Crazy Detective

Chapter 172: What if it wasn't an accident?


After Zhao Yu and Mao Wei sent Qu Ping's body to the autopsy room of the Forensic Medicine Department, Qu Ping's husband Bai Yang finally arrived.

Bai Yang is a professional accountant who had been helping a company in the provincial capital.

He rushed over as quickly as possible after getting the news this morning.

When Bai Yang heard the bad news of his wife's death, he became completely demented. It took him a long time to react to something he said to him.

Although he could not accept this fact psychologically, he still cooperated with the police and signed the autopsy agreement.

The door of the autopsy room was closed, and some agents from Team B who knew Bai Yang hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him.

At this moment, the detectives' cell phones rang, and their superiors notified all detectives of the crime team to go to the analysis room immediately to hold an emergency meeting.

Before the meeting, Zhao Yu had already learned the general story of Qu Ping's murder.

Last night, because major clues emerged in the Mianling case, Qu Ping and some detectives worked late at the police station and did not drive home until after one o'clock.

As a result, no one could have imagined that such a fatal accident would happen on the way home!

According to the detective's report at the scene, Qu Ping's Subaru had obvious skid marks before parking. She must have encountered some situation and took emergency braking measures.

However, after inspection, there were no signs of impact or scratches on the car, indicating that she had not hit anything.

From this, some detectives concluded that Qu Ping may have seen someone on the road when passing the incident site, so she made an emergency stop and got out of the car to check.

As a result, he was stabbed with a knife and his bag in the car was robbed!

Coincidentally, Qu Ping's car did not have a driving recorder installed, and the Jinjiang section where the incident occurred was under construction for a rainwater collection project. All circuits were closed and all cameras were disabled.

It can be seen that the gangster's assassination of Qu Ping was probably a premeditated robbery.

It's possible that the gangster just wanted to grab some money, but because of a dispute with Qu Ping, he stabbed her to death...


It's definitely not that simple!

Zhao Yu sat on the bench outside the autopsy room, punched the armrest hard, and said in his heart: The theory that gangsters robbed and accidentally killed people is nonsense!

There must be another hidden reason behind Qu Ping's death!

Apart from anything else, based on Zhao Yu's deep understanding of the robbery industry, he could tell that the murderer who killed Qu Ping was definitely not a simple robbery!

Because if the gangster is just trying to steal money, then after seeing that the target of the robbery is a policeman in uniform, he will only make one choice, and that is to turn around and run away!

No gangster can afford the consequences of robbing a police officer. Anyone with experience will choose to escape!

Although the autopsy report has not yet come out, according to the photos at the scene, it can be seen that Qu Ping was stabbed several times and turned into a bloody man!

How could a gangster stab someone so many times when he accidentally killed someone?

This statement cannot be established at all!


After calming down, Zhao Yu couldn't help but feel his heart surge again. He was wondering, if Qu Ping's death was not an accident, but a deliberate murder... what would happen

Who... wants Qu Ping's life

Why did he want to kill Qu Ping

It's because of the Mianling case!

When Zhao Yu thought of this idea, he could not help but feel chills all over and goosebumps appeared on his skin.

Is it because Qu Ping was about to find out the truth about the Mianling case, so she was murdered!

If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that I'm in danger too!

Grandma is a bear!


An emergency meeting was arranged in the case analysis room. Qu Ping's sudden death naturally caused another uproar and shocked the entire police station!

Unexpectedly, before the meeting, the detectives received two more latest news.

One came from Section Chief Wang Fei. Although the autopsy had not yet been completed, Section Chief Wang sent someone to tell her that the stab wounds on Qu Ping's body were very strange. Although she had been stabbed several times in the front, the real fatal injury was from A stab in the back!

The knife penetrated Qu Ping's back, and the tip of the knife just hit the heart!

It is said that this technique is very powerful. Not only does the blade avoid the bones that protect the heart, but it can also kill the person who is hit by the knife immediately, without even making a sound!

There are many experienced people among the detectives. After everyone heard that Qu Ping died in this way, the first impression in their minds was that the murderer must be an expert!

It's possible that he has killed people like this more than once!

Just as everyone was talking about it, the second news came. However, this is good news. It turns out that detectives found a bloody knife in a trash can one kilometer away from the scene of Qu Ping's murder!

The knife was most likely the murder weapon used to assassinate Qu Ping, and it has been sent to the forensics department for testing.

It is said that there are obvious fingerprint marks on the knife. If it is really the murder weapon that killed Qu Ping, then the murderer will undoubtedly surface soon!

Although the incident was sensational, the case analysis meeting on Qu Ping's death was very brief. Because now is the prime time to solve the case, it is useless to say more at this time. The most important thing is to seize the time to find clues to solve the case!

At the meeting, Director Zhou Andong expressed his shock and heartache, and then asked everyone that even if all police forces are deployed, the murderer must be brought to justice as soon as possible and justice can be returned!

Of course, without Director Zhou cheering everyone up, the detectives of the crime team would have already become red-eyed.

After the incident, they launched a lightning operation non-stop, collected all the surveillance cameras near the crime scene, and began to check them one by one.

However, the fastest thing is the high-tech method of the forensic department. Through testing, forensic doctors quickly confirmed that the bloody knife picked up from the trash can was the murder weapon used to assassinate Qu Ping.

The blood on the knife belonged to Qu Ping, and the shape of the knife coincided with Qu Ping's wound.

Immediately afterwards, the fingerprints on the knife were also compared. The fingerprints belonged to a man named Hou Meng. This man had multiple criminal records and had been in prison for crimes such as robbery and concealing guns!

Hou Meng!

As the investigation deepened, Hou Meng's file information was quickly presented to the detectives' desks. This person is undoubtedly a major suspect, and the police decided to immediately launch an arrest operation against him!

Unexpectedly, before the police car arresting Hou Meng left, the detectives got important news again. It turned out that some detectives also captured traces of Hou Meng from multiple surveillance videos near the incident site.

The video shows that it was around two o'clock in the night, and Hou Meng staggered past the shots. It can also be clearly seen from the shots that he was holding a women's satchel in his arms, and the bag was in the middle of the night. It belongs to Team Leader Qu Ping!

By now, the facts of the case could not be clearer. The murderer who killed Team Leader Qu Ping was undoubtedly Hou Meng!

The detectives were all filled with indignation and clenched their fists, eager to catch this crazy murderer immediately and avenge Team Leader Qu!

Buzz buzz…

The detectives jumped into the police cars, drove out of the police station gate, and went to arrest the criminals!

Zhao Yu stood by the window of the office, looking at the big battle outside the window blankly, but the doubts still lingered in his heart!

Qu Ping's death was so sudden and strange!

The police information and mobile phones are all connected to the Internet. Zhao Yu looked at the video about Hou Meng on his mobile phone and always felt that something was not right!

First, the murder weapon was found a kilometer away. The place where Hou Meng appeared in the video was less than one kilometer away from the incident. However, Hou Meng in the video was not holding the knife!

Second, judging from the way Hou Meng was swaying, he either drank too much or smoked "something". No matter how bad Team Leader Qu Ping is, he is also from the police force. Can such a person who can't walk steadily kill Qu Ping


Suddenly, Zhao Yu remembered what Section Chief Wang Fei said, that the fatal injury was the stab wound to Qu Ping's back.

Could it be that... there is another murderer at the scene!

PS: Add an extra chapter for all the brothers and sisters who support Lao Kuang! Lao Kuang will do his best to dedicate the best "Crazy Detective" to everyone! Also: Thank you to Huanghe Fire Control and Bookworm Yougendi for your rewards and encouragement! Thanks to DannyIong for the 500, Sleep Peace of Mind 600 and book friend 160901161617417 for the 1000 grand prize! ! Thank you!

(End of chapter)