-like theoretical class. Director Qin explained the six applications of the binding spell on the podium. Xu Yinian's eyes were dazzled, and he habitually took out his mobile phone and boarded the United Community.

As soon as he entered, he was attracted by a newly opened post.

[Yu Huai didn't kill him? ]

[Yu Huai didn't crush him to ashes? ]

[Not only did he not kill him, but he also saved him. ]

[I'm going, but another dog sneaked in to help the scumbag talk, where's the administrator? Fork out fork out! ]

[Don't rush to scold, can you solve the leader alone? ]

[Am I blind? Can Xu Yinian have a filial son? ]

[In all fairness, Xu Yinian is quite a nice person. There is no right or wrong in matters of relationship, only inappropriateness. Maybe he and Yu Huai had a misunderstanding before? ]

It was the first time that Xu Yinian saw someone speaking for him seriously in the United Community, and he was watching intently when Xia Ziheng, who was at the same table, poked him: "Little Brother Xu, what are you looking at?"

"Look at the idiot."

"Then you smile so happily?"

"..." Xu Yinian coughed and restrained the expression on his face.

Director Qin, who had noticed the two of them a long time ago, couldn't bear it anymore: "Xia Ziheng! You deserted just after returning to school! Are you here to study or to make small talk? Answer the question! What are the conditions for using the fifth type of binding spell?"

Xia Ziheng stood up, showing a foolish and confident smile: "I don't know."

Director Qin calmed down and pointed at Xia Ziheng's deskmate: "Xu Yinian?"

Xu Yinian got up: "As long as you have hands."

Director Qin gasped and roared angrily, "Get out and stand for punishment!"

Xu Yinian and Xia Ziheng left the classroom one after the other.

Of the four big families, the Xu family and the Xia family have the best relationship. Xu Yinian has known Xia Ziheng since he was a child, and the latter is also considered a miracle among the younger generation: When choosing among the dead second generation ancestors, Xia Ziheng would definitely choose the second one without hesitation.

Because of this, this young master has a lot of talent but often skips classes and asks for leave. He has learned both theory and practice in a mess.

"Your leg is okay?" Xu Yinian still remembered Xia Ziheng's reason for asking for leave last week was that he broke his leg in the middle of the mission.

"It never stopped."


"Staying bored at home, come to the academy for a walk." Xia Ziheng looked at the temporary stage in the distance, "Tomorrow's school celebration should be quite interesting, right?"

The school celebration of Maplebridge College is held every five years, and every time it is grand and lively. Compared with the Demon Elimination Bureau, Fengqiao College is more like a window of the Demon Elimination Interface to ordinary people. The college will arrange various activities on the day of the school anniversary and invite ordinary people to visit the school, which not only facilitates the outside world to understand the situation, but also attracts investment and students.

Xu Yinian followed Xia Ziheng's gaze.

He saw the stage prepared for tomorrow, and there was a cherry blossom road a little farther away. The blooming cherry blossoms in late spring were like pink snow, piled up heavily on the branches.

Students in twos and threes walked by under the cherry trees, and there was a bulletin board for outstanding students beside the road. Five years ago, Yu Huai's photo was posted in the most prominent place, and many girls would deliberately stop to look at him for a while.

For a long time after the tragedy, the academy did not remove Yu Huai’s photo from it, and many people still gathered there, looking at Yu Huai in the photo, discussing the new news they heard in a low voice .

How soon will he die


With so many people wanting his life, he was dying.

When meeting Yu Huai again at the auction, Xu Yinian really wanted to say something to him.

I am very happy.

Glad you survived and're doing so well.

Even better than I had hoped for.

In addition to various activities, on the day of the school celebration, students must take part in two types of tests, theoretical and practical. The practical test is similar to an open arena, and it is also one of the channels for the college to display to the outside world.

In order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the students and show the style of the college, some ghostly headmaster came up with an idea: the students who rank at the bottom of the comprehensive score in theory and practice will be punished, and the specific punishment method will be decided by the teachers.

In the last school celebration, Xu Yinian was ranked among the best in practice, but he was not able to live up to his theoretical expectations. In the end, he was sent to clean the warehouse and had a bad nose with dozens of other alumni.

On the day of the school celebration, Xu Yinian was woken up from his sleep by his roommate.

Roommate Ye Qiao patted the head of his bed and said to get up. Xu Yinian was so sleepy that he couldn't keep his eyes open, and gave up on himself: "I won't take the test, my theoretical test is only in single digits."

"The teacher designated for punishment this year is the vice-principal." Ye Qian's voice was calm, and the effect was like thunder.

Xu Yinian sat up startled in his dying illness, and decided to struggle again.

Yuan Mu's name is extremely lethal. When Xu Yinian entered the classroom, the whole class was concentrating on rescuing the theory. Even Xia Ziheng was holding his textbooks in his arms: "I didn't know it was the vice principal, rely on me!"

Xu Yinian took out his textbook, put the book away three minutes later, and calmly faced the storm: "Isn't it just punishment? What's the big deal?"

Xia Ziheng: " resigned to your fate too quickly."

When Yuan Mu's voice came from the radio, everyone looked up.

The old monster who has lived for hundreds of years said in a gentle voice: "Students, in this season when everything grows and spring is full of spring, the college ushered in the 98th anniversary. The teacher knows that everyone does not want to live this day, after all, today is the anniversary It's really an exam... ”

Xia Ziheng was shocked: "He just said that?!"

"... In order to encourage everyone to face it positively, 7% of the students whose grades are above the fifth grade need to serve as waiters at the picnic tonight, and the boys and girls are reversed."

Read as encouragement, but actually persecution.

For a time, the audience was silent and fell into dead silence.

The girls are still thinking about what troublesome things the waiters might have to do, and the boys have already lost their minds.

"Help! Did I hear you right, is that what I thought it meant?!"

"It's just a big guy in women's clothing and a dog... Haha, is it too late to drop out now?"

Xia Ziheng was in great pain: "Why should I come to the school celebration to join in the fun? I should continue to pretend to be sick at home."

Xu Yinian's face was in a daze, and he was lucky: "Maybe I will do it..."

He comforted himself while talking: "It is impossible for me to know nothing."

The self-confidence he had built up with great difficulty could be maintained until the theory test began, the invigilator entered the room, and the test papers were distributed to everyone.


Really not one.

Xu Yinian flipped through the test papers resolutely, and took a breath.

It's okay, there is still help.

Fight hard in the practical exam and get the first place. There is still hope for the combination of the two subjects...

While he was thinking about observing the situation of other people, he accidentally glanced at the window, and when he saw the inspector outside the window, his eyes paused, with a ghostly expression on his face.

Why did Yu Huai go on inspection tour with Yuan Mu? !

Although Yuan Mu asked Yu Huai to investigate various matters of the auction on behalf of the academy, why did he even have to participate in such trivial matters as invigilation? Not to mention the academy, Yu Huai has rarely set foot in the human realm in the past five years. If he knew that he would come to his alma mater for inspections, he would probably fry all the demons and ghosts in the community.

Thinking of this, Xu Yinian suddenly realized a fatal problem.

Since he was invited to participate, Yu Huai was naturally there at the picnic at night.

"Xia Ziheng!" Xu Yinian was anxious, "Copy it for me."

"Are you asking me to copy the answers?" Xia Ziheng pointed at himself suspiciously, "Brother Xu, do you think I'm a better learner than you?"

Xu Yinian turned his head resolutely, and looked at the boy sitting across the corridor on the other side. The boy noticed that Xu Yinian's eyes fell on his test paper, and quickly explained: "Don't copy it, sir! I guessed everything!"

Xu Yinian asked, "Why don't you study hard?"

The other party immediately apologized: "I'm sorry! It's all my fault!"

"Student Xu Yinian," Yuan Mu's voice came from the back door, "Whispering and trying to cheat in the exam room. If you behave like this again, your theoretical score will be marked as zero."

All of a sudden, the whole class focused on Xu Yinian.

The person whose name was called was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked towards Yuan Mu. Yu Huai's eyes turned around on his blank test paper, and the corners of his lips raised slightly, as if to say, "Does it make a difference if you remember zero or not?"

"..." Damn it, it's so embarrassing.

Xu Yinian's ears burned so badly that he wanted to bury his head in the test paper. It was only then that Xia Ziheng noticed who was standing next to the vice-principal, and he almost didn't mention it after repeatedly confirming that he was not dazzled.

After finally waiting for Yuan Mu and Yu Huai to leave, Xia Ziheng hurriedly shouted, "Little Brother Xu!"

"Shut up," Xu Yinian said in a vicious voice without raising his head, "Try your test."


After the theory test, the tormented Xu Yinian walked out of the examination room. He repeatedly played the scene of himself being caught by Yuan Mu in his mind, and when he thought of Yu Huai next to him, the temperature on his face that had already dropped seemed to come back again.

Unlike him, who is seriously biased towards subjects, Yu Huai's grades were outstanding in all aspects when he was studying in the college. Even the most demanding teachers would smile when they saw him, and they couldn't find any mistakes.

At that time, the ghost clan had the same scenery, and Yu's mother held a very important position in the two worlds. Yu Huai was her only child and the young master of the ghost clan. Coupled with his talent and blood, he was like an unreachable star. Xu Yinian never thought that he would have an intersection with such a senior until the two worlds chose to use marriage to consolidate their relationship in order to further promote peace.

For a long time, Xu Yinian thought that the first time he met Yu Huai was in the library.

After many years, Xu Yinian has forgotten why he was punished by the teacher for copying the school rules, but he still remembers that day was late autumn. In the evening, the orange-yellow setting sun was falling from the window, and Xu Yinian silently copied the long and complicated school rules. Opposite him sat a senior student who had been reading a book quietly all afternoon.

Seeing him put down his pen and move his neck, the senior suddenly said, "I've never seen you work so hard before."

Xu Yinian asked strangely: "You know me?"

"There's no one in the academy who doesn't know you."

After hearing this, Xu Yinian couldn't help feeling a little proud: "I'm so famous?"

"Yeah." The setting sun melted into the eyes of the senior, making his facial lines extra soft, "notoriously not studying."

"..." Xu Yinian choked on him, and couldn't tell whether this person was making fun of him for a while. Just as he was about to continue copying the school rules with his head down, the senior stared at him, smiled and asked, "Do you need help?"

Xu Yinian raised his head and met a pair of dark purple eyes unique to the monster race.

There are very few monsters studying in Fengqiao College, but Xu Yinian has always kept his ears to the outside world, and didn't recognize that this is the young master of the ghosts. He nodded very unceremoniously. Unexpectedly, this senior who seemed to have good grades summoned a large number of ghosts.

The translucent bodies of dozens of ghosts crowded in the corner of the library, which inevitably looked eerie and grotesque, but the scene became very funny once they picked up their pens neatly.

"How many more times? Let them copy it for you."

Xu Yinian's eyes were bright, and he looked at him differently: "Thank you senior! Hey, what's your name?"

— Yu Huai.

Mother Xu told him so.

"Your blind date." Seeing her son's shocked face, Xu's mother just thought it was fun to look at, "In order to promote peaceful coexistence, the two worlds have decided to marry. The demon world has already confirmed the candidate, and will arrange for you to meet him in the near future. "

Xu Yinian was puzzled: "Why me?"

"It seems that because you are young, I will let you try it first, and if you don't get along with each other, you will change to another one."

"..." Thinking of the senior who had met once, Xu Yinian felt a little sympathy in his heart. He had a good impression of Yu Huai, and it was precisely because of this good impression that when Yu Huai asked him distressedly that he didn't want to go on blind dates one after another, and whether he could pretend to be a partner to cope with the marriage urge, Xu Yinian immediately agreed to help.

They got acquainted like that, and it wasn't until later that Yu Huai confessed the truth to him.

When the two worlds decided to marry, Yu's mother didn't even consider letting her son get involved. It was Yu Huai who proposed to participate. The reason why Xu Yinian was arranged to go on a blind date was not because of his young age, but because someone specifically wanted him.

He is still ignorant of everything, another person has selfishness.

Yu Huai had fallen in love with him long before that warm autumn day in the library.