Crazy Detective

Chapter 110: The confusing truth


Originally, Miao Ying looked at Zhao Yu's confident and confident look, and thought that Zhao Yu would ask some particularly creative questions.

Who knows, he just asked the simplest question:

"Liu Pengfei, tell me honestly, did you kill Jian Wenli!?"

"No! It's really not!" Liu Pengfei replied tiredly.

After answering, the green light of the lie detector turns on.

As a result, Zhao Yu's expression changed, like a balloon that had just been punctured.

Grandma is a bear!

From this point of view, Liu Pengfei really did not lie. He really did not kill Jian Wenli, and he was not a third person!

what to do

Zhao Yu thought carefully, and in order to avoid any loopholes, he added another question: "Liu Pengfei, do you know who is the real murderer of Jian Wenli?"

"Yes!" Liu Pengfei nodded, "Lin Meifeng! I..."

"Shut up!" Zhao Yu yelled angrily, "Who told you to talk so much?"

Beep... the red light is on!


Zhao Yu was a little confused, what's going on

Is there something wrong with the lie detector or...

He quickly calmed down and thought about it, why did Liu Pengfei say he knew who the real murderer was? Will the lie detector show a red light instead? If you push it backwards, that is to say, Liu Pengfei doesn't know who the real murderer of Jian Wenli is

To put it another way, was it really not Lin Meifeng who killed Jian Wenli

So... not Lin Meifeng, not Liu Pengfei, who else

At this moment, Zhao Yu already knew that Liu Pengfei was neither the real murderer nor who he was, so his interrogation was of little value.

It seems that if you want to know the truth, you have to interrogate another person.

Just as his polygraph test time was not over yet, Zhao Yu asked Miao Ying that he should interrogate Lin Meifeng immediately!

Miao Ying originally thought that Zhao Yu would interrogate Liu Pengfei, but who knew that after only asking two questions, he asked for a replacement? Isn't this thinking too jumpy

However, Lin Meifeng's interrogation room was right next door anyway, so there was nothing wrong with asking him. So, Miao Ying immediately took Zhao Yu into the interrogation room next door.

After opening the door, Zhao Yu finally saw Lin Meifeng.

At this moment, although Lin Meifeng was restrained on the interrogation chair, her expression was calm, as if a piece of her troubles had finally been removed.

When she heard the noise, Lin Meifeng raised her head and glanced up. Maybe it was because of the light, but she didn't recognize Zhao Yu. She just looked at the policemen walking toward her dreamily.

Zhao Yu originally wanted to ask Lin Meifeng a few questions quickly, but when he found that the lie detector in his brain did not respond, he realized that it turned out that the lie detector could only select one test subject at a time!

Although the time to test Liu Pengfei has not passed, but now that the person has been replaced, it can no longer be used.

In desperation, Zhao Yu had no choice but to reluctantly open a new one. When the new polygraph was placed on Lin Meifeng, the interface with red dots and green dots appeared in his mind again.

"Lin Meifeng," now that he had a lie detector, Zhao Yu had no time to say hello and hurriedly said to Lin Meifeng, "I want to ask you a few questions now. You only need to answer 'yes' or 'no'! These questions are correct." It's very important for you to tell me, so you must answer seriously, do you understand?"

At this moment, Lin Meifeng no longer had any worries and nodded gently.

"Okay!" Zhao Yu went straight to the topic and asked, "Have you ever killed anyone?"

"Yes!" Lin Meifeng admitted frankly.

However, something happened that shocked Zhao Yu. The lie detector turned out to be a red light and beeped.


Zhao Yu was secretly surprised, what happened

She... lied

"Jian Wenli, did you kill him?" Zhao Yu quickly asked again.


Beep... the red light comes on again.


This time, Zhao Yu could no longer remain calm.

It seems that Jian Wenli was really not killed by Lin Meifeng? But... why did she say that? Could it be that...she wanted to protect the real murderer

In order to find the answer, Zhao Yu thought for a while and asked again: "You... have you stabbed Jian Wenli with a knife?"


Lin Meifeng admitted.

The green light is on.

"Then...did you stab her to death with a knife?"


Beep... the red light is on.

"Strangled to death with your hands?"


The green light is on.

Tsk tsk... Zhao Yu actively used his brain, organized his language, and asked again:

"Do you... know who the real murderer of Jian Wenli is!?"

"I... I don't understand... isn't it me?" Unexpectedly, Lin Meifeng became confused. She couldn't understand why the policeman in front of her asked such a vulgar question

"You just need to answer 'yes' or 'no'." Zhao Yu requested.


As a result, the red light turns on.


At this time, Zhao Yu was also a little confused. According to the polygraph test results, Lin Meifeng did not kill Jian Wenli, but only stabbed her with a knife; moreover, she did not know the real murderer!


Isn’t it a contradiction

This lie detector...

Zhao Yu thought quickly, and in order to clear up his confusion, he asked another question: "Lin Meifeng, did you only stab Jian Wenli with a knife that night, but not stab her to death?"

"Huh?" Lin Meifeng became even more confused and said with a frown, "I... I was so panicked at the time, I can't remember! I just thought that when I stabbed her, she didn't move at all! Maybe she's dead?"

Because Lin Meifeng did not answer as required, the polygraph test did not produce results.

Zhao Yu quickly reminded: "It doesn't matter, you can just give an answer, 'yes' or 'no', choose one!"

Hearing this, Miao Ying next to her became more and more confused. She couldn't understand what kind of medicine Zhao Yu bought in his gourd.

"Yes!" Lin Meifeng no longer had any mental baggage and immediately chose an answer.

The green light is on.


Zhao Yu thought about it, and it seemed... that the autopsy report was correct. Jian Wenli died of suffocation.

"Hmm..." Zhao Yu's mind raced and he asked again, "Then tell me, was Jian Wenli already dead when you stabbed her with the knife? What you stabbed was just a dead body!? "


Lin Meifeng was completely dumbfounded and didn't know how to answer? Finally, under Zhao Yu's eyes, he reluctantly nodded and said "Yes!"

As a result, the green light turns on again!


This time, Zhao Yu figured out another problem. Jian Wenli died before Lin Meifeng arrived. Lin Meifeng's knife was just stabbing the dead person!

If this is the case, although Lin Meifeng participated in Liu Pengfei's exchange of killings, she was not the one who killed the person!

Then... her sins will be minimized accordingly. In other words, if the real culprit who killed Jian Wenli can be found, Lin Meifeng will most likely not go to jail, and will most likely return to her original happy life

This is... too much of a bear...


Zhao Yu immediately thought of the most important question: who was the real culprit who killed Jian Wenli!

PS: Thanks to Lingchen3:30, 333666 Jailbreak and Chuan Tianhou brothers for their rewards and encouragement! Special thanks to How Far Tomorrow 02 for the huge reward of 500! I would like to solemnly thank book friend Yu Xiao for the 10,000 huge reward, and warmly congratulate Yu Xiao on becoming the second helmsman of this book! ! ! Thank you Lao Kuang, I am grateful! !

(End of chapter)