Crazy Detective

Chapter 108: Inconsistent confessions


Zhao Yu drank a lot of wine and gradually felt dizzy.

However, since it was past midnight, he lit a cigarette and started a new hexagram.

After coughing for a while, the system reminded Zhao Yu that he had drawn a "Kan Zhen" hexagram today. The hexagram said: "Kan water shakes thunder, water muffles thunder, does not show favor to Xi, indistinguishable sound and shape, does not use Wuqian" .

The obscure hexagrams are still so impenetrable.

However, the "Kan Zhen" hexagram has appeared before. The "thunder in the water" during the last training was still fresh in Zhao Yu's memory. But this time, it turned out to be a "muffled thunder in the water". I wonder what the difference is between these two "thunders"

So far, Zhao Yu still hasn't figured out what this "shock" represents? I just took the opportunity to study it carefully today.

As for the "Kan" hexagram, he already knew that it represented women. I don’t know, which woman will I encounter today? Is it Yao Jia who has been thinking about her day and night, or Miao Ying who has just turned an enemy into a friend, or will he meet another woman


Zhao Yu sighed, this day has been really tiring, so let's take a good sleep first and refresh ourselves!

Unexpectedly, just as he lay down, his cell phone suddenly rang. When he opened it, he saw a message on WeChat. To his surprise, this WeChat message was actually sent by Miao Ying!


It's so late, why did Miao Renfeng send me a message

Out of curiosity, Zhao Yu opened it to check, but saw that Miao Ying's message to Zhao Yu was quite long. It read: "Officer Zhao, after preliminary interrogation, Lin Meifeng has confessed her entire criminal history. However, for some reason, Lin Meifeng His confession was actually inconsistent with our original case records!

"I think there may be something hidden in this case. If you have time tomorrow, I hope you can come to our place!"


Are the confessions inconsistent with the records

What's the meaning

Zhao Yu felt a little headache, so he asked: "What's the inconsistency?"

More than ten seconds later, Miao Ying sent a reply, also in a voice message: "Lin Meifeng claimed that she stabbed Jian Wenli to death with a knife, but the autopsy report clearly recorded that Jian Wenli died of suffocation! "


how so

Zhao Yu was stunned for a moment and sobered up a bit.

Beeping, another voice came from Miao Ying: "Lin Meifeng has confessed her crime, and she has no reason to make it up, so I think there may be something hidden about Jian Wenli's case, and I need to inform you! "


Zhao Yu frowned and kept thinking about "grandma". He was wondering why Lin Meifeng's confession was biased

After thinking about it, an idea suddenly came out, making Zhao Yu sit up straight!


No way

Could it be...

Wasn't Jian Wenli killed by Lin Meifeng

The murderer—someone else!

I click…

If Lin Meifeng is innocent...

At this moment, Zhao Yu was sober from drinking. He hurriedly sent a message to Miao Ying, asking her where she was. Miao Ying replied that she was still conducting Lin Meifeng's interrogation at Ruyang Branch.

Zhao Yu was impatient and said, "Wait for me, I'll rush over right now!"

Miao Ying also hoped that Zhao Yu could come to help, so she did not refuse, but just told him to be careful on the road.

Zhao Yu quickly got up and dressed, ready to go. Since it was too troublesome to go to the police station to pick up the car, he simply took a taxi and went straight to the Ruyang Police Station.

There were few cars in the middle of the night, so he hurried to his destination in just 20 minutes. However, because the car was driving too fast, Zhao Yu always felt sick to his stomach and felt nauseous.

It was already half past two in the night, and Miao Ying was still interrogating Lin Meifeng with all her strength, not wanting to let go of any detail.

When she heard that Zhao Yu had arrived, she came out of the interrogation room to greet him, and at the same time showed Zhao Yu a confession.

In fact, regarding Jian Wenli's case, Miao Ying did not want Zhao Yu to get involved.

However, through her performance during the day, she found that Zhao Yu had a lot of clever ideas and unique thoughts. Since she was encountering a problem now, she might as well listen to his opinion.

Anyway, Jian Wenli's case belongs to their branch, so she doesn't have to worry about Zhao Yu taking credit, so why not do it if there are multiple people with ideas

Zhao Yu looked at the confession carefully, and Miao Ying handed him another case record from that year. The important places on the two documents have been marked by Miao Ying with a red pen.

"Well," Miao Ying pointed out to Zhao Yu one by one, "the deceased died of suffocation, but Lin Meifeng said that he was killed with a knife! The autopsy report showed that there were indeed traces of stab wounds on the body of the deceased, but because of the The quilt didn't hit any vital parts with the knife. It was basically a minor skin injury, and it couldn't be fatal!

"Also, in order to make the scene look like a murder attempt, Lin Meifeng ransacked the belongings in the west bedroom after the murder. However, according to the scene report, the east bedroom was also ransacked, but Lin Meifeng insisted that she was not there at all. Pass the east bedroom!

"Look here again," Miao Ying continued, "The criminal police responsible for the investigation captured some scattered footprints at the scene, but Lin Meifeng said that before entering the house, she put on the shoe covers she had prepared in advance, and she didn't know how to do it at all. Leave footprints. Our colleagues in the forensics department have already compared them... "


It's actually like this...

Facing the inconsistent confessions, Zhao Yu frowned and fell into deep thought. However, because he drank too much wine, he felt dizzy, his stomach was churning, and he couldn't concentrate.

"Officer Zhao," Miao Ying said to Zhao Yu without reservation, "I think there are too many doubts in Jian Wenli's case. We can't simply close the case! If Lin Meifeng had not lied, then the murder scene that year would probably still be there. There’s—a third person!”


Zhao Yu thought so too, but when he was seriously drunk, his words were no longer good enough.

"It's possible... this person strangled Jian Wenli to death first, and then Lin Meifeng stabbed her again;

"It's also possible... that this person and Lin Meifeng killed Jian Wenli;

"It's also possible... After Lin Meifeng stabbed Jian Wenli several times, she thought Jian Wenli was dead and left the scene! However, Jian Wenli was not dead at all, but this mysterious third party... "

"Um… "

Zhao Yu looked at Miao Ying with drunken eyes, his stomach churning more and more.

"That's not right!" However, Miao Ying had already entered into her own thinking mode. She quickly denied some of her previous speculations and said, "If Lin Meifeng intends to protect this third party, then she should keep this matter to herself. It's only right to take it over, there won't be any inconsistencies in the confessions!

"That is to say... Lin Meifeng and this mysterious third party should have no intersection. They probably did not meet at the crime scene... Officer Zhao, I think..."

When Miao Ying was talking, Zhao Yu was standing sideways and pressing on his heart.

As soon as Miao Ying called his name, Zhao Yu turned around and faced Miao Ying.

However, whether it was God's will or whether he deserved it, Zhao Yu's misfortune was not over. The moment he turned around, he felt a wave of nausea and discomfort. Unable to bear it anymore, he actually vomited... towards Miao Ying! ! !

PS: Thanks to book friends Xiao Hu Hu Lai, My Favorite Bitter Melon and Brother 333666 Prison Break for their rewards and encouragement! Thanks!

(End of chapter)