Crazy Detective

Chapter 15: Elusive and mysterious


At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon that day, the adventure system in Zhao Yu's mind suddenly sent an end notification, telling him that the adventure had been completed, with a completion rate of 72%, and he had once again obtained an invisible prop.

When I opened the prop, I saw that it was another invisible tracker, exactly the same as last time!

what is this

Can you come up with something new? Fun and exciting

While feeling a little disappointed, Zhao Yu finally had time to think about this adventure system. So far, he has used it three times. Although he is still not sure of the rules, he still understands it.

So, he took out his little notebook and started to make analysis records.

The first point is that this adventure system can only be opened once a day, and the end time is irregular.

Zhao Yu estimated that the end time is probably related to the degree of completion. The sooner the adventure is completed, the sooner it will end, otherwise the opposite is true.

The second point is that adventures are random, and it does not mean that he can encounter any adventure he wants.

For example, today, he had been thinking that the Qiyu System could help him solve the hand-chopping case. However, the main part of today's adventure was clearly meeting Yao Jia and riding a camel to catch thieves!

Another point is that he felt that when the Qiyu system was first launched, those obscure hexagrams should be elaborate.

For example, the third time he said words such as "Red World" and "Worldly Fate" seemed to have a lot to do with Yao Jia; and the sentence about "up and down" seemed to have something to do with riding a camel.

Could it be that the meaning of the hexagram already hints at the adventure he is about to encounter

Looking at the title of the hexagram, it seems that it is also very particular.

He vaguely remembered that there had been any such things as Gendui Gua and Kangen Gua. Kan, Gen, and Dui should be nouns in the Five Elements Bagua. He checked online and found that there were some similarities between them.

Kan represents water, Gen represents mountain, and Dui represents lake. These explanations are consistent with the hexagrams in the system.

Zhao Yu vaguely felt that if he could understand these questions and hexagrams, he might be able to get twice the result with half the effort and greatly improve the degree of completion if he used the Qiyu system again in the future.

It seems that I have to do more research in the future, and strive to fully master this system and use it as I wish!

After leaving the system behind, Zhao Yu had to turn all his thoughts to the hand-chopping case.

Now it seems that although he has the Qiyu System, this system may not necessarily be able to help him solve the case.

Not only can't you help, but you may also encounter some unexpected encounters like today, which may actually waste your time.

In this caseā€¦

After much deliberation and careful consideration, he made a wise decision, that is, from now on, he will rely on his own strength and go all out to detect this hand-chopping case!

After all, it was a bet with Captain Liu. It was a small matter to pay 1,800 yuan if he lost. The important thing was to lose face.

In order to prevent everyone from seeing my jokes, I have to work hard no matter what.

Although he is a layman who has traveled through time, he used to catch moles when he was in the world. He feels that it is not much different from solving crimes, so he still has a certain degree of confidence in his abilities!

So, that night, Zhao Yu printed out more information about the hand-chopping case and brought it back to the rental house for study.

Everything is fine in the rental house, except that there is no wifi signal.

That guy Jiang Dafeng would rather use his mobile phone data than install a network cable.

In fact, the reason why he did this was to prevent his daughter Xiaoqing from delaying her studies by playing with her mobile phone.

However, he had no idea that his daughter was a master hacker. Jiang Xiaoqing cracked the password next door early in the morning without any delay in playing.

Zhao Yu is also a thief. On the day he moved in, he asked for the password cracked by Jiang Xiaoqing. Now the two of them are using the signals of the beauties next door.

Zhao Yu spread out a lot of information on the table and began to reorganize the incident, trying to clarify the overall idea of the hand-chopping case.

On April 22 last year, the first victim appeared in an underground passage of the Qinshan City Gymnasium.

This person's name is Gao Tian, a white-collar worker from a foreign company. She originally worked in the capital and came back to Qinshan that day to watch a concert.

Gao Tian described it personally, saying that after the concert, she was walking out with the flow of people in the underground passage, but she was suddenly knocked unconscious. When she woke up again, her right hand was gone.

After cutting off her right hand, the murderer also stopped the bleeding and bandaged her to prevent her from bleeding to death.

The strange thing about this case is that after the murderer calmly committed the crime, he left no trace behind, and no suspicious traces were found on all the surveillance cameras in the entire gymnasium.

Although the victim was knocked unconscious in a crowded place, the passage was crowded with people and the light was not strong. In addition, it was late at night and people were mentally exhausted, so no witnesses were found and no valid confessions were obtained.

At that time, the police were working hard to investigate, but they never expected that five days later, on April 26, another hand-chopping case would suddenly occur.

The victim this time is Yuan Lili, whom Zhao Yu and Li Beini visited today. The murder of Yuan Lili is even more incredible. She was actually lying on her bed at home, and her right hand was chopped off!

There was no warning at all that day. Yuan Lili washed up and went to bed, but when she woke up, she found that her right hand was gone. You can imagine the level of fear.

At that time, Yuan Lili was not living in the high-end community now, but there were also many cameras in her residential area.

Something strange happened again. No matter how the police searched the video, they could not find any suspicious persons. They even checked all the videos of the seven days before and after the incident in detail, but still to no avail.

According to the data, Yuan Lili's security door at that time did show signs of being pried open. However, after technical inspection, it was found that the security door was not pried open, and the murderer actually had the key to her home.

Yuan Lili was at home alone that day. A few days ago, she had a big fight with her husband and kicked him out of the house. At first, the police naturally targeted her husband.

However, her husband happened to be on a business trip those days and had a sufficient alibi. Yuan Lili and her husband were already at odds with each other, and after such a quarrel, their divorce was inevitable.

After Yuan Lili's incident, the hand-chopping case never appeared again and remained silent for a whole year.

Unexpectedly, the third case suddenly occurred a year later, still on April 22.

The victim in the third case is named Luo Meina, a standard housewife, and her husband is a standard rich man.

She attended a banquet in the evening and was knocked unconscious while driving back. When she woke up in the morning, she found that her right hand was missing.

At that time, she was still lying in her BMW, which was parked in an alley on Jiuhe Road.

The frightened Luo Mina ran out of the car and went to a nearby KFC restaurant to ask for help, and was discovered only then.

Like the previous two cases, except for the BMW being photographed by traffic cameras, no trace of the murderer was captured.

According to on-site investigation and analysis, the murderer should have been hiding in Luo Meina's car beforehand, and waited until Luo Meina got in the car and she fainted.

Then, the murderer drove the car into the Jiuhe Road alley, cut off Luo Meina's hand outside the car, and put her back in the car.

Then, the murderer disappeared.

Grandma is a bear...

Looking at the incident that he had sorted out, Zhao Yu couldn't help but think of Li Beni's words. This murderer was so elusive that it was almost like seeing a ghost!

Could it be that... this case is really unsolvable

(End of chapter)