Crazy Detective

Chapter 156: It's not just wealth that's going against the grain


"No, no!"

In the office of Group A, Zhao Yu waved his hands and said to Peng Xin solemnly: "Sister, dear colleagues, I really can't take these bonuses for myself. I, Zhao Yu, have decided that from now on, I will Be a—a good person!!”


A certain agent who was drinking water spat out the water, and some of it even spat it on Liu Xueshan's head.

However, Liu Xueshan wiped his hair and still looked directly at Zhao Yu.

"So, I can't ask for anything for this 20,000 yuan bonus!" Zhao Yu handed the pen in his hand to Peng Xin and said, "The arrest of Yang Wentao is the result of everyone's joint efforts. Everyone worked hard day and night. , how can I, Zhao Yu, enjoy the bonus alone

"So, I decided to share the money equally with everyone! We can't break the rules of our group!"

After Zhao Yu finished speaking, the whole group fell into silence. The detectives at the scene looked at each other with complicated expressions. Especially Li Beini, who couldn't help but complain, "Oh, I'll go..."

"Jade, do you have a fever?" Unexpectedly, Peng Xin didn't buy it and handed back the pen and documents together, "The closing report has been typed, what's the use of talking nonsense

"Why didn't you have the conscience to find out when you made the report that day? Isn't it a bit too vain for you to say such things now?"

"Huh? Nah..." Zhao Yugang wanted to curse, but quickly suppressed it and said sincerely, "I have really changed my ways. Please believe me. How about this? When the bonus is paid out, can I share it with everyone?" "



"I go… "

Although everyone just sighed with a playful tone, Zhao Yu still understood that these people didn't believe in him at all and thought that he was being cheap and submissive!

"Hmm... Okay," Zhao Yu had no choice but to take the pen in his hand and said, "I'd better sign! Pretend I didn't say anything just now!"

Hearing this, the detectives booed again.

This is a bonus confirmation form. Zhao Yu received a bonus of 20,000 yuan for arresting Yang Wentao. After signing the form, the Finance Department can pay Zhao Yu, and it will be credited to the card soon!

Unexpectedly, after signing this form, Peng Xin handed him another confirmation form. This one was for the official reward of 60,000 for solving the murder case, plus the additional 20,000 from the market, for a total of 80000!

"You boy, the fortune is coming, and you can't stop it!" Peng Xin pointed at Zhao Yu's bag and said with envy, "Hey, this 200,000 yuan ransom and 80,000 yuan bonus, why don't you tell me How about sharing it with us?"

"You're kidding!" Zhao Yu said seriously as he signed, "I am a reasonable person! I picked up this 200,000 ransom while fighting for my life with the gangsters. I returned it in a noble manner." After the original owner, someone gave it to me as a special gift! It seems that it has nothing to do with you, right

"The murder case is even worse! This is a case that I handle as the polished commander of the unfinished group. The prize money is allocated to the unfinished group, and I am the only one in the unfinished group. Who wants it if I don't want it?"


The place was booed again.

"Hmph!" Peng Xin took back the confirmation form angrily, glanced at Zhao Yu angrily and said, "I really regret that I only ordered a small amount of abalone for the last seafood dinner!"

"Hey? What did you say?" Zhao Yu suddenly became energetic when he mentioned eating, "It doesn't matter, when have I ever been stingy about treating guests to dinner? In this way, today at noon..."

Zhao Yu raised his hand and was just about to invite everyone to dinner, but unexpectedly a voice suddenly came out from the door: "Today's lunch at Tianranju Food City! I'm treating everyone, everyone should come!"

Everyone looked back and saw that the person speaking was none other than the team leader who had just returned as the King - Mao Wei!

"Oh, Lao Mao, you're back!" A detective went up to him and gave him a high-five.

"It's true, Lao Mao, why didn't you talk to us first when you came back? We were not prepared at all!" Peng Xin also smiled and went up to Lao Mao and gave Lao Mao a bear hug.

"Uu uh uh!" Mao Wei quickly pushed Peng Xin away and said coquettishly, "It's not easy for me to raise a child here, so don't make me lame again!"


The crowd roared with laughter.

"Brothers, sisters," Mao Wei raised his hand and said with a smile, "I also just received the notice, who told us that there is a big case this time! The leaders asked us to come out, what can we do? Don't tell us Besides, Tianju is here at noon today, so come over! I’ve already booked a big table!”

"Okay..." Everyone agreed readily, and Liu Xueshan, Peng Xin and other old team members hurried up to catch up with Mao Wei.

Li Beini came to Zhao Yu angrily, knocked on her arm and said, "Brother, you are so awesome. People are trying to grab a treat from you! Your wealth is simply unbelievable!"

Zhao Yu said in his heart, it seems that today's "Dui" hexagram is really not in vain, this fortune-making is endless!

However, while he was rejoicing, he also felt a little lost.

He couldn't understand why he proposed to share the money with everyone, but they said it was hypocritical

What's the point

Why is it so damn difficult to be a good person?

After returning to his desk and sitting down, Zhao Yu wanted to read the Mianling case again to confirm some of his previous thoughts.

However, his colleagues were all talking to Mao Wei so loudly that he couldn't calm down!

Further down the line, these people became more and more lively and talked more and more endlessly.

Depend on!

Zhao Yu was so angry that he couldn't help but slap the table and yelled: "Hey! Dear colleagues, can you all be quiet for me!? I am thinking about the case! Shut your mouths OK!

"We have accepted such an important task, and you still have the energy to talk nonsense here. Do you still want to solve the case?"

Zhao Yu's nondescript roar stunned all the agents.

Mao Wei looked at Zhao Yu, rolled his eyes, and said hurriedly with a smile on his face: "Oh, it turns out to be brother Zhao Yu. What's wrong? Are you so angry

"However, Brother Zhao Yu is right. With such a big case, let's all just be quiet! Don't delay our brothers in solving the case!"

When Mao Wei was talking, his colleagues looked at Zhao Yu strangely again. They wondered why Zhao Yu was so nervous today.

Seeing that the scene was quiet, Zhao Yu sat down again and continued to turn on the computer to read files.

Mao Wei was a smooth man. He had long heard about Zhao Yu's violent temper. Now after seeing Zhao Yu roaring, he limped to Zhao Yu and asked in a low voice:

"Brother, I have heard about your great achievements. You have been showing up to our Group A these days! However, you must also pay attention to your health!

"Don't be too desperate. This case has been pending for 26 years, so there's no rush!"

Zhao Yu looked at Mao Wei and nodded. To show that he had listened, he also said thank you.

"Well..." Seeing Zhao Yu's softened attitude, Mao Wei opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something to Zhao Yu.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, several people came shouting at the door.

I saw a group of leaders from my own bureau, surrounding the newly appointed deputy director of the municipal bureau, Liao Jingxian, entering the office of Group A together.

Suddenly seeing so many leaders arriving, the agents quickly stood up and some of them saluted unconsciously.

"Everyone, don't be restrained," Director Luan Xiaoxiao quickly introduced from the side, "Director Liao is here to visit our grassroots level to express condolences and see the working conditions of the agents on weekdays. Don't be restrained, just continue to do your work. That’s it!”

The detectives nodded together, but when they suddenly saw the leader inspecting, how could they remain calm? They were all dumbfounded on the spot, not knowing what to do

Director Liao looked around, and when he found Zhao Yu, he went straight to him.

Mao Wei thought that the leader was coming for him, so he hurriedly rushed towards him. Just as he was about to shake hands with the leader, he ducked and passed him by.

"Hehehe..." Liao Jingxian came to Zhao Yu with a smile, "How is it, Comrade Zhao Yu, how is the investigation of the case?"


What the hell!

Zhao Yu was stunned by the leader's question. He didn't even stand up and said bluntly: "Ahem! We just finished the meeting. What can we find out?"


Seeing Zhao Yu being so disrespectful, there was a low voice on the scene, and Director Luan was so anxious that he coughed violently at him.

Zhao Yu naturally knew that this person was a leader. Based on his previous bad temper, he didn't care whether you were a leader or not!

However, when he thought about his determination to change his ways, he immediately stood up, saluted respectfully, and said: "Good leader!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome!" Director Liao asked with a smile, "Comrade Zhao Yu, I have long heard of your heroic deeds in solving strange cases, and the city leaders speak highly of you!

"I'm here this time to express my condolences to you on behalf of the city bureau. How are you doing in the major crimes unit?"

"Very good!" Zhao Yu replied happily, "Thank you for your concern, leader! I will definitely keep up my efforts and finish this case! I will be an excellent detective in the future! Please rest assured, leader!"

With that said, Zhao Yu saluted twice more!

"Haha," Director Liao laughed, pointed to the tea room at the back very casually, and said to him, "Okay, okay, why don't you meet me! My dear nephew, let's go, let me tell you something. go!"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked into the tea room.

PS: Thanks to Jin Bashang, Bookworm Has a Dick, Extremely Pure Smile, Duke Artis and Lin Ge 7244 for their rewards and encouragement! Thanks to brother Mengzhong Tianzi for the 1,000 and brother Feng Kanmokan for the 2,000 grand prize! ! Special thanks to Shui Ruliangye for the 10,000 reward, and warm congratulations to Shui Ruliangye for becoming the helmsman of this book! ! Lao Kuang bowed and thanked me, saying that there would be an extra update at 2 o'clock this afternoon! ! !

(End of chapter)