Crazy Detective

Chapter 145: Who's knocking?


"Ouch... Ouchyo... Oh..."

In the living room, Zhao Yu's howling was heard.

But I saw Yang Hong and Huahua, who were wearing red and white dresses respectively. One was standing and rubbing Zhao Yu's shoulders, and the other was squatting and rubbing Zhao Yu's feet.

Zhao Yu was wearing a large pajamas, holding the grapes he just bought in his mouth, and rubbing the walnuts he snatched from Hong Zhitao in his hand.

Although the environment was a little shabby, Zhao Yu felt very comfortable and was not worried about what happened before.

Half an hour ago, the police launched an all-out attack and swept through the entire Chahai Street with thunderous force. They arrested a large number of criminals and seized a large amount of prohibited items, completely destroying the illegal activities behind the scenes on Chahai Street.

Coincidentally, when the police troops pressed on the border, Hong Zhitao happened to be entangled with about twenty people, all of whom were holding various weapons and were preparing to come to Zhao Yu for revenge!

The police thought they were going to resist violently, but they happened to catch one of them! This beating... I only beat these twenty-odd people until they cried like ghosts and screamed for their fathers and mothers. In the end, they were all treated as fools and imprisoned!

In order to show the effectiveness of his actions, Director Lu Zhaohong also sent Zhao Yu a few photos of the scene. In the photos, the domineering Mr. Hong had long lost his former dignity, squatting on the ground with a slumped head, and was wearing a bright t-shirt. Handcuffs!

When the news came, Yang Hong and Huahua had no idea at all. They were so desperate that they had already packed their luggage and were preparing to say goodbye to Zhao Yu and go back to the countryside to take refuge!

It wasn't until Zhao Yu showed these photos to them that the two women finally understood what Zhao Yu was thinking!

After the quarrel for a long time, Officer Zhao knew what was going on and was planning to solve the problem fundamentally!

Xiao Huahua was completely dumbfounded. She never imagined that this police officer Zhao was so capable that even a powerful person like Hong Zhitao could be easily dealt with!

Such ability, such strength! Is this still the same stupid police officer who was telling bad jokes on the balcony to show off? This is simply my savior!

In an instant, Huahua's eyes turned into looking up at Zhao Yu! Looking up, there is even three points of gratitude and seven points of admiration.

Yang Hong also looked at Zhao Yu with a different eye and hesitated for a long time before remembering to say thank you.

However, Zhao Yu quickly waved his hand and said thank you, so let’s skip it! If you want me to cover you in the future, then hurry up and get something affordable!

Come on, come on... Let's take a look at your skills. Are they professional

So, at Zhao Yu's shameless request, the two women put their luggage back and came to Zhao Yu to massage his feet.

"How's it going?" Huahua said softly while pinching Zhao Yu's feet, "I've learned from a professional master before, and this foot massage technique is amazing!"

"Ouch... be gentle... be gentle..." Zhao Yu grinned so comfortably that he even dropped the grapes in his mouth!

When Huahua saw this, she smiled, but worked harder with her hands.

"Sister Hong!" Zhao Yu stretched out her hand and tugged at Yang Hong, baring her teeth and saying, "What I said... um... I ordered a set meal. Are there any other programs later? My feet are almost cooked!"

Unexpectedly, before Zhao Yu finished speaking, his doorbell suddenly rang, and a dog barked outside the door.


Only then did Zhao Yu remember that his horses and dogs were still at Jiang Xiaoqing's place! This must be Jiang Xiaoqing who sent the dog back.

Huahua was closest to the door and was about to turn around to open the door when Zhao Yu stopped her and shouted in a low voice: "No, no! This is the landlady's daughter. She is still a child. It's better to avoid suspicion, you two. If you are tired, please give me some..."

Zhao Yu didn't want Jiang Xiaoqing to see his inappropriate behavior, so he quickly pulled Yang Hong and Huahua to sit down on the sofa, then strode to the door and opened the door.


As the door opened, Dog Tycoon and Jiang Xiaoqing suddenly appeared in front of him. However, what Zhao Yu never imagined was that beside Jiang Xiaoqing, there was a heroic policewoman standing upright!

The female police officer is 1.7 meters tall and has a mushroom head with no ears exposed. She is none other than Miao Ying! ! !

I click…

Zhao Yu almost went blind. He never expected that Miao Ying would appear at his door!


what's the situation

"Woof woof..." The tycoon knew he was home, so he called twice, then lowered his head and passed by Zhao Yu's feet.

"Um... Officer Zhao! The tycoon sent it back to you, here..." Jiang Xiaoqing pointed at Miao Ying and said, "This police officer sister said she wanted to see you. You guys can talk... um..."

However, while Jiang Xiaoqing was talking, she glanced into the room and happened to see Yang Hong and Huahua sitting on the sofa!

Yang Hong was sitting on the sofa with a cigarette in her mouth. Huahua was sitting on the sofa, reaching out to call the dog Tycoon whom she was familiar with.

Jiang Xiaoqing was stunned for a moment, then glared at Zhao Yu with her cheeks puffed up, shook her head like a little adult and sighed: "You are quite busy, 'godfather'!?"

Upon hearing Jiang Xiaoqing calling her godfather, Zhao Yu was dumbfounded. He hurriedly winked at her and waved her away.

Only Miao Ying stood tall and tall at the door!

Miao Ying's aura was so strong that in an instant, there was a chilling sound at the door, and the atmosphere suddenly changed.

"Well...that...Miao people...Captain Miao!" Zhao Yu rubbed his eyes, "I'm not blind, are you? Aren't you still catching murderers in other provinces? Yesterday...yesterday..."

"We rushed back overnight!" Miao Ying didn't seem to want to be too polite to Zhao Yu. She stood at the door and said straight to the point, "Comrade Zhao Yu, I have already applied with your leader. Please come to our Ruyang branch to coordinate. I’m here to pick you up when you’re trying the case of Jian Wenli’s murder!”

"Oh... I see... I..." Zhao Yu looked at the living room and said to himself, Miao Ying really knows how to choose the moment!

Seeing Zhao Yu's hesitation, Miao Ying couldn't help but leaned forward and saw the two beauties on the sofa! Huahua lowered her head to tease the dog, but Yang Hong nodded politely to Miaoying, and then blew out a smoke ring.

"Ahem..." Miao Ying pretended to cough, looked at Zhao Yu with an indescribable complex look, and said, "If it's inconvenient for Officer Zhao, then forget it!"

"No?" Zhao Yu frowned and turned his walnuts and said, "Why do you return it so suddenly? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Before we got on the plane, we already informed your leaders!" Miao Ying said solemnly, "Director Luan, who is in charge of criminal investigation, and Captain Liu of the mobile team have all said hello!"


Zhao Yugang was puzzled, and as if it came true, his cell phone rang suddenly. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was Peng Xin who was calling. On the phone, Peng Xin and Miao Ying said exactly the same thing.

In addition, Peng Xin also told Zhao Yu that the higher authorities attached great importance to this joint investigation case. As the only representative of Rong Yang's party, you, Zhao Yu, must cooperate well and perform well!

In addition to regular honor rewards, you will also have a share in future bonus distribution! If handled well, the reward for solving the case may be equal to that of Yu Zhigen's case!


Zhao Yu calculated it and found that the bonus for Yu Zhigen's case was as high as 60,000. If it were the same, could he also get 60,000 from Jian Wenli's case?

Grandma is a bear...

Money waits for no one, right

Thinking of this, Zhao Yu hurriedly put away the walnuts and snapped his fingers at Miao Ying: "Okay, Captain Miao! Please wait a moment while I change clothes and go downstairs now!"

PS: Thank you Chess 2 Piece, Shenma Probe, I heard you are beautiful and Blue Fantasy for your rewards and encouragement! Special thanks to Brother Mengzhong for his huge reward of 2,500! I solemnly thank Ziyue Xingfeng for the huge reward of 10,000, and congratulate Ziyue Xingfeng for becoming the master of this book! Lao Kuang was extremely excited and thanked him endlessly! More updates tomorrow!

(End of chapter)